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mega thread Post All of Your Funny Pony Pictures Here!


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huh.png Ya know, I wonder what Discord's been up to since being reformed?




blink.png Ouch... reduced to making puns, now that does stink! laugh.png

Edited by Batbrony
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Twilight is such a smartgun! Geddit, cause she's smart? HAHAHHAhehehhehe...........



It's funny because they're both so wrong, Twilight is best pony.



I'd rather have Disney buy Hasbro than Weyland-Yutani. Just think what would happen to all the ponies!


Xenomorph is best mount.

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I think it's safe to say which pony now has best pet. cool.png

Edited by Batbrony
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Oh, and Happy Winter Wrap Up everypony! (dry.png not that that means much here in Michigan, Celestia knows it'll still be winter here for at least 3 more weeks).



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Oh Gamer Luna, you so silly! tongue.png   Don't worry, you're not a newb. smile.png




GET OUT OF HERE SPIDEY, NOPONY LIKES YOU!!! angry.png   Bucking troll... ph34r.png

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