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Immature kids today!


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Well, your not alone, I've suffered this in middle school, high school, and EVEN elementary! It's unique how kids act these days. 

I usually act like you, calm, and naturally cool. However, most of my friends were like this, and I just naturally hanged out with them.


Since I scrolled up from my own post and saw yours I figured I would comment. 


How kids act these day is no where near unique. It's always the same cowboy wearing a different hat. There have always been bullies or obnoxious dimwits. The only thing changing is their methods or whatever music happens to be socially relevant. 

  • Brohoof 1


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Since I scrolled up from my own post and saw yours I figured I would comment. 


How kids act these day is no where near unique. It's always the same cowboy wearing a different hat. There have always been bullies or obnoxious dimwits. The only thing changing is their methods or whatever music happens to be socially relevant. 

That too, srry for not being specific. 


However, over the years, kids just tend to do anything they feel is cool or funny to do, for example, my elementary was calm and great when I was there, and now I teach and help there, and they're extremely immature and disrespectful for a bunch of 5th graders.

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Thank you! finally someone who appears to understand! it does not matter what generation, age, race, sex, species, or anything like that. Anyone can be a douche bag! A lot of people here seem far too happy to want to place the blame on a particular generation of people (and of course it is never that persons generation).


I'm happy you understand. I hate my generation, I did then and I do now. I also hate the one before me and the current one, and I'll probably hate the next one too. People will and always be ass hats, just find the ones you can get along with the best and stick to it. 


Far out example, think of Ponyville. Do you see every pony espousing the values of friendship? No. Some ponies are mean spirited (Trixie) while others are just rude (ponies who pushed fluttershy around because they thought she was weak.)


That too, srry for not being specific. 


However, over the years, kids just tend to do anything they feel is cool or funny to do, for example, my elementary was calm and great when I was there, and now I teach and help there, and they're extremely immature and disrespectful for a bunch of 5th graders.


Maybe you have a different perspective on it now. You used to be one of those 5th graders (not saying you were immature and disrespectful) but now that you're all grown up you can look at their behavior from a critical perspective and say "Hey, they are really immature little beings!" Growing up will do that to you. It's all about the perspective baby. 

  • Brohoof 2


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I'm happy you understand. I hate my generation, I did then and I do now. I also hate the one before me and the current one, and I'll probably hate the next one too. People will and always be ass hats, just find the ones you can get along with the best and stick to it. 


Far out example, think of Ponyville. Do you see every pony espousing the values of friendship? No. Some ponies are mean spirited (Trixie) while others are just rude (ponies who pushed fluttershy around because they thought she was weak.)



Maybe you have a different perspective on it now. You used to be one of those 5th graders (not saying you were immature and disrespectful) but now that you're all grown up you can look at their behavior from a critical perspective and say "Hey, they are really immature little beings!" Growing up will do that to you. It's all about the perspective baby. 

Yeah, my perspective has changed over the years, but trust me when I say, I'm not kidding, my elementary was one of California's most academic elementaries, but now, teachers have been telling me there one of the lowest now! I was surprised, but then again, not only does time change, but eventually, some things will wear out...

  • Brohoof 1
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Yeah, my perspective has changed over the years, but trust me when I say, I'm not kidding, my elementary was one of California's most academic elementaries, but now, teachers have been telling me there one of the lowest now! I was surprised, but then again, not only does time change, but eventually, some things will wear out...


You're absolutely correct, things do change! It is possible to go from being a top ranking school to some low tier piece of garbage (probably because you left wink.png ) but all that aside the point still stands. Kids (and adults) will always find new and inventive ways to be immature, and the time, place, ethnicity, etc, etc has nothing to do with it. That's just people for you! laugh.png

  • Brohoof 1


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You're absolutely correct, things do change! It is possible to go from being a top ranking school to some low tier piece of garbage (probably because you left wink.png ) but all that aside the point still stands. Kids (and adults) will always find new and inventive ways to be immature, and the time, place, ethnicity, etc, etc has nothing to do with it. That's just people for you! laugh.png

I'm with you bro!

Maybe it is because I left, because my class was one of the most academically smartest.smile.png 

Highest to lowest, that sure is a dramatic change now that I look at....

I'm assuming you suffered the same fate as well?

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I'm with you bro!

Maybe it is because I left, because my class was one of the most academically smartest.smile.png

Highest to lowest, that sure is a dramatic change now that I look at....

I'm assuming you suffered the same fate as well?


I don't keep track of the schools I went to. They were bad when I went and bad when I left. As of recently I just like to take a logical approach to such discussions and keep my points simple. I deal with people every day and I wish I didn't have to but that is the reality of things.


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Kids these days are ALWAYS like this, and it's no different at my school.

They never seem to have any dreams or do anything that will help them get on better later in thier life.

All they ever seem to want to do is pick on others that actually have a life, talk about how bad Justin Bieber is and play Call of Duty*.

If they keep this up they will end up having to work at McDonalds for the rest of thier lives.

Surely if they just gave MLP a go they might actually enjoy it and learn how to live a real life.


*I acually like Call of Duty, it's just that I don't drool over it.

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I felt exactly this way in middle school. The place was a zoo. Hardly anybody was learning, much less thinking. The kids wasted their time imitating someone else; it was like they had no personal identity whatsoever and had to stitch together artificial personas from TV, music and the Internet. No kid ever walked into the place with a gun and went nuts, but it was a common fear, especially after Columbine.


I was told on more than one occasion that I was the kind of kid who would do it. Nice, huh? dry.png


BTW, when horrible stuff like that does happen, where are the kids' parents?



If it's suicide, they blame heavy metal. If it's murder, they blame rap. But the parents never have anything to do with these bad outcomes. You ever notice that? They escape all responsibility.


Parents gotta be the most full-of-shit people in the world. Gotta be full of shit, ya know? Hey, if the kid's a loser they had nothing to do with it. But if he's a winner and he got good grades and he's out there getting scholarships, they're the first ones out front waving their hands and taking f***ing credit.


I guess it's a nice state of mind if you can talk yourself into it.

-George Carlin


Edited by TailsIsNotAlone
  • Brohoof 2

"Human beings fascinate me

Being just the way they are..."

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I felt exactly this way in middle school. The place was a zoo. Hardly anybody was learning, much less thinking. The kids wasted their time imitating someone else; it was like they had no personal identity whatsoever and had to stitch together artificial personas from TV, music and the Internet.

That is yet another reason why I got along better with my teachers than my fellow students but one thing I learned from being out in the world is that there are quite a few adults that are just as sheep like. The true individual seems to be an endangered species, thankfully thought I think we are on the verge of a come back MLP is a pretty good example of a lot of people that are just fed up with society telling them who they should be and just deciding that "I like what I like and don't care what others think."

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I'm going to stand on the other side of the fence here I feel, I don't really blame the media that much. Yeah you get some silly things on the news now and then but it's up to the parents at the end of the day.


When I was young, TV and Video games were just about coming in the mainstream and a lot of the time it brought kids together because they had something in common to talk about and I think that's a positive thing. For example me and my friends used to talk about Pokemon all the time because it was this brand new thing which we all got really excited about. The same goes with other popular ideas and products. Kids are still individuals whether they follow trends or not, it's just part of their personality whether they want to be a part of a large group or not. I always preferred being in that smaller group that enjoyed popular things but had a more open mind to anything and everything because that was how I was brought up.


When you talk about people being picked on for not liking what the majority like, the bullies who do so were going to do it anyway regardless because of a lack of manners and morality. That entirely stems from the parents not doing what they're supposed to be doing. We just blame the media because they use that as their ammunition, I'm the same was done decades when you didn't follow trends in the 60's and 70's. There needs to be better parenting done across the board, don't blame the media when exposure to such things can easily be controlled by good parenting. 


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Funny thing, these people never change, you'll be in High School, they'll be the same as always, sadly, there's nothing you can do to stop them, they're a dumb as bricks at this point.

  • Brohoof 1




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Honestly, Most Middle school and high school kids are pretty stupid. They think they know everything, but it's pretty much the opposite. I'm probably this way too. I do however think I'm pretty smart for my age, and think outside the box and more logically than most people I know that are my age. I'm one of the few people my age that I know who has a political/philosophical viewpoint that's not influenced by their parents. I feel like kids and teenagers definitely are informed, but often times it's from the wrong people. People think they're such hard assets, and it can get pretty annoying at times. I remember in 5th grade, all people were talking about was "serious relationships". I definitely feel like kids these days don't want to be kids.

  • Brohoof 1



Stay pony my friends

"And ALWAYS remember...to never forget." - Someone who I'm sure has said this before I did

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My situation is an interesting one. Recently uprooting and moving from Washington State, USA to the beautiful country of Nicaragua, I enrolled in a spanish speaking school to learn the language. At first, the kids thought it amusing to ask me questions like 'you has porn?' and 'does you wants sex?' until I finally got a translator, and told them to stop being so immature. I haven't heard a single sexual thing since.

Sometimes you just got to stand up and make a point, showing them that what they are doing is not funny. You probably aren't the only one who doesn't like it, and if you make some noise others will soon follow. The key reason they're doing it is for attention, and if they get negative attention from multiple people because of it, they will most likely reduce the 'sex jokes,' at least around you.


Or you could do the good old-fashioned method of duct-taping their mouths shut, but that doesn't always work so well in todays public high schools.


Make sense? What fun is there in making sense?

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I'm in junior high and I know exactly how you feel. People who only make fun of others and curse and think they are cool. It's just awful I want to shake a kid every time I see them doing something and say "You are acting like a moron and a brat! Stop before you become even more of an idiot. :I

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So, first of all, I am currently in middle school. Being in middle school, I am surrounded by people who are immature and ignorant. No biggy, just regular middle school stuff.


But I freaking hate it.


Sometimes I feel like I'm the only conscious person there, save a few of my friends (who are girls). I feel this way because all the other guys there are obsessed with every inappropriate thing they hear about, and apparently think it's completely cool to talk about it in front of everyone. This acting, by the way, is totally fine from their perspective seeing how they show zero signs of restraint when spitting obscenities or      lewd comments. They laugh at this crap every day, as if it's the pinnacle of comedy when you say the word "shit." This is, of course, why I mainly hang out with girls. 


Now, this is probably expected in kids about my age, but nowadays I am seeing kids much younger doing things like this. Children these days are taking out what is actually good about childhood and replacing it with crap that probably should only appear much later in their life. 


Deep breaths...


Anyways, forums, what are your opinions on the subject of recurring, obnoxious immaturity in children and young teenagers? 

im a recent graduate of highschool but no matter what i do or where i go i see that same stuff all the time. i mean these kids are like 8-15 and they are the meanest, brattiest, and most stuck up things ive ever had to come across. they lack everything, restraint, proper etiquet manners ! goodness! it's not the childs fault but more of the relaxed state their parents are in and the fact that they don't believe what their kids are doing.... they don't ever spank their kids if they say something vulgar, or ground them if they are disrespectful- they show nothing- its rediculus- one day they will rule our world and we will suffer..... im ranting now....

DO things with a passion, or not at all and where ever you go, go with all of your heart!


Be soo happy, that when others look at you, they become happy too!


20% Cooler! - Rainbow Dash smile.png

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So, first of all, I am currently in middle school. Being in middle school, I am surrounded by people who are immature and ignorant. No biggy, just regular middle school stuff.


But I freaking hate it.


Sometimes I feel like I'm the only conscious person there, save a few of my friends (who are girls). I feel this way because all the other guys there are obsessed with every inappropriate thing they hear about, and apparently think it's completely cool to talk about it in front of everyone. This acting, by the way, is totally fine from their perspective seeing how they show zero signs of restraint when spitting obscenities or      lewd comments. They laugh at this crap every day, as if it's the pinnacle of comedy when you say the word "shit." This is, of course, why I mainly hang out with girls. 


Now, this is probably expected in kids about my age, but nowadays I am seeing kids much younger doing things like this. Children these days are taking out what is actually good about childhood and replacing it with crap that probably should only appear much later in their life. 


Deep breaths...


Anyways, forums, what are your opinions on the subject of recurring, obnoxious immaturity in children and young teenagers? 



That's how I acted back in 8th grade. In 10th grade, I can still be inappropriate when joking around with my friends, but no where near to the extent of how I acted in 8th grade.


You see, my parents shielded me from adult stuff until I was around 13 (which I am very thankful for now - if they hadn't done that, I probably wouldn't have been able to become the person that I am today, with the views that I hold). Then, once I got into middle school in 7th grade, they started sheltering me from R movies, the news, and such way less. This was also close to the time I hit puberty, which resulted in me saying as many obscene things as I could at school, especially by the time I was in 8th grade.


When I got into 9th grade, my infatuation with these things began to wane considerably, as I began to learn that my parents had sheltered me from these things for good reason. These things that I had been obsessed with during middle school began to not seem so great anymore. 


My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic played a huge role in pulling me out of that negative phase and helping me to find the right path in life once again. I don't know what kind of person I would be right now if it wasn't for the lessons I have either learned or been reminded of in that show. 


Now, in 10th grade, I've calmed down considerably. I'm turning away from R movies, TV-MA shows, all those forbidden things that once they weren't forbidden anymore, I began to learn that they often aren't worth watching at all. At school, when I go over the top with jokes it's usually because I feel like I need to make my friends laugh all the time in order to reassure myself that they accept me. My fear drives me to go as overboard as I need to some days with the jokes to make sure they accept me. Ironically, if I were just myself, they probably would accept me, and if they didn't, then they wouldn't be true friends anyway. I'm just not sure if I know how to be myself in public, because I'm so used to acting in certain ways to please people. I can only really be myself around my parents, when I'm alone, and most of the time on the internet.

  • Brohoof 4



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Millions of us agree with this.This is why middle school sucks in today's world.Learning isnt cool when there's immature kids around.Maybe this is why we hate school.Because of the lack of discipline kids give in public.Back in middle school,you cant eat a corn-dog without someone calling it "Dick on a stick".


This happens to even younger kids too.A teacher told me that her husband is a bus driver for an elementary school,and he heard a kindergartner say the F-word. 

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)

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This generation needs to go back to morality school. It's just sad how the influence of the outside world has scarred this generation. From Eminem to that heavy metal, a lot of people listen to that crap and it changes them. People think it's cool but it's not. It's rude, it's disrespectful and most of all, it mades our generation look really really bad.  

>that heavy metal


Loling so much at that.


Anyways, I remember middle school being really bad, but it doesn't seem as bad in high school. Just depends on who you hang with.


If you wanna blame someone for the messed up kids, blame the parents.

  • Brohoof 1

I'm just nobody at all...

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One thing that bothers me in older people hating the current generation of children is how hypocritical they are. Yeah, so you hate the current generation of children because they ''aren't nice''. Yeah, like you were a perfect angel and never did anything bad as a child..

  • Brohoof 1


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I think it has to do with the things kids are exposed to these days.

I mean I have a 5 year old cousin and guess what? He has a IPod and a playstation vita.

Okay If that isn't enough he is always keeps in his room so when he does go out he dosn't know how the behaive himself. Always causing problems and fighting with others

On the other hand I have another cousin who has and IPod as well (no vita) but his parents always let him play with my other cousins. He's a good kid. Dosn't get in trouble (as much as a 4 year old can)

So I think it's how kids are brought up and what they are exposed to.

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I just think that kids are starting to change back when I was younger. I'm still in high school, and my high school has middle school with us. We have to eat lunch together, and they basically have the floor below us. I find that kids are being influenced by social media and the curses that they listen to, sadly I can't change anything about it. Pretty sad,  if you ask me.


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Honestly, I don't care how the kids act in school, since I just pretend everybody is dead.


They're probably just being influenced by all the Call of Duty and GTA they've been playing, I blame the parents for not moderating what games their children play.

Ask Carpenter Bloom, My friend's Tumblr/ask blog

I play Halo 4, A lot, Message me if you wanna play, I'll give my GT

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If I wasn't so lazy, I would go through this ENTIRE thread so far, and brohoof EVERY SINGLE POST! I hate our generation. So yes for this thread! <Tears of joy.>

"... But MW2's soundtrack is orgasm inducing. Admit it, the music literally changed the campaign from "generic-nuclear-bomb-chase action movie' into 'holy-fucking-shit, hero-going-all-over-the-world, epic-invasion, Jesus-Christ-its-a-f--ing-walrus, justice etc..."



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I blame the media's attention to this. On the news, where we're supposed to be being informed about our day and times in the world, we're being told that this girl slept with who and that this guy said this and how 836927 people were murdered today and how this celebrity has been caught in a sex scandal.


From Eminem to that heavy metal

Don't blame music at all for this. Music has been a prevalent piece of media in society since the invention of the radio. While we have "Eminem and heavy metal" those before us had Black Sabbath and N.W.A. That's not to say that I do see the effect that mainstream music and it's lyrical content has had, but that is not such a strong point, especially since the artists who sing about this stuff had to have been influenced by it at some point, most likely THEIR own childhood which just creates a never-ending circle of logic.

  • Brohoof 2



I tend to take the high road, get stoned, and fly low . . .

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