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Your favorite screenshots from the series thus far


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"Too Many Pinkie Pies" has a greater number of awesome images than the number of Pinkie Pies.












Pinkie and her doubles have so many adorable expressions.  I especially like the look of concern regarding whether it will be fun to go to Ponyville. 

  • Brohoof 8

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Some of my favorite still images come from the episode Baby Cakes. Pound and Pumpkin are just able to have so many unique and cute still moments in this episode.




This one because Pound Cake looks like, you want me to eat this? While Pumpkin Cake just is fine with her hoof in her moth.




You can just tell they are about to cry.




Confused and trying to understand Pinkie Pie.




This is just a good one of Pinkie Pie.




Ta da. 




The twins being harsh critics.


And of course the cutest pic of Pumpkin Cake.





Edited by pinkiefan1287
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There's so many. This show is just too beautiful. But here's some off of the top of my head:




Look how happy they look. And that fall scenery? Gorgeous.




This episode is just crawling with amazing screen caps, but this one is my favorite. Look at the excitement written all over their faces.




Epic running scene.




Strike a pose!


And I'm just getting started here. :P



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I just remembered another of the most beautiful images:



And Fluttershy's cutie mark scene is quite adorable as well. The look of contentment after a life of awkwardness warms my heart wub.png



Another of  my favorites, the "dangerous mission outfit"... the cuteness is excessive. I'm gonna have to make a plushie with this outfit one of these days. I wonder if I could find an actual working zipper that small for it...



I always liked this shot of Celestia at the gala. She looks so elegant happy.png



And just for fun, Chrysa-Cadence getting mooned by Twilight... and unable to look away laugh.png


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What a simple but classic idea for a topic img-1439345-1-biggrin.png


I've edited the title to say 'screenshots' instead of 'still images', as I believe it's a smoother and more recognized wording.


In case it hasn't been posted yet, folks can use the MLP:FiM Wiki and its' extensive episode screenshot gallery to find almost any screenshot they wish. It's usually what I use. Pick a character, and view all screenshots concerning them throughout the episodes img-1439345-2-smile.png Dashie, for an example.


Gonna focus on Dash and Discord since it's an easy focus. I don't have the time or patience to go through each episode right now xD


Rainbow Dash

Tickling img-1439345-3-biggrin.png



"Are you hungry for apples or are you just happy to see me?"



"Rainbow, ya got a pudge goin' on there."

"Yeah yeah, shut up AJ I know..."



Bonding <333



Eat your heart out Gummy, Tank is best pet.



No words.




"You see, rainbow pony, CD actually likes -me- best~"



"Get off my ship."



Discord. Celestia. Interacting. In person. YES.


  • Brohoof 8


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There are a lot of my favorite screenshots from the show, but I do have a list that I will share with you guys and gals. :)














Those are my favorite screenshots. :P

Edited by ✮Chaotic Lightning
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A few off the top of my head:



Do I even need to explain this one? 


"I missed you so much, big sister!"

"I...I missed you too..."


"Imagine her mane turned into a porcupine!"


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In really like these two pics. Thanks to snipping tool on my PC I don't need to goggle image search. Cadence and Apple Jack look like they suffered from a really bad hangover 



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Couple of good ones from Ponyville Confidential:



The same cake design appears at the competition near Celestia in MMMystery on the Friendship Express. Time-traveling photographer?



..and a nice faceplant into Twilight's force field.

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"Thank you so much!"


Rarity looks lovely in this shot, and her expression is just one of pure relief and gratification. She feels lucky to be appreciated, which underscores her devastating modesty in this episode. It's the epitome of a "happy crying" face.




"Hugs for AJ!"


This is a suitable episode summary for Apple Family Reunion. By which I mean that that is one of my favorite episodes in the entire series. Even a single frame shows a bounciness in her posture.




"Ego boost"


Rainbow Dash is positively adorable in this frame... which is depicting her downward spiral into selfishness in The Mysterious Mare Do Well. The expressions, as I'm starting to think, are what sells this episode for me. She might say lines of dialogue that sound like she's just completely arrogant, but her face here tells me that all she really wanted was for people to like her and pay attention to her.




"Not Good Enough"


Another episode with perfect usage of expressions. Rainbow Dash is as sympathetic as she is because you can see in her face that's she's trying. Really hard. And can't do it. Sound familiar? Half of Hurricane Fluttershy is actually a Rainbow Dash episode in my opinion.

  • Brohoof 8

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~Chaotic Discord~: good title change; thanks! Makes more sense.




"Putting an end to the Cake's dreams of taking first prize."


Julia Child is a samurai out to murder a better cake than she can make. Tell me you saw that one coming.


The film scratch and color-tone effects of the aged movie are done exceptionally well. If you think the Star Wars awards ceremony parody was good, take another look at the details in the MMMystery on the Friendship Express episode and the three movie genres covered. I picked the Mulia Mild screenshot that stuck out for me, but there are plenty. And also, in my opinion, this episode shows what good editing can do in animation. Anyone who wants to learn transitions and how to keep a story flowing should check it out again.

  • Brohoof 5

Ain’t that Equestria / Drop on by / Ain’t that Equestria / Give friendship a try / Ain’t that Equestria / Ponies who fly / Little pink cupcakes for Pinkie Pie
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This thread is suffering from a distinct lack of Best Pony.


(Seriously, there are like three Rarity pictures here. Come on, people!)




(Gotta love that bored look on her face)








Butting heads with her sister. Literally.




"How can somepony as amazing as you not have a very special somepony on Hearts and Hooves Day?"


Cheerilee's face right there says it all.[/img]

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"I'm sorry." "You will be."


For me, *the* transcendent moment of the series. Directly before this screenshot, fake Cadance literally steps on Twlight's "dream self" and shatters it before stroking her mane with her hoof. And the music right after: pure sweetness, which couldn't be more timely. This entire episode builds up (or down) to Twilight's lowest moment, where she's basically lost everything - friends, brother, everything - and all the audience wants is a sign of hope. What they ultimately get is pretty much the most jarring musical allusion to a letdown you'll ever hear in a cartoon about ponies, and a childhood friend who almost appears to set Twilight on fire. I feel no shame in admitting that, if I were a little girl, I would've been hiding. I think this screenshot also reveals a touch of evil: Cadance is doing something seemingly kind, but her eyes are too narrow, as if she's enjoying this...


(This scene and her manipulation of love here and thereafter made Chrysalis the greatest villain in the series, as far as I'm concerned.)

  • Brohoof 4

Ain’t that Equestria / Drop on by / Ain’t that Equestria / Give friendship a try / Ain’t that Equestria / Ponies who fly / Little pink cupcakes for Pinkie Pie
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As much as i love Applejack, Pinkie has so many interestingly unique poses. Just off the top of my head this is probably my single most favorite. 


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I absolutely lose it every time I see this one. I saw someone caption it with "I AM YOUR GOD NOW, BRING ME YOUR VIRGINS" as well as 'I DEMAND MORE CUPCAKES!"


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"Where did that even come from?"


The brilliance of Pinkie Pie is that the girl has layers. I love Manic Pinkie, Smashing the 4th Wall Pinkie, and Ode To Cartoons of Yesteryear Pinkie. But the writers and artists also know the value of All Business Pinkie, and that iteration of Pinkie is what makes the Pinkie Pie experience something special. Is she being silly at all in this scene? I don't think so - for Pinkie, a really cool birthday present is a big deal. This image, however, in which she contemplates the flowerpot's space in the universe, could've been used with Pinkie seated at a boardroom table. She's really one thoughtful pony who, ironically, takes the art of being Pinkie very seriously.

  • Brohoof 6

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didn't read through the whole thread, but I thought this one was hilarious. Definitely gotta be my favorite "out of context screenshot"


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(Seriously, there are like three Rarity pictures here. Come on, people!)


EDIT: I think the problem with the lack of Rarity in this thread is not a lack of Rarity love. It's more that what's most memorable from Rarity tends to be what she says and how she says it. Things that aren't necessarily a visual gag. However, I did pull together a (cough) few of my favorite Rarity moments.


biggrin.png Rarity barrage incoming (enjoy!):



"Crystal Ponies!"


"Ohh, hee hee hee!"


"There are Crystal Ponies!?"



Kind of an 'ewww' moment.



I love the 'what the hay' look.



Sweetie Belle puts a bowl of black glop on the table.

Rarity: "Um. Let me guess: applesauce?"

Sweetie Belle: "Nope. Toast!"



"But this was MY mess! In MY house!"



"As Celestia is my witness, I shall never be sisterless again!"






"There are no words!"


There are others, if I wanted to really hurt for them. Always remember: Rarity is teh awesome!

Edited by eightbithoof
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More Rarity, you say? Here are a few of my favorites that haven't been posted yet.


I wonder what direction her other eye is pointing here...



Something tells me Rarity is not a plumber.



"You're just saying that!"



Another good one from Dog and Pony Show. The sound Twilight makes amuses me to no end.



Here's another of the most beautiful shots I just remembered. Looking up the tornado in Hurricane Fluttershy.



And this is funny looking smile.png


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"We're following him, right?"


Almost everypony in this series smile, smile, smiles. A lot.


Have you ever counted the fake smiles? They're a regular occurrence, often used for comedic effect - but sometimes it's just about one pony sparing another pony's feelings, or done in an effort to hide doubt which may transfer itself onto someone else. "Disingenuous" feels like too harsh a word, though - love and tolerate sometimes means showing a big grin no matter how one is feeling on the inside. This screenshot is my favorite one of fake smiles; it's a funny act break, too. And notice that Rarity is having the most difficulty hiding her concern...

Edited by John Mellenclop
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I love this pic. I mean what was Twilight thinking. This couple is about to eat food and drink what looks like to be tea and all of a sudden she does the mariachi on the table



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"...a moment in time that will never exist again..."


Pinkie Pie looks hilarious when she's being silly, and Rainbow Dash looks hilarious when she's pissed. Any scene where both are happening simultaneously is a winner (for me). It's also the epitome of oblivious Pinkie, which sometimes happens when she's overcome with joy. Cider will do that to a pony.

  • Brohoof 6

Ain’t that Equestria / Drop on by / Ain’t that Equestria / Give friendship a try / Ain’t that Equestria / Ponies who fly / Little pink cupcakes for Pinkie Pie
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Rainbow Dash can be really adorable some times besides the bucket on her head (already posted) I find this scene to be really cute.




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Here is a Rarity picture to the person who asked for more of her. I bet deep inside she still misses Tom.


And of course my favorite



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"Trixie is far too exhausted from performing feats beyond imagination."


She's a combination of classic early twentieth-century haughty disdain and 80s / 90s mean girl attitude; not all that uncommon for evil female characters in modern cartoons for girls. But, you can sense she's on the brink - or, at least, you hope she is, because she's frequently funny and not too difficult to root for. Besides, most characters have a little depth on this show, right? The writers could just add a couple more facets to her personality, or turn her into a full-blown big deal. (I like Trixie, so I vote big deal!)


Your ice "queen". Check out her colors, complete with eye shadow, natch. "Mean queens" are, after all, supposed to believe they're beautiful. I chose this screenshot because it's Trixie at the height of her pride, and it includes a mean queen's best friend: a mirror.

  • Brohoof 4

Ain’t that Equestria / Drop on by / Ain’t that Equestria / Give friendship a try / Ain’t that Equestria / Ponies who fly / Little pink cupcakes for Pinkie Pie
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