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private An Unexpected Trip to the Human World (Closed!)


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@@Dawn Stripes


"Brash got suckerpunched in the face, but she was the one who started the fight," Colette answered, smirking a little. "She'll be fine though. She glutton for punishment--er-- she's really tough, so it'll take a lot more than that to really hurt 'er!"


Colette leaned into Fluttershy as well, wrapping an arm around he shoulder as the large group made their way down the corridor. "I'm not into racing, to tell you the truth," she whispered back, "not all humans are into it. Maybe that's why you didn't hear about it before today." She couldn't help but giggle a little as her date mentioned her fear of cars. "No, I can't say I ever was!"




@@00Pony, @, @, @@Fireblaze, @@Pripyat Pony, @,


After a few more moments of wandering, the gaggle of Ponies and Finders alighted on Room M104, finding all the racer, the Pegasus, and the crush. William took the initiative and knocked on the door, as if the group's clamour didn't tip the trio off to their presence. "Are we interrupting anything??"

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@@Pripyat Pony




@@Dawn Stripes



(OOC: Dash was really the one who Jack was angry at, not Dennis. lol)


"Look, Rainbow Dash, Dennis, you guys," Jack responded, "Letting my life fall into the hands of racing? That's all I can possibly do to support them! And now, Trent thinks I'll burn out trying to help them. Nationwide Series isn't cutting it for them anymore. I have to pay for myself, for them, it's not enough doing just what I'm doing. The fuck does he know, he thinks it's a moot battle I'm fighting. There's an opportunity to help them further, possibly get my mom into a rehab program, and get Timmy an education worth a fuck. And I can't take it." He then turned to Rainbow Dash. He was so consumed by his frustration, that his words were very coarse. He was angry, not just at Rainbow Dash for accusing him of cowardice, but at everything as a whole. From simple things, to the big picture.

"You callin' me a quitter," Jack growled, not knowing what he was saying, "You don't know shit about this. I hope you know what this feels like to have an opportunity taken away by complete bullshit. I hope that you get yourself into form for the Wonderbolts. An awesome, sleek, and slender form that makes you more than the best flier in Equestria. A perfect body that can pull of Sonic Rainbooms without breaking a sweat. Them, in your next Wonderbolts tryout, you get your wings taken away from you for no reason at all! You won't be able to fly in front of the Wonderbolts! Your hopes and dreams crushed and destroyed beyond ALL BELIEF! I HOPE YOU FEEL THAT PAIN SOMEDAY!"

Jack, at this point, was shouting through tears of anger and frustration. His mind was completely under the control of rage, a rage that latched itself onto his brain, and injected fury and anger straight into his cerebrum. He never felt this close to completely blowing up in quite awhile. During his tirade, however, unbeknownst to Jack, the rest of the group walked in to check on him.

Twilight was aghast at what Jack had said to Rainbow Dash. Sure, she's heard people curse at her, but never on the scale Jack did. That was full-on voodoo to Twilight.

"Jack!" she scolded, "You do NOT put that kind of evil on Rainbow Dash!"

Jack slowly turned to face her, glaring her down with a death stare. He held this stare at her for a good few seconds, with narrowed, bloodshot eyes, a crimson, sweaty face, and an angry scowl clearly telling her to back off. She interpreted this correctly, and did so. Twilight couldn't believe how angry he was right then. And she couldn't help but wonder, what was it that got him into such a state? Of course, it was a pretty bad time to ask right now.


(Sorry for the late post, everyone. Tried a riskier post this time, too. If you haven't noticed, Jack is on the verge of completely exploding)

Edited by Ragin' Red Talon

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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@Pripyat Pony
@Ryuuguu Rena


Rainbow Dash stood slack for a couple moments. Then a growl rose in her chest, coming out through bloodshot eyes.

"Jesus fucking Christ!" she enunciated carefully. "I'm just trying to help!" Furiously wiping one arm across her face, she wasted no time in getting out of the room--and probably would have slammed the door shut behind her if there hadn't been a veritable crowd in her way.


What did she need to worry about him for, anyway? If he wanted to be such a freaking sourpuss, after all that glorious racing he was going to--dah, forget it! See if Rainbow dash bothered giving him a pep talk every again. She shoved her way past everyone but Colette and FLuttershy, staring angrily at the tile until they finally cleared space for her to stalk past and lean against a bench down the hall, releasing steam moment by moment.

Edited by Dawn Stripes
  • Brohoof 1

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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@@Dawn Stripes,

@@00Pony, @, @, @@Fireblaze, @@Pripyat Pony, @,


Will took a few moments to process the sight before clearing his throat. "Alright everyone. Jack needs some time alone. Let's give 'im some time to cool off." With that, he led the group back the way they came.




Colette looked to Fluttershy after Rainbow Dash passed, eyes a bit wide. What.. What the hell was going on?? She took Fluttershy by the hand and leading her away. Should she check on Rainbow Dash?? Colette knew Dennis would inevitably go after her, but…


Colette led Fluttershy onward with the rest of the group, trusting that Dennis might be able to reach her… If not, maybe she could say something when they got home??

Edited by Hypn0ticD
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She chuckled. "Yeah." She also ran a hand along Ulysses fur as he ran by. After a while, they arrived at the room with their injured friends. She walked in, seeing them, and hearing their argument. Finally, Rainbow Dash ran by. "Darn..." she said simply, deciding not to follow Dash. She needed to blow off steam on her own for a bit. She didn't know what to say or do to make this better, but she decided to be as supportive as possible. "Uh...is there anything ah can do to help?"


She found that, since she came to this world, she had not been able to be very helpful to her friends. This made her rather uncomfortable.

Edited by Ryuuguu Rena
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She chuckled. "Yeah." She also ran a hand along Ulysses fur as he ran by. After a while, they arrived at the room with their injured friends. She walked in, seeing them, and hearing their argument. Finally, Rainbow Dash ran by. "Darn..." she said simply, deciding not to follow Dash. She needed to blow off steam on her own for a bit. She didn't know what to say or do to make this better, but she decided to be as supportive as possible. "Uh...is there anything ah can do to help?"


She found that, since she came to this world, she had not been able to be very helpful to her friends. This made her rather uncomfortable.

Applejack walked into the room, with a frustrated Jack Preybird choking on tears of frustration. She offered him her support, but right now, it was best just to leave him alone for a bit. Perhaps with Catherine.

"I..." Jack weakly responded through his tears, "I just need a bit of time... to think..."

He was still angered at Rainbow Dash, and hadn't come to his senses about what he had said to her yet. Despite this, he was still able to not lash out on Applejack, despite the rage continuing to inject his head with anger. This was mainly due to his conflicted emotions. He did not want to have her go off like Rainbow Dash did, yet at the same time, he did want to talk with her, or at least his girlfriend, as he felt the most comfortable with her than any of the other ponies. He needed just that: time to think, and be able to slowly isolate the rage that was controlling his thoughts and emotions.

"Give me... a few minutes..." Jack said to everyone.

Edited by Ragin' Red Talon

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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Applejack walked into the room, with a frustrated Jack Preybird choking on tears of frustration. She offered him her support, but right now, it was best just to leave him alone for a bit. Perhaps with Catherine.

"I..." Jack weakly responded through his tears, "I just need a bit of time... to think..."

He was still angered at Rainbow Dash, and hadn't come to his senses about what he had said to her yet. Despite this, he was still able to not lash out on Applejack, despite the rage continuing to inject his head with anger.

She sighed. "Alright then. Ah guess I'll leave ya to your thoughts..." She turned to Logan with a concerned look, stepping back outside the door."What do ya think we should do?" she asked, unsure whether they should stay in case they needed them, or respect their wishes and leave. They did plan to go on that date...



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Fluttershy let Colette turn about face and lead her away from the hospital room, as the rest of the group followed step in moving instinctually away from the angry noises that burst out along with one rainbow-haired girl.

"Oh, my..." Fluttershy, sighed, half-tsking in somewhat resigned disappointment. "They're angry again." She shook her head disapprovingly. "Why oh why does Rainbow Dash have to get so angry all the time?"
She thought for a minute, then tightened her grip on Colette's fingers for one gentle squeeze. "I've decided something, Colette. I--if I'm not being mean. Humans yell a lot. And I don't like it."

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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Upon arriving at the hospital, Ulysses stayed outside, sitting next to the door like  sentinel as he waited. Angie had stayed outside as well, never having liked going inside hospitals in the first place, despite being an emergency medical technician.

Inside, Logan had stayed outside of room M104. They were a large group, and to many entering the room at once would probably be to hectic. Jack didn't seem to be in the best of moods, for good reason, and he requested to be alone. When Applejack exited, asking what he thought they should do. Leave or stay, he assumed. He glanced at his watch, "We can probably stick around here for a few more minutes, and have enough time to get our plans in."

He glanced down the hallway, before beginning to walk with her, "Maybe you could talk to Rainbow? Give her a little time to cool down beforehand of course. I've learned that one of the best ways to calm down when you're angry is to find someone you can talk sensibly with. At least, that's my personal experience."







Catherine had different plans on how she was going to handle this. She waited until most of the group had moved away from the room before entering herself. She stayed silent for a few seconds, simply looking at Jack, before walking over and gently placing a hand on his shoulder, "Probably a stupid question, but are you doing alright?"

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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@@Dawn Stripes,@Ragin' Red Talon,@Fireblaze,@Pripyat Pony,@Ryuuguu Rena,@00Pony,@Hypn0ticD



Colette knew Dennis would inevitably go after her, but…
((OOC:*Smirk*)) A lot of things happenned at once... Colette's father got in, Jack was about to emotionally explode, Rainbow was... giving up on a friend? No... this musn't happen, William proposed to leave Jack alone, maybe this was the time... overloading him with needless words wasn't the thing to do right now... and besides there were others wiser and closer to Jack than him that could help right now. At least they could help more than a stranger and an alien... "Rainbow!!!" he turns to Jack with a look of dissapointment, he had made Rainbow cry and this should have made him mad... but he knew better than to start a fight in a hospital. "You shouldn't push away those who are trying to help you... we are not your enemy. I'll come back... try to calm down please." Pushing, kicking, or whatever needed Dennis got away from the crowd. He finds Dashie sitting on a bench, and takes the liberty of sitting next to her.

"He doesn't know what he's saying right now Dashie..." he says refering to Jack "Please don't judge him from this moment..." he stops speaking for the moment he caresses her hair and back, he knows she needs support right now. He hugs her and pats her back "I know you mean good... and he knows that too... Just calm down..." he hopes his touch and caress can do the trick and calm her down. "Seeing you cry... it makes me sad too..."
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@@Pripyat Pony




@@Dawn Stripes



Twilight walked out to the hall with the rest of the group.

"I don't think all humans are like that," Twilight said, "And besides, Jack is the last person I'd expect to blow up like that. I wonder what could have gone wrong..."

She was genuinely worried about Jack's welfare, as well as Rainbow Dash's.

"I still can't believe he said that to her... I hope she's okay..."

Jack laid his head down on the tissue paper that separated him from the rough, leathery medical bed. He always hated that about hospitals and medical clinics: the bed was the worst type of seat imaginable! He hated it more than injections, but right here, right now, Jack had to lay down somehwere to calm himself down. He took deep breaths, trying to stop his tears. A bit after everyone left the room, Catherine walked in. He figured she wanted to wait until everyone else was gone to talk to him. She asked him how he was feeling, in which he responded by sitting back up with a groan and a few more deep breaths. When he did sit back up, he just put his face in his hands, but said nothing. He didn't want to say anything that would hurt Catherine the way he did Rainbow Dash.

"I'm... I..." he stuttered, staring into her beautiful blue eyes, finding comfort in her presence. But Jack just couldn't formulate words, and broke back down into tears again. He couldn't believe how weak he was acting! The rage finally left his body, but in its place, left weakness, despair, and guilt.

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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@@Dawn Stripes



"Yeah, that they do…" Colette said. "But I'm sure Jack had his reason, so let's leave him be for a bit, give 'em a few minutes, then we'll head back." Colette then looked around for a quieter place she could take Fluttershy. Failing that, she decided on the next best thing. "Wanna find an arcade in the meantime?? I could sink a few quarters into a machine right about now!"


((Anyone who wants join Colette on her arcade quest can!))

Edited by Hypn0ticD
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Rainbow Dash sat up straight off the back of the bench when Dennis sat beside her and began roving his hand over the back of her neck. She wasn't stupid; she was pretty sure that was a place casual friends wouldn't touch, and she started freezing up as goosebumps boiled over her frustration.

"Not crying," she grumbled sullenly. Now she had even more mental effort to deal with, trying to figure out how she was supposed to react to this. But eventually she gave up, she didn't feel like putting in the effort right, and decided to just stay put and endure it. "He still didn't have to be a total douche about it. I mean, sure it sucks! I get mad too! But..." growling wordlessly, she shook her strands of hair, trying to let go of it.





Fluttershy kept close to her romantic anchor in the sea of humanity, trotting contentedly in Twilight's tow. "These video games are really important for dealing with stress to you, aren't they?" she observed in a quiet murmur, half to herself.

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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@ Dawn Stripes, @Ragin' Red Talon, @Pripyat Pony, @Ryuuguu Rena, @00Pony, @HypnoticD

Charles was with the group as they heading to Jack Room, while he was thinking and flipping a coin as he was thinking do Hospitbals got a arcade in here too since his nephew want to play some arcade games too. But he was thinking something else while he was looking at the group and was thinking.

Nick was keep drawing as he was drawing Rarity, Twilight, Pinky, Applejack, Futtershy and Rainbow Dash since he remember what she look like while he was drawing them with his other pictures too and he plan become a good arites one day .

(OOC: Oh Nick play the drums)

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@@Dawn Stripes, Dennis lets her go... "Don't you worry..." He truly doesn't know what to say "He is trying to act tough... because he knows he's in need of our help. He wants it... it's just his ego doesn't allow him to accept help." He is worried he might be talking too much so he summarizes this all "He'll come to his senses soon enough... just give his some time. It's just how we humans are... please forgive our brash manners." Again he gives her one of those wipes he carries in his pocket while turning the other way... "It seems i am getting blind these days..." he says trying to make her understand that it's okay to feel sad... and cry, that he doesn't feel less of her because of it. ((OOC:last post was a bit... rushed sorry about that))

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Rainbow Dash took the tissue and turned away, making small stifled sounds for a couple seconds before releasing a last pent-up breath. Then she giggled through her red-rimmed eyes. "First time anyone's apoligized to me for being brash," she said, and almost couldn't help laughing at that. "You humans are something else, you know that?"
That helped relaxed her, and she leaned against the bench, staring at the cheap ceiling tile and wondering what she felt like doing with her life. Or at least, what was left of it, giving the altogether scrambled circumstances. Twilight didn't know how to help her, she was starting to realize. They were no closer to getting back to Equestria than they ever were. She'd be dealing with Jack and his type for the rest of his life. Not to mention Dennis...

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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@@Fireblaze, Rarity stood with Charles. She was worried about Jack and also about Rainbow. She wished that there was something that she could do to help both. And also, she worried about Sweetie Belle, her sister, and about her darling Opal, left all alone in Ponyville. A tear rolled down her cheek.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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@@Dawn Stripes


"Eh heh heh, most of the time, yeah…" Colette answered sheepishly. While video games were a great source of frustrations in and of themselves, they provided a wonderful source of distractions. Colette needn't worry about her current troubles whilst she was engaged in playing, and gave her a perfect chance to deviate from her normal, somewhat mature behavior.


But would Fluttershy find the same enjoyment she did?? There was only one way to find out!


After some wandering, she spotted the arcade just off to the left. She turned to Fluttershy, squeezing her hand. "We'll just do a few rounds okay? Unless you want to do something else…"

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"It's o-kay," she bounced words in sing-song as, wrapping the ends of one hand of fingers around Colette's forearms with a happy blush, she followed her into the arcade. "Especially if you can talk while playing. I find that's the thing I like best about games, really. Playing Battle Clouds always slows Rainbow Dash down long enough to have a good conversation with her. It's one of the only times." 

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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@@Fireblaze, Rarity stood with Charles. She was worried about Jack and also about Rainbow. She wished that there was something that she could do to help both. And also, she worried about Sweetie Belle, her sister, and about her darling Opal, left all alone in Ponyville. A tear rolled down her cheek.

@Pripyat Pony


Charles see Rarity was little worry, while you looking at her and then he smiles. "You miss your sister and your cat I am right?" While he was thinking that if he go to Equestria with her then what his cute mark will be while he was thinking about something and was looking at his love even more too.

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@@Dawn Stripes

"Battle Clouds??" Colette asked, failing to make the connection to Battleship.

She looked around at the admittedly awesome games that she REALLY wanted to play-- House of the Dead, House of the Dead 2, Marvel vs. Capcom 3 --TOTALLY schooling Dash on that when they get home, Time Crisis 4, DDR Extreme and DDR X2. Colette knew all of those games, the last two especally. She'd destroy Fluttershy, and that would make her feel bad!

looking around again, Colette also spotted skee ball , air hockey and skill shot machines. The rules were pretty straight forward, but Colette was nowhere as good at those games, so they would be pretty evenly matched. “Wanna try some air hockey first?? It requires a bit more concentration but it's fun!”

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(Sorry for bad post. Heading to bed.)

"Sure..." Futtershy approached the table. It looked similar to something she might have seen in the bowling alley in Ponyville, but she couldn't remember just what. "What do I have to do?"

She picked up one of the handles and put it on her head, hazarding a smile. "Hmm..."

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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Catherine watched Jack as he sobbed with an air of sympathy. She stroked his back a few times before working her way down beside him on the bed, wrapping her arms around his shoulders slightly, "Just speak when you're ready."






Upon nearing the bench where Dash and Dennis were seated, Logan slowed his stride, slowly coming to a stop. He refrained from crossing his arms, his habitual go-to idle stance and glanced at Applejack, "Seems like someone beat you to it. Do you want to hang around and wait until he's done to talk to her, or just head out awhile?"

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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@@Dawn Stripes,


"Ummm..." Colette said as she blinked. Okay, maybe this wasn't going to be as easy as she thought! "You use your hands for this game. Here, lemme show ya!"


After showing showing Flutters the extreme basics of  how to hold the paddle, Colette moved on to showing the Pegasus how to play.


Something was off, however. She was SCORING. That almost never happens!  Sure, Fluttershy got in a goal or two, but Colette had a definite lead. "Hey, Flutters, ya having fun?? We can stop if you want!"

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@@Dawn Stripes,"I could say the same for you..." He has succeeded at least partially to calm her down. "There are all kinds of characters... the good, the evil, strong, and weak." There wasn't really something to do right now... just give matters a bit of time. Maybe Dashie would understand what he felt in time? He would have to wait a bit... not to rush this... "Maybe we should go find Colette and Fluttershy?" he propses a tottaly random idea from his head, he just didn't like sitting idly.

Edited by nioniosbbbb
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