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private An Unexpected Trip to the Human World (Closed!)


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>/: TIME: 0155 HOURS.



>/: ENTER...





“Composer, Artisan. I assume you received Abernathy’s message as well. We have extraterrestrials on our soil. And unlike Roswell, I actually believe this is real.


“I almost can’t believe our luck, what with you two being in Racine already. It’s almost coincidental when I think about it, but one of the ‘Pony Finders’ - as Abernathy refers to them - is the same individual who you encountered some time ago, who managed to compromise Firefly. Seems he survived your little bout as well.


“I’m still going over a few things with Abernathy and the higher ups, but expect you have yourselves an assignment 0500 hours, if all goes well. At this moment, there isn’t all that much I can really say, but in the event the decision is passed, you two will be tasked with capturing one of these ‘Equestrians’. I do not care which, though I feel the brass may ask for the one known as ‘Rainbow Dash’, considering her aptitude for our technology.


“Like I said, the details are still a little fuzzy, as this is only a proposition, but I have the utmost confidence it will become reality. If you can capture more than one, that would be highly appreciated. I’ll try to allow you any means necessary to account for Composer’s… unique, methods.


“Personally, I would suggest conducting a little research of your own in the next three hours. Figure the best way to get an Equestrian away from the Finders, especially if they share the tendencies of the one you’ve already encountered.


“His name’s Logan, by the way. Logan Alexander Keiffer, the one who found the apparent ‘Princess’. The woman with him is Angelica Serenity Dufrein. I would suggest making the Princess a target, if she holds some sort of authority over the others. But I would advise caution, for reasons I’m sure you’re aware.


“I’ll contact you again in a few hours with more details. Stay frosty.”


“Well, this should be interesting.” The Agent known as Artisan said, as her fingers flew across the keyboard of the laptop in front of her.


“Almost seems like a classic sci-fi movie, if you think about it,” Composer replied. The sharp click-clack! of a round being chambered within a rifle followed his voice. He continued, “Aliens appear on Earth, end up being concentrated on American soil. And what do we do? Hunt them down.”


Artisan laughed melodiously in response while she waited for her webpage to load, though her words didn’t refer to her partner’s musings, “Which one do you think we should go after?”


“Unless directly ordered to go after a specific one, I’d say any. You have anyone specific in mind?” Composer said, setting the M110 SASS he had been tending in it’s slot and picking up the MP5 SD3 next to it and giving it his gentle attention.


Artisan glanced up at him, the light from her computer reflecting across her emerald green eyes and causing her red-and-blonde hair to resemble a sunrise, “I’m thinking the one called Fluttershy, at the moment. She might be one of the easier ones to bait and snare. She’s got a soft spot for animals, so if we get ahold of a stray dog or something and make it look like it’s in desperate need of help, she may slip away from the group. And when she does, I think a steady dose of five thousand volts for five seconds should subdue her,” her musical laugh sounded again, “Might even be too much for the girl.”


“Is that why you decided to be called Artisan?” Her partner asked, looking at her, his gentle blue eyes hiding a sharp steel.


“What do you mean?” She asked innocently, inclining her head.


Composer smiled, running a hand through the stubble of his buzzed brown hair, “You’re an artist when it comes to things like this.”


Artisan returned the smile, “What can I say? It’s a gift.” She turns her attention back to her webpage, emerald eyes flitting back and forth as she reads, ignoring the steady stream of clicks and other various noises streaming from her partner’s activities.


Composer sets the SMG aside, looking at the dim interior of the van. He was a big individual. 6’3” inches, and nearly 210 lbs. of hardened muscle. He had been a Special Forces Operative before this, and before that, a Marine. He went by a different name then, but that was in the past. He was part of the Agency now, working hand-in-hand with the likes of the CIA to look into matters of public safety from behind the curtains. All his life before then no longer existed, his old identity, never existed.


The woman across from him glanced up at the firearms surrounding the ex-soldier, “Are all those really necessary?” she asks, a hint of amusement in her voice, “I think a simple tazer will suffice for subduing these individuals. And if not, there’s always brute force.”


Artisan could almost be mistaken for an elf, minus the ears. Emerald eyes of an almost uncanny sheen, and long red/blonde hair worn back in a ponytail. She was taller than average, standing at 5’7”, and bearing more strength than most would attribute to someone of her lithe build. She herself had been a soldier, serving in the Navy Seals for most of her career, and had once gone by another name. But like her partner, that was all a thing of the past, and might as well have never existed, covered up by the Agency with meticulous efficiency.


Composer chuckled, his voice exuding calm, “Never hurts to be prepared.”

“Indeed.” Artisan hummed, before turning back to her research. No more words passed between the two, as they prepared for their coming operation.


(it's totally normal for me to have taken a liking to these characters already, right?





"Sounds like a wise decision, my Queen. As always, I trust you know what you are doing."




@@Hypn0ticD,@, @, @@Pripyat Pony,


Angie awoke with a slight crick in her neck. Grumbling, she sat herself up in the seat of the care, swearing that next time, she would forgo the gentle purr of a muscle car's engine for a somewhat more comfortable interior, like Logan's Charger. Now she understood why he never had a problem sleeping in that thing. She climbed out of the car, Ulysses hopping out after her. The woman stretched, sighing contentedly as her joints cracked, and her muscles relaxed.
Scratching the long hair around Ulysses' ears, she strode to the door of Colette's house, raising a fist to knock gently. 




Logan had himself awoken only a few minutes prior. Rather than being in his car, like Angelica, he had spent the evening on the couch of his cousins. Bowen had been the only one home at the time, and was frankly surprised to see Logan showing up at his door. After a few hours of explaining the past events, Logan had discovered that Bowen knew about the Equestrian's presence in the world. He'd actually met Rainbow Dash, attending the same school as Colette.


After the morning routine of breakfast and showering, Logan sat outside the house, watching the sunlight glint off the maroon of his rental charger while he contemplated exactly what to do next. He figured he'd wait till Angie contacted him, but sitting inactive for so long wasn't really in his programming. The options flitted through his mind like leaves blown from a tree. He'd already called his precinct chief and told him he'd need more time off, explaining his whole condition and everything. He was told to take as much time as he would need. Other than that, there wasn't much else to do. Bowen had left the house to pick up his brother - who was coming home to visit during his leave - and Logan's aunt and uncle had left for work a few hours ago.

There were only two options he could think of. Run, or visit the nearest public range and practice. The prospect of each was enticing in its own way, and actually caused the officer to pause in thought for a decent while.

  • Brohoof 1
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@@Dawn Stripes,

@, @@Pripyat Pony, @, @,



Field Agent Report




Time: 01:42 hours


Agent Reporting: Agent Abernathy


After several days of reconnaissance, I have compiled a summary of my findings to share with fellow agents, and implore you to share any findings with everyone, should I miss something:


I have gathered information through both internet and wire tapping, I can firmly state that we have on our soil the presence of extraterrestrial beings on our soil. As fantastic as it sounds, it is my firm belief that aliens are indeed amongst the American population, the vast majority of them being concentrated in Racine, Wisconsin. Henceforth, these aliens will be referred to as 'Equestrians ', 'Ponies', or 'Changelings'.


Mention of these Equestrians frequently appears on blog posts, but mentions of their presence has also been made in a video on YouTube, Tumblr, and Skype, where one of the Ponies, Rainbow Dash, actually runs a show, answering inquiries from fans who dub themselves 'Bronies', though the human which discovered her, although the human who has taken over one such show, answering questions in her place.


On the subject of one Rainbow Dash, she has shown to be the most curious and adaptive of the Ponies, quickly learning more and more about human lingo, culture and technology at an alarming rate. It is recommended that further monitoring be applied to the subject, as she could pass what knowledge she has to her home world.


The other Ponies have not displayed such a level of curiousity or adeptitude, however, further recognizance is advised.


I have gathered some of the names of the humans who have discovered the aliens - dubbed "Pony Finders" by some Brony communities:


Colette Marie Irving (Racine, Wisconsin) - Found "Rainbow Dash" - was later found by "Pinkie Pie"


Logan Alexander Keiffer (Manheim, Pennsylvania) - Found "Princess Twilight Sparkle"


Catherine Bellamy - Found "Applejack"


Charles Roberts (NSA Agent, last known residence Chicago, Illinois) - Found "Rarity"


Shawn James Hagemann* - Brought "Fluttershy" over from Glasgow, Scotland


Stephen Gerald Hagemann* - Brought "Cicada" over from Glasgow, Scotland


I am in the process of gathering more information, but from what I can tell, the ponies, and the humans who have found them are headed to a local event called The Race America Indy Car Test. I will montior all subjects and gather more information on them then.


Agent Abernathy out.



((I need the full names of the humans nit mentioned on this list - aside from Nios' and 00Pony's characters.


I also need a brief summary of the Equestrian's activities so this agent can make a more complete report.


Also, still waiting on some of you to post your character falling asleep!))



@Mellon Collie


(OOC: WHELP, sorry about this AJ, but I got stuff to do and Hypno told me ta' do it, blame her. Apparently stuff is going down. Hopefully you didn't have anything crucial you wanted to do before you went lights out. Wherever it was you fell asleep)


Rainbow Dash woke up, sitting straight up at 6:00, the same as always. Her head cleared--the way it always cleared like the calm before the storm of morning weather management with a bunch of groggy pegasi beneath you--(ugh, say what you will about groundpounders, but Twilight was never as vile in the morning as the colts with wings. Dash made a conscious effort not to be like that). 


So she had stuff to do.

Last night, she wouldn't have dared try to deal with more than she was dealing with, with that--that--Colette. But no more! She had to get this out of the way right now, and decide what she was going to do. No more dodging the problem, she had to face it head-on. What couldn't she handle, anyway? She was Rainbow Dash.


First things first, though. Rainbow splashed a little water on her face, found where Applejack and Rarity were sleeping, and called out briskly with no real regard for anyone's sleepy ears. "AJ! I'm goin' on a morning run. You wanna' come?"



@nioniosbbbb@Pripyat Pony@Mellon Collie@Ragin' Red Talon



Fluttershy stirred with the sunrise. When she found that she was half-holding onto Pinkie Pie, she gasped and quickly drew away carefully--that would be an unfortunatey accident to wake up to. Who put Pinkie in her bed, anyway?---Oh, right. It was never her bed. Fluttershy immediately felt awful for taking someone else's bed without asking. It was probably Colette's. Oh, dear.

But the rest had done her good, especially with the company of her friends around her. It was time to put feeling sorry for herself behind her.


So she broke open the suitcase she'd packed before leaving Glasgow. The first thing out was the last thing in, a few charcoal sticks, pencils, and a pad of drawing paper. She made a quick sketch of Colette--nothing fancy, though the lines were elegant and she thought it was a decent work, really--her head questioned why she would start another notebook like this when she had burned the last one, but her heart told her she knew what she was doing--and tucked the quick vignette under the bottom of the suitcase.

The next thing to come out were the knives. By the time the sun was up, Fluttershy was rooting around Colette's kitchen for ingredients. There wasn't all that much--why didn't any humans store the ingredients for a decent salad, and why was all this...ugh...flesh where she had to push it out of the way to get to anything decent? However, she did find enough ingredients for French Toast with strawberries, and soon she had a sizzling hot plate going, and a dozen places set at the table--all it would fit.





>/: TIME: 0155 HOURS.



>/: ENTER...





“Composer, Artisan. I assume you received Abernathy’s message as well. We have extraterrestrials on our soil. And unlike Roswell, I actually believe this is real.


“I almost can’t believe our luck, what with you two being in Racine already. It’s almost coincidental when I think about it, but one of the ‘Pony Finders’ - as Abernathy refers to them - is the same individual who you encountered some time ago, who managed to compromise Firefly. Seems he survived your little bout as well.


“I’m still going over a few things with Abernathy and the higher ups, but expect you have yourselves an assignment 0500 hours, if all goes well. At this moment, there isn’t all that much I can really say, but in the event the decision is passed, you two will be tasked with capturing one of these ‘Equestrians’. I do not care which, though I feel the brass may ask for the one known as ‘Rainbow Dash’, considering her aptitude for our technology.


“Like I said, the details are still a little fuzzy, as this is only a proposition, but I have the utmost confidence it will become reality. If you can capture more than one, that would be highly appreciated. I’ll try to allow you any means necessary to account for Composer’s… unique, methods.


“Personally, I would suggest conducting a little research of your own in the next three hours. Figure the best way to get an Equestrian away from the Finders, especially if they share the tendencies of the one you’ve already encountered.


“His name’s Logan, by the way. Logan Alexander Keiffer, the one who found the apparent ‘Princess’. The woman with him is Angelica Serenity Dufrein. I would suggest making the Princess a target, if she holds some sort of authority over the others. But I would advise caution, for reasons I’m sure you’re aware.


“I’ll contact you again in a few hours with more details. Stay frosty.”


“Well, this should be interesting.” The Agent known as Artisan said, as her fingers flew across the keyboard of the laptop in front of her.


“Almost seems like a classic sci-fi movie, if you think about it,” Composer replied. The sharp click-clack! of a round being chambered within a rifle followed his voice. He continued, “Aliens appear on Earth, end up being concentrated on American soil. And what do we do? Hunt them down.”


Artisan laughed melodiously in response while she waited for her webpage to load, though her words didn’t refer to her partner’s musings, “Which one do you think we should go after?”


“Unless directly ordered to go after a specific one, I’d say any. You have anyone specific in mind?” Composer said, setting the M110 SASS he had been tending in it’s slot and picking up the MP5 SD3 next to it and giving it his gentle attention.


Artisan glanced up at him, the light from her computer reflecting across her emerald green eyes and causing her red-and-blonde hair to resemble a sunrise, “I’m thinking the one called Fluttershy, at the moment. She might be one of the easier ones to bait and snare. She’s got a soft spot for animals, so if we get ahold of a stray dog or something and make it look like it’s in desperate need of help, she may slip away from the group. And when she does, I think a steady dose of five thousand volts for five seconds should subdue her,” her musical laugh sounded again, “Might even be too much for the girl.”


“Is that why you decided to be called Artisan?” Her partner asked, looking at her, his gentle blue eyes hiding a sharp steel.


“What do you mean?” She asked innocently, inclining her head.


Composer smiled, running a hand through the stubble of his buzzed brown hair, “You’re an artist when it comes to things like this.”


Artisan returned the smile, “What can I say? It’s a gift.” She turns her attention back to her webpage, emerald eyes flitting back and forth as she reads, ignoring the steady stream of clicks and other various noises streaming from her partner’s activities.


Composer sets the SMG aside, looking at the dim interior of the van. He was a big individual. 6’3” inches, and nearly 210 lbs. of hardened muscle. He had been a Special Forces Operative before this, and before that, a Marine. He went by a different name then, but that was in the past. He was part of the Agency now, working hand-in-hand with the likes of the CIA to look into matters of public safety from behind the curtains. All his life before then no longer existed, his old identity, never existed.


The woman across from him glanced up at the firearms surrounding the ex-soldier, “Are all those really necessary?” she asks, a hint of amusement in her voice, “I think a simple tazer will suffice for subduing these individuals. And if not, there’s always brute force.”


Artisan could almost be mistaken for an elf, minus the ears. Emerald eyes of an almost uncanny sheen, and long red/blonde hair worn back in a ponytail. She was taller than average, standing at 5’7”, and bearing more strength than most would attribute to someone of her lithe build. She herself had been a soldier, serving in the Navy Seals for most of her career, and had once gone by another name. But like her partner, that was all a thing of the past, and might as well have never existed, covered up by the Agency with meticulous efficiency.


Composer chuckled, his voice exuding calm, “Never hurts to be prepared.”

“Indeed.” Artisan hummed, before turning back to her research. No more words passed between the two, as they prepared for their coming operation.


(it's totally normal for me to have taken a liking to these characters already, right?





"Sounds like a wise decision, my Queen. As always, I trust you know what you are doing."




@@Hypn0ticD,@, @, @@Pripyat Pony,


Angie awoke with a slight crick in her neck. Grumbling, she sat herself up in the seat of the care, swearing that next time, she would forgo the gentle purr of a muscle car's engine for a somewhat more comfortable interior, like Logan's Charger. Now she understood why he never had a problem sleeping in that thing. She climbed out of the car, Ulysses hopping out after her. The woman stretched, sighing contentedly as her joints cracked, and her muscles relaxed.

Scratching the long hair around Ulysses' ears, she strode to the door of Colette's house, raising a fist to knock gently. 




Logan had himself awoken only a few minutes prior. Rather than being in his car, like Angelica, he had spent the evening on the couch of his cousins. Bowen had been the only one home at the time, and was frankly surprised to see Logan showing up at his door. After a few hours of explaining the past events, Logan had discovered that Bowen knew about the Equestrian's presence in the world. He'd actually met Rainbow Dash, attending the same school as Colette.


After the morning routine of breakfast and showering, Logan sat outside the house, watching the sunlight glint off the maroon of his rental charger while he contemplated exactly what to do next. He figured he'd wait till Angie contacted him, but sitting inactive for so long wasn't really in his programming. The options flitted through his mind like leaves blown from a tree. He'd already called his precinct chief and told him he'd need more time off, explaining his whole condition and everything. He was told to take as much time as he would need. Other than that, there wasn't much else to do. Bowen had left the house to pick up his brother - who was coming home to visit during his leave - and Logan's aunt and uncle had left for work a few hours ago.

There were only two options he could think of. Run, or visit the nearest public range and practice. The prospect of each was enticing in its own way, and actually caused the officer to pause in thought for a decent while.

Charles waking up at 6:15 AM, as he was taking a shower, getting dress and then went to his gun safe. As he punch the codes in then get his gun out and put it in his hoster. Then went to the Mirror brushing his teeth, washing his face, coming his beard and his hair. Then went back into his room as he looking at a picture of his NSA Traning days even his friend before he join the CIA afar he was caught cheating. *You better not thinking crossing me friend* Then he waiting till 7 or 8 AM for them to get up and he can get them go shopping first then head over to the test track.



Ronald Ragen International Airport, Washington DC.


A Delta 245 Coming form Caro, Egypt as it land on the runway and then taxi into the Hanger.


Cut to the Airport.


A Man was walking with a Sliver Suitcase, after he was finish his mission in Egypt he was heading to the Black car was picking him up and then enter into the car while it drove off on George Washington Memorial Parkway to I-395.


"Hay Jameson boss want you to Read Artisan Report and it also involed your ex-friend Charles." Driver saying as Jameson looking on and then remember his days in the NSA Field Training before he was caught cheating. "Yea I know who and what we going after?"


"Read the report and you will see." Driver saying.


Jameson Storm, 31 was the best Sniper, Field Agent for the CIA since he was Ejected by the NSA for cheating and Charles did caught him too. So he Reading Artisan Report and then laughing while he was confuse. *Why we chasing Ponies? I need to ask my boss on this and I want to know* "Driver how fair we form the HQ?"


"About 2 Hours." Driver saying.


"Good I need see my boss and ask him what is going on?" Jameson saying.

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@Mellon Collie (OOC: WHELP, sorry about this AJ, but I got stuff to do and Hypno told me ta' do it, blame her. Apparently stuff is going down. Hopefully you didn't have anything crucial you wanted to do before you went lights out. Wherever it was you fell asleep) Rainbow Dash woke up, sitting straight up at 6:00, the same as always. Her head cleared--the way it always cleared like the calm before the storm of morning weather management with a bunch of groggy pegasi beneath you--(ugh, say what you will about groundpounders, but Twilight was never as vile in the morning as the colts with wings. Dash made a conscious effort not to be like that). So she had stuff to do.Last night, she wouldn't have dared try to deal with more than she was dealing with, with that--that--Colette. But no more! She had to get this out of the way right now, and decide what she was going to do. No more dodging the problem, she had to face it head-on. What couldn't she handle, anyway? She was Rainbow Dash. First things first, though. Rainbow splashed a little water on her face, found where Applejack and Rarity were sleeping, and called out briskly with no real regard for anyone's sleepy ears. "AJ! I'm goin' on a morning run. You wanna' come?" ------------------------------------------------------------@nioniosbbbb, @Pripyat Pony, @Mellon Collie, @Ragin' Red Talon, @Fireblaze, @@Hypn0ticD, 00Pony,Fluttershy stirred with the sunrise. When she found that she was half-holding onto Pinkie Pie, she gasped and quickly drew away carefully--that would be an unfortunatey accident to wake up to. Who put Pinkie in her bed, anyway?---Oh, right. It was never her bed. Fluttershy immediately felt awful for taking someone else's bed without asking. It was probably Colette's. Oh, dear.But the rest had done her good, especially with the company of her friends around her. It was time to put feeling sorry for herself behind her. So she broke open the suitcase she'd packed before leaving Glasgow. The first thing out was the last thing in, a few charcoal sticks, pencils, and a pad of drawing paper. She made a quick sketch of Colette--nothing fancy, though the lines were elegant and she thought it was a decent work, really--her head questioned why she would start another notebook like this when she had burned the last one, but her heart told her she knew what she was doing--and tucked the quick vignette under the bottom of the suitcase.The next thing to come out were the knives. By the time the sun was up, Fluttershy was rooting around Colette's kitchen for ingredients. There wasn't all that much--why didn't any humans store the ingredients for a decent salad, and why was all this...ugh...flesh where she had to push it out of the way to get to anything decent? However, she did find enough ingredients for French Toast with strawberries, and soon she had a sizzling hot plate going, and a dozen places set at the table--all it would fit.

Jack was awoken by the sound of Stone Temple Pilots' hit song, Interstate Love Song, one of his favorites that happened to be playing on the station it was set to. He turned off the alarm, and kissed Catherine good morning.

"Morning," he said to her before getting up, brushing his teeth, and changing. Everybody else managed to finally get out of their springy and rough beds. Tyler was a deep sleeper, but still hated the bed, and couldn't be any happier to finally get off it. The three headed into the lobby, where they got breakfast and checked out of the hotel. They walked out into the parking lot, and boy was it a great day for testing the IndyCar tires. The sun was out, there wasn't a cloud in the sky, and the air felt just right. Not too hot, not chilly, just... right. Jack drove with Catherine and Tyler down to Colette's house. When they finally arrived, Jack hopped out of the car, and knocked on the door. The knocking instantly woke Twilight, who in turn, woke the other ponies.

"Everypony," she said, "I think Jack's here."

(Sorry for the low quality post here. Trying to speed things along. Should I take control of an agent, by the way?)

(BTW, I'm planning on having something happen to Jack at the race on Saturday)

Edited by Ragin' Red Talon
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(9:00 AM)

David woke with ease, it's been the first time...in a long time since his gotten a good nights rest in New York. He turns his head to see chrysalis hugging him, she look so adorable. He remove her arm slowly and gently trying not to wake her. He sat at the edge of the bed rubbing his eyes and letting a small yawn past through. He grabbed his phone from the night stand and went to the kitchen. As he was about to start making breakfast he got a phone call. He looks at number it's a very...familiar one. But to his surprise it wasn't rainbow dash at all it always a boy "Hello this is *Yawn* David pond and if may ask who are you and where's rainbow dash...isn't this her phone?"

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@@00Pony, "Stay safe Diliges... if anything else "important" happens be sure to tell me. I look forward to hearing from you. I am going to sleep now... Until we speak again i wish the best for you... in "All" the sectors."

@@Meteorite, "Uhmmm Hello David. This is Dennis, Rainbow Dash used my phone to call you. I uhmm... god this is gonna sound SO indescrete. I remember that the time she called you i was... *his tone reveals hesitation and a small embarrassment* holding her hand. If i had to guess she talked to you a bit about it... Could you tell me what you guys said? You'd be really helping a guy in love..."

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@@Dawn Stripes,


Clare had stayed up talking to Diliges for a while, then had decided that they ought to go to bed in preparation for the early start the next morning. Bright and early next day, she had made breakfast and woken Diliges. Clare had decided that they should catch the early train to Racine and hopefully get to the house mid morning. Soon, they were on that train.




Rarity had been up for some time before the knock on the door, as she had to go thru her entire early morning routine. When the knock came, she had had a shower, finished cleansing, toning and moisturising her face and was currently putting hand cream on her hands. The knock made her drop the tube of hand cream and she gave an exclamation. Picking it up, she called, "Won't be a moment!" and continued. Rarity still had to dress and make up before she was ready to face the world.




Pinkie Pie normally awoke early but, without the alarm clock to awake her prior to starting the bakery prep, she overslept. When she woke up, she noticed that Fluttershy had gone from the bed and sat up, her curly hair ruffled. "Oh dear," she mumbled. "I really meant to be up earlier than this!" Pinkie saw with delight that her clothes were ready to wear again. After a shower, she dressed with glee in her pink top and matching mini skirt, and of course, the beloved stripy socks.




Agent Louise Burton from the special division of the FBI was also up early. Her collegue Anne Danvers had intercepted a message that had been sent thru the CIA and wanted to talk it over with Louise.


"Look at this," she said. "I think that we ought to contact these agents, let them know that we're better at dealing with this sort of thing. Aliens and special powers, that's right up our street."


Louise nodded. "I will leave at once," she said. "I don't think that they know just quite what they're dealing with, and we can pool our resources."


Louise and Anne worked on a top secret section of the FBI that was hidden even within the FBI itself. It dealt with supernatural occurances, UFO sightings and other phenomena, and also such things as mysterious powers appearing in children. It was very hush hush and not many people knew it even existed.

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Jack was awoken by the sound of Stone Temple Pilots' hit song, Interstate Love Song, one of his favorites that happened to be playing on the station it was set to. He turned off the alarm, and kissed Catherine good morning.

"Morning," he said to her before getting up, brushing his teeth, and changing. Everybody else managed to finally get out of their springy and rough beds. Tyler was a deep sleeper, but still hated the bed, and couldn't be any happier to finally get off it. The three headed into the lobby, where they got breakfast and checked out of the hotel. They walked out into the parking lot, and boy was it a great day for testing the IndyCar tires. The sun was out, there wasn't a cloud in the sky, and the air felt just right. Not too hot, not chilly, just... right. Jack drove with Catherine and Tyler down to Colette's house. When they finally arrived, Jack hopped out of the car, and knocked on the door. The knocking instantly woke Twilight, who in turn, woke the other ponies.

"Everypony," she said, "I think Jack's here."

(Sorry for the low quality post here. Trying to speed things along. Should I take control of an agent, by the way?)

(BTW, I'm planning on having something happen to Jack at the race on Saturday)


(9:00 AM)

David woke with ease, it's been the first time...in a long time since his gotten a good nights rest in New York. He turns his head to see chrysalis hugging him, she look so adorable. He remove her arm slowly and gently trying not to wake her. He sat at the edge of the bed rubbing his eyes and letting a small yawn past through. He grabbed his phone from the night stand and went to the kitchen. As he was about to start making breakfast he got a phone call. He looks at number it's a very...familiar one. But to his surprise it wasn't rainbow dash at all it always a boy "Hello this is *Yawn* David pond and if may ask who are you and where's rainbow dash...isn't this her phone?"


@@00Pony, "Stay safe Diliges... if anything else "important" happens be sure to tell me. I look forward to hearing from you. I am going to sleep now... Until we speak again i wish the best for you... in "All" the sectors."


@@Meteorite, "Uhmmm Hello David. This is Dennis, Rainbow Dash used my phone to call you. I uhmm... god this is gonna sound SO indescrete. I remember that the time she called you i was... *his tone reveals hesitation and a small embarrassment* holding her hand. If i had to guess she talked to you a bit about it... Could you tell me what you guys said? You'd be really helping a guy in love..."






@@Dawn Stripes,


Clare had stayed up talking to Diliges for a while, then had decided that they ought to go to bed in preparation for the early start the next morning. Bright and early next day, she had made breakfast and woken Diliges. Clare had decided that they should catch the early train to Racine and hopefully get to the house mid morning. Soon, they were on that train.




Rarity had been up for some time before the knock on the door, as she had to go thru her entire early morning routine. When the knock came, she had had a shower, finished cleansing, toning and moisturising her face and was currently putting hand cream on her hands. The knock made her drop the tube of hand cream and she gave an exclamation. Picking it up, she called, "Won't be a moment!" and continued. Rarity still had to dress and make up before she was ready to face the world.




Pinkie Pie normally awoke early but, without the alarm clock to awake her prior to starting the bakery prep, she overslept. When she woke up, she noticed that Fluttershy had gone from the bed and sat up, her curly hair ruffled. "Oh dear," she mumbled. "I really meant to be up earlier than this!" Pinkie saw with delight that her clothes were ready to wear again. After a shower, she dressed with glee in her pink top and matching mini skirt, and of course, the beloved stripy socks.




Agent Louise Burton from the special division of the FBI was also up early. Her collegue Anne Danvers had intercepted a message that had been sent thru the CIA and wanted to talk it over with Louise.


"Look at this," she said. "I think that we ought to contact these agents, let them know that we're better at dealing with this sort of thing. Aliens and special powers, that's right up our street."


Louise nodded. "I will leave at once," she said. "I don't think that they know just quite what they're dealing with, and we can pool our resources."


Louise and Anne worked on a top secret section of the FBI that was hidden even within the FBI itself. It dealt with supernatural occurances, UFO sightings and other phenomena, and also such things as mysterious powers appearing in children. It was very hush hush and not many people knew it even existed.

Charles went into his car, then drove off to pick up Nick as he arrive to Scott and Sarah house. He knock on the door.


Then Scott came and see his bro. "Hay Brother and how you been?"


"FIne Brother and is Nick here?" Charles saying


"Yea He ready right now and How the Agency Doing?" Scott Saying


"NSA It Doing fine and I just made friends too." Charles saying.


"You must be seeing someone but we talk later." Scott saying


"Yea." Charles saying


Then Nick came as he smiles. "Hay Uncle."


"Hay Nephew Ready?" Charles saying


"Yep." Nick saying as he enter into the Car.


"OK We be seeing you guys later." Charles saying


"OK and Nick Becarfule." Scott Saying.


Charles enter into the car, then drove off to Colette House and was turning on music. THen he arrive to Colette house as he park next to Jack Car and getting out with his nephew. Then they went to the Door and Knock on it. Then he saw Jack and smiles "Hay Jack, Catherine I like you to meet my nephew Nickouis Roberts."


"But everyone call me Nick." Nick saying.



Jameson Storm arrive to the CIA as he went to the Boss Offices and then knocking on the door while waiting for his boss to open it so he can ask him this.

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(OOC: Why would it ever be necessary to sacrifice quality for speed?)

(OOC: And where the hay is Mellon Collie? Did they just...disappear?)


Fluttershy was the one to answer the door. "Oh...hello, everyone." She put a finger up to her lips. I think most of the others are still sleeping...please don't knock so loud."
She heard Rarity call out from the shower. "Well, maybe not eveyone. But if you wouldn't mind. I have some french toast in the kitchen, if you all would like some breakfast."



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"Hello, Fluttershy," Jack said after being greeted by her at the door, "Breakfast? I did have some breakfast back at the hotel, so I don't really know."

He walked into the house, and was instantly greeted by the smell of french toast. The sharp, sweet smell of the cinnamon mixed with the aroma of pure maple syrup definitely swayed Jack's final decision.

"Okay, you know what," Jack said, chuckling, "I guess I have some room for french toast."

Jack was then approached by Charles and his nephew, who extended his hand after introducing himself.

"Pleasure to meet ya," Jack said, shaking his hand, "The name's Jack Preybird. NASCAR Nationwide Series driver and championship contender. You in the NSA and 'spy business' like your uncle, I'd assume?"

Edited by Ragin' Red Talon
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First things first, though. Rainbow splashed a little water on her face, found where Applejack and Rarity were sleeping, and called out briskly with no real regard for anyone's sleepy ears. "AJ! I'm goin' on a morning run. You wanna' come?"


(No prob. I didn't have much to do and I don't wanna hold anyone up. Sorry if I haven't been posting much, my life has been really crazy lately.)


Applejack grumbled, rolling over to face Rainbow Dash.


"AJ! I'm goin' on a morning run. You wanna' come?"


She sat up, patting her hair down as she laid her hat down on Rarity's head, looking both funny and adorable as she climbed to her feet. "Sure, Rainbow." She stretched, getting dressed in shorts and a T-shirt before meeting Rainbow to go.

Edited by Mellon Collie
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(OOC: No biggie. That's some mighty high-falootin' text ya' got there.)


"Ooh, toast! Thanks, Fluttershy!" Rainbow grabbed a quick piece, and was out the door before the shy ex-pegasus could complain that she hadn't even sat down.


Rainbow Dash started off leading the way, taking off in the first direction that presented itself, down the road. They were probably headed towards Racine, but they wouldn't get there before they turned around, not on these legs; Rainbow Dash discovered that running on two legs was a heck of a lot harder than running four.

Still, it was a good run; her friend panting for just as much breath beside her, feeling something solid pounding away underneath her, even if she didn't make clippity-clop sounds anymore, the wind at least lacklusterly running a finger through her disheveled mane. It felt good. Rainbow didn't feel the slightest need to hurt herself now that she got some good exercise; an, in a way, how hard it was to run as a human only made her push herself a little more--AJ too, she thought, for her friend never fell behind--and that only made the burn in her lungs stronger.

She should have found a replacement for flying like this a long time ago. Now that she was moving, everything seemed easier to surmount.


They reached the top of a hill overlooking distant Lake Michigan, and Rainbow Dash collapsed, watching a few seagulls do whirly-circles and feeling the grass tickle her nostrils. "So..." she wheezed, flipping onto her back. "We gonna' turn around? I kinda' got stuff to do, and Twilight will be wondering where we are by now."

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They reached the top of a hill overlooking distant Lake Michigan, and Rainbow Dash collapsed, watching a few seagulls do whirly-circles and feeling the grass tickle her nostrils. "So..." she wheezed, flipping onto her back. "We gonna' turn around? I kinda' got stuff to do, and Twilight will be wondering where we are by now."

Applejack ran beside her, enjoying the run thoroughly. It was good to get out and get some exercise. She felt exhilarated, breathing the crisp morning air, filled with a hint of the scent of freshly cut grass and morning dew. She stood beside Rainbow, looking out at the beautiful scene. "Oh...sure. We can head back. What do ya gotta do?"

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Rainbow Dash absorbed two more deep breaths, threw herself back on her feet --that was cool, maybe she was getting used to this body--and started off back down the hill, never doubting that AJ would be right behind her--if not soon in front of her. Maybe she should have been working out more when she was busy building her fanbase.

"Oh, you know," she tried to hedge, almost unconsciously, at first. "I've let my website slack for a few days. There's probably bronies out there thinkin' something bad happened to me or something." Which wasn't too far from the truth, but no need to let them know that. "And uh...y'know...say, d'you know where Dennis went to spend the night?"

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(OOC: Why would it ever be necessary to sacrifice quality for speed?)

(OOC: And where the hay is Mellon Collie? Did they just...disappear?)


Fluttershy was the one to answer the door. "Oh...hello, everyone." She put a finger up to her lips. I think most of the others are still sleeping...please don't knock so loud."

She heard Rarity call out from the shower. "Well, maybe not eveyone. But if you wouldn't mind. I have some french toast in the kitchen, if you all would like some breakfast."





"Hello, Fluttershy," Jack said after being greeted by her at the door, "Breakfast? I did have some breakfast back at the hotel, so I don't really know."
He walked into the house, and was instantly greeted by the smell of french toast. The sharp, sweet smell of the cinnamon mixed with the aroma of pure maple syrup definitely swayed Jack's final decision.
"Okay, you know what," Jack said, chuckling, "I guess I have some room for french toast."
Jack was then approached by Charles and his nephew, who extended his hand after introducing himself.
"Pleasure to meet ya," Jack said, shaking his hand, "The name's Jack Preybird. NASCAR Nationwide Series driver and championship contender. You in the NSA and 'spy business' like your uncle, I'd assume?"


"Aculey Mr. Preybird I am In High School I got one more year and I will head to Collage then I will decide what my destiny is." Nick Saying While shaking Jack hand.


"Well He could be Interpool? Police, UN Troop or a Sentaor. What ever his decision I will stand by it." Charles saying while looking around. then see Fluttershy. "Hello FUttershy and I like you to meet my Son Nick and he is a Brony Fan too." Charles saying.


"Wow you must be Futtershy and you are my Faviort Pony." Nick saying.

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"Oh...oh my." Fluttershy extended a limp hand to shake. "It's um, it's very nice to meet you. I--I think breakfast is burning!" 

She busied herself at the hot plate, eventually making a bit more food than she'd intended to. Hopefully she'd get a chance to run out for eggs and bread so she wouldn't be making herself a bother to Colette. She did feel obligated to stay, of course--she'd started breakfast, so she really ought to clean up. But...who knows who might show up at this point! More fans? She still didn't know how to deal with that.

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Rainbow Dash absorbed two more deep breaths, threw herself back on her feet --that was cool, maybe she was getting used to this body--and started off back down the hill, never doubting that AJ would be right behind her--if not soon in front of her. Maybe she should have been working out more when she was busy building her fanbase.

"Oh, you know," she tried to hedge, almost unconsciously, at first. "I've let my website slack for a few days. There's probably bronies out there thinkin' something bad happened to me or something." Which wasn't too far from the truth, but no need to let them know that. "And uh...y'know...say, d'you know where Dennis went to spend the night?"

Applejack sped after her, soon running shoulder to shoulder with her. "I guess yer right. I'dunnp where he stayed. Ah hope he's okay. So...did anythin' happen between you and him?" she asked, wanting to gauge her interest and see if anything would happen between them. He wanted her friends to be happy.

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"Uhm--er---" Rainbow Dash could feel as guilty around AJ as she did around a drill instructor. Sure, AJ probably wouldn't make her do push-ups when they got back to the cabin, but still, she knew AJ had told her to find her answer and be upfront with it--and she couldn't argue against AJ's advice, not ever. So she felt like a worm trying to slide out from under a sparrow.

"Well, not exactly," she had to admit after a few sneaker-pounding moments. The shoes were nice--rainbow colored Nike's, whatever those were, sent by a fan who wanted them back autographed after she'd run in them.


"I---but I'm going to deal with this today! I swear!" 

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"Uhm--er---" Rainbow Dash could feel as guilty around AJ as she did around a drill instructor. Sure, AJ probably wouldn't make her do push-ups when they got back to the cabin, but still, she knew AJ had told her to find her answer and be upfront with it--and she couldn't argue against AJ's advice, not ever. So she felt like a worm trying to slide out from under a sparrow.

"Well, not exactly," she had to admit after a few sneaker-pounding moments. The shoes were nice--rainbow colored Nike's, whatever those were, sent by a fan who wanted them back autographed after she'd run in them.


"I---but I'm going to deal with this today! I swear!" 

Applejack sighed. "Ah knew ya didn't deal with it. For your sake, ah hope ya really do deal with it today. Ah just wantcha to be happy. So...did ya think about it at all? Do ya like him?" she asked, still running, feeling the cold air filling her lungs as her feet pounded the pavement.

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"Oh...oh my." Fluttershy extended a limp hand to shake. "It's um, it's very nice to meet you. I--I think breakfast is burning!" 

She busied herself at the hot plate, eventually making a bit more food than she'd intended to. Hopefully she'd get a chance to run out for eggs and bread so she wouldn't be making herself a bother to Colette. She did feel obligated to stay, of course--she'd started breakfast, so she really ought to clean up. But...who knows who might show up at this point! More fans? She still didn't know how to deal with that.



"Oh," Jack said, "I nearly forgot to introduce you to my girlfriend, Catherine Bellamy."

He motioned towards Catherine while saying this. Jack sat down in a chair and began to dig into the french toast. And boy, was it something. He had never tasted french toast quite this good in some time! The buttery, fried bread had a hint of cinnamon, and his taste buds exploded with the mixture of the spicy cinnamon and the sweet, maple syrup.

"Wow!" Jack exclaimed, "How did you learn how to make french toast this quickly? You've only been in the human world for, like, what, a few weeks?"

He looked around the room, and saw Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Twilight, and Rarity, but no sign of Applejack and Rainbow Dash.

"Say, where's Applejack and Rainbow Dash? Haven't seem 'em all morning!"

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"Oh," Jack said, "I nearly forgot to introduce you to my girlfriend, Catherine Bellamy."

He motioned towards Catherine while saying this. Jack sat down in a chair and began to dig into the french toast. And boy, was it something. He had never tasted french toast quite this good in some time! The buttery, fried bread had a hint of cinnamon, and his taste buds exploded with the mixture of the spicy cinnamon and the sweet, maple syrup.

"Wow!" Jack exclaimed, "How did you learn how to make french toast this quickly? You've only been in the human world for, like, what, a few weeks?"

He looked around the room, and saw Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Twilight, and Rarity, but no sign of Applejack and Rainbow Dash.

"Say, where's Applejack and Rainbow Dash? Haven't seem 'em all morning!"




"Uhm--er---" Rainbow Dash could feel as guilty around AJ as she did around a drill instructor. Sure, AJ probably wouldn't make her do push-ups when they got back to the cabin, but still, she knew AJ had told her to find her answer and be upfront with it--and she couldn't argue against AJ's advice, not ever. So she felt like a worm trying to slide out from under a sparrow.

"Well, not exactly," she had to admit after a few sneaker-pounding moments. The shoes were nice--rainbow colored Nike's, whatever those were, sent by a fan who wanted them back autographed after she'd run in them.


"I---but I'm going to deal with this today! I swear!" 




"Oh...oh my." Fluttershy extended a limp hand to shake. "It's um, it's very nice to meet you. I--I think breakfast is burning!" 

She busied herself at the hot plate, eventually making a bit more food than she'd intended to. Hopefully she'd get a chance to run out for eggs and bread so she wouldn't be making herself a bother to Colette. She did feel obligated to stay, of course--she'd started breakfast, so she really ought to clean up. But...who knows who might show up at this point! More fans? She still didn't know how to deal with that.


"I Never have good French Toast, These are good and your cooking skills is Awsome Futtershy." Charles saying as he eating the French Toast while looking at Rarity. "Hi Rarity."


"I Remember my mom made these French toast and yours Futtershy is Really good. So do you take care of the animals since they are a dear to you?" Nick saying.


(Un Who Playing as the Boss of the CIA since my Charture Jameson need talk to him)

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@@Pripyat Pony,@,  


"Ha, subtle. Very well, my Queen. I look forward to the day when I see you once more."


The next day Diliges shirked his normal routine, allowing himself to sleep in longer than usual after having spent most of the evening speaking with Clare. He awoke to find Clare had beaten him to waking, and prepared breakfast herself. He ate in relative silence for a few minutes, musing over his conversation with the Queen the night before. When he finally spoke, he said, "So, you looking forward to meeting the other Equestrians today?"








Catherine smiles as Jack introduces her, adding, "Pleasure to meet you."


Jack's question about Rainbow and Applejack was answered by Angie, who had let herself in. She had stepped away from the door before Jack arrived, after AJ and Rainbow left for their run. She had spent that time wrestling with Ulysses in the back yard, and as such had a few grass stains on her jeans. She didn't seem to mind however. The brunette was leaning against the entrance way to the kitchen, her arms crossed over her chest - the scar from her bullet wound slightly visible under her sleeve - when she spoke, "They went out for a run. Good idea, actually. Morning runs are always invigorating."

She waved slightly, "Good to see you again, by the way."




In the time all this had transpired, Logan had finally come to a decision about what to do, partially aided by Angie's messaging him to come on by. He started up the Charger and backed out of the driveway, making his way towards Colette's house in relative silence.

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"Oh, I made this all the time in Ponyville." Fluttershy glowed under the compliment and set another steaming plat of food on the table, before turning off the hot plate--there really was too much. "I never called it the same of course, but I know how to make a good breakfast."




"Um--eh..." Rainbow ran silently. "I totally thought about it, I swear...." 

She most certainly had thought about it. But why shouldn't she know? What reason was there for any part of her to try to fool herself as to anything when all she wanted to know was what to do? 


Well, when you put it that way, it was almost obvious. There was a girl in the window of the cottage up ahead, one who used to be yellow and who was still very shy and easily hurt.

Rainbow bit her lip and answered, "Y'know what? I think I know now. Thanks, AJ. Talking to you always helps."

She bolted up the steps without waiting for an invitation, shouting, "I call first shower!"

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@@Dawn Stripes, @@00Pony, @, @@Pripyat Pony, @@Meteorite, @, @, @@Fireblaze,


William entered the kitchen, already fully dressed and adjusting his collar. Looking around, he frowned at the sheer number of guests that had entered his home-- there was no way he could feed this many people! He immediately went to rouse Colette, who.was undoubtedly still out cold...


After literally being dragged out of bed by her father, Colette groggily sauntered into the living room area running a hand through her disheveled hair. Her eyes widened and jaw dropping at the sheer number of people "Uh, guys?? There are WAY too many people here!"


She managed to grab a plate for herself and her father, who shot her a glare. "I'll go out later and get food." She answered softly, as if resigned.




"Did you contact your queen, Cicada??" Stephen asked as he came to yet another red light. Bloody lights! What's with Americans and having them on every bloody corner?!


Saw had called ahead to inform Colette of his arrival-- and convinced his brother to head to the grocery store after hearing of the sheer number of guests. Resupplying them would only be the courteous thing to do!


After getting what Colette asked, Shawn took over the wheel, all too eager to see the butter yellow former Pegasus again. Once they arrived, Shawn rushed to the front door, knocking politely, yet loud enough to the others to hear. "We've arrived, and we have brought a fresh stock o' supplies!"

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"Oh! More? I--I'll get it." Fluttershy interrupted her washing, since she was almost done anyway with what she could do until people were done eating--and pulled the door open with a little creak.


"Oh. H--hello, Shawn." Fluttershy half hid behind the door, her hair covering most of the tiny portion of her face that showed. But she was at least conscious that the behavior was ridiculous, and didn't feel as intimidated anymore as she might show. "Please, come on in. Are there eggs or bread in those bags? I just used them all up to make french toast."

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@@Hypn0ticD,@@Dawn Stripes,


Angie had taken herself, and Ulysses, to one of the more unoccupied corners of the house, so as to keep out of the way of the plethora of guests. Hearing a knock at the door, followed by an unmistakably male, Scottish voice, Ulysses bounds up and stands slightly behind the Fluttershy as she opens the door. The dog's ears are perked forward and he is looking past the people on the threshold towards the street with an anxious expression. Though it wasn't entirely noticeable to the humans - maybe the ponies - he heard a semi familiar sounding engine steadily approaching the home.


Angie stands up and stands throws an arm casually over Fluttershy's shoulder in friendly gesture, giving the newest arrivals a smile, "This will be a very odd first impression I'm sure, but you have an awesome accent," she says to them, not fully knowing which one spoke. She holds out her free hands, "I'm Angelica. Or Angie, whichever."

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