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private An Unexpected Trip to the Human World (Closed!)


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Logan shrugs, "Perhaps they don't want to think about how it'll be when you guys have to return home. Again, I can't say I know for sure."

 He continued to follow the rest of the groups in silence.




(Call between two Hunter Agents...)


"They're on the move again."


"Already on their trail."

"Good. Very good. By the way, you're getting a new member."
 I'm taking him and Siren down to Miami. We caught wind of another one of the Equestrians and her finder heading down there."

"Oh? What about Firefly?"

"He's fine. Back in working order. But I need him for something else. Your new pilot goes by the call-sign Warlord. Former Air Force fly boy."

"How'd you get him?" 

"That's unimportant. It worked though. He was on his way to Racine anyway. We've already covered up his disappearance. I wouldn't be surprised if you saw reports of a crashed commercial airline floating around the news anytime soon."


"Alright. I assume we wait till he gets here before we go after anyone?"



"What is it you needed Firefly for?"

Caught wind of another Equestrian headed down to Miami with her Finder. I'm taking Firefly and Siren down there to get them myself."


"Okay... Good luck, Orchestrator... Be careful."


"... ... You too."

(Call ends.)


"So, Artisan. You and the Chief?" Composer asked, glancing at the women in the passenger seat. They were only a few cars behind the Equestrians and the humans, driving an inconspicuous, dull grey 1996 Suburban. Both were dressed to blend into the crowd. It was an easier feat for Composer, than Artisan.


"What do you mean, Composer?" She responds, giving him a dark look.


He chuckles, " 'Good luck... Be careful'," He quotes, "You two are always real chummy. You mean to tell me there's not 'something' going on?"

Artisan shakes her head, "We've worked together for a long time. We have history. Not in the way you're insinuating, however."


Composer shrugs, "Whatever you say. So, what do you think about us getting a new guy?"


Artisan looks at him for a few second, "Same as when Orchestrator assigned us Firefly. It'll probably be a little different, obviously. But he's helping us, for whatever reason. That's all that really matters."


"Think he feels guilty about having to down a plane to cover up his 'death'?"

"Don't you feel guilty about sinking your boat?"


"Fair point."

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(Lots of dialogue and boring stuff here. Read it anyway!)


(Speedup time! And now for a speedup song! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQ8_MrH6dDE&feature=youtu.be&t=2m42s )


The helicopter landed at the helipad in at Road America, a long, twisting, 14 turn road course. The NASCAR Nationwide is to race here on Saturday, an event Jack was quite confident about winning. He was quite glad to get a chance to drive the track before the other drivers, despite the fact that an IndyCar DW12 handles different than a NASCAR racer. He headed down to the garage area with the gang, and entered the garage area for Trent's team, Harrison Autosport.

"Morning," he called to Jack. "It's a pleasure to meet you in person, finally."

"Thanks," Jack responded, "I'm glad you chose me to test the new tire compound to begin with, Mr. Harrison."

"Who decided to tag along with ya?" Trent then asked.

"Oh, these guys are my friends from... out of town."

The group then introduced themselves (minor godmod here to save you guys time), and Jack was introduced to the car he would be testing.




"We got ourselves a sponsor," Trent said, "But we need somebody to drive it. We just need someone... qualified."

With that being said, Jack knew that he had to impress Mr. Harrison today.

"So," Jack then said, "My friend Rainbow Dash here loves everything speed, and I'm sure she'll get a kick out of these things today."

"Rainbow Dash?" Trent said, finding the name odd.

"Oh... her real name is... Regina Djørn," Jack replied, making a mental facepalm at how stupid that name was. Jack really sucked at making up names for people. "She's Scandinavian."


(Sorry for the godmod, everyone! It would be a bit tedious for everyone to introduce themselves)

Edited by Ragin' Red Talon
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(OOC: Trying to get things moving. I don't think anyone knows what to post)


The helicoptor ride was mostly boring. Fluttershy seemed to enjoy it--pfft, she would, since she never used her own wings--but Rainbow Dash could have crossed the same clouds in a tenth of the time. If only she could.


At the track:

Rainbow Dash crossed her arms. "Meh, not bad," she said neutrally. "Those little wings aren't gonna' get anyone off the ground, though. Let me tell you. You aren't trying to fly with this thing, are you?"

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(OOC: Trying to get things moving. I don't think anyone knows what to post)


The helicoptor ride was mostly boring. Fluttershy seemed to enjoy it--pfft, she would, since she never used her own wings--but Rainbow Dash could have crossed the same clouds in a tenth of the time. If only she could.


At the track:

Rainbow Dash crossed her arms. "Meh, not bad," she said neutrally. "Those little wings aren't gonna' get anyone off the ground, though. Let me tell you. You aren't trying to fly with this thing, are you?"

(OOC: I feel really bad for putting everyone in this situation, shoving racing garbage down all your throats. Lol)


"If you fly in this thing," Jack said, "You're in some deep shit. The wings here are flipped upside down to keep the car on the ground, as opposed to off the ground."

Jack recalled the Poison Joke episode after mentioning the upside down wings, and laughed a bit to himself. Although that moment was likely one Dash wanted to forget.

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(Lots of dialogue and boring stuff here. Read it anyway!)
(Speedup time! And now for a speedup song! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQ8_MrH6dDE&feature=youtu.be&t=2m42s )
The helicopter landed at the helipad in at Road America, a long, twisting, 14 turn road course. The NASCAR Nationwide is to race here on Saturday, an event Jack was quite confident about winning. He was quite glad to get a chance to drive the track before the other drivers, despite the fact that an IndyCar DW12 handles different than a NASCAR racer. He headed down to the garage area with the gang, and entered the garage area for Trent's team, Harrison Autosport.
"Morning," he called to Jack. "It's a pleasure to meet you in person, finally."
"Thanks," Jack responded, "I'm glad you chose me to test the new tire compound to begin with, Mr. Harrison."
"Who decided to tag along with ya?" Trent then asked.
"Oh, these guys are my friends from... out of town."
The group then introduced themselves (minor godmod here to save you guys time), and Jack was introduced to the car he would be testing.
"We got ourselves a sponsor," Trent said, "But we need somebody to drive it. We just need someone... qualified."
With that being said, Jack knew that he had to impress Mr. Harrison today.
"So," Jack then said, "My friend Rainbow Dash here loves everything speed, and I'm sure she'll get a kick out of these things today."
"Rainbow Dash?" Trent said, finding the name odd.
"Oh... her real name is... Regina Djørn," Jack replied, making a mental facepalm at how stupid that name was. Jack really sucked at making up names for people. "She's Scandinavian."
(Sorry for the godmod, everyone! It would be a bit tedious for everyone to introduce themselves)



(OOC: Trying to get things moving. I don't think anyone knows what to post)


The helicoptor ride was mostly boring. Fluttershy seemed to enjoy it--pfft, she would, since she never used her own wings--but Rainbow Dash could have crossed the same clouds in a tenth of the time. If only she could.


At the track:

Rainbow Dash crossed her arms. "Meh, not bad," she said neutrally. "Those little wings aren't gonna' get anyone off the ground, though. Let me tell you. You aren't trying to fly with this thing, are you?"

Helicopter Ride

Charles having his eyes closed while riding in the Helicopter since he was scared of heights, while trying not act scare but he was still having his eyes close while his nephew was enjoying the ride. Charles was next to Rarity while Nick was next to Pinky too.


Race Track.

Charles see the Indy car while smiles and then looking at Jack. "Nice Ride Jack and man this is a cool car you got here too."

Nick was looking at his digital Comic book while thinking about something and then seeing Jack ride too while he went back to his comic book.

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Now where'd this question come from?? "What do I think of Queen Chrysalis?? I don't know what to think of her at this point if I'm honest." Shawn said as he mused. "I'd say she is guilty of bringing the Equestrians here, yet at the same time, I got to know her second in command, who isn't all that bad. Well, I'll just have to withhold judgment of 'er until I meet 'er!"


@@Dawn Stripes,


"Alicorns are a big deal in Equestria, I take it??" Colette asked. "Twilight's an Alicorn, right?? Is it okay to call her by name, or do I have to address her by 'Your Majesty' or 'Your Highness', do I? Angie said of okay to act casual around 'er, but I'm not so sure…"




Colette snapped photos of the view below, smiling and giggling like a idiot all the while. On the ground, William led both his daughter and Fluttershy into the garage along with all the other members of Pony Finding party, clearly showing more interest in the sport than his daughter, who seemed a little lost as she looked around, scratching her head. "No Rachel, Jack's gonna drive it!" Colette said.

Edited by Hypn0ticD
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Helicopter Ride

Charles having his eyes closed while riding in the Helicopter since he was scared of heights, while trying not act scare but he was still having his eyes close while his nephew was enjoying the ride. Charles was next to Rarity while Nick was next to Pinky too.


Race Track.

Charles see the Indy car while smiles and then looking at Jack. "Nice Ride Jack and man this is a cool car you got here too."

Nick was looking at his digital Comic book while thinking about something and then seeing Jack ride too while he went back to his comic book.

(fireblaze doesn't get replied to very often. I hate leaving people out like that. It's no fun, eh?)


"Oh Nick," Jack replied to the rather apathetic teenager, "I take it IndyCar isn't really your thing. Heh heh heh. I kinda wish this was my car, though, Charles. Heh heh."

Jack could just settle for just racing NASCAR, but he needed to help Timmy, his brother who was separated from him after his parent's divorce. Jack, howver, did not like disclosing these motives.

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Fluttershy trailed into the garage, stowing her unfinished sketch back in a dress pocket for now. "Oh, my," she smiled, "Twilight would never let anypony treat her formally or even call her 'Princess'." She giggled. "Well, it doesn't stop everyone. But she tries her best to get ponies to treat her the same as before."

She leaned in conspiratorially. "Most ponies wouldn't dare say it, but I don't think Princess Celestia likes being treated so formally, either. I can't prove that some of the pranks that happened at the Grand Galloping Gala were hers, but I think..." she shrugged. "Sometimes--err, sometimes I imagine what it would be like to be the Princess. And I imagine I would most want someone to laugh with."


She frowned for a second. "I guess that little march doesn't help much, does it?" Suddenly inspired, she brightened. "I'll compose something new. Something that sounds like a foal's nursery rhyme! Something even happier."

  • Brohoof 1
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At the track, Applejack walked with the group for a while before trying to find Logan and Ulysses. Last race was pretty fun to watch, so this should be fun too. She searched for the excited little shepard, which would be the most obvious sign of Logan. She finally spied them and walked beside Logan.



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Chopper Ride


It had taken a lot of talking, and even a show of ID for Logan to be allowed to take Ulysses up in the heli. He'd won out, in the end.

The ride was fairly uneventful. Ulysses laid calmly on the floor, curled into a partial ball with his chin resting on Logan's boot.


Diliges had stayed nearby Clare and Cicada throughout the trip in the fliers. It was an odd sensation, flying without using wings. He amuse himself by looking out over the expanse of land as it move beneath them.





Logan stood nearer the back of the group. He could easily see the car from where he was.

He felt Ulysses' tail begin beating his leg. Shortly after, Logan spied Applejack out of his peripheral vision. He turned to face her, giving a nod and a smile, "Hello. Enjoy the ride here?"


Logan allowed himself just a second to subtly admire the Equestrian's beauty. Her long, blonde hair, her adorable freckles and stunning green eyes. Her body's curves were pleasing to the eye, and she had an athletic physique. She looked like she could give Logan a run for his money in an arm wrestle. Heck, she might even beat him. He'd learned that women could easily be stronger than they appeared, or most gave them credit for.

Couple that with just.. Who she was, and Logan could truthfully say that he'd never seen a more beautiful woman.


Ulysses had moved from his place against Logan's leg and moved to gently apply pressure with his side to Applejack's calf.





Cat stood just a foot to the right of Jack, her hands folded together before her waist. She couldn't help but smile. He enjoyed this kind of thing. Sure, it was dangerous. Even the slightest miscalcualation could spell disaster. But it made him happy. She briefly found herself thinking back to the nightmare he'd had. Where he'd had an accident... Catherine shook her head slightly, pushing the thought away. She couldn't bear to think about that.







(Assuming it's an airport)

"They've turned to an airport." Artisan said. Composer responded by following them off the ramp.

"Warlord will be meeting us there."


Composer snorted, "We're not parking there. That would be a little conspicuous. Hope you don't mid a walk."


Artisan laughed shortly, "I've swam several miles. I can handle a couple thousand feet of dry land."


Composer chuckled in response, passing the airport that the Finders and Equestrians had gone to. He continued down the road a little ways before parking in a back lot. He and Artisan climbed out, and began the walk to the airport. Composer wore a faded baseball cap, blue jeans that looked like he'd kneeled on a dirt patch under a truck far more than once, a few permanent grease stains here and there. He wore a simple gray tee with a faded American flag in the center, a few small holes worn into the material. The ensemble was complete by scuffed up work boots. His advantage was already looking like someone you'd see at an event like a NASCAR race, having been told multiple times in the Marines that he struck them as the kind of guy that would fly around the country following the races. He even had a faint Tennessee accent.


Artisan had a somewhat tougher time of things, but she managed. Her jeans were worn as well, but not quite to the point of Composer's. She wore a simple black tank top, and short riding boots. Her red-blonde hair she wore pulled back into a loose ponytail. She was working on fitting a hat onto her head when Composer asked, "You ever gonna tell me about that tattoo y'got on your forehead? What's the point of having a black spot?"


Artisan snorted, "Sure. It's not much of a story. I think it was my 21st birthday-" She started.


"So ancient history." Composer cut her off. He hopped to the side as Artisan punched him forcefully in the arm. One might assume they were a couple, from a distance.


"So about 14 years ago. Anyway, I was drunk, and the normal idiocy occurred. Nothing spectacular. I've just never bothered to get the thing removed. Mainly because I don't want a freaking laser aimed at my head." Artisan said, pulling her ponytail through the adjustment opening on the had before fitting it over her head, coercing the faint black mark.


After a few more minutes of walking, they md arrived at the airport, at just about the same time Jack's helicopters were leaving. They managed to get in one way or another, and after half a minute of searching, they found their target.


Warlord was leaning against a helicopter of his own. He was a fairly tall man, probably around 22 or so, measuring in somewhere between Artisan and Composer. He was nowhere near as muscular as the taller man, but he had a definite toning. He had short cut blonde hair, signifying his past in the military. He had a handsome face, and a sort of rogueish confidence around him, especially in his eyes, the dark brown irises almost daring you to challenge him. How Orchestrator got him to join them was a mystery. The Scotsman had a certain charisma that made people want to follow him, or do what he asked. It was hard to explain.


He strode up to them, giving a short salute and a grin before holding his hand out to Composer, "Pleasure to meet you sir, ma'am. I'm Warlord, and I'll be your pilot today."


Composer grabbed his hand in his, squeezing it hard as he shook. Warlord hardly flinched. Composer seemed pleased about that, "Good to have you," he said as he let go and started to climb into the helicopter, "I'm Composer. The girl's our team leader, Artisan. I think I'm gonna like you, new guy."


Warlord chuckled in response, waiting for Artisan to climb in before following. He responded to Conposer as he sat down in the pilot's seat, "I certainly hope so, sir. I thought I was going to lose my hand back there for a second."


Conposer laughed at that, and Artisan smiled. As the helicopter's rotors powered up and Warlord went through the preflight checks and clearances, she checked over her gear. She was carrying a Kel Tec PF9 in her pocket, and she had her phone. Plus a taser stored in a place where she could easily grab it with little trouble, and no one would search in the event that somehow happened. She hated keeping it there, as it was partially uncomfortable and just felt demeaning, but it had to be done.

Composer had a Glock 19 strapped to his belt in an open carry. That was legal here, so that wouldn't draw attention.

Warlord had a Springfield XDS on his belt, Artisan noticed. She also saw the faint glimpse of an H&K MP7 beneath the flight console of the helicopter from where she sat in the co pilot's chair. So Warlord was good enough to sneak that here. That was good.


As the helicopter lifted off the ground, Composer leaned his head into the cabin, "So, new guy. What's your name?"


"Warlord. I said that already, sir." He responded, not taking his eyes off what he was doing.


Composer shook his head, "No, no. Not what I meant. I mean, what was your name before all this?"


Warlord was silent for a little, "Do I have to tell you? Is that required, ma'am?" He asked Artisan.


She thought for a second, "Tell you what," she said finally, "You tell us your name. An if we do good on these missions, we'll tell you ours when we get back to the Docks. Sound good?"


Warlord nodded, "Seems fair, ma'am. Before all this, I went by the title: First Lieutenant Sebastian A. Connery. United States Air Force."

Edited by 00Pony
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@@Hypn0ticD, Dennis had seen some rallies in Greece but never actual formula-1 type cars. Of course he couldn't tell the difference between formula-1 and 2... but it didn't matter. Nevertheless the whole thing was promising to be entertaining, and Dennis was prepared to have some fun... and who knows what might come up later? For a moment he thought of joining Rainbow Dash again... but reconsidered "So... what now?"

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Rarity was bored by the races. She was only here cuz Charles was, and all her friends, too. She did try to be polite and not show her boredom, but it was difficult.


Pinkie didn't really get racing; it seemed weird that humans raced inside metal boxes and she laughed.

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Logan stood nearer the back of the group. He could easily see the car from where he was. He felt Ulysses' tail begin beating his leg. Shortly after, Logan spied Applejack out of his peripheral vision. He turned to face her, giving a nod and a smile, "Hello. Enjoy the ride here?" Logan allowed himself just a second to subtly admire the Equestrian's beauty. Her long, blonde hair, her adorable freckles and stunning green eyes. Her body's curves were pleasing to the eye, and she had an athletic physique. She looked like she could give Logan a run for his money in an arm wrestle. Heck, she might even beat him. He'd learned that women could easily be stronger than they appeared, or most gave them credit for. Couple that with just.. Who she was, and Logan could truthfully say that he'd never seen a more beautiful woman. Ulysses had moved from his place against Logan's leg and moved to gently apply pressure with his side to Applejack's calf.

Applejack reached down to pet Ulysses' head as she noticed Logan staring at her, checking her out. She blushed slightly, looking up to meet his gaze. "Oh...it was...interesting...." she said, thinking back to Rainbow's reaction. "W-what about you? How was the ride for you and Ulysses?" she asked as she began scratching the dog behind his ear.

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@@Dawn Stripes,


"There were pranks at the galloping gala??" Colette whispered back, eyes widening a little . "Ohh, you gotta tell me about those, and who set which ones off! I watched that episode with Dashie, but it looked like a stuffy formal affair-- until you guys tore it up!" Colette stifled a chortle, then clearing her throat upon seeing the look on the Pegasus' face. "Ahem, so yeah... I liked the song you all sang. I'm totally gonna get Dash to reprise her lines!"


Colette then realized that both she and Fluttershy were a bit away from the group. "Oup! We'd better keep up! Come on Flutter Butter!" While it was nice talking to the shy Pegasus and getting to know more about Equestria, it would probably be best to join the others and watch brightly colored cars go fast!




Stephen spotted Fluttershy alongside Colette as they rejoined the others. He could maybe get his chance to speak to her when they shown their seats… Nevertheless, he steppes back until he was shoulder to shoulder with her. "Hey, Caitlyn, do you mind of I speak to ya on a minute??"




((I'm trying to think of something good for Colette's dad to say in regard to Jack's car, but I'm having no luck!))

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(OOC: For reals?)


Fluttershy slowed for a second. "Futter...what?" She scrunched up her face in confusion.

Which was just the opening Shawn needed to step in by her side. Oh, dear. Stallions again. Just because she was finding someone didn't mean she didn't have to deal with that.

"Um..." she said, then sputtered short. "I--it's okay to call me Fluttershy now, I think--" she said. "And, uh..." 

She just didn't want to do this again. And when she remembered what Colette had done, she thought she might have a way out. It felt devious, but Fluttershy's desire to avoid a certain overworn conversation outweighed that discomfort. Taking a few loping strides, she caught up with Colette, where she threaded her arms through the other girl's until they were looped snugly together. Feeling her face get warm, she smiled at Shawn, who had kept pace. "If you want to. Of course you can talk to me."

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Chopper Ride

It had taken a lot of talking, and even a show of ID for Logan to be allowed to take Ulysses up in the heli. He'd won out, in the end.

The ride was fairly uneventful. Ulysses laid calmly on the floor, curled into a partial ball with his chin resting on Logan's boot.

Diliges had stayed nearby Clare and Cicada throughout the trip in the fliers. It was an odd sensation, flying without using wings. He amuse himself by looking out over the expanse of land as it move beneath them.Track


Logan stood nearer the back of the group. He could easily see the car from where he was.

He felt Ulysses' tail begin beating his leg. Shortly after, Logan spied Applejack out of his peripheral vision. He turned to face her, giving a nod and a smile, "Hello. Enjoy the ride here?"

Logan allowed himself just a second to subtly admire the Equestrian's beauty. Her long, blonde hair, her adorable freckles and stunning green eyes. Her body's curves were pleasing to the eye, and she had an athletic physique. She looked like she could give Logan a run for his money in an arm wrestle. Heck, she might even beat him. He'd learned that women could easily be stronger than they appeared, or most gave them credit for.

Couple that with just.. Who she was, and Logan could truthfully say that he'd never seen a more beautiful woman.

Ulysses had moved from his place against Logan's leg and moved to gently apply pressure with his side to Applejack's calf.


Cat stood just a foot to the right of Jack, her hands folded together before her waist. She couldn't help but smile. He enjoyed this kind of thing. Sure, it was dangerous. Even the slightest miscalcualation could spell disaster. But it made him happy. She briefly found herself thinking back to the nightmare he'd had. Where he'd had an accident... Catherine shook her head slightly, pushing the thought away. She couldn't bear to think about that.


(Assuming it's an airport)

"They've turned to an airport." Artisan said. Composer responded by following them off the ramp.

"Warlord will be meeting us there."

Composer snorted, "We're not parking there. That would be a little conspicuous. Hope you don't mid a walk."

Artisan laughed shortly, "I've swam several miles. I can handle a couple thousand feet of dry land."

Composer chuckled in response, passing the airport that the Finders and Equestrians had gone to. He continued down the road a little ways before parking in a back lot. He and Artisan climbed out, and began the walk to the airport. Composer wore a faded baseball cap, blue jeans that looked like he'd kneeled on a dirt patch under a truck far more than once, a few permanent grease stains here and there. He wore a simple gray tee with a faded American flag in the center, a few small holes worn into the material. The ensemble was complete by scuffed up work boots. His advantage was already looking like someone you'd see at an event like a NASCAR race, having been told multiple times in the Marines that he struck them as the kind of guy that would fly around the country following the races. He even had a faint Tennessee accent.

Artisan had a somewhat tougher time of things, but she managed. Her jeans were worn as well, but not quite to the point of Composer's. She wore a simple black tank top, and short riding boots. Her red-blonde hair she wore pulled back into a loose ponytail. She was working on fitting a hat onto her head when Composer asked, "You ever gonna tell me about that tattoo y'got on your forehead? What's the point of having a black spot?"

Artisan snorted, "Sure. It's not much of a story. I think it was my 21st birthday-" She started.

"So ancient history." Composer cut her off. He hopped to the side as Artisan punched him forcefully in the arm. One might assume they were a couple, from a distance.

"So about 14 years ago. Anyway, I was drunk, and the normal idiocy occurred. Nothing spectacular. I've just never bothered to get the thing removed. Mainly because I don't want a freaking laser aimed at my head." Artisan said, pulling her ponytail through the adjustment opening on the had before fitting it over her head, coercing the faint black mark.

After a few more minutes of walking, they md arrived at the airport, at just about the same time Jack's helicopters were leaving. They managed to get in one way or another, and after half a minute of searching, they found their target.

Warlord was leaning against a helicopter of his own. He was a fairly tall man, probably around 22 or so, measuring in somewhere between Artisan and Composer. He was nowhere near as muscular as the taller man, but he had a definite toning. He had short cut blonde hair, signifying his past in the military. He had a handsome face, and a sort of rogueish confidence around him, especially in his eyes, the dark brown irises almost daring you to challenge him. How Orchestrator got him to join them was a mystery. The Scotsman had a certain charisma that made people want to follow him, or do what he asked. It was hard to explain.

He strode up to them, giving a short salute and a grin before holding his hand out to Composer, "Pleasure to meet you sir, ma'am. I'm Warlord, and I'll be your pilot today."

Composer grabbed his hand in his, squeezing it hard as he shook. Warlord hardly flinched. Composer seemed pleased about that, "Good to have you," he said as he let go and started to climb into the helicopter, "I'm Composer. The girl's our team leader, Artisan. I think I'm gonna like you, new guy."

Warlord chuckled in response, waiting for Artisan to climb in before following. He responded to Conposer as he sat down in the pilot's seat, "I certainly hope so, sir. I thought I was going to lose my hand back there for a second."

Conposer laughed at that, and Artisan smiled. As the helicopter's rotors powered up and Warlord went through the preflight checks and clearances, she checked over her gear. She was carrying a Kel Tec PF9 in her pocket, and she had her phone. Plus a taser stored in a place where she could easily grab it with little trouble, and no one would search in the event that somehow happened. She hated keeping it there, as it was partially uncomfortable and just felt demeaning, but it had to be done.

Composer had a Glock 19 strapped to his belt in an open carry. That was legal here, so that wouldn't draw attention.

Warlord had a Springfield XDS on his belt, Artisan noticed. She also saw the faint glimpse of an H&K MP7 beneath the flight console of the helicopter from where she sat in the co pilot's chair. So Warlord was good enough to sneak that here. That was good.

As the helicopter lifted off the ground, Composer leaned his head into the cabin, "So, new guy. What's your name?"

"Warlord. I said that already, sir." He responded, not taking his eyes off what he was doing.

Composer shook his head, "No, no. Not what I meant. I mean, what was your name before all this?"

Warlord was silent for a little, "Do I have to tell you? Is that required, ma'am?" He asked Artisan.

She thought for a second, "Tell you what," she said finally, "You tell us your name. An if we do good on these missions, we'll tell you ours when we get back to the Docks. Sound good?"

Warlord nodded, "Seems fair, ma'am. Before all this, I went by the title: First Lieutenant Sebastian A. Connery. United States Air Force."

(OOC: How should I make Twilight a bit more active? Should I give her a love interest or something? I don't really have a whole lot of ideas right now. I could have her try to talk with the ponies about their relationships, but it just feels weird that Twilight is the only pony without a love interest)


"Well, you gonna get out there and test it, or what?" Trent asked Jack, motioning to the car, "Go and change into the firesuit, and you'll be ready to roll."

Jack headed to the bathroom with the helmet and red, blue, and yellow Sunoco firesuit. He slid the aerodynamic helmet over his head, and snuggly fit it. The visor, like in almost all helmets, limited his periphial vision, but that's the least of his worries. He walked back out into the garage area, where he saw the pony finders talking amongst themselves.

"So, how does it look?" Jack asked, donning the team colors.


(I'm at school at the moment. More posts with more effort to follow after classes)


(Oh, whoops, is everybody in the grandstands by now?)

Edited by Ragin' Red Talon
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(fireblaze doesn't get replied to very often. I hate leaving people out like that. It's no fun, eh?)


"Oh Nick," Jack replied to the rather apathetic teenager, "I take it IndyCar isn't really your thing. Heh heh heh. I kinda wish this was my car, though, Charles. Heh heh."

Jack could just settle for just racing NASCAR, but he needed to help Timmy, his brother who was separated from him after his parent's divorce. Jack, howver, did not like disclosing these motives.




Rarity was bored by the races. She was only here cuz Charles was, and all her friends, too. She did try to be polite and not show her boredom, but it was difficult.


Pinkie didn't really get racing; it seemed weird that humans raced inside metal boxes and she laughed.


@@Dawn Stripes,


"There were pranks at the galloping gala??" Colette whispered back, eyes widening a little . "Ohh, you gotta tell me about those, and who set which ones off! I watched that episode with Dashie, but it looked like a stuffy formal affair-- until you guys tore it up!" Colette stifled a chortle, then clearing her throat upon seeing the look on the Pegasus' face. "Ahem, so yeah... I liked the song you all sang. I'm totally gonna get Dash to reprise her lines!"


Colette then realized that both she and Fluttershy were a bit away from the group. "Oup! We'd better keep up! Come on Flutter Butter!" While it was nice talking to the shy Pegasus and getting to know more about Equestria, it would probably be best to join the others and watch brightly colored cars go fast!




Stephen spotted Fluttershy alongside Colette as they rejoined the others. He could maybe get his chance to speak to her when they shown their seats… Nevertheless, he steppes back until he was shoulder to shoulder with her. "Hey, Caitlyn, do you mind of I speak to ya on a minute??"




((I'm trying to think of something good for Colette's dad to say in regard to Jack's car, but I'm having no luck!))




(OOC: For reals?)


Fluttershy slowed for a second. "Futter...what?" She scrunched up her face in confusion.

Which was just the opening Shawn needed to step in by her side. Oh, dear. Stallions again. Just because she was finding someone didn't mean she didn't have to deal with that.

"Um..." she said, then sputtered short. "I--it's okay to call me Fluttershy now, I think--" she said. "And, uh..." 

She just didn't want to do this again. And when she remembered what Colette had done, she thought she might have a way out. It felt devious, but Fluttershy's desire to avoid a certain overworn conversation outweighed that discomfort. Taking a few loping strides, she caught up with Colette, where she threaded her arms through the other girl's until they were looped snugly together. Feeling her face get warm, she smiled at Shawn, who had kept pace. "If you want to. Of course you can talk to me."


(OOC: How should I make Twilight a bit more active? Should I give her a love interest or something? I don't really have a whole lot of ideas right now. I could have her try to talk with the ponies about their relationships, but it just feels weird that Twilight is the only pony without a love interest)


"Well, you gonna get out there and test it, or what?" Trent asked Jack, motioning to the car, "Go and change into the firesuit, and you'll be ready to roll."

Jack headed to the bathroom with the helmet and red, blue, and yellow Sunoco firesuit. He slid the aerodynamic helmet over his head, and snuggly fit it. The visor, like in almost all helmets, limited his periphial vision, but that's the least of his worries. He walked back out into the garage area, where he saw the pony finders talking amongst themselves.

"So, how does it look?" Jack asked, donning the team colors.


(I'm at school at the moment. More posts with more effort to follow after classes)


(Oh, whoops, is everybody in the grandstands by now?)

"I like Nascar, Basketball, Baseball, Football, Hockey and Wrestling. Indy is ok since I went with my Granddad one time." Nick saying


Charles see Rarity as he smiles to her and then walking next to her. "So how you doing love?"


Then Nick seeing Pinky laughing at the Race cars and smirks too. "So Pinky can you Read my mind and tell me what I am thinking?"

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@@Hypn0ticD, Stephen leaves Dennis alone out of the blue... probably to talk with Fluttershy about "that" matter. Oh well... he doesn't know what exactly to do. Racing had never been his favorite thing. He was always happy when he was with other, so since he had friends it didn't matter where he was. However... he hardly knew many people here past the ponies, Colette, Shawn and Stephen his brother. He started walking around, just "following the wind" as he'd like to say.

@@Pripyat Pony, @@Fireblaze, Pinkie Pie, Rarity... they are here with another human he doesn't recognize. The human looks with a spark in his eyes at Rarity smilling... another couple in love perhaps? He knows how to read the signs of love in other people... he is in fact kind of jealous. He doesn't dare interrupt....

@, @@00Pony, Applejack is there too... she's talking to a human that has a dog with him. She wonders what they are talking about... but something tells him he musn't interrupt them either. He feels somewhat alone... but still being rude is not the way here. He'd feel like an idiot jumping in a random conversation...

@@Dawn Stripes,@, He commends Jack on his suit by raising his thumbs up. It really looks nice... like he really is a pro. He notices Rainbow Dash... no... not yet. He doesn't want to rush things... afterall she still might need some time to think things over.

((OOC:I am going to assume Twilight is free now))

Instead he turns to find "Princess" Twilight Sparkle. She's the only one not talking to someone right now... Aproaching casualy he tries to begin a conversation with her. "Hello Princess... you might not know me but i am Dennis. I am the guy who accompanied Rainbow Dash on her journey to Scotland where she tried to find Fluttershy. It's nice to meet you at last..." He says offering a hand for a handshake.

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@@Hypn0ticD, Stephen leaves Dennis alone out of the blue... probably to talk with Fluttershy about "that" matter. Oh well... he doesn't know what exactly to do. Racing had never been his favorite thing. He was always happy when he was with other, so since he had friends it didn't matter where he was. However... he hardly knew many people here past the ponies, Colette, Shawn and Stephen his brother. He started walking around, just "following the wind" as he'd like to say.@@Pripyat Pony, @@Fireblaze, Pinkie Pie, Rarity... they are here with another human he doesn't recognize. The human looks with a spark in his eyes at Rarity smilling... another couple in love perhaps? He knows how to read the signs of love in other people... he is in fact kind of jealous. He doesn't dare interrupt....@, @@00Pony, Applejack is there too... she's talking to a human that has a dog with him. She wonders what they are talking about... but something tells him he musn't interrupt them either. He feels somewhat alone... but still being rude is not the way here. He'd feel like an idiot jumping in a random conversation...@@Dawn Stripes,@, He commends Jack on his suit by raising his thumbs up. It really looks nice... like he really is a pro. He notices Rainbow Dash... no... not yet. He doesn't want to rush things... afterall she still might need some time to think things over.((OOC:I am going to assume Twilight is free now))Instead he turns to find "Princess" Twilight Sparkle. She's the only one not talking to someone right now... Aproaching casualy he tries to begin a conversation with her. "Hello Princess... you might not know me but i am Dennis. I am the guy who accompanied Rainbow Dash on her journey to Scotland where she tried to find Fluttershy. It's nice to meet you at last..." He says offering a hand for a handshake.


(He already is a pro! LOL)


"I know who you are," Twilight says to Dennis, shaking his hand in return, "You took Rainbow Dash to Scotland that one time!"

She looked around the garage a bit, trying not to say something chastizing Rainbow Dash.

"You enjoying yourself here, so far?" she asks him, trying to make small talk.

Edited by Ragin' Red Talon
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Ulysses angled his head into her hand as she scratched, giving her an easier access.

Logan caught her blush. That was another cute feature, he noticed. Wait... He mentally kicked himself. She'd noticed his staring.. This was awkward. Nonetheless, he held his eyes on her's.
He cleared his throat quietly, his expression slightly apologetic as he unfolded his arms as he shrugged in response to her question, "It was relatively uneventful. Almost wasn't able to get Ulysses along with me, and obviously the view from the air. Aside from that, nothing to interesting."

He smiled slightly, "Looking forward to climbing that mountain after this."

Logan figured he'd apologize to her there, or on the way, in case he had made her uncomfortable by staring.

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Ulysses angled his head into her hand as she scratched, giving her an easier access.

Logan caught her blush. That was another cute feature, he noticed. Wait... He mentally kicked himself. She'd noticed his staring.. This was awkward. Nonetheless, he held his eyes on her's.

He cleared his throat quietly, his expression slightly apologetic as he unfolded his arms as he shrugged in response to her question, "It was relatively uneventful. Almost wasn't able to get Ulysses along with me, and obviously the view from the air. Aside from that, nothing to interesting."

He smiled slightly, "Looking forward to climbing that mountain after this."

Logan figured he'd apologize to her there, or on the way, in case he had made her uncomfortable by staring.

Applejack nodded. "Yeah, ah can't wait. Ah always enjoy that kinda thing. And...ah like doin' things with po- I mean...people I'm close to." She let out a weak chuckle at her mistake. "So...um...What do you like to do normally? Like when you're not working. Do ya come to races a lot?"

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Logan smiled, chuckling at her slip up, "Still getting used to that, huh?"

He shrugged, glancing off into space for a second, sifting through his memory before responding, "This'll actually be only the second race I've been to. Used to come to things kinda like this with my dad, when I was younger."

He clasped his hands together partially in front of his stomach as he answered the other half of her question, "When I'm not working I usually spend most of my time outdoors, relaxing, reading, or exercising the dog," He gestured to Ulysses briefly, "How about you? How do you pass the time?"

He was throwing her questions back at her, yes. But it was still a way of getting to know someone.

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@@Dawn Stripes,


((For real, for real! :P And 5 outta 5 stallions agree. Fluttershy's a total hottie!))


"Oh-okay!" Stephen said as he matched pace with Fluttershy, wondering why she was quickening her pace like that… "I was just wondering, um, we got off on the wrong foot when I kissed ya that night and I just wanted to start over." Shawn said as he watched Fluttershy link her arm with Colette's, dismissing it as something Ponies did... It WAS something they did, right??


Colette picked up on Fluttershy's intention however, and stopped, pulling her marefriend close to her. Shawn was a nice and handsome guy, but… Now would be the best time to tell him! "Um, Shawn? You're an awesome guy and all, but, um… I'm goin' out with Flutters... Sorry, man!" She then took a step forward and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I know this is as cliche as can be, but you'll find somebody! Maybe you can find someone here!"




With that, Colette walked with Fluttershy over to Jack, who was now donning a racer's suit. "Looks good, Jack!" Colette said, trying to find something to say.


((Sorry, I was SUPER busy at work today! I'll answer everyone's questions in the OOC, then work on my agent's post!))

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"Alright, kid," Trent said to Jack before he climbed into the cockpit, "Now, unlike a NASCAR car, this thing is a lot more technical. This button right here is the pit road speed limiter."

He motions to the button, and continues explaining.

"Right here adjusts the roll bars on the fly. You'll probably want to adjust that as track conditions change. And finally, here's the clutch. It's a hand clutch, so it might take a bit to get used to. And remember. These things do not have electric starters built into them. So if you stall it, you're shit outta luck until a safety worker can come to restart the engine."

Before he climbed into the cockpit, he made sure to give Catherine a kiss in case he didn't make it out alive. It was a test, but anything can happen on the racetrack.

"I'll be fine," he reassured his girlfriend, "It's only a test, after all."

He said this while keeping in mind the dream he had the other night. While it was just a mere dream, to Jack, it was a forewarning to a danger that is to come, maybe not today, but soon...

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Logan smiled, chuckling at her slip up, "Still getting used to that, huh?"

He shrugged, glancing off into space for a second, sifting through his memory before responding, "This'll actually be only the second race I've been to. Used to come to things kinda like this with my dad, when I was younger."

He clasped his hands together partially in front of his stomach as he answered the other half of her question, "When I'm not working I usually spend most of my time outdoors, relaxing, reading, or exercising the dog," He gestured to Ulysses briefly, "How about you? How do you pass the time?"

He was throwing her questions back at her, yes. But it was still a way of getting to know someone.

"Oh, sometimes ah'll go for a picnic with Twi and the gang. Sometimes I'll go for a race with Rainbow, or anypony else who challenges me! Ah mostly like to spend time with my family or Winona, or relax out in the apple orchard. This is all when I'm not buckin' apples, o' course. Ah spend most of the time workin'."

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