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Apple      Bloom

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Yup XD


Look at dat RD avatar. Actually, he is so much like RD in real life that it is funny as heck. He is blunt, athletic, aggressive, etc, etc. I'm happy to have him on board the train. :3






Timeshift wasn't very active. Them leaving is not such a big deal at this point. I've got a strong core group. I'm going to go fishing for more folks this weekend though. x)






Dang... Daaaaang... You nailed it. Yes, that is exactly what Dusky is doing and that is exactly what he is looking for.







I concur. Lapis took what was literally the perfect route through Dusky's little maze. Couldn't have been any better.







Oh yeah, Luna is indeed included in his nefarious plan. I can barely fathom Dusky's plan myself. I just write for the characters but they sort of exist within my head and they have their own agendas. His plan makes perfect sense but it is... Well... A remarkably grim way of going about things.







^ This

Darn, I guess that confirms it...


G2g, play is starting, batteries are low.

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>i don't which


Sometimes I hate my own brain TEUUc.png

Look at dat RD avatar. Actually, he is so much like RD in real life that it is funny as heck. He is blunt, athletic, aggressive, etc, etc. I'm happy to have him on board the train. :3

Dayum... I could only wish my sister was that cool. She hates forum :c

Dang... Daaaaang... You nailed it. Yes, that is exactly what Dusky is doing and that is exactly what he is looking for.



Let it be known that this is one of the examples where I hate to be right. Poor Lapis... He might managed to void the worst trap, but still...

Oh yeah, Luna is indeed included in his nefarious plan. I can barely fathom Dusky's plan myself. I just write for the characters but they sort of exist within my head and they have their own agendas. His plan makes perfect sense but it is... Well... A remarkably grim way of going about things.



Please tell me this... whatever it is, that wear Dusky as a costume, didn't have a special connection between him and the Shepherd of Darkness.

That all sounds highly covoluted. But we shall see after Scootacool's movie.


I'm very proud of my response. Like I said, just got to navigate.

When things went astronomically wrong, hit Dusky in the gonads.

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Thanks to a certain RPgoers, now I'm thinking about resuming my buried project. Hopefully I won't be disappointed in myself again


And I'm carving some candies right now :c


What is up with the quoting on mobile, it's broken... o_O


I'm still working on... a little more lore.

(Mostly elaborating on the different Pantheons and adding a bit more to the gods I didn't put much about)


I'll probably post that RP when my Christmas break starts.

Don't put in too much gods, things can be rather confusing VnCRQ.png

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Let it be known that this is one of the examples where I hate to be right. Poor Lapis... He might managed to void the worst trap, but still...


Yeah, see... It pains me to write this but... No smiles... That's really only the beginning of the price. As you say, he only half described his plan. In Dusky's perfect world, a pony like Asteria would be too weak to survive. She would most likely be killed. You see, Dusky is a monster.


Please tell me this... whatever it is, that wear Dusky as a costume, didn't have a special connection between him and the Shepherd of Darkness.


Oh no no no... See, it isn't the thing wearing Dusky as a costume that has the connection. It is Dusky himself that has the connection and it isn't really special. So, basically, in order to create his perfect world... The princesses must be destroyed. The monster doesn't care, but the pony is unhappy with the thought.


Also... It is funny how you picked up on the fact that something is "wearing Dusky as a costume". That is true...

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<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="Scootacool" data-cid="999057" data-time="1355531190"><p>

Hullo you! How's life? :3</p></blockquote>

Life is great.



Dat quoting error...


Well, looks like another bug XD

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Yeah, see... It pains me to write this but... No smiles... That's really only the beginning of the price. As you say, he only half described his plan. In Dusky's perfect world, a pony like Asteria would be too weak to survive. She would most likely be killed. You see, Dusky is a monster.

Well, I gotta say he's an eldritch abomination worthy of his title :3


He's a monster with grandeur vision, one of my favorite type of baddies. His will be entertaining.

Oh no no no... See, it isn't the thing wearing Dusky as a costume that has the connection. It is Dusky himself that has the connection and it isn't really special. So, basically, in order to create his perfect world... The princesses must be destroyed. The monster doesn't care, but the pony is unhappy with the thought.

Huh, so there is a conflict between the monster and the host, eh? G16t5.png


I can see where he's going with the princess, but the monster would be a fool if only those princesses he considers as a true threat.

Also... It is funny how you picked up on the fact that something is "wearing Dusky as a costume". That is true...

He seemed to be 'phased out' just before Lapis mentioned Luna. I've read too much dark fictions to miss a red flag that big :3

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Thanks to a certain RPgoers, now I'm thinking about resuming my buried project. Hopefully I won't be disappointed in myself again


And I'm carving some candies right now :c



Don't put in too much gods, things can be rather confusing VnCRQ.png


Lyra is now a cannibal. That isn't one of Bon Bon's homemade treats, that's what's left of her cutie mark.


What's the project?



This thread needs to be more lively, I'm bored.



I concur with this, although I'm currently doing something with my time and enjoying it.

Edited by Jinx
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random image because I'm bored

Is it not showing up for you?


Because it is for me.

Nope, I could only see 4chan's anti-hotlink image :c

Lyra is now a cannibal. That isn't one of Bon Bon's homemade treats, that's what's left of her cutie mark.

You mean this?



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I concur with this, although I'm currently doing something with my time and enjoying it.


Moar arts?


Nope, I could only see 4chan's anti-hotlink image :c


I figured that since I could see it on my end, it would work for everyone else.

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Yesh, I remember seeing that a couple weeks ago.


So what's the rp project?

RP, as in Berry Pie's GCT RP? o_o


I believe it will be discussed more thoroughly when Haven finished his OC. Arcanel already have his.

Moar arts?

On it, wait for a bit :V

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L njkw fhksk wad d;mkfhljt mlddljt...


You's crazy.


Hellz yes.


Preview in a bit.




On it, wait for a bit :V


I wasn't talking to you, but sure. Could always use more image dumps.

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RP, as in Berry Pie's GCT RP? o_o I believe it will be discussed more thoroughly when Haven finished his OC. Arcanel already have his.


Not that.


Thanks to a certain RPgoers, now I'm thinking about resuming my buried project. Hopefully I won't be disappointed in myself again


This buried project you speak of.

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