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Apple      Bloom

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The cards that are 'suitable for HD video' are likely just higher capacity, so there's really no difference between them.If you're gonna be recording HD vids on a regular basis, then I recommend something like an 8gb card (That can get a few hours of footage)

well, since i now have the money, i might as well get a lolhuge memory card when i can. there's one suitable for video and pictures that's 8 GB for 30 bucks. that should give me enough of room to wiggle around with.


but now i need sleep. we're going to a student fair tomorrow, so i need to get to school in time.

goodnites for all of you. :3

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I want someone to recommend a way to instantly remove mountains of stress. Now.

Two ways I chill out:Fists + Pillows --- Go UFC style, and beat the life out of a soft inanimate objectGo outside and breathe in some real air --- For some reason this calms me down. Especially cold air.

Edited by JayBee
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Look, Germany. How was that? :wacko:


I only got drunk cause im apparently a lightweight. :l

And my first time.

And Schmirnoff.

*not sure how potent that actually is.


Germany was nice, except I started going crazy after the first week. I can't stand being away from home for that long...


I managed to get slightly buzzed one night, but that's as far as I got... I didn't intend to get drunk while I was over there.

Fear ye, fear ye, I'm back.


Watched S3 finally.

Holy crap, Libby watched ponies?


It must be the apocalypse.



Congrats, Berry.


What's that? You want pictures of Pinkie Pie and Twilight Sparkle making out? CAN DO!

There is such thing as "too much of a good thing."


I don't understand how you guys can chat on a thread...it's ridiculous.


I don't understand YOUR FACE


Can you handle the d'awww?

No I can't. I just contracted diabeetus.


I want someone to recommend a way to instantly remove mountains of stress. Now.

Take a hot shower. Always works for me.
  • Brohoof 5
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Yesterday one of my shitty neighbours played a song that I used to sing together with my father.

I cried like a bitch


Also, good morning

It is on the list of things to bring back to life as soon as I get back from work today. Don't worry :)

Oh thank you so much :)


Well, see, that's just it. My first thought was that she was being given a cake.


My second thought is that Twilight fell in the cake trying to be sexy.


My third thought is that Pinkie thinks it's sexy anyway and then there are purple and pink pony makeouts.

Posted Image


I want someone to recommend a way to instantly remove mountains of stress. Now.

Hm... You can always try to increase the character minimum :V


Or you can sing along with Fluttershy

Posted Image


E: ah fuck three quotes disappeared... screw this

Edited by Twinkleshine
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I don't understand how you guys can chat on a thread...it's ridiculous.

You're just weird.


I just realized; Haven has more posts on the GCT than Star Weaver :o

You're just now finding this out, filly? ;)


So, as much as I like Twinkie, I like TwiShy more. (For Reasons.)






I am, however, perfectly ok with this.

Please guys, I don't care about pony shippings, and even find them somewhat cute, but I'm in a public area and people seeing me looking at this would cause some staring and discomfort. Use spoiler tags.

This. We should spoiler saucy and saucy-esque pictures for anyone out in public. And can't tell people to screw off.

Although, I will say I was at work and saw Kyro's first batch of pictures in plain daylight on my phone. I survived.

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*Uploads something to imgur, instantly notices everything that's wrong with it*




Punch your brother. Nah, punch pillows instead


But pillows don't scream and give you the same satisfaction.

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