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Apple      Bloom

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I can't believe that reading fics can be so... so "powerful" o.O


It depends on each person Sparky. Sometimes, a fic can empower the images you had of any character to a completely different direction, simply because of a repeated usage, because you were not able to differenciate the realities, or because the "fanon" you saw was so damn good your mind will refuse to see another. You'd be surprised what things can do if the state of mind you are with is the correct one.
  • Brohoof 2
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I've never once felt any sort of affection towards anyone ever in my life


What about the ball of dust that sits around in your pocket?

That guy dedicates his life to protecting your phone and wallet.

  • Brohoof 2
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It depends on each person Sparky. Sometimes, a fic can empower the images you had of any character to a completely different direction, simply because of a repeated usage, because you were not able to differenciate the realities, or because the "fanon" you saw was so damn good your mind will refuse to see another. You'd be surprised what things can do if the state of mind you are with is the correct one.


I don't read fics, never was on the peak of my interest.


I am jelly.

Especially since I ran out of taco shells.


is your mom making you starve as a punishment for your grounding? :huh:
  • Brohoof 1
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I don't read fics, never was on the peak of my interest.

Ah. Still, there are examples where the fic is so well written and gives such a friggin great theory that if you don't differenciate it, your mind stays with it. Let me use an example. The fic Background Pony, which involves Lyra...............................I sreiously have no words to describe that fic. It may be 250.000 something words, but it's most DEFINITELY wroth reading. And it gives such an interesting idea about Lyra your mouth just friggin DROPS. I assure you that much.


@@Arcanel, much appreciated...




If that baffles you, try imagining writing some :V


You're welcome, good sir. ;)


And amen to that bro. Amen to that. :mellow:

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Who the hell has a front pocket?!!

Wait a minute... My jacket has front pockets... :(


Anyone who wears a form of pants.


why the sad face?

I put my wallet in my front pocket because I prefer my butt to chair ratio to be perfect.


Perfectly good reason.

I get small wallets for just that reason.

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I'm guilty, I just always have for some reason. I think it's easier to reach that way.


I used to do that too, but then this:


I put my wallet in my front pocket because I prefer my butt to chair ratio to be perfect.


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Lol no, you ass. :lol:

I ate all the shells.


did you check if they were poisoned?


Ah. Still, there are examples where the fic is so well written and gives such a friggin great theory that if you don't differenciate it, your mind stays with it. Let me use an example. The fic Background Pony, which involves Lyra...............................I sreiously have no words to describe that fic. It may be 250.000 something words, but it's most DEFINITELY wroth reading. And it gives such an interesting idea about Lyra your mouth just friggin DROPS. I assure you that much.

maybe fics gets more to you because you are WAY more emotional than I am, I can't bring myself to read a lot of text if I don't get visual aid XD

I am like a little kid.

  • Brohoof 1
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did you check if they were poisoned?

maybe fics gets more to you because you are WAY more emotional than I am, I can't bring myself to read a lot of text if I don't get visual aid XD

I am like a little kid.


I'd be dead already. :V


*reads the edit*

Wow, you really are a kid. :wacko:


He killed my pet tuhtle*, so we're actually mortal enemies.


Oh. Poor tuhtle. :(
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