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movies/tv Littlest Pet Shop (TV Show)


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I know I probably shouldn't bump this thread for what I'm about to say.  

No, please bump whenever you have something to add. There aren't many people here who watch LPS, and it would be a shame if this thread died.

Since I don't follow the show as religiously as I follow MLP, I tend to see the new episode a couple days too late.




That one was pretty nice, I love it when MLP voice actors end up on LPS, notice how the guy at 7:19 has the same voice as the doctor from "Read it and Weep". I'd love to see a looped version of the part at 17:26, that was awesome.

And 5:40 to 6:16 was just plain hilarious.

  • Brohoof 4
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This show is awesome, I wouldn't have know about it if it wasn't for MLP FiM. It'snot quite as good as MLP, I'm not a fan of the animation and I prefer the epic fantasy background of Equestria, but the characters and the slice-of-life stories are just as good.

I still can't decide who is best pet, it just keeps hopping around depending on which character the episode focuses on, Russel, Pepper, Sunil....


LPS drinking game: take a drink whenever something reminds you of MLP.

I'm still trying to wrap my mind around the fact that Big Mac and Sunil are voiced by the same guy...

The dog thingy in the thumbnail looks like Twilight Sparkle. I haven't watched the show, but from what I've heard, its average, but definitely not as good as MLP: FiM.

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I also enjoy the show. Though, I would admit I would love it much more if there was less focus on the humany aspects. Blythe is alright but I don't really care about her interactions with others as much as I do the pets. I would much rather watch a show dedicated 100% to the antics of the pets. I find myself enjoying all of the pets respectively but my favorites are Pepper, Zoe, and Penny Ling.


Also why can't everyone just enjoy both MLP and LPS? Why does it always have to be a competition? They are both good shows in their own rights.

  • Brohoof 3

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Here's yesterday's episode. That bunny was batshit crazy, and the sugar tribe sequence was hilarious. It's scenes like these that make the show so great.

I thought about something: what if the MLP pets had a cameo in LPS? That would be so awesome! :wub:


I also really liked the continuity with the sweet shop. Everyone thought that the lady looking to buy a sweet shop was a one time character. Nope!

  • Brohoof 1

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Trading  Places was replayed today right after the MLP encore. This is when Russel is inadvertently taken to school. In addition to Blythe going “yay” I got a big kick out of the line “I never knew monkeys and doorknobs could be such a diversion!” I'm a huge fan of clever double entendres.  :)

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I really tried to like this show, especially seeing most of the MLP writing staff and voices were on there, but the show itself is boring. 


It's a bit too normal. Now I don't mind Slice-Of-Life if they have both interesting characters and interesting scenarios. This show has neither.


The characters, while they are a bit diverse, they're still bland as hell.

Zoe Trent is your typical fashion diva who gets old fast

Vinnie Terrio doesn't even do much, nor is he funny

Minka Mark is a blatant Pinkie Pie wannabe that amplifies every annoying trait Pinkie has to the max

Pepper Clark isn't funny

Penny Ling is the most boring of them all. I can't take crybabies with no personalities to back them up

Russell Ferguson is the worst one. Uptight jackasses always piss me off unless if they're funny as well, which he isn't.


The only character I can stand is Sunil Nevla. I like his accent and he's pretty funny as well.


The scenarios are way too girly for me to be able to get behind; not to mention not much even happens in them either.


So all in all, while I can give slight respect to it for at least trying, it just doesn't work for me. Maybe I'll check out another episode if I'm really bored, (seeing how they seem to be flying around Youtube a lot.) but for now, all I can say is



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The biggest single difference between MLP and LPS was so obvious, so under my nose, that I kept overlooking it. But your post help me put my finger on it. In MLP the characters, the Mane 6 especially, have depth and developed backstories. Apple Family Reunion tells us why Applejack is a workaholic who routinely neglects her own well-being for the sake of others' happiness. Hurricane Fluttershy explains why Fluttershy is prone to bouts of uncontrollable sobbing. But because LPS has yet to explore its characters' histories and personalities in this way, Penny Ling is a crybaby for the sake of being a crybaby.  Anyway, from the few episodes I've seen, I don't think this type of thing has been done. 


If LPS truly wants to follow in the footsteps of MLP, a great way to do that would be to explore and develop the characters. Why is Blythe a fashionista who loves animals so much? Why is Mr. Baxter such a goofball? Why does Penny Ling bawl so much? An attempt to answer questions like these would help viewers relate to the pets and the humans in LPS better.


With all that said, I still find LPS to be a nice followup to the latest MLP episode. It's relatively new and by going in a new direction as I've described, it can increase its appeal to MLP fans. I'm also going to watch Gailbreak soon and see if it is as good as people say it is.

Edited by Wingnut
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I also enjoy the show. Though, I would admit I would love it much more if there was less focus on the humany aspects. Blythe is alright but I don't really care about her interactions with others as much as I do the pets. I would much rather watch a show dedicated 100% to the antics of the pets. I find myself enjoying all of the pets respectively but my favorites are Pepper, Zoe, and Penny Ling.


Also why can't everyone just enjoy both MLP and LPS? Why does it always have to be a competition? They are both good shows in their own rights.

I like the human characters. Their situations often parallel the pets.


Pound Puppies Hub fans are probably the real LPS haters/critics.


I tried to get into Pound Puppies, I've seen the first seven episodes at least. It just hasn't clicked for me.

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New episode!

Honestly I'm surprised the pets were so excited for the new truck, you'd think after what happened in the sweet shop last episode they would want nothing to do with that place...

Buttercream seems to be on her way to becoming part of the regular cast, which is kinda nice (I checked the credits and she's voiced by Cathy Weseluck, who voices Spike). I love that tic she has whenever someone says "what?".

The Star Trek reference was epiiiic...

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I'm actually surprised how much I like this show. I watched the pilot episodes when it premiered but it just didn't really appeal to me. I know I should have given it a chance and watched a few more episodes, but I would have had to wait a week for the next episode and by then I had completely forgotten about it. It wasn't until told me how much he liked it that I gave it another chance. I started with the first episode, which still didn't impress me, but I kept watching anyway and to my surprise, I ended up watching every episode to date.


So what is it that I like about the show? Well, there are several things. The obvious ones are of course, the high quality Flash animation and voice talent we've come to expect from DHX, but there are also some things I didn't expect. The characters are quite charming once you get to know them and have interesting personalities that, like ponies, people can relate to. It has brilliant storytelling that while may seem a little boring at first, can get quite entertaining when the pets get up to their crazy antics. There are numerous references that children may not get, such as Twilight and Star Trek. Also, there is one thing I really didn't expect, catchy songs. Leave it to Daniel Ingram to compose songs that are so catchy, they get stuck in your head for days. The songs are so good that they're one of the main things I like about the show and look forward to with each new episode.


I can't say that LPS is as good as MLP, but it's definitely worth watching. If you haven't seen it yet, I would definitely recommend giving it a shot. Like MLP, the first few episodes are not that great. I'd recommend at least watching three episodes before judging it.


Now to favorites.

My favorite characters (at the moment) are Pepper Clark and Penny Ling. Pepper, because she's funny and I like how tomboyish she is compared to the other girls, and Penny Ling, because she's cute and shy, yet she can be strong and determined when need be.

My favorite episode so far is number 15, Topped with Buttercream. I love everything about this episode. The bunny, with her natural sugar rush and funny way of talking, the pets' tribal adventure in the sweet shop, and the sweet shop song, which happens to be my favorite song so far.

Edited by Apple Bloom
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Following my 5-episode rule paid off because I wasn't really feeling the two-part pilot, but the three episodes that followed really grabbed me. While this show is really short on explicitly-stated moral lessons, there's a lot of subtext. LPS has also taught me something about myself that I'm surprised I never noticed before: if I find myself without a cup of coffee as I'm about to begin something I enjoy, I'm compelled to go grab some first. Level of coffee desire will be my new metric for determining how into something I am thanks to LPS. Mostly I just watch this show because it's hilarious and clever. The many homages in both song and dialogue are brilliant. Dan Ingram has really outdone himself this time. Musical numbers are frequent in LPS and all of them so far have gotten me moving a little bit. Quantity has done nothing to diminish the quality of his work.


The art style took some time to grow on me insofar as Blythe's design and backgrounds are concerned. Backgrounds were originally dull to me, now their simplicity adds to the charm. Blythe's head was a turn-off for a while because it just looked disproportionate to her body. I like that she cursed her large head in episode 15; that both amused and vindicated me. Notice that she wears more than one set of clothes, unlike characters in lots of other cartoons. Attention to little things like that really impress me.



So far my favorite episode is 16. The Star Trek homage, the satire of stereotypical Hollywood pompousness on a movie set, an out-of-control vehicle careening down the road to a lively country song, and the exploding bicycle had me laughing throughout the whole episode. Sugar Sprinkles was my favorite character in this one, but I think she should stick to cameo appearances only. She was hilarious but could easily become stale, steal the show, or look like a "try-hard" if overused.




I have to admit that I didn't notice the Vulcan ears on Penny at first. My first thoughts were that if this fantasy went on for too long that Minka and Sunil were going to bite it for being red shirts, and that if Zoe was portraying Uhura she should be wearing a red shirt and sitting on the opposite side rather than at the bridge's engineering station. Nitpicking, I know, but I'm one of those Trekkies that's so into it I can't help but pick up on these things right away. No offense or criticality intended.

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I really , really, really, like this show. I seriously don't see why so many people can actually dislike this show. Is this show better then MLP? NOT EVEN CLOSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But, I have seen every single episode and love this show so much. My favorite character is Zoe. I just love that dog, all though I have taken a really huge liking to Buttercream Sundae. (That hyper bunny with the adorable Tick when just about anyone says "What"?



  • Brohoof 1

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I'm sorry, I just don't see the appeal of this show. It almost gives off the vibe that Hasbro was trying to create another MLP:FiM, but failed in my opinion. 


I would had rathered Hasbro give Season 3 a bigger budget, and this show never get green lit in the first place.

Let me get this straight. Hasbro isn't supposed to have any other shows but My Little Pony, because you don't want them to do anything else? That's just silly. Besides, Littlest Pet Shop is not aimed at an adult audience, just as MLP:FIM isn't. The Brony fandom is a total accident! LPS has the same core audience demographic as MLP:FIM! If you don't like it, don't watch. Millions of kids are enjoying it without you.


Hasbro didn't cut funds from MLP:FIM to produce LPS either. Frankly, I think it's a fun show, and I now watch it every week. I never liked when people proclaim that just because THEY don't like a show, that show shouldn't exist. Here's a question. Did you watch a whole episode before making your judgement? Not that I'm one of those Bronies that feels the need to cram a show down someone's throat. I just think it's fair to give something an honest try before condemning it.

  • Brohoof 1


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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Let me get this straight. Hasbro isn't supposed to have any other shows but My Little Pony, because you don't want them to do anything else? That's just silly. Besides, Littlest Pet Shop is not aimed at an adult audience, just as MLP:FIM isn't. The Brony fandom is a total accident! LPS has the same core audience demographic as MLP:FIM! If you don't like it, don't watch. Millions of kids are enjoying it without you.


Hasbro didn't cut funds from MLP:FIM to produce LPS either. Frankly, I think it's a fun show, and I now watch it every week. I never liked when people proclaim that just because THEY don't like a show, that show shouldn't exist. Here's a question. Did you watch a whole episode before making your judgement? Not that I'm one of those Bronies that feels the need to cram a show down someone's throat. I just think it's fair to give something an honest try before condemning it.


I think you misunderstood what I meant, though that's probably my fault. Reading it again my comment kind of sounds pretentious. 


What I meant to say was the shows just not my cup of tea. I've watched about four episodes now, and it just didn't hook me like MLP:FiM did. Do I want the show cancelled? No. Do I think it's the worst thing ever? No.


If you enjoy the show, great. If little kids enjoy the show, also great; It's just not for me. 



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I think you misunderstood what I meant, though that's probably my fault. Reading it again my comment kind of sounds pretentious. 


What I meant to say was the shows just not my cup of tea. I've watched about four episodes now, and it just didn't hook me like MLP:FiM did. Do I want the show cancelled? No. Do I think it's the worst thing ever? No.


If you enjoy the show, great. If little kids enjoy the show, also great; It's just not for me. 

Oh, okay. Thanks for making it clearer. I guess I may have taken it a bit the wrong way. I'm all for people giving a new show a fair chance before deciding it isn't for them.


They don't do it as much, but I love how they do slip in things for the adult viewers. In one episode, Zoe was embarrassed by a big nasty growth on her nose (Ew!) She enlisted Penny Ling to talk to a cute dog in her place. Zoe referred to Penny as Cyrano at one point. Penny said "I'm Cyrano? I thought he was the one with the nose issue." I guarantee that the little kids watching had no idea what that meant!  


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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Last Saturday's episode finally got uploaded. 

In this week's episode, Blythe channels Rainbow Dash's voice again, has G3 Rainbow Dash's cutie mark on her notebook, Tank the tortoise visits the shop (prompting Minka to do a Braveheart reference) and Blythe's dad annoys everyone (including you) by spending the entire day at school with her despite the fact that high schools do not work that way.





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Last Saturday's episode finally got uploaded. 

In this week's episode, Blythe channels Rainbow Dash's voice again, has G3 Rainbow Dash's cutie mark on her notebook, Tank the tortoise visits the shop (prompting Minka to do a Braveheart reference) and Blythe's dad annoys everyone (including you) by spending the entire day at school with her despite the fact that high schools do not work that way.




The episode was like a bizzare cross of A Friend In Deed, Keep Calm And Flutter On, and Family Appreciation Day. While it did, unlike many LPS episodes, use its 22 minutes very well, the resolution... could've used some work. Blythe's breakdown at the end came across as very narm-y. 

Edited by Stellafera

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"Says they don't like MMDW or Merriwether Williams: Inb4 Stellafera" - Sugar Cube

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've watched one or two episodes so far. Doesn't seem that bad, but it's no MLP. Might give some other episodes a shot in the future.



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Why is this thread dying? C'mon guys let's revive this.




More evidence that Merriwether Williams is a genius. She always does a good job with writing jerks and jokes, and I think she is a writer who just really understands how the Biskits work.

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"Says they don't like MMDW or Merriwether Williams: Inb4 Stellafera" - Sugar Cube

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