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Why did Rarity leave prince Blueblood ?


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I'm grateful this forum doesn't have a "facehoof" or a dislike feature, because most of you are going to hate me for what I'm about to say. 


Playing devil's advocate for a moment, what if Prince Blueblood was acting that way ON PURPOSE to make Rarity lose interest in him?  He may have had legitimate reasons for it that we'll never know.  I know this may sound crazy, but there is always a chance he's a good guy, right? 


Considering I've been putting my foot in my mouth all day, this would be a fitting last post as I sign off for the night.  tongue.png

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A million reasons.Prince blueblood is a jerk who only cares about himself,and yet Rarity is a kind, generous pony who cares about her friends.She deserves better than blueblood.


Sig made by meh ((Find me on Deviantart if you wanna talk to me))

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They were pretty much the perfect match 


same personality 

same goals (being royalty)


same interests and likes (being royalty) 



not being a commoner 

idk these two seem to mesh well.

Ever heard of opposites attract? Well, these two are anything BUT opposites, except for the fact that Prince Blueblood is the freaking biggest jerk alive.

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I mean sure, Rarity could sometimes come off as a rich, high class snob, but i mean Prince Blueblood is just....not good...like really he was acting more like girl than Rarity was. Prince Blueblood is just a selfish "pretty boy" for lack of a better, and rarity is actually generous and caring. happy.png


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While Rarity may want her name to be well-known and live a sophisticated life, there was something else she wanted perhaps even more.  To be treated like a lady.  She deserves it, but Prince Blueblood is conveyed as a disgraceful, pathetic excuse of a gentlecolt.  Not opening doors for her, expecting her to pay, being a complete, and snobby baby about everything, of course Rarity would leave him.  I hope I don't come off as a chauvinistic pig or anything, but that is simply not how a guy should treat a lady.  


Whether or not Rarity really wanted to achieve royalty, we all know that our fabulous Rarity wouldn't make herself suffer to earn any such title.  I don't even think Rarity dislikes her life in Ponyville.  She loves her friends.  She may have all of her deadlines, but, I mean, "fashion is her passion!" (Pinkie Pie, MLP:FiM season 2, episode 19. Lauren Faust.)  I'm proud of her for that and it also teaches the female audience of the show a not-so-subtle lesson as well.  


One defining line between Rarity and that oaf of a stallion is that Rarity would rather choose her "common" life and her "common" friends over saving face.  We see this in Sweet and Elite, and Suited for Success, when Rarity eventually abandoned the image she created for herself in Canterlot to introduce her friends to Fancy Pants, and when she allowed the hideous dresses to be displayed in the fashion show.  Prince Snob-blood is so wrapped up in his own image of himself, he probably is incapable of principles.  I wouldn't deem Rarity and the self-centered prince similar.  Rarity allows principle to dictate her actions and the Prince, his image. 


If anyone finds themselves asking why Rarity left Blueblood, ask yourself this: If you were a girl (or are a girl) and were treated the way Rarity was by Prince Snob, would you choose to stay with him?  I hope the answer to this isn't difficult.



-Rarity and Prince Snob are not similar because Rarity allows principle to dictate her actions and the prince, his image.  Taking this into consideration, the reasons why Rarity left Blueblood should be somewhat obvious.

Edited by LunaEclipse
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  • 2 years later...

Holy shit. Oh god...I nearly had a heart attack when I read the title and the question in the first episode. And the points that were made about them being the same...Oh God. I honestly respect any opinion out there, but this one made me cringe so hard. 


I usually bring up long well thought out replies for stuff like this, but I think the majority has covered everything: Rarity is far from anything like Blueblood. Rarity has goals an values she's been shown to cherish just as much as she cherishes her friends. Blueblood was executed to have no ambition but to remain in power and be pampered. 


Rarity has been shown to care for her friends and learn from her mistakes whenever she is even CLOSE to being a selfish jerk. Blueblood remains clueless an wants his mane washed. 


Rarity, despite how much she may dislike it, will go through great lengths for her sister Sweetie Bell and her friends. Blueblood literally used Rarity's body as a shield against CAKE. 


Rarity is wise when it comes to certain lessons. She was the one who helped Fluttershy a LITTLE BIT over stagefright (Filli Vanilli), taught Sweetie Bell an important lesson on regarding the feelings and privacy of others "Ponyville Confidential), hell even as a furry human, she made comments that one could relate to. Meanwhile BlueBlood needs jesus *says in a ghetto tone*


I do NOT hate BlueBlood. I found him hilarious in an annoying way. But Rarity being anything like him let alone a perfect match? No. xD

Edited by Silver Stream.




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They were pretty much the perfect match


same personality

same goals (being royalty)


same interests and likes (being royalty)



not being a commoner

idk these two seem to mesh well.

dude go back and watch the episode again. He's a jerk and a wuss.


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Blueblood was a total jerk. 


First of all, he wasn't courteous towards Rarity because he didn't let her go. He then talks about himself and doesn't let Rarity speak to him about herself. And on top of that, he uses Rarity as a shield to protect him from a flying cake that would splatter all over them.  

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They were pretty much the perfect match 


same personality 

same goals (being royalty)


same interests and likes (being royalty) 



not being a commoner 

idk these two seem to mesh well.

Wow is this seriously not a troll thread? She left him because he was a total dick to her...They have everything in common except for the same personality...Prince Blueblood is a douchebag, But Rarity is generous, thoughtful and kind.

The White Shinigami

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You are either giving WAY to much credit to blue blood, or you have a very poor opinion on rarity, or perhaps you've seen very little of the actual show. These are the only conceivable reasons I could think that you could draw the conclusion that they are even a little alike. 

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  • 5 years later...
On 2013-03-11 at 4:21 PM, Zygen said:

No no no no, I'm sorry but Rarity and Prince Blueblood's Personalities don't match at all, Prince Blueblood is totally inconsiderate and a snob, while Rarity is generous, she just wants to be a part of Canterlot high class and be well known, she doesn't exactly want royalty per say.


She isn't compatible with that jerk, Prince Blueblood didn't really show his self as worthy, all he did was make Rarity do all the dirty work, and we know Rarity hates dirty work.


I like Fancy pants way better, even if I don't think they're going to get together or anything. Atleast Fancy pants is cool and not a snob like Blueblood.

k7FDvnXpJTA02_tOY5tcQ4xqocmqqrR3mJ5eeB1nrRWW7E4KfoqK_9WPmAdIyjFWFCHxXoKebXqUXpWcIJlq8Ud9G8UyxZ-hvKkvcnuOyeya87YM2cRcmBAgrMK24WSXILTqrw=s0and blueblood is far worse than nightmare.

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1 hour ago, TomDaBombMLP said:

Who wouldn’t want to leave that guy? :confused:

If it's any consolation for being such a jerk, according to one well-written fanfiction, he once got stuck into a Groundhog Day Loop where he had to relive the Grand Galloping Gala over and over until he learn to stop being a jerk to the point where not only did he started being nice to Rarity but he also ended up having to be nice to everyone at the Grand Galloping Gala.


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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35 minutes ago, CloudMistDragon said:

Ah, I love rhetorical questions. :ButtercupLaugh: Though interestingly enough, Blueblood and Rarity do appear to have had a friendly make-up in Sweet and Elite. :P 


True although I do like to imagine that 0:14-0:23 of the video below, this happened when Rarity and Blue Blood cross paths before this particular shot.



A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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