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Rise of the planet of the ponies


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It's the year 2035, and the earth was close to starting world war 3. To prepare themselves for possible global war, north America started a program to bring man's creatures of legend into reality. They would use these creatures to help them defeat any threat that stood in their way...

The creatures are:


earth pony

Ponies gifted with the ability to make plants grow at a faster rate than usual, especially flowers and crops.



Winged ponies that can fly extreme speeds. Some are capable of exceeding Mach 6 and shattering the color spectrum. (not sure if I worded that right)



Ponies that have horns capable of performing "magic".


Alicorns (non playable)

Only two were created, one being the embodiment of death and the other life. (they're children would later be Celestia and Luna)



Chromatic reptilians with the ability to fly and breathe a certain offensive attack. (fire, ice, lightning or acid, with varying effects)



Aggressive fliers with the body of a lion and head and wings of an eagle.



Augmented zebras with a special connection to herbs and healing.




Hydra(non playable)


(any others not mentioned would be created by the alicorns later or would evolve from the other species)


However two years passed and there was still no sign of a war. So, north america's leaders decided they would put the creatures they created onto a secret island reserve, away from humanity... This was the biggest mistake they could have made... 20 years later, a group of pegasi flew over the most populated cities holding a banner declaring war. (it should also be noted that two Alicorns showed exceptional intelligence in their training)


So there you have it. The war will start in new York, then expand. You will be on the side of the ponies/mythical creatures. (the ponies, griffins and zebras have learned to talk, and the dragons can speak some basic words)

Choose your race and make your character page using this:








Other things you would like to add:


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Name: Sunward, her friends call her Sunny

Race: Unicorn

Description: She is a though Unicorn, and a failure in magic. Her only spells being those that are connected to Sun Light and light in general. Her hair is amber colored where as her coat has a nice deep orange.

Personality: She is caring and would always take the hit for her friends, as such she is very protective about other ponies and is often found charging at others before her friends arrive.

Bio: Unlike other Unicorns, she did not show any sign of magic as she was born. Her horn being the only sign of her actually being one. It was only later that she actually learned to use her special gift, and with a lot of training she was now capable of using the very essence of light, at least to an extent.


She can Teleport over a short distance because of the light bending around her, propelling her forward slightly.

She can cast a shield around anything around her, effectively stopping most attacks. Should the shield get destroyed it would explode outwards and flash anypony who happens to be looking directly at it. She can also make it explode at her will. This spell is very slow to regenerate so she is not able to use it often.

Her most powerful attack channels light for a few seconds before hurling it at her target and where it explodes. All her friends get shielded and her enemies blinded and thrown back around the explosion. To be able to use this, she has to be able to concentrate and once the spell is sent out she is pretty much K. O. for a few minutes making her an easy target.

Other things you would like to add:

She wields a shield.

As this Roleplay seems to be pretty Combat Oriented I would like to ask those that participate in it to not get over the top. ( Power Play, Meta Gaming, and other undesirable things like that! ) But I'm sure that's not a problem :)

I love you! <3

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Name: Lanthorz.

Race: Unicorn

Description: Dark Green eyes, dark purple mane and tail. Cutie mark is a dagger silhouette. You will find out later

Personality: He is nice, and deadly. Don't get on his bad side.

Bio: He was made to be the top commander

powers: shadow magic

Other things you would like to add:


He is usually wearing a black cape, which doesn't look like evil guy kinda cliche. it looks like mysterious stranger kind. Like a batman cape the covers a lot of him and strangely is always flowing around him.



"I am more silent than night itself..."

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Name: ​Haste

Race: Pegasus

Description: Light Orange Mane, golden coat and bright green eyes, Cutiemark of a Lightning bolt

Personality: Like RD

Bio: A fast and Agile Pegasi she has always been ready for anything, she was made into a fast Pegasus and a strong determination for anything, she cares for others and has a strong loyalty towards her friends, she can take the Aerial Space and have no trouble whatsoever

Powers: Sonic Boom (eeyup)

Other things you would like to add: Likewut???

Edited by Pinkazoid




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Sunward was waiting for deployment, sitting in a corner and just cleaning her shield. She had actually cleaned it already a few times before, but she was so nervous that things just can't get perfect. Her shield was beautiful by now, several gems were in it, shattering the light around. She would stop and move the shield, just to see what response the light would have. She must look pretty silly like thise, but she did not care.

I love you! <3

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Name: ​Smoke Drifter

Race: Pegasus

Description: Very deep shade of blue, black mane, cutie mark is a smoke ball

Personality: Seems to be just a little too happy about his line of work, loyal, crafty.

Bio: Smoke drifter was trained in the arts of espionage and assassination from childhood, and tends not to use his wings more than he needs to due to the fact that they are somewhat disproportionately small.

Powers: Good at stealth, recon, and survival. Also a disguise expert. Fighting style is mostly adapted to ambush and single combat, not very effective against large forces. Adept in using weapons such as the bow staff and the knife. Agile and quick, but not very powerful.

Other things you would like to add: He is sort of like a ninja (NOT A STEREOTYPICAL WESTERNIZED ONE.) who follows the techniques outlined in such works as the Shoninki.


Brace yourself.

Winter is coming.

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Haste stood on the top of a cloud taking guard of the island along with other Pegasi, she got bored soon and flew down she walked around looking at the ponies and the Dragons, and Griffons




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Name: Rose


Race: Earth Pony



Posted Image


Personality: Loves to have fun, but when it comes to her mission, she will do it as quickly as possible so she can forget about it sooner.


Bio: Rose was a pony that never asked to be in the war, but was forced by her pants. Since birth, they have trained her in the ways of the Ninja, a fabled warrior in the olden days of Equestria. Now in New York, Rose fights as an assasin, taking out enemies in the dark, so they will not know of the gruesome fate that she reluctantly gives them.


Powers: Extreme stealth and agility, able to blend in with the shadows with ease.


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(Just a question. Do we all play as ponies/mythical creatures (like you said), or can some of us play as humans?)


(Only the ponies and stuff) Edited by Pinkazoid




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(Just a question. Do we all play as ponies/mythical creatures (like you said), or can some of us play as humans?)


(I think it would be a little hard with two faction but perhaps I'll make a human side one later on)


(okay, I guess I'll make my character and start rping, but I need to put this iPod on tha charger FUUUUUU)

Edited by toothlessbrony


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Name: Strong Hooves


Race: Earth Pony


Description: Large, muscular, brown fur with black mane and tail, green eyes


Personality: Brave, headstrong, never quits or backs down from anything


Bio: Strong Hooves was seen as a special addition among the Earth ponies, being larger and much stronger than ordinary ponies. He trains almost every day to be even stronger, many ponies tend to shy away because of his intimidating size


powers: Super strong and can create small earthquakes when he slams his forehooves on the ground


Other things you would like to add: Has the cutiemark of a celtic shield, (Look at sig) and weapon of choice is a large battle hammer




"351.... 352....353..." grunted Strong Hooves as he trained, he balanced weights on his back as he did one armed push ups, switching forelegs at every 10 push ups, "Come on.... just a little more..." he pushed himself, sweat dripping from his brow. His whole life he lived on this island, and now was the time to strike back at the creatures that imprisoned them there... and he was going to be sure that he was ready for the upcoming battle...

Edited by Strong Hooves


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Sunward would watch Strong Hooves train, well not directly, but in the reflection on her Shield. She hoped he knew what he was doing and was not about to exhaust him before battle. Either way, she finally realized that she should stop polishing her shield and would place it against the wall... where it would then fall away from and do an very loud metallic noise. She twitched and quickly looked left and right, hoping that nopony really noticed, which was kind of impossible unless being deaf.

Edited by Neikos

I love you! <3

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"397...398...399...400!!" Strong Hooves dropped the weights and stood up, stretching his forelegs as he did. "Good warm up" he said to himself, he was able to go...much farther than that, and with even more weight, but seeing as they had a battle coming up, he felt it best to only limber up prior to battle. A flash of light caught his eye and he looked to see Sunward looking at her shield, he noticed he was in the reflection, and absent-mindedly waved in her direction...


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Sunward would nod and pick up her shield, placing it on her back before walking up to Strong Hooves. "Hey there, I'm Sunward, or call me Sunny if you want... And you are?", she seemed to be pretty forthcoming, perhaps too much. But either way, now she was standing there in front of him, her shield on her back and her short mane falling into her eyes, which she promptly moved aside, waiting for his answer.

Edited by Neikos

I love you! <3

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Strong Hooves was surprised by her sudden introduction, normally ponies would shy away from him because of his size, but this pony didnt seem to care. He smiled and said, "Greetings Sunny, I'm Strong Hooves, or Strong... pleasure to meet you" he saw her mane fall into her eyes, and couldnt help but to think, She's kind of cute, his expression did not show these thoughts though as he smiled...


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Sunny would smile, and sit down, size did not matter much, even though being smaller means to be less of a target to the enemy, but she didn't want to say that, no need to start this off on the wrong hoof. "Strong huh? Well, looks like your parents picked the right name.", she said while eyeing the weights he was holding earlier. "You do this often?", she then asks him.

I love you! <3

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"Well, it's nothing special really, but my Magic relates to Sunlight, so my parents who discovered this a few days after my birth, thought it fits...", she pauses dramatically, "Or something like that.", she chuckles, "Perhaps they just thought it would fit and knew about my magic only later on.. I guess only they know.". She grinned.

I love you! <3

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Sunnyward looked at it before taking it off and placing it in front of him, "Oh thank you!", she would then turn it slightly, showing off a bit, it wouldn't hurt right? The few gems in it probably sparkled in the light. "Well, it took me years to get it this stage, but I think it is perfect by now."

I love you! <3

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Strong nodded admirably at Sunny, "Well... I have a shield of my own, though not quite like yours" he turned, showing his cutie mark, "It is a celtic symbol, representing the Shield of Strength and Protection" he chuckled as he spoke...


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Sunnward blinked, "Celtic? Isn't that... human?" she wasn't sure what to think of, in the end it is just a shield, but why would a pony have a human symbol on their flank? Either way, it could be seen that she seemed to be a bit at unease.

I love you! <3

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