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gaming Games you hate that everyone else likes

HOi i'm tEMMIE

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I don't know if someone has already done this topic but I'll do it anyway. 


Have you ever played a game that everyone recommends to you, then you play it and you really hate it? well,obviously that is what this topic is about. 


The game I hate is Borderlands. I found it incredibly boring, I found Clap-Trap's voice to be like a mixture of Jar Jar Binks and The Adoring Fan from Oblivion, and I found a lot of its design choices to be really awful, like paying money to respawn, or when an enemy is offscreen for too long it regenerates its health, I guess I had high expectations after I read that it's what Fallout 3 should have been. 


The moment that just made me say 'Buck this game!' Was when  I was in the crawmerax caves and I'm fighting a Bad-ass Bandit, another one of Borderlands weird design choices is that after 15 minutes enemies respawn. I don't know why they couldn't just have it so that they respawned after you left the area, but I digress. So I'm fighting the bad-ass Bandity and the Crawmerax things I just killed respawn right behind me and kill me right before I killed the bandit.


So i get back there and the bandit has his health regenerated. That pissed me off so much, and I was already really irritated by the stupidity of the design choices that I stopped playing and never touched Borderlands again.


So do anypony else have stories to share?

  • Brohoof 1

Hoi!!! i'm tEMMIE!!!



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Assassins creed 3. 


I wouldn't say I HATE it, just more of a disliking of it. The only fun I had in AC3 is with the naval combat. I still haven't beaten it and I doubt I will. I find the combat to still be boring (besides naval combat) I found it to be the same counter to win stuff. 


I hated Connor as well.


Assassins creed 2 is still the best AC game in my opinion. 

Edited by PinkiePieStyle16
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Hmm the whole Halo series and the more recent Call of Duty and Battlefield games. These 3 games just ruined for me with their more recent games. BF1942, CoD2 and 3 were the best of the series for me, then they just ruined it for me. Let the hate begin.

Edited by BeauDozer
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Yeah I would have to agree that Team Fortress 2 is way overrated. I could never get into the control scheme and the graphic were just meh. The original Bioshock was also just meh, not enough variety enemy and gun wise, did like the atmosphere/setting though. All racing games are just meh as well. The Original Borderlands was also just meh as well, seemed more like a chore. Probably would have been funner if my friends had gotten it when I did, not after I had sold it. Oblivion was also just meh, never really got into the story and got bored after 10 minutes and sold it, still an avid fan of Skyrim, that game was the shit. Assassins Creed 3 also could have been better as well, Navel Combat was the shit though. 


Also forgot to mention any anime style game such as Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts. Also Pokemon, let the tidal wave of hate begin. Any type of sports game as well I guess. Minecraft unless I'm screwing around with friends. Used to love, now it's just meh since I killed the enderdragon. I also find the Half Life series to be pretty boring even though I love the story line. Original Portal was just okay, Portal 2 was amazing.



Come on.....you know deep down that you love Halo.......

Edited by Dark Moon
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Sonic Adventure 2.


I don't necessarily hate it, but I don't really find it to be much of a good game. The only fun parts of it were the Sonic and Shadow stages, which funnily enough, were the minority.



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Team Fortress 2, because it just isn't fun. I don't know why, either. Minecraft. That game bores me to death, maybe it's better on PC (I tried the Xbox version).

I'm just nobody at all...

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Minecraft. I really hate minecraft. I just don't like the overall style of the game. I'm gonna go spend 5 hours looking for one piece of diamond. I didn't like MW2, I preferred WaW. WaW is best cod not because of zombies, but because of the gore engine.

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any and all moba game so stuff like dota2, smite, and league of legends

everywhere i go i see poeple play or talk about these games dont understand how they are fun i mean i gave them a try so many times but i dont enjoy playing them

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The game I hated the most was Portal. The Puzzle weren't anything special and overall the game play wasn't exciting. I enjoy faster paced games so that could be a reason why I hate it so much, but honestly there are better puzzle games.

  • Brohoof 1



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Red Dead Redemption. I don't exactly hate it but I don't see what's all the fuss with it. I had a lot of people IRL and on the internet recommend the game to me and called it "the greatest game of this generation". The game is alright though It wasn't AS good as I expected after seeing so much praise for it. It might just be because I'm not really into the whole western-style thing.

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Not a fan of any of the Kingdom Hearts games. From the very beginning there was something about the general design and concept that rubbed me the wrong way, but I decided to play the first game just to give it a chance. The mechanics I'll admit were good for the most part (the flying sections between worlds were really kind of pointless though), but I just couldn't get immersed in the game world nearly as much as everypony else seems to be able to.


Also, Final Fantasy X, to harp on it yet again. My short answer is this: Great combat system. Terrible leveling system. Hated almost every single character. And that's about all there is to that one.

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The obvious mainstream AAA blockbusters.


Now that that's out of the way, hate's a strong word, and I don't necessarily hate these games, but I think fans and critics overrate these games to hell and back to the point where it's irritating


The N64 Zelda games(yes even Majora's Mask) - great games, but for god's sake they aren't the hallmark of excellence everyone says they are, and personally Windwaker and Twilight Princess are superior games


Megaman X3 - The weakest soundtrack in the SNES games(despite come notable favs like Gravity Beetle and Crush Crawfish), and level design was nowhere near as fun as the other games(hell I even enjoyed X6 more)


Call of Duty 4 - It just wasn't as compelling as the previous installments


Skyrim - I swear if I hear another fucking knee joke...


Final Fantasy VI - I just can't get into it like the other FF games


Killzone - As generic as shooters can get


Most RTS games - they're just not for me

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There are no games that I just plain hate, but there are games that I can't stand playing. It's mostly just just big name FPS (Halo, CoD, Battlefield) that I avoid like the plague now, because I'm just tired of seeing/playing them.


If I limited the choices to just fighting games, then I would have to go with Marvel vs Capcom 3. I just don't like that game, despite how popular it is.


Final Fantasy VI - I just can't get into it like the other FF games


Do you mean you can't get into any of the FF games or do you mean you can get into FF games, just not FF VI?

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I hate first person shooter and fighter games. I think they are ridiculous and encourage gun violence. I pretty much hate any game that encourages a single person's domination over others.... I've always loved Final Fantasy and Zelda games... I'm probably biased in my game taste, but most are.

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Hate is such a strong word, but I do dislike the following games primarily due to gameplay being meh or boring:


*Mass Effect, Psychonauts, Minecraft (after the first day), *Torchlight, *Assassin's Creed, *F.E.A.R., *Hitman,*Call Of Duty 2 and beyond. Fighting games are included because I ALWAYS get my ass handed to me in those games. 


*Represents Series


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I also hate Banjo Kazooie. I can't stand it. The graphics, the banjo, the kazooie, the idiocy... I. Just. Can't. My boyfriend complains because he loves the game, but I honestly just can't stand it. I don't know why, it just rubs me in the wrong way! OH, and Grand Theft Auto. I don't know if that counts soley as FPS, but it's disgusting.

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Ok, I wouldn't say hate, But these are the games I highly dislike that others Surprisingly like:


Any CoD Game.. Those games rub me up so damn much, I dislike them with so much passion, if I have to go another day hearing about how good it is, I will probably knock the person out.


Mass Effect, I tried it out. just wasn't my style, everyone keeps saying it's great.. No.


LoL... People go on about how great it is, I don't see it, all you do is try to destroy the Enemies Nexus... Wow so fucking Exciting...


TF2, All I can say, That's one of the shittest games I've played...


  • Brohoof 1


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I've never really liked Halo: Reach, or the Halo series in general. The soundtracks for all of those games are excellent and suitably grand, and so are the graphics, but the gameplay just feels so...meh. Bland environments, swarms of enemies that all look the same, lack of gun variety...it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. 


Also, I hated Final Fantasy IV on the Nintendo DS. It was my first time playing a Final Fantasy game, and I went in with sky-high expectations due to the glowing reviews the game had received, and the amount of love and praise that older fans were giving it. That's when I learned not to solely rely on reviews for finding good games. I didn't like the characters, combat was frustrating, and the difficulty got WAY too steep as the game progressed. Maybe it's just me, but I had a terrible time with that game. 


Oh, and speaking of DS disappointments, Yoshi's Island DS was a doozy. The original Yoshi's Island is one of my favorite games of all time, but the DS game put the series to shame. The levels weren't designed well, the baby-switching mechanic wasn't that fun, the music was bland, and the art style that made the original so eye-catching was replaced with flat,basic-looking character models. This was also a game I purchased based on the glowing reviews it received, so...I'm never going to let reviews dictate my purchasing decisions ever again. It's just too risky

Edited by jackleapp81
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I will try to defend some of the above mentioned games after my ramblings.


Most FPS games, they just don't have any innovation, every time it's the same game over and over again just slightly improving graphics, sometimes.


I've played Dota 2 with a friend and it's not my game, there's no automatic screen lock on your character, if you die you lose money which makes it hard to come back, stuns, silences and other crowd controll is way to long and some characters are just too unbalanced, I know it's in beta but still, it's impossible to make a comeback once you die even once.


Now to defend some games, just to be different.


About minecraft, with a couple of mods, everything is possible, there are adventure/puzzle/parkour maps, minigames. If you have the time you could recreate someting as big as skyrim in detail. I do have to admit it's boring when you're playing solo.


Now for skyrim, it's the amount of different builds that are possible. you can be a wizard while your character isn't even made for magic, and if you give your own character a personality with very weird habits it's way more fun.


Kingdom hearts, most people that love it grew up with the games there are FF characters in it which also drawn peopel in, a big thing people might not like is the confusing story, but the fighting controls are amazing if you ask me.


Moba game wise, I will only defend LoL, I know out of experience it's hard to get into this game, and when you're losing it may be frustrating, but the biggest problem is the community, people who claim they're the best players in the world and then they are the worst in the team, the people who go tell you to die when you make one tiny mistake, the people who blame everyone but themselves, but if you play with friends it can be really fun, you can try stuf out that doesn't make sense and it still works.

I can't really talk about smite since I've not played it enough, but if you ask me it's a good concept.


Now that I've written all that, I will take my leave.


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Mass Effect Series. I tried to get into it, but it just didn't click with me. Halo Series and Killzone Series clicked with me, but Mass Effect not so much. I know its a popular series too, but I just don't understand the appeal. Maybe like ponies, I am attracted to art style first and then I see if there is a good story. I don't care how realistic Mass Effect is, it just gives me uncanny valley syndrome. sleep.png

Edited by Pinkie Pie 3 U
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Sonic Adventure 2 - It's not a bad game, but everyone who says it's officially the last good Sonic game, I just want to punch in the face.


Minecraft - I barely have any friends to play with, and the game is just so boring when playing alone.


Every Call of Duty game - I might be overreacting, but the only reason it's basically this popular is because its annoying, under-aged fanboys keep talking about it like nothing else mattered. Can you believe I had to put up with this crap all throughout school?

Edited by Mars Caramel
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Minecraft, I HATE Minecraft. I don't get the appeal of it at all, lego is much better



Megaman X3 - The weakest soundtrack in the SNES games(despite come notable favs like Gravity Beetle and Crush Crawfish), and level design was nowhere near as fun as the other games(hell I even enjoyed X6 more)


yes I agree with you X3 has got a very bad soundtrack and poor level design, It'd just didn't live up to the spike mandrill theme or the brilliant level design of x


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Do you mean you can't get into any of the FF games or do you mean you can get into FF games, just not FF VI?

Just Final Fantasy VI, I still play Tactics(and Advance), IV and VII-X extensively, but for some reason, VI just doesn't draw me in likie the other games

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