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The Next "Eeveelution" Fad [Hopfully]


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Before anyone says something, this is NOT a "revolution" it is just something little like the Eeveelution thing.


I've been thinking about this idea for a while. I missed the Eveelution bandwagon but that doesn't mean I can't start my own "Mini Fad" as it were. So I thought since there are too many starters and normal legendaries what would the theme of this fad be?


The Legendray Pixies AKA legendary Pokemon with all 100 base stats like Mew and Celebii.


I picked this because there are just enough [6] for this to work. Plus I just want an excuse to have a Victini theme.


So, should this actually take off, all you need to do is post below saying what Pokemon you want. I'll add your name to the list and you change your username, avatar etc. That's it. Remember this is first come first serve and there are only 6 to choose from [well 5 because I'm taking Victini]


Pokemon/Member List:

Mew- Champion RD92




Jirachi- ~Regular aRegularPony~


Manaphy- Clarity


Shaymin- Summer_Breeze


Victini- N-Harmonia


I'll work on the signature once this gets a few more people. Also there is no picture to take your avatar from the like Eeveelutions had, I couldn't find a good group shot of all 6 Pokemon.

Edited by Victini
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But I'm loyal to my Eevee brethren and thus, will hold my love for Jirachi until it goes out. At least until the first generation leaves.



Join us, give in to your love for Jirachi. You don't know the power of the Pixie side.




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Manaphy is actually unintentionally taken by Clarity.


As for joining...


I can't refrain from being loyal to my group. Sorry. :z

Edited by Leafeon
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Well, they may not be legendary fairies, but Phione be on here as well, now that I think about it? And Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf, and maybe even Meloetta.

Edited by Flareon
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Well, they may not be legendary fairies, but Phione be on here as well, now that I think about it? And Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf, and maybe even Meloetta.

I'd add them but they don't really count because they don't have all 100 base stats.


Also I love that, for as many posts this thread has none of them are for joining. The only person who has joined is Clarity and ishe did it unintentionally. :/

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Ok half of the Pokemon have been picked that's good. I need to find a picture for each of us to use in our sigs. The guy who made the icons the Eeveelutions are using only made one for Mew. To be honest I might just tell everyone to use a sprite of that Pokemon. Preferably from 5th gen or something. That way they can be animated that'll show those stupid eeveelutions. [i should probably go to bed right now...]

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Can't you make it so we can have any pokemon we want, cause I like Ninetales :3

Well then there would be no real theme in the fad. We'd all just be random Pokemon. [besides Arcanine is so much cooler. happy.png ]

Edited by Victini
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Hey. Hey. You should just pick fakemon Eevee evolutions. Easy Peasy. That way you still get all the awesomeness of Eevee, and don't have to feel left out.


Edited by Flareon
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Hey. Hey. You should just pick fakemon Eevee evolutions. Easy Peasy. That way you still get all the awesomeness of Eevee, and don't have to feel left out.


Bug: Swarmeon

Rock: Stoneon

Ghost: Haunteon

Dragon: Drakeon

Steel: Steeleon

Normal: Plaineon

Fighting: Champeon [i'm quite proud of that one]

Poison: Toxeon

Ground: Terraeon

Flying: Sylveon Cloudeon


Ok had to get that out of my system. While that's a nice idea the pixie thing has pretty much already started. Plus I love Victini he's seriously one of my favorite Pokemon.

  • Brohoof 2
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Bug: Swarmeon

Rock: Stoneon

Ghost: Haunteon

Dragon: Drakeon

Steel: Steeleon

Normal: Plaineon

Fighting: Champeon [i'm quite proud of that one]

Poison: Toxeon

Ground: Terraeon

Flying: Sylveon Cloudeon


Ok had to get that out of my system. While that's a nice idea the pixie thing has pretty much already started. Plus I love Victini he's seriously one of my favorite Pokemon.


Just a little off-topic, for your sig i recommend using the member BBCode instead.

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I'm sorry, but Eeveelutions are way cuter than legendaries, Legendaries are so overdone. Everyone does Legendaries.

Oh please, you know the only cute Eeveelution is Flareon. [i still love Vaporeon and Umbreon]

  • Brohoof 1
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