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What's your opinion on EqG so far?


Opinion on EqG  

159 users have voted

  1. 1. What's your opinion on EqG so far?

    • I love it
    • I like it so far
    • It looks cool
    • I'd like to see what they are going to do with it
    • I'm not interested
    • I withhold my judgement
    • I'm not sure about it
    • I don't like
    • I hate it
  2. 2. Has your opinion changed after watching the trailer?

    • It's not as bad as I though it would.
    • It hasn't changed
    • It's worse than I expected

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I do think that Hasbro is seeing the value of having a high-quality cartoon as a means to sell more toys. Think about it.


Much of MLP's toy sale success is because of the cartoon that is loved beyond the targeted demographic. So in order to get sales on a brand new product, they take that same approach (and the same characters) as MLP and use the same strategy as a quick way to boost some doll sales.


I would be interested in seeing Equestria Girls have its own TV show, or more movies, that slowly start introducing new characters and have it begin to be its own separate entity. If they want the toy line to succeed, I think that they are going to need to introduce more unique characters, and take the time to make each of them interesting.


What makes Monster High so successful is not the TV show. Because the TV show sucks, from what I hear. It is the uniqueness of each individual doll, and it caters to the kinds of girls who like to be a little edgy. If Hasbro really wants an edge on Monster High, they need to keep that edge in having a high-quality TV show or movie series dedicated to the franchise, as well as allowing the doll line to improve and allow each of the dolls to become unique.


I have seen pictures of the dolls, and so far, I am not impressed... the dolls' skin color is too dark on many of them, and there are not enough outfits for them to wear. But there is room for improvement, and I don't think that the franchise is doomed for failure at this point. They just have to realize that what they have now is not enough.

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Decided to read the comments on Equestria Daily over some of the reviews. I swear that site's a fucking Battlefield right now

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Decided to read the comments on Equestria Daily over some of the reviews. I swear that site's a fucking Battlefield right now

Ugh. I know. And it's the same 5 people over and over again militantly proclaiming their "intellectual and informed and how could you possibly disagree with me and I am merely proclaiming the truth and anyone who disagrees is a blind ass-kissing idiot" opinion. Facehoof.

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Ugh. I know. And it's the same 5 people over and over again militantly proclaiming their "intellectual and informed and how could you possibly disagree with me and I am merely proclaiming the truth and anyone who disagrees is a blind ass-kissing idiot" opinion. Facehoof.


So.... everything's normal then? wink.png


It's actually a lot quieter *here* than I expected. I expected a lot more knee-jerk reactions (in both directions) once actual reviews started to come in.

  • Brohoof 1
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So.... everything's normal then? wink.png


It's actually a lot quieter *here* than I expected. I expected a lot more knee-jerk reactions (in both directions) once actual reviews started to come in.

Haha, yes.


And I agree! It is SO much quieter here than Twilacorn was, and even quieter than it was BEFORE the movie came out. It could be because not everyone has been able to see it yet, but if that it helping in containing the drama, then all the better. :)

Edited by RockinRarity
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When i heard that they were making a humanised my little pony i thourt it was a good idea if done right . because it offerd some amusing scenarios and i was wondering how it would all play out. but after i watched the trailer i brohooved by friend and we both squeed. the trailer looked much better than i thourt it would be like and i thourt it had a very good concept. then i watched the second trailer when it was made and it gave away clues about the plot and the nature of the film which i never thourt about when me and my brony friends thourt about and disscussed. for those who care we thourt that it would be twilights test to see wheather she is worthy to one day succeed princess celestia as the princess of equestria. all though the actual plot is very simple it looks like it will be a very effective one and should please all audiences. unfortunatly i am not from america i am from the united kingdom so i wont get the oppertunity to see equestria girls on the big screen but i am still psyched all the same. i know allot of people hate the idea of equestria girls and i respect theire opinions but i cant begin to comprehend what you can hate about it. the only small complaints i have are that vinyl scratch my faverout background pony looks a little bit wierd but at least they put her in . also octavia should have a role because she and vinyl are in many fans eyes a couple as presented in Dawn Fades fanfiction vinyl and octavias university days which i really love and i think for those who havent red it yet should give it a read it is funny in places sad in places and really happy in most places . Thank you for all those who spent some of theire timereading this to those i extend a brohoof to them thanks again folks!!! img-387689-1-5e7kmu.png

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BEST MOVIE EVER!!!! This was one of my favorite movies I have seen in a while. The only problem I had with it was that Twilight and Cadance didn't do their littl edance when they met. :(

  • Brohoof 2
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I didn't really like it that much when I saw the first trailer and the poster thing and I wasn't interested in seeing it. But after seeing the second trailer I was more interested in seeing it.


After watching it I can say that I liked it. It was good I enjoyed it. It had some really nice songs too.

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So... I just watched it... DUN DUN DUUUUUN!

And it feels like "uncanny valley". It's like a fanfiction that had a good idea, but the author decided to go radical with it.


I hate it. Because of what it could have been.

There will be spoilers... 




1. So... The "moons" time the activation of the portal. How does it make any sense? I know that they meant this to be a measure of time, but Luna controls the moon. If the portals activate ate the same time, they are synced and so must be the moon on both worlds because it depends on the movements of the moon. Bullshit.


2. They tried to make Sunset Shimmer into a terrible villain and the characters react accordingly, but this only makes sense AFTER she has the crown. So she is, form the most of the movie the "terrible bully". And they seem to fear her like she's going to do something terrible. Why?! What's stopping her now that couldn't be done before?!


3. Luna looks like an abomination. Her character design is atrocious. And she's downright stupid for the whole photo thing. They wanted a conflict, and wanted it solved quickly. What?! They glued Twilight's picture on the photos?! I guess that it could be said that she used Photoshop or something, but then why are the originals cut?


4. They tried to force the audience into believing that Twilight was the driving force that made everyone work together, but went to help on their own accord. It felt too forced. The girls themselves are joining with Twilight simply because she is standing up against Sunset Shimmer. This killed the parallel between the two kinds of princesses.


5. And that ending... What the fuck do they need the freaking crown for then? IT'S ABOUT THE GIRLS!! The whole journey felt unnecessary. Also, DEUS EX FUCKING MACHINA OVER 9000! IT HURT! SHE EVEN HAD TO POINT AND SPEAK IN A TRIUMPHANT VOICE!




Well, I didn't dislike it all. I think that the girls were ok. Even if they were not the girls, really... But I guess that the lesson is that friendship is the big powerful... power... that fixes everything. And I can roll with that. The humor felt like it came out of an episode, it just didn't feel right because I wasn't seeing the girls. That's is what I mean with that "uncanny valley" thing I said earlier.


I didn't like the songs though. They don't have the same "magic" that Winter Wrap Up and Best Night Ever had. But I can't fault the BGM. It was as good as in the show.


I doubt it would make the same success if it wasn't clinging to MLP:FIM like a tumor. And for what it's worth, It felt so "almost" that I wouldn't mind if it became canon in season four, and if Twilight had a thing with Flash Sentry.


I'd give it a 4/10. For the humor, for the cameos that made this movie look like it was desperately trying to make people like it (Trixie being the prime example)... And for the first 9 minutes. And for Sunset Shimmer. I doubt she will show up in the fourth season, but I could bear to see her again.


I'l just wait for a real MLP-FIM movie now. That doesn't take away Equestria in order to tell a story that could fit into this world even better than it did on Bluffington.

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I just watched it, so here's a bulleted list of my thoughts:



  • The animators need a few lessons in the art of slapstick.
  • Actually, Celestia, there are several very good reasons for her friends to go with her.
  • Why is everyone letting Shimmer run wild?  I understand Fluttershy staying out of her way, but Rainbow Dash?  She takes no nonsense from no pony!  And Rarity wouldn't let her get away with anything either.
  • Why does Celestia have no questions about the new student she wasn't informed of?
  • Fluttershy, stop being so adorable!  I can't have you become my favorite pony.  Pinkie might feel neglected.
  • Pinkie is awesome in this movie.  You're possition as my favorite pony is secure.
  • Granny Smith and Big Mac cameo for the win!
  • Trixie is in this movie?


  • Rainbow Dash is 20% cooler in this universe.
  • Finished feeding the furry fire?
  • So Sunset Shimmer planned to take over a country of magical and/or flying horses with teenagers?  Can't see how that could go horribly wrong.
  • How are they going to explain the damages to the authorities?  "Yeah a magical unicorn from another world came out of the school statue, turned into a human, and fought an interdimentional demon.  It was like Teen Titans crossed with The Last Unicorn."
  • Don't feel so bad about losing the tail, Pinkie.  It didn't work out for Goku.

Edited by Forlong
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So far, I've seen it 2 times already, and I gotta say, I regret hating on it before I even saw it because.. I LOVE IT!! I would watch it like 10  times a day because its SO AWESOME!

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Well I have not seen this movie myself personally. However, I hear good things about it and that even those that weren't looking forward to this film were suprised. I hope the neighsayers who saw this movie and liked it were reminded how they became bronies/pegasisters in the first place. :)

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You know that totally shoehorned romance subplot that everybody was crying was going to happen because of A FEW FRAMES OF ANIMATION of Flash Sentry appearing?




ME NEITHER because it never happened.


Oh sure, they teased at it a lot and they poked fun at Twilight at the end of the movie but that doesn't matter because -nothing- happened and not a single time did the movie jump the shark into changing this from a family film into 'oh wait it's a romance movie actually ;('.


On top of that I was thoroughly pleased with how the writer did the idea of high school.


It could have been a plot dealing with the awkwardness and meta humor of actually being in classes but no, the movie was mostly "awkward Twilight dealing with being a human and trying to get back home" and....well I mean who could have asked for more, right?

Edited by MrHaru
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I watched on the YouTube and I really enjoyed it overall. Only things which I found a bit annoying was Rainbow Dash was really under represented in the film and some background characters played a bigger contribution than her, but obviously that's just my opinion. As for Flash Sentry I really didn't mind him. But I suppose like hyping something it seems underwhelming, I thought he was going to be dogsh!t before watching it however I was wrong :) 10/10 magnifique!

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When Worlds Collide




I haven't seen the movie yet, but I'm thrilled to hear that so many of us who have seen it are impressed -- and even love it. As someone who's not so thrilled about the "anthropomorphized ponies in high school" setup, it's reassuring (and frankly not too surprising) to know that the cast and crew managed to produce yet another solid piece of work.


Given the hullabaloo surrounding Equestria Girls, I feel compelled to urge fans of the movie to resist the temptation to say "I told you so" and berate or insult "haters" because they don't share your enthusiasm for it or you believe their rejection of it is unfounded.


Likewise, I ask my fellow EG critics to maintain perspective, not allow anxiety to displace reason and remember that the people who have already brought us three solid seasons of one of the best cartoons to ever hit television can be counted on to do excellent work, even if it's on a project we have misgivings about.


Whatever our individual views may be, about Equestria Girls or anything else life may bring our way, those of us who choose to boast, gloat, taunt or ridicule one another should consider that even The Great And Powerful Trixie eventually learned the folly of such ways. At least a little bit, anyway. And despite all of Trixie's mischief and misdeeds, Twilight was ultimately willing to forgive her -- even if she had to think about it for a while.


My point, if I may be forgiven for taking so long getting to it, is that good people can disagree on just about anything.


It pains me to see so many of us willing to take sides and condemn one another over something like this. If there is one lesson we should learn from Friendship is Magic, I have to imagine it would be how hurtful and wrong it is for us to do this. Indeed, I don't think it is overstating things to point out just how much better our world would be if more of us learned not to line up and throw rocks at one another because of our differences.


Yes, we can just all get along.


Finally, as an ironic footnote, and despite my lingering doubts about the premise, I just pre-ordered the Equestria Girls DVD (Blu-ray, in fact) on Amazon and will receive it on August 6. I know it's already viewable on YouTube and so forth, but I think I can wait.


I honestly can't say what I'll think of the movie when I finally do watch it, but if past experiences with the brilliant work of the "Pony" team are any guide, I doubt I'll regret buying it. smile.png

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Megham McCarthy, the writer for "Equestria Girls," has also written some of my favorite episodes - Too Many Pinkie Pies, Magical Mystery Cure, Lesson Zero, Party of One, Sweet and Elite, and Canterlot Wedding. 

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Finally caved in and saw it 


What I didn't like:

Hated Flash Sentry(the human version, for some reason I didn't mind the pony version)

Disappointed in Sunset Shimmer(they didn't explain her enough, not very developed, had a lot more potential)

The overuse of modern tech(i.e. texting, cellphones, etc.,). A minor nitpick, but for some reason it just bugged me

The fact that Snips and Snails had more screen time than two of my favorite mane 6

The climax and Sunset Shimmer's Heel/Face turn

Did I mention Flash Sentry sucks?


What I did like:


Pinkie Pie

I still managed to like Sunset Shimmer

Spike was at his best

The other mane 6 were great as well

Fandom shout outs

Despite my opinions about the technology, the CMC moment in the library was funny

Had some genuinely funny moments

Trixie had some great moments too


Overall, I give it a 6-7 outta 10, not the greatest thing ever, but there was still a lot to enjoy. However, I think only fans would be able to like the show

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super cool movie, i loved it!

i think it was handled very well, and i also can't wait until the dolls are in stock! i'd like to grab a dvd and fluttershy.

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All, or some, or most, etc., of the brony community is seriously just throwing bad comments about EqG. My reaction to the trailer and the movie were just: "Wow..." or "amazing!" I seriously think DHX did a great job with this, just like the cast members of MLP FIM did with the TV series, like come on at least they didn't put in all new voice actors, I don't know why they would do that and yes there is new voice actors, maybe, but at least no one was replaced, thank Celestia, so yeah I just think they should lighten up and watch the movie before they say bad things about it, like come on ponies! LOVE AND TOLERATE! ~Tri-Dart



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