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Captain Marvelous

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Who's looking at my ass?


@@Zhortac,(You would be wrong on that, I Dont play CoD, neither am I an MLG champ; nonetheless...That was hilarious!) 




Usually, the people who say that, never are :P

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"Your ears are obscuring my view, Hoofy Potter."


"It's your fault for flying right beside me, at that angle. You can literally fly anywhere and you're choosing to fly right at the exact angle where your view and my ears intersect. For goodness sake, Fawkes, use your head!"


"You know, you could just...move your ears. Like...make them go down. You can do that."


"Did you even hear a word I said?"


"Not really, I was too distracted by your f****** ears."


"That's it, Fawkes, you can leave! I'll face the basilisk on my own."


"Fine! Be that way. I'll leave. But when you're in the Chamber of Secrets and you just so happen to need a, I don't know, a certain magical sword to help you, I hope you'll remember this conversation and feel just an ounce of regret."

  • Brohoof 2
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