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gaming Your most hated character in a video game?

An Old Head

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Certainly have to agree about the skeletons in minecraft. Bloody hate them. There is usually "that one guy" in every game you play that you want to punch in the face.

 "We are all in the gutter, but some of are looking at the stars" ~ Oscar Wilide


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There are probably villains in video games that I dislike more, but the people who immediately come to mind may strike some as a strange choice: Mass Effect Human Male Sidekicks.  Specifically, Kaidan Alenko and Jacob Taylor from Mass Effect 1 and 2, respectively.


It's kinda strange that I dislike these two with such a burning passion, but I think what it comes down to is this; in games where you have such AWESOME characters, these guys, despite having pretty good back stories, just come across as bland and boring!  Kaidan's voice is grating and irritating to keep listening to in the first game, and then Taylor just basically turns out to be a black version of Kaidan; I thought at first he might be a lot more B.A. than Kaidan, but actually it turns out that he's white as Wonderbread and one of the least interesting characters in the game, at least for me.  Don't get me wrong, those two are good guys; in fact, they both have probably one of the most fixed sets of morals of any of the Mass Effect squad mates.  But, IDK, they just are way too consistent for my taste, too good almost; there's not enough that they need to learn in these games, and so they're just kinda the same throughout, and it annoys and bores the heck outta me.  Like I said, there's probably villains that I dislike more, but I'm looking ahead to summer when I hopefully FINALLY get around to playing Mass Effect 3, so Mass Effect's on my mind at the moment, and these two came to mind when I considered this question.






img-1402270-3-dry.png *bleh*

Edited by Batbrony


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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Roy, from L.A Noire, he's just so...unlikeable annoying! He might be okay at first, but when you read the newspaper, concerning Cole Phelps himself, Roy starts to piss him off so much, Cole shoots him. Moral of the story? Everybody haayaates Roy!

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Vergil <-------- from the new DMC


(Highlight the space before the arrow)




Honestly, i thought Vergil was going to be a nice guy through the whole game, i might have had my suspicions in dew parts of the game. But still, a nice guy in overall that is just an ass to an end.



This Amazing Signature Made By Miss Cloud Chaser. Judge my English and get Hell all brought over ya!

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Quinton Cole from BF3 is one of my most disliked characters. His nickname was "Gloryhound", as he did anything for a promotion, even risking the lives of his own men. Which in the end, he ended up killing quite a few that could of been evoided, but he went K.I.A. Those men could of helped with some of the final missions :c


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This guy right here is the first thing that popped up on my mind. Vaas from Far Cry 3. Oooh I enjoyed killing him. I pretty much hate everything about him. I guess that's a good thing since he's supposed to be the bad guy after all.



[indent=11][color=#800080][font='trebuchet ms']And Sombra is the best villain.[/font][/color][/indent]

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Samus Aran from Other M and only Other M. Her character was ruined in that game. The awesome bounty hunter I grew up with who kicked so much butt and fought all manner of aliens reduced to an emotionless robot and boring character who can't do anything unless Adam says so. Gee, thanks for ruining one of my favorite charcters in videogame history, Sakamoto. dry.png



IF is best girl.

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This son of a bitch. He kept pulling these stupid jokes, stole your horse, and makes you into a deku. Hated the guy the first time I saw him. No wonder he lost all of his friends.


Thank you for the signature Jenny Wakeman.



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Princess Peach. she is a total dick to Mario and is a total tease to. Mario has saved countless amounts of times, and what does he get, a kiss on the nose. Peach is a cheap arrogants bitch and i hate her soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much (sary peach fans)




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Previously: Kefka. I hated him. I hated his face. I hated his motivation.


Then I learned of some super secret cutscenes that you can only trigger under certain circumstances that enlightened me so he's less hated but I still don't like him very much.


Now: Luke from Tales of the Abyss. Been playing it on my 3DS and he's a total douchebag. Supposedly he gets better though so I'm holding out for that.

Princess Peach. she is a total dick to Mario and is a total tease to. Mario has saved countless amounts of times, and what does he get, a kiss on the nose. Peach is a cheap arrogants bitch and i hate her soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much (sary peach fans)


To be fair, Mario is a centralized family/children's franchise. They would never in their lives do anything to suggest Mario and Peach were anything more than close friends. Even the smallest bit of romantic suggestion could mean bad things for Mario's image in families.

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Prepare for extreme fallout, maybe, page 4 so who knows.


It is hard for me to pin down any particular character that I actually despise. One character that I really didn't care for though was Ghost from CoD MW2. I didn't like him, he was a pretty boring character. I felt so much worse when Roach died than when Ghost died. 

Oh you have a skull mask, how original.


Edited by Dark Moon
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VIII is honestly my least favorite installment in the Final Fantasy series, and Seifer's arrogance, bad temper, and angst just irk me more than any of the other characters. Tidus and Rikku from X drive me up a wall too.



How about Seth from Street Fighter IV? Is there a more OP final boss? That guy has two devastating attacks that are nearly unavoidable and teleports all over the place in a way that's almost impossible to compensate for.


Kyoshi made this ^^



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SCP-173 All the way. Its like playing the Green Light, Red Light game with a horrifying creature who can and WILL kill you whenever you say Green Light. Which is when you blink and/or look away from it.

"Walk always in shadows, so that you will see your foes before they see you."



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I'm a big fan of the sonic the hedgehog series, and eventually, I meet an enemy I don't like...


In sonic the hedgehog 2, when you reach metropolis zone, the third final sections of the game, you will encounter the most annoying and worst enemies you will ever encounter! And trust me, if you played this game, you know what I'm talking about...




This buggers will come out on you before you react, and will always hit you with it's long range attacks.





These can't be hit, and worse? They're everywhere just like the slicers, and worse?! They have this suicide attack that will launch it's spiky tips at you and this is especially a problem when climbing up high, hoping not to get hit by these buggers!...

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not technically a character.....





Threshers and stalkers in Borderlands 2 pics of htem below.


They will make you rage....especially the "Black Hole" Threshers. The Stalkers crit hit is a small thing on the tip of their tail.











Fluttershy's lover, she's my waifu. I'm in love and obsessed with her, she's given me shyabetes. *Hnnnng*


Yellow Pink Squee Blogs | Ask one of Fluttershy's biggest fans | Official Fluttershy fanclub page


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Not really specific characters, but in Assassin's Creed 3, those god damn little kids that go like "HAHAHHYUCKHYUCKEHEHEHEE" and follow you around even if you're in the middle of a fricken fight. They get in your way and if you're just doing some freerunning, they are like "HEY LOOK A DUDE WITH WEAPONS AND BLOOD ON HIS FACE, LET'S PLAY WITH HIM" and they run in front of me with their stupid faces and stupid smiles and incredibly annoying laughs. Omg I can't even stand them. I just want to throw a poison dart at each of them but I know that it horribly wrong, and fortunately, you can't even do that in the game. I end up throwing money at their feet. It's like a fee. "Give me money and I won't bother you!" They could be millionaires.


As to a specific character.. I dunno. I've always hated Diddy Kong with a passion. Meta Knight and Sonic in SSB:Brawl I found annoying, but a specific character that I extremely hate, I don't know off the top of my head. I'll be sure to post if I can think of one!

Edited by Shadow Stallion


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This isn't really a character at all but the battle music from Persona 4 can become really really annoying after a while.  For the most part, it's the same song for every single dungeon except for mini-boss/boss battles.  In my game I had to grind a lot so listening to this song over and over again made it difficult to not rage quit the game forever...  I love the game, this music though...  The mute button on my remote was my saviour.  



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