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Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past, Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater, Final Fantasy Tactics, Megaman X, Resident Evil 4 and Metroid Prime

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So many great games.  I've seen a lot of great mentions in this thread, but I kind of want to pick something nopony has mentioned yet.  I searched the topic for God of War, and didn't see anything, so I'm gonna say God of War.  That's one of those series where I just count it as one game.  It's like if you say your favorite movie is LOTR.  Some knucklehead might say, "Yeah, but which one?"  There is no "which one."  You don't say "my favorite movie is Fellowship of the Ring."  You just say "my favorite movie is Lord of the Rings."  Period.  Same with God of War.  But if you're going to twist my arm and force me to pick which part of the one, giant game I like the best, then I guess I'll have to go with 3rd part.  God of War III, there, you happy now?


Anyway, I think in many ways, one could argue that God of War is the greatest game series ever made.  There's so many games that could have that title, though.  Off the top of my head, Zelda A Link to the Past, Ocarina, Super Metroid, Baldur's Gate, Planescape Torment (haven't played it yet, but I've heard such great things), Diablo II, L4D2, Portal 2, Skyrim, Metro, GTA IV, Final Fantasy VI, VII, VIII, XII, and XIII, Halo....I could go on and on.  Oh, and btw, Halo has the same thing going as LOTR and GOW--one giant game.  And keep in mind, if it doesn't say Bungie on it, it's not Halo.  Anyway, one could make an argument for each of these games being the greatest of all time, and I could completely respect it.  And there's a hell of a lot of games I haven't played that I'm sure are contenders for greatest of all time.  But a lot of these games have downsides as well.  If someone wanted to argue that Skyrim is the greatest of all time, I'd have to counter-argue that, while it is incredible, the bugs and performance issues do take it down a notch for me.  But when I judge a game across the board on all criteria--i.e. if I judge on story, music, gameplay, performance, reliability, playability, replayability, graphics, etc.  Everything.  When I judge on all of these things, I just think two series stand above the rest: Halo and GOW.  Now, I kind of just judging single player right now.  I think I have a slight preference to GOW.  It's just the perfect game.  Hardcore and challenging by design, epic, ludicrously fun.  No game I've tried has ever come close to matching the perfection and satisfying feel of GOW's combat.  GOW is just a perfect 10 in all of those areas I mentioned.  Halo basically is as well, but for me, nothing satisfies like swinging those chain blades.  I need a GOW fix every so often or I start to go through withdrawl. 


The best part is that those games are so reliable and perfectly performing.  Sony Santa Monica know how to make a game.  And that's really the most important thing, isn't it?  You can make the most incredible game world ever conceived, but if your game freezes and crashes all the time *COUGHskyrimCOUGH* then it really doesn't matter how good it is, does it?  I loved Skyrim.  Put 700 hours on it.  But I always felt like I had to be so careful with it, like I had to play it lightly, or it would break.  This makes no logical sense, but I think you all know what I mean.  I felt like if I ran too fast or opened a door too quickly, the game would freeze.  Talk to loudly and the game will freeze.  Stare at the screen too hard, freeze.  Look away from the screen too much, freeze.  You have to be careful not to do anything that will spook the game.  GOW on the other hand is just so unfazable.  You can play it as hard as you want, and the framerate won't so much as flinch.  You can grab GOW by its haunches hump it into submission, and it will just sit there and take it.  That's what you want from a game, isn't it?  The one an only bad thing you can say about GOW (or most shooters like Halo), is that it's short.  Great games usually are.  GOW is over quickly, but it's the best 30 hours of gaming you'll ever have.  GOW is the orgasm of video games.  That's twice I've compared GOW to sex.  Hey, it's just that good.


I feel I must make one other honorable mention, and that's Dirge of Cerberus.  If someone made a claim that Dirge is the greatest game ever made, I couldn't really argue.  It's a masterpiece, and, evidentally, kind of hated on.  I will never understand why so many people didn't like it.  It's definitely on my all time greats list.


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I really love (in no particular order):


LoZ: Ocarina of Time

LoZ: Majora's Mask

LoZ: Twilight Princess

Banjo Kazooie

Banjo Tooie

Final Fantasy VI

Final Fantasy VII

Final Fantasy X

Final Fantasy XIII

Pokemon Gold/Silver


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Well of all I played I would have to say Pokemon Black 2 before it lost it's WI-FI due to Nintendo being stupid but yeah it actually had a little bit more than the Kalos games X and Y.

img-3243014-1-W0qjY9J.pngAwesome signature made by Pink Mist 

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