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private An Unexpected Trip to the Human World (Closed!)


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"All sound like great ways to pass the time. 'Specially relaxing in the orchard." Logan says, before chuckling slightly, "Well, there's something we have in common. Most of our time is taken up by work."

The one term she'd used struck him as a little strange, "'Apple bucking'? I assume that's some form of picking them?"






 "Only a test.." Catherine said, giving him a smile. She was worried, yes, but she kept it hidden well enough. She held onto Jack for a second longer before letting go of him, and allowing him to get into the cockpit.






Target: Located.

Angie half skipped, half walked over to Shawn, crossing her arms behind her back and clearing her throat to get his attention, "Hi! Hey, I'm Angelica. Remember? I think I introduced myself.. But anyway, yeah, um," She stopped, gathering her thoughts. She continued speaking a second later, at a much more sober pace, "I was wondering, if you guys would be able to give me a ride after we get back to the cars? I was planning on returning my rental, given my friend Logan's back in commission. I would ask him for a ride, but he's got prior engagements for when we get back. Think you guys would be able to give me a ride?" 

She held up one hand, "Completely A-OK if you can't!"

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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@,((OOC:I am just saying he lives up to what he is duh)) "I guess... i am more of a water sports person. But i seriously don't mind where i am as long as there are friends, or... *he pauses for a moment* Well you get my point. Miss Twilight... you're not mad at me for taking Dash that time right? Because i got the idea that she was scolded a lot not to do this... and i feel partly responsible. I mean... i just wanted to help."  

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@Ragin' Red Talon



"Aw, sup, guys." Rainbow Dash watched Jack pull himself into the cockpit of his car. "Ready for some racing, eh? Hey, maybe there's a concession stand out here. Do you think?"
She eyed Fluttershy for a moment, her arm locked in Colette's. She hadn't seen them just before they stopped in front of her, but...well, they were really close for a while, that was one thing, but those arms... "So you...having fun?"


  • Brohoof 1

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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"All sound like great ways to pass the time. 'Specially relaxing in the orchard." Logan says, before chuckling slightly, "Well, there's something we have in common. Most of our time is taken up by work." The one term she'd used struck him as a little strange, "'Apple bucking'? I assume that's some form of picking them?"

"Um, yeah. It's how we get 'em down from the trees. Ya kinda kick 'em. The trees. And the apples fall. We have barrels and baskets to catch 'em. My brother and ah mostly do it. Back in Ponyville, ah had the strongest apple buckin' legs around!" she said with a laugh. "Still, ah kinda like bein' human. It's...nice once you get the hang of it."

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"I'm fine," Rarity replied. "This just isn't my thing. Maybe I'll work a bit more on my clothes designs while everypony else is watching the race." She showed Charles her notebook and smiled. "I just can't wait to get started!"


Pinkie laughed. "I bet you're really excited about this race!" she said. "I am a bit too, cuz I never saw anything quite as funny as those metal boxes on wheels! We don't have those in Ponyville."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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After being briefed on the car's subsystems, Jack finally climbed into the cockpit of the racecar. A crew member then took the starting mechanism, plugged it into the back of the car, and fired it up.

The engine sound was loud, and echoed throughout the garage, but it had a much different sound than the beefy V8 used in the NASCAR stock car.


Jack carefully pulled the car out of the garage, and down pit road, abiding by the strict pit road speed limit. After exiting the pits, he put the car into full throttle down the straightaway, with two other drivers, Will Power and Helio Castroneves, following suit.

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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"I'm fine," Rarity replied. "This just isn't my thing. Maybe I'll work a bit more on my clothes designs while everypony else is watching the race." She showed Charles her notebook and smiled. "I just can't wait to get started!"


Pinkie laughed. "I bet you're really excited about this race!" she said. "I am a bit too, cuz I never saw anything quite as funny as those metal boxes on wheels! We don't have those in Ponyville."





After being briefed on the car's subsystems, Jack finally climbed into the cockpit of the racecar. A crew member then took the starting mechanism, plugged it into the back of the car, and fired it up.

The engine sound was loud, and echoed throughout the garage, but it had a much different sound than the beefy V8 used in the NASCAR stock car.


Jack carefully pulled the car out of the garage, and down pit road, abiding by the strict pit road speed limit. After exiting the pits, he put the car into full throttle down the straightaway, with two other drivers, Will Power and Helio Castroneves, following suit.


Charles see Rarity notebook and smiles looking at her desinges. "Wow these are great love and I know you want to get started. Like I say I will get you anything you want and I will get it too."


"Well they drive them in a race, they get a shiny trophy for being the best Racer in the world and the Grand Daddy of all Indy Cars is The Indy 500 it the greets Racing Site in the world and they get the bigger Trophy every Fans form Around the US go there." Nick saying as he was looking at Pinky.

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@@Dawn Stripes,


Shawn hung there a moment, shell shocked at the fact that Fluttershy was… was…


DAMN IT! He'd struck out yet again. He watched as she walked away with Colette, arm in arm, his jaw left hanging.




He was pulled from his thoughts by another voice. Shawn turned to face the woman that was with the officer and dog. It took him a second to realize that she was addressing him. "Oh! Right. Sure, I can give you a ride. Angelica, was it?? I'm Shawn." He offered his hand, smiling in order to be cordial. "Sorry about spacing out 'n all."




((@Dawn Stripes again))


"Fun?? Oh, yeah!" Colette said as she turned to look at Rainbow. "I'm having tons of it!"




Colette jumped a little at the sudden sound, squezing Fluttershy's hand as she was not at all prepared. "FUCK ME!"



((Sorry for the shitty posts, everyone! I'm at work, and things're crazy busy!))

  • Brohoof 1
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"Eee!" for a moment, Fluttershy disappeared. Hopefully Colette wasn't too upset by wondering where she was--she'd been flushed to the nearest hiding spot by an engine blasting in her ear, the spot which, since the bleachers were still distant, was the nearest Port-a-John. Eventually she managed to peak her head out, making sure there were no dragons nearby.




Rainbow Dash had to squint in the fumes that went racing like coral snakes off the track, slapping her in the face, when the car took off. She watched with growing interest as the shrinking little dot sped around the track, roaring like a dragon. There was a little tingle at the edge of her fingers--maybe the closest she'd come to being turned on since she turned into a human. What was this? What would she have to do to get into one of these thing?....No, Rainbow. Bad idea. Remember last time. 

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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@,((OOC:I am just saying he lives up to what he is duh)) "I guess... i am more of a water sports person. But i seriously don't mind where i am as long as there are friends, or... *he pauses for a moment* Well you get my point. Miss Twilight... you're not mad at me for taking Dash that time right? Because i got the idea that she was scolded a lot not to do this... and i feel partly responsible. I mean... i just wanted to help."


@Dawn Stripes


"I can understand how you just wanted to help Rainbow Dash," Twilight responds to Dennis, "The intention is right, but the action... well..."

Suddenly, and fortunately for Twilight, the conversation was interrupted by the IndyCar's engine firing up.

"AH, NEVER MIND THAT LAST BIT," Twilight shouted over the engine sound. Right then, however, she noticed Fluttershy running out of the garage area, covering her ears and clearly in fear.

"Hold on a second," she said to Dennis, giving chase to Fluttershy.

"Fluttershy!" she shouted to her, who hid inside of a Travelin' Johnny, "What is going on?!"

She then mentioned something about dragons. While it is a well known fact that Fluttershy fears dragons to death, there was clearly nothing for the young pegasus to worry about.

"Come out from there, Fluttershy," Twilight said softly, "There aren't any dragons here. It was just a car. They're not big and scary like dragons, and... ew... it stinks in there... so why now come out?"

Twilight knew that she couldn't be forceful in trying to get Fluttershy out of her hiding place. She was clearly shaken up by the unfamiliar, dragon like engine sounds, and she knew that just a little bit of coaxing can go a long way.




Jack remained in the draft with Ryan Hunter-Reay, and on the front straight, pulled ahead of him with the help of the side-draft from another car. Surely, it was just a mere tire test, but these drivers were competitive, racing each other like they were racing for the Indy 500. Then again, racing each other this hard did provide more accurate information on the tires in race conditions, so the team owners weren't complaining. As a matter of fact, they were encouraging it.

"Getting closer and closer to Castroneves' lap time!" Trent keyed into the radio, "How does the tire compound feel, buddy?"

"A lot grippier," Jack replies, "But it obviously burns quicker!"

Jack continued to tear the track up, nailing apexes and having blazing fast corner exits. He and Will Power continued to dance across the racetrack, weaving gracefully through the slower traffic, slingshotting their cars past each other every chance they had. Such an intricate dance at 150 MPH was not an easy task to accomplish. Lateral g forces were crushing the drivers as they cornered at extreme speeds, and one small slip, one touch of tires, or one bump can send a car careening off the track. Or worse, into the air.


(OOC: the grandstand on the front straightaway is generally where they get to see the cars at their fastest)

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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Logan smiled at her laughter, and chuckled with her, "Somehow, I don't think that apple bucking would work the same for us humans," He tapped the ground with his boot and held up on hand, "Fingers work well enough for us."

He chuckled when she said she kind of liked being human, once she got used to it, "I've had over two decades to get the hang of it, so I kind of like it myself."

He caught himself briefly wondering what it would be like to be a pony, like Applejack was back in her home universe. Would he have as easy a time adjusting? Logan pushed the thought to the back of his mind. That was assuming there was a way humans would be able to return to.. Equestria, with the ponies. And that was even assuming he had more reason than his slowly falling for the woman before him.





Angie grinned, taking his hand and shaking it. She had a fairly strong grip, that one probably would not expect from someone of her 5'5", slender stature, "Angelica is correct! Though you can simply call me Angie. Nice to meet you Shawn." 

She chuckled, practically unaware of his reason for spacing, "Don't worry about it. Day dreaming's a completely acceptable 'activity'."





Angie jumped slightly at the sudden sound of the Indy Car's engine. Her free hand briefly moving towards her belt where she was wearing her pistol. Odd. She wasn't normally that jumpy. Logan himself had tensed slightly. He was used to sudden, loud noises, but this one still took him by surprise. Maybe it was their run in with, what they deduced was some sort of gang, that had left Logan hospitalized for the better part of a couple weeks. Ulysses cringed from the sound, shrinking to the floor and giving a quiet whine. He had grown accustomed to loud sounds, such as Master's black rumble-crier, or the device he carried with him. This rumbler was definitely louder than he would have liked.



 Cat watched as Jack tore out of the garage and down the straight away. She sent a prayer to.. Whoever was watching, that they would keep him safe out there.

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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Logan smiled at her laughter, and chuckled with her, "Somehow, I don't think that apple bucking would work the same for us humans," He tapped the ground with his boot and held up on hand, "Fingers work well enough for us." He chuckled when she said she kind of liked being human, once she got used to it, "I've had over two decades to get the hang of it, so I kind of like it myself." He caught himself briefly wondering what it would be like to be a pony, like Applejack was back in her home universe. Would he have as easy a time adjusting? Logan pushed the thought to the back of his mind. That was assuming there was a way humans would be able to return to.. Equestria, with the ponies. And that was even assuming he had more reason than his slowly falling for the woman before him.

"Yeah, someone told me about how ya humans do it, at some point. Ah think these fingers y'all got are mighty useful. No wonder Lyra always talked about 'em.  Tryin' my hoof....er...hand at pickin' apples here as a human would be fun. Maybe we should find one, sometime?"

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Fluttershy emerged--slowly, looking about, hovering close to Twilight, a long-proven source of protection, until she could be at least mostly satisfied that the fiery infernal roar didn't signal any imminent danger. 
She gave Twilight a shy hug in gratitude, setting her teeth to cease the chattering. "Thank you, Twilight. I was-- " she giggled nervously. "Startled for a second."

She watched the cars rip around the black circle of path at ridiculous speeds, coming very close to crashing repeatedly. What was the point of that? "I'm not so sure I like this part of being a human," she observed.

Edited by Dawn Stripes

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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As the noise of the engines receded, Applejack began to speak again. Logan nodded in response, "Apple picking... Yeah, I'd be up for that. I'll see if I can't find a place."

"Mountain climbing and a form of agriculture. Yep. You're definitely a Kiefer of Manheim, Logan."


He furrowed his brow slightly, chuckling, "You guys have stories about us humans back home?"

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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As the noise of the engines receded, Applejack began to speak again. Logan nodded in response, "Apple picking... Yeah, I'd be up for that. I'll see if I can't find a place."

"Mountain climbing and a form of agriculture. Yep. You're definitely a Kiefer of Manheim, Logan."


He furrowed his brow slightly, chuckling, "You guys have stories about us humans back home?"

"Not a lot. One pony I know named Lyra seemed to really take a likin' to y'all though. Humans this, humans that. She just loves ya. Ah guess some humans really like ponies too. It's funny!" She laughed at the odd parallels between this world and her own. "Ah bet if certain humans came to Ponyville, Lyra would be like Rainbow's fans."

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"Wonder how those stories started.."

He laughed with her. It started out as just chuckling, but grew to full laughter as he took the concept in fully.

A sentient pony being a fangirl about humans, the same way people like Angie, or even Sam - a 6'3", 290 lbs. African American male - was a fan. Granted, they were slightly more reserved about it, but hey.


"I imagine that would be an incredibly amusing sight." Logan finally managed to say, after getting his mirth under control.

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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@, Did she... ? He notices that Twilight goes after Fluttershy... and just stands there like a fool, not knowing what to do... did he just do something wrong? He couldn't think of something... He sighs, he no longer has the will to get to know more people, instead he gets a small box from his pocket. It's almost the size of a fist... "Will Rainbow Dash like this?" he thinks...

@@Dawn Stripes,
He opens it... ((drum roll please....)) it's a set of cards ((HA! GOTCHA!)) he looks among them and gets a card out.43c1df75f0c620506f2b45d2288d1cde.jpg?131
Rainbow Dash was not wrong to tell him that he acted a lot like a "White Knight". His favorite card from the Royal Paladins was the "White Knight" defender of the weak... Blaster Blade. The loyal friend of Alfred the King of the Royal paladins. It was funny... he always dreamed of becoming as strong as such a person one day... but that was just a dream to have to spend the time. Oh well...

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"Wonder how those stories started.."

He laughed with her. It started out as just chuckling, but grew to full laughter as he took the concept in fully.

A sentient pony being a fangirl about humans, the same way people like Angie, or even Sam - a 6'3", 290 lbs. African American male - was a fan. Granted, they were slightly more reserved about it, but hey.


"I imagine that would be an incredibly amusing sight." Logan finally managed to say, after getting his mirth under control.

"Eeyup, she's a crazy one. She'd love it here," she said, looking around at all of the spectators. "So...um...How do I look as a human? I've never seen one before comin' here, so ah don't know what you'd say about 'em. What's good lookin' and what's not. You know." She folded her arms in thought.

  • Brohoof 1
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@@Dawn Stripes,


Colette looked around for Fluttershy, as she suddenly couldn't feel her hand anymore. Colette followed the sound of the princess's voice, and made her way over to the two mares, smiling at her as she emerged from the port-a-john, hugging her princess.


"Hey, Flutters wanna go see what kinda grub they got around here??" She asked. "We can stretch our legs for a bit while we're looking around. Maybe we can find an arcade so I can dork out for a bit!"




Damn, what a grip! Shawn smiled back at Angie, starting a little as Jack took off, but laughed it off. "Damn, that's loud! Wanna head out to the grandstands and watch more of the action?? I've never been ta one ma'am these races before."

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"Um, okay. Bye, Twilight." Fluttershy didn't much care to watch the speeding cars. Rainbow Dash and the others seemed to be having a good time...hopefully they wouldn't mind..."It wouldn't be rude if we left the grandstand, would it? There are a lot of people, but...oh, I don't know...okay." If Colette said it was okay, Fluttershy decided she wouldn't worry about it. She willingly attached herself to the girl's side.




Rainbow Dash was on the edge of the rail, screaming with the loudest whenever Jack came by. He couldn't hear her, of course, but she wasn't thinking about that at the time.



A several minute break---glances, realizations, quick mental notes, reassesment, the draining of adrenaline through a sieve, knowing, like changed oil, that it could be replaced quickly. Rainbow Dash darted past the rest into the ring of flashing lights at the side; soon, she darted in front of Colette and Fluttershy bearing a plate of nachos and a cone of cotton candy, which went to the girl and mare respectively.

"Guess you guys aren't much for the racing, huh?"

Edited by Dawn Stripes

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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@Pripyat Pony

@Dawn Stripes


Twilight was not as concerned with the actual racing part of everything, rather, the more technical aspects. She found herself quite interested in how teams made careful calculations to corner effectively in turns, fuel strategy, and especially, the draft. All the science that was involved in the sport of racing fascinated the princess. While taking all of this intricate experiment in, she heard Colette's voice.

"Oh... uh... Oh! I'm quite hungry now that you mention it," Twilight responds. She was so wrapped up with everything that she didn't really notice Colette talking to her. She got up out of her seat, and followed her down to the concession stand.

(OOC: earlier you said to try to get Twilight interested in something in the human world. Thing is, besides science and things of the like, I'm not entirely sure what to get her into. Video games probably might fascinate her to a point, but not for the reasons why people mostly love video games)

(I do plan on having Twilight talk with Dennis later on. Possibly about Rainbow Dash?)




The number 60 Sunoco car that Jack piloted gracefully through each twist and turn truly felt amazing. Every shift, turn, and squeal of the tires made Jack feel one with the car. Jack hadn't had this much fun in a tire test since... well, this was his first tire test. But nonetheless, Jack couldn't get enough of it. He felt quite comfortable in an IndyCar, wiping away the dirt that accumulated on his visor as the laps went on. The scenery passed him by, the trees and the sky transforming into a tunnel of green and blue as he blistered down the straightaways. The adrenaline rushed through his veins at every corner, fighting his heart out against IndyCar's best. Adrenaline was a hell of a drug for Jack, giving him a "combat high" battling his opponents. He continued to leave very little quarter for Will Power, and Jack continued to slam the door on the Australian, denying him the inside line. Instead, Power was forced into the marbles, tiny bits of rubber that are shredded off the tires, and found himself fighting for control of his car as the bits began to stick to his tires, hindering performance. This was all that Jack lived for; it couldn't get any better. Just him, a couple of drivers, a fast racecar, and a racetrack twisting its way through the Wisconsin countryside.

Edited by Ragin' Red Talon

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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Logan's jaw tensed slightly. That was.. an unexpected question. Well, she'd asked it, so he would answer. He let his eyes flit over her figure once more before answering, "It's all a matter of opinion, in most cases. Some humans will find some things attractive while others don't. Whether it's appearance or personality."

He cleared his throat quietly, before continuing, gesturing with his hands as he did, "In my opinion, you look... Absolutely beautiful," he caught himself smiling, "Your hair is gorgeous, your freckles are adorable. Your eyes.. simply captivating."

This wasn't something Logan had done before. There had been women he admired physically before, but their personalities weren't anything he wanted to live with. Applejack though.. Not only was she nice to look at, but everything he'd seen of her personality was incredible. Logan kept his hand a respectful distance from her as he continued, "Your figure, the curves and everything else, your athletic physique. All of it. Right down to your accent. You're a stunning, beautiful mare, Applejack."


Logan gave her a genuine smile. He really hoped he hadn't overdone it there. As stated, this was a new thing for him to attempt. Applejack was a country girl if he ever knew one. But then, everyone had different ideas of things. ... Wait, had he called her a mare, instead of a woman? "The heck Logan?! Oh well... You've already said it. If she caught it, or cares, she'll let you know."

He was now incredibly thankful for the race to avert his attention to briefly. Logan wasn't normally one to become red faced, but somehow, he'd managed it here. It didn't take him long to get it under control however, and he turned back to face Applejack, trying to gauge her reaction.





Angie laughed at both hers, and Shawn's reactions to the car engine starting. He suggested heading to the grandstands to get a better view of the action. Angie nodded, releasing his hand and gesturing for him to take the lead, and she followed close behind. It didn't take before she decided to strike up conversation again, "So, Shawn, where're you from? I can guess Scotland, so I'll narrow it down. What part of Scotland are you from?"

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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Logan's jaw tensed slightly. That was.. an unexpected question. Well, she'd asked it, so he would answer. He let his eyes flit over her figure once more before answering, "It's all a matter of opinion, in most cases. Some humans will find some things attractive while others don't. Whether it's appearance or personality." He cleared his throat quietly, before continuing, gesturing with his hands as he did, "In my opinion, you look... Absolutely beautiful," he caught himself smiling, "Your hair is gorgeous, your freckles are adorable. Your eyes.. simply captivating." This wasn't something Logan had done before. There had been women he admired physically before, but their personalities weren't anything he wanted to live with. Applejack though.. Not only was she nice to look at, but everything he'd seen of her personality was incredible. Logan kept his hand a respectful distance from her as he continued, "Your figure, the curves and everything else, your athletic physique. All of it. Right down to your accent. You're a stunning, beautiful mare, Applejack." Logan gave her a genuine smile. He really hoped he hadn't overdone it there. As stated, this was a new thing for him to attempt. Applejack was a country girl if he ever knew one. But then, everyone had different ideas of things. ... Wait, had he called her a mare, instead of a woman? "The heck Logan?! Oh well... You've already said it. If she caught it, or cares, she'll let you know." He was now incredibly thankful for the race to avert his attention to briefly. Logan wasn't normally one to become red faced, but somehow, he'd managed it here. It didn't take him long to get it under control however, and he turned back to face Applejack, trying to gauge her reaction.

Applejack blushed at his long list of compliments. She reached out and placed her hand in his. "Ah shucks...thanks...Y-you're not bad yourself..." she said with a slight smile. "I...ah have most of that back home too...freckles and stuff...U-uh...speakin' o' which...did you call me a mare?" she asked.

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 Logan felt her hand on his, and he instinctively closed it around hers. He himself smiled at her return compliment. He was really starting to smile a lot, wasn't he? He gently squeezed Applejack's hand as he responded, "Thank you," He hums briefly with slight amusement, adding slightly quieter, "You must be absolutely adorable back home."


Her next question caused him to chuckle, and run his free hand through his hair, needlessly checking back over his mental processors to confirm that this was indeed what he'd said, "Yeah.. I think I did.."

  • Brohoof 1

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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 Logan felt her hand on his, and he instinctively closed it around hers. He himself smiled at her return compliment. He was really starting to smile a lot, wasn't he? He gently squeezed Applejack's hand as he responded, "Thank you," He hums briefly with slight amusement, adding slightly quieter, "You must be absolutely adorable back home."


Her next question caused him to chuckle, and run his free hand through his hair, needlessly checking back over his mental processors to confirm that this was indeed what he'd said, "Yeah.. I think I did.."

"I'm rubbin' off on ya, ah guess," she said with a laugh. She too was beaming. It seemed like they were always smiling together. The idea of being with Logan seemed more and more possible. Applejack moved closer to him, squeezing his hand slightly while petting Ulysses with the other hand.

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