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mega thread Post All of Your Funny Pony Pictures Here!


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(Yeah, this isn't a MLB pic update, but I'm doing this anyways Nothin special, just for fun xD)


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Hey! How did Scoot learn to do that so fast....?! Or.....is it....what's that on her wing?! :blink:


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AHA! I knew that's where that one cookie led to! You're so grounded, Scootaloo!!! :angry:


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NO! ...nnooooo! Bad Scoots! :angry:


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:angry: .....no.....!


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:( ....rrraaghhhh!!! Fine, you can haz the cookie, and you're not grounded. :3


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everypony knows AJ does it with her brother....



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Lunatic, be quiet, AJ will hear yo- uh oh, here she comes!!!

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Heheh, hey Applejack, what're you doing in this thread?

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Wha- oh that, that was Lunatic, I had absolutely nothing to do with it. Uhhhhhh... you're on your own Lunatic, nice knowing ya!!! *cue cartoon sprint exit*

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*peeks into thread* :wacko: Huh, strange, I thought it was going to be uglier than that. Well AJ, I'm proud of you, you were once again the bigger pony... uh, so to speak. So, I guess we can all just brohoof now and-

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:o ...

Wow, that was, that was brutal AJ, just brutal... but you're all done now right? You're square now with Lunatic right?

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Applejack, what're you going to-

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:blink: Oh boy, uh... Lunatic, ummmmmm, you might want to... RUN AWAY!!!!!!!!


*as I'm running away* BTW, congrats everypony on over 1000 posts in this thread!!! :D Oh buck, she's catching up, she's catching up!!!!!! :angry:

Edited by Batbrony
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Who's ready for another (actual) pic update? I know I am? Are you? You're not? Who cares, let's do it anyways!!!! X3


Today was filled with Spidey (can't get enough of ’im), Lyra testing her human-esque potential in a certain infamous Internet game, Pinkie reminding us to giggle at those ghosties, and Molestia taking new....routes...all here waiting for you to click on that spoiler!




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Aw....now that's a true father's day present. :3


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Even though I've known this for quite some time, it is a pretty big tragedy. Let's just hope we'll always stick together with our powers of love and tolerance to the very end!!! >:]


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....did you try poking them? :huh:


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I want it! D:


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That's what he deserves, obviously. Thankfully, his modern day counterpart can cope...right?


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Dashie, you hang out with your adorkable friends too much.


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Even though the game sucks eggs, I'd totally play this if it were an actual mod. Go Lyra, go! :3


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Uh....hey Link...you don't suppose you know who's on the other line...uh..., right?








ALL OF MY RAGE. ಠ_ಠ I still can't believe that I have all this free time and I could be doing this every single day. I mean, the last pic every day is uploaded at 3 PM, so that gives me a craploada time to do this. I'm sorry, everypony, I will try better next time to be dedicated do leveling you the best funny pony macros and GIFs on the web, and in time on the very same day they get posted. I will not stop at contributing in every way I can and must on this thread.


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I sure hope I get this one inb4 too late....


Well, in hopes of saving time, I'll cut straight to the chase. Here's today's update!!!11!1!!1!!!




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Are you as impatient as I am? No? Yes?

Y'know, what, I don't care. I JUST WANT PONY.


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I'll be honest, Flutters looks pretty creepy here.


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And then soccer moms happened.


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A new meme! 'Paranoid Pony'! Now with 20% more Tara-ness!


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That looks like it really hurts....hm...you must've seen Cupcakes or something.

.....yes...I said seen.....


(spoiler-ception; this one's kinda creepy)



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Aw...now those things aren't bad....well, I don't have one at the moment, so there ya go.



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Basically, the "purpose" of brony-haters. For shame...


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Now that isn't very safe for a kid's show, Pinkie. Wait....oh, the irony.


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Frankly, I agree with this good man.


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ever noticed how easy it is to troll people with one line of text?






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Lunatic, be quiet, AJ will hear yo- uh oh, here she comes!!!

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Heheh, hey Applejack, what're you doing in this thread?

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Wha- oh that, that was Lunatic, I had absolutely nothing to do with it. Uhhhhhh... you're on your own Lunatic, nice knowing ya!!! *cue cartoon sprint exit*

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*peeks into thread* :wacko: Huh, strange, I thought it was going to be uglier than that. Well AJ, I'm proud of you, you were once again the bigger pony... uh, so to speak. So, I guess we can all just brohoof now and-

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:o ...

Wow, that was, that was brutal AJ, just brutal... but you're all done now right? You're square now with Lunatic right?

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Applejack, what're you going to-

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:blink: Oh boy, uh... Lunatic, ummmmmm, you might want to... RUN AWAY!!!!!!!!


*as I'm running away* BTW, congrats everypony on over 1000 posts in this thread!!! :D Oh buck, she's catching up, she's catching up!!!!!! :angry:




soooooo much hate from one line of text!

i kid big mac and aj.

we all know big maccy is "from the other side"


still cute, who cares?


and for aggressive AJ, well... i tied her up.



and twi wanted to get her out so i had to tie her up to.



and then i got blasted out of this post.


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RUN AWAY!!!!!!!!



Yes ! World needs more monty python ! :D

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we all know big maccy is "from the other side"


still cute, who cares


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LOL, JK, I don't blame you for that Lunatic! :lol: However, the fact that somepony out there came up with both AJ/ Big Mac shipping as well as *shudder* Big Mac/ Braeburn shipping makes me very, very, very, very sad. :( WHAT THE BUCK IS WRONG WITH SOME PEOPLE!!!!!!!!! :angry: Ugh, I need funny pony pics to erase this horror from my mind.

Ah, here we go... first, Newt Gingrich, in a desperate last bid to win the Republican Presidential Nomination, selects a special running mate with a common interest near and dear to his heart...

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:huh: Hmmm... I don't think that choice in running mate really improved Newt's chances. Yeah, I think I'll stick with Romney! :lol:

Next, Trollestia comes up with a much more subtle (and quite frankly, brilliant) way to get back at Applejack for her amazing troll letter last season.

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And finally, we see how Rarity and Pinkie Pie met!

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:blink: ...

Well that certainly explains why they weren't friends until they both met Twilight. ^_^

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i donno what i did wrong, i just made a joke and ponies going berserk.




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LOL, JK, I don't blame you for that Lunatic! :lol: However, the fact that somepony out there came up with both AJ/ Big Mac shipping as well as *shudder* Big Mac/ Braeburn shipping makes me very, very, very, very sad. :( WHAT THE BUCK IS WRONG WITH SOME PEOPLE!!!!!!!!! :angry: Ugh, I need funny pony pics to erase this horror from my mind.

Ah, here we go... first, Newt Gingrich, in a desperate last bid to win the Republican Presidential Nomination, selects a special running mate with a common interest near and dear to his heart...

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:huh: Hmmm... I don't think that choice in running mate really improved Newt's chances. Yeah, I think I'll stick with Romney! :lol:

Next, Trollestia comes up with a much more subtle (and quite frankly, brilliant) way to get back at Applejack for her amazing troll letter last season.

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And finally, we see how Rarity and Pinkie Pie met!

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:blink: ...

Well that certainly explains why they weren't friends until they both met Twilight. ^_^



some colt cuddling never hurt anypony right?

soarin seems to be doing allright.






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i donno what i did wrong, i just made a joke and ponies going berserk.


LOL, so was I!!!! :lol: Oh man, those last few posts between the two of us were funnnnnnnnnny! Good show, Lunatic, good show!!! B) I salute you!!!!


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Up next, we see why none of the Mane 6 let RD play Left 4 Dead with them anymore...

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Yeah, that could be a problem with that game. :P

And Derpy asks a :wacko: ... a provocative question, go figure.

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:o Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... muffins?

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Got a few I hope haven't been posted yet...


Any SEGA Genesis fans should recognize this one~

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For the Derpy fans

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Twilight silliness

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Rainbow Dash, YEAAAAAH!

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Edited by Chocolate
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