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Will you watch the fourth season?



115 users have voted

  1. 1. Will you watch the fourth season?

    • Yes
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You don't even have to ask me. All I have to say is HECK YES!!! Why wouldn't I? I have been watching all the way from season 1 to the now current season 3. Plus I am really interesting in how the show turns out with Twily being an alicorn and all. ;)

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Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Did I mention yes?

well of course I would, Why wouldn't I?

come on, I know what you were Implying, But it's a simply question to most,

I want to see what Unravels in Season 3 Aswell as Just.. Just... I have no idea, I'm just So Excited about it's Release


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Can the Administrators, Poniverse Staff or Moderators see who voted what in the poll, ?


Anyway what do you mean about the curiosity... the poll itself or the show?

I can't.


And I mean the show of course. I think someone will eventually vote no here, either out of lost interest or some other reason, but it's still nice to see that so many are still interested in what's coming next. I'm much more interested in the fate of the show than the fate of this poll :P. Seeing how they handle the Alicorn Twilight thing, possibility of more Scootalove, potential return of Didcord/Lightning Dust, interesting character arcs, there're loads of things that I'm very curious to see.

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I actually wish I picked "No" Just to see everyone freak out,

and wonder who selected it and such,

it would be a ball, other than that I don't think I could say no.

It would Just be funny, people wondering who it was, Who would say no, to Such a thing,

Oh Celestia, What have I turned into?



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I am already suffering from a severe pony withdrawal, I am trying to survive by checking out cute pics and occasionally when I have the time I watch an episode or two.. I can't stay away.. mkay. I will watch it and I will enjoy it. I really miss new episodes. Like I don't care if there will be people that are not watching it. I don't want to miss out on this.

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My body is ready!


Of course I will watch season 4! How could I not! I am really curious to see where things go now and I know that I will enjoy season 4! Once it gets close to the season 4 premier, I'm going to have myself a pony marathon!


Why is there an exclamation mark after every sentence I type!?



Edited by Mr. Dash
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DUH!! Of course I'll watch season 4! I know a lot of bronies have been put off by the amount of big changes that have occurred, but the whole alicorn Twilight thing makes me more excited for the next season to come out! :D

And besides, when have Hasbro ever let us down? I'm sure season 4 will be just as amazing as the last three. img-1496092-1-wub.png

Exactly. HASBRO has to please both little girls and bronies and the alicorn twilight makes me want to watch every single episode from beginning to end of season 4. SparklyPegasus, just so you know I'm from the UK and a pegasister too! :D don't worry about Equestria Girls movie it'll come on the hub and on YouTube at autumn (fall) this year ;)
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What kind of a question is that mate?


Of course I'll watch the 4th season! It's definately worth the wait to watch the pony awesomeness!img-1379355-5-xtWXQl1.png

But I think we should all throw a huge party for the 4th season season opening! :) Who's with me!? wub.png

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Uhm. no. JASHT KEEDING HAR HAR HAR Of course I'd watch it! Season 3 was a good season, not as good as S2 imo, but it was a great treat to watch. I have little doubts that S4 will be just as good, if not better, what with S4 concluding the start of Twilight's new journey as a princess. 


The long LONG LONG wait is just making me even more excited. BRING IN THE PONY!


What kind of a question is that mate?


Of course I'll watch the 4th season! It's definately worth the wait to watch the pony awesomeness!img-1496474-1-img-1379355-5-xtWXQl1.png

But I think we should all throw a huge party for the 4th season season opening! smile.png Who's with me!? img-1496474-2-wub.png



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If I wasn't going to watch it I wouldn't be posting this, Tbh I really dont understand why anyone would stop watching because of some pathetic trivial reason. I love the show and choose not to let pathetic drama effect my opinion of it.

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Yes, I will I may have hated the whole twilicorn idea because it was way too soon and its introduction seriously sucked but neither side really knows for sure if that will actually work or not so we will all find out together. And season 3 really dosen't deserve the hate it often gets.

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I have no reason to NOT see season 4. I'm really curious to see how they handle Princess Twilight. Not to mention the rest of the characters. There's still so many ways they can go about and make season 4 just as good if not better than Season 2 was.

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    I'm totally excited for season four and I want to watch it so bad. I just don't get why people would not want to watch it, unless they're not loyal fans to the actual show and they just like the internet community. Even if they may think season three was not the best, I don't get why they would be turned off of season four.


Maybe it's the Alicorn thing????



A confused ~RD4

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If you're hearing a lot of online folk say they're not going to watch it, keep in mind that *anyone* can post stuff on Da Internets, including people who were never fans of the show or the brony phenomenon in the first place.


I went to EQLA and, after listening to the writers, I came away with a couple of impressions: 1. They're faced with an interesting challenge re: continuing a show where another might have called it quits (Twilight's transformation, which could have served as a logical end to the series) and 2. They're absolutely giddy about taking that challenge head on. I think they're going to work a lot of continuity into things which have already happened with the new stories, and also create some pretty bold new cannon.


I expect the fan reaction to be a mix of "Hu-wha? That's ridiculous" on some choices they make, and "Oh my god, that's freakin' awesome" on others. For me, that'll make the 4th season an irresistible delight.     

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Yeah, I'll watch it. Sure, they took some directions that I'm not particularly fond of, but I think the show will still be an entertaining watch if the writers put their minds to it.


Also, enough with the "true fan" implications. To be honest, it makes you sound a wee bit elitist and a tad bit like an asshole by extension.

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Of course I'll be watching it. I mean, I didn't absolutley love Season 3, but I liked it, and I'm hoping that Season 4 will improve upon S3's mistakes.

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Of course I will! In fact, I can't wait!


Even if you hated the idea of Alicorn Twilight, you must be interested in where the writers are going with it, especially since the s3 finale was only the first part of a trilogy.


And honestly, I don't think s3 was much weaker than 1&2? The biggest problem was that there were only 13 episodes! smile.png

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Even if I didn't want to I'm kinda dedicated at this point I can't just stop watching it for no reason. I really want to see the season 4 premiere to see what they do with Princess Twilight

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Of course, I'll watch the fourth season and stay as dedicated as ever. So I think that, I'll definitely be watching the fourth season when it comes. :)

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My situation's kinda complex. To answer the question, yes, I will. At the very least, until the season opener's done. From there, I'll decide if I want to continue or not.


I very heavily dislike the move they took in the finale. I truly hope they will somehow show that it was the right move. If they can, and I like it, then I'll continue on my merry way, watching until the inevitable end. If they can't, I'll continue on my merry way and be content with what I've had.


I'll give it a chance, and if I don't like it, that is my opinion that I wish to be respected. However, don't misconstrue this as "ERMAHGERD, ERM LERVIN!" I'm not going to leave because of this one thing. Sure, I may cease to care about the show, but I've still been hooked in. I ain't goin' nowhere. wink.png

Edited by Yosef von Uzenvard
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I will definitely be watching, I love the show too much to stop now. I had (and to a lesser extent still do) a few mixed feelings about the S3 finale, but I'm very confident in the writers and I have no doubt in my mind that S4 is going to be every bit as entertaining and fun as the past seasons. I'm very much looking forward to S4 and if all goes well, I'd support even more seasons.

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Without a doubt! It's one of the things I'm looking most forward to this coming winter. Even though I'm not a big fan of Twilicorn, I must admit I'm a little interested in the new direction they're taking the show. One good thing about Twilicorn is that it opens many new doors. At the same time, I'm kinda apathetic about watching season 4 though. If Twilicorn never happened, I feel like I'd be 3x more excited for season 4. I'm still excited, of course, but at the same time I'm a little skeptical due to the way things ended in season 3. I hope we're going to get a quality season with a bunch of nice character interaction, good songs, and all the amazingness that the show brings. Oh yeah, we're getting a new theme song too probably! I'm pretty curious on how that's going to turn out.

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Of course I am going to watch season 4! I want to see what's next for the mane 6. It's getting a little boring just watching the old episodes over and over, I need something new. I still hope that there will be a Big MacIntosh episode.

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