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With the growth of the fandom, I found I am actually not watching the episodes as much anymore, and watching more and more fan-made stuff. But if I were to pick a favorite, I'd probably say Magical Mystery Cure, Wonderbolts Academy or the Return of Harmony. Almost all the episodes are just great, so it's hard to decide. 


It's the test of a true fan, the wait between seasons. Love the tension.

  • Brohoof 2


Proud member of the Code3 Bronies! Signature thanks to Doc Volt.

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1) Favorite MLP episode(s)?

The Return of Harmony. It's special for me because it was the first story I watched.

2) How often do you go back to watch the show?

I mainly watch episodes when I feel like it.

3) Do you do it in groups of episodes, a single, or marathon an entire season in one go?

Usually a single.

4) Favorite season?


  • Brohoof 1
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1. Sonic Rainboom. Its just a super cool episode, not only that, Fluttershy's cute cheer in the beginningwas the first MLP clip I've ever seen, its what got me into MLP in the first place.


2.  Not much. I'm not sure why, but I'm not really fond of going back to rewatch something (unless its with friends).


3. Usually 1-3.


4. 2, though I really enjoyed the others.

  • Brohoof 1
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1) Favorite MLP episode(s)? A Dog And Pony Show, MMMystery on the Friendship Express, and Keep Calm And Flutter On

2) How often do you go back to watch the show? It depends on my mood. I'll have stretches where I won't want to watch it at all, and then I'll have stretches where it'll be the only thing I want to watch.

3) Do you do it in groups of episodes, a single, or marathon an entire season in one go? Most of the time I just do a couple episodes here or there, but if I'm in the mood for it and have the time for it, I'll marathon.

4) Favorite season? Season 2

  • Brohoof 1
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Quite re-watchable.


1) Hard choice... I'd have to say Lesson Zero. DAT MENTAL BREAKDOWN.

2) I'mma recently converted brony, so I haven't watched the episodes too many times, though, I would all the time if I had nothing better to do.

3) I watch 2-or-3 episodes at a time, take an adorableness brake, then come back after doing some totally manly man shtuffs.

4) I enjoyed all seasons. (I haven't even finished season 3... DON'T BLUDGEON ME WITH A WAFFLE IRON.)

  • Brohoof 2


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1. Tough call, but if I had to pick one I guess I'd go with Green Isn't Your Color


2. I haven't watched an episode since Season 3 ended. I'm taking a bit of a break from the show until season 4 gets closer. I am going on about a year and a half as a fan so I don't want to burn out. Will probably rewatch the whole thing  before season 4 airs when the lack of pony becomes too disturbing.


3. Usually not fewer than two in a row. I think I did 8 in one night once. That's probably my max.


4. 1>2>3 though it's very close

  • Brohoof 1
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1) Favorite MLP episodes? Um, starting with Season 1...

Bridle Gossip, Winter Wrap-Up, Suited For Success, Green Isn't Your Color, The Cutie Mark Chronicles, and Party Of One are the stand-outs.

With Season 2...

The Return Of Harmony Part 1&2, Lesson Zero, Luna Eclipsed, May The Best Pet Win, Sweet And Elite, Family Appreciation Day, Hearth's Warming Eve, The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000, Read It And Weep, Hearts And Hooves Day, A Friend In Deed, Putting Your Hoof Down, Hurricane Fluttershy, MMMystery On The Friendship Express, and A Canterlot Wedding Part 1&2.

Season 3...

Too Many Pinkie Pies, One Bad Apple, Magic Duel, Sleepless In Ponyville, Wonderbolts Academy, Keep Calm And Flutter On, Magical Mystery Cure.

2) I go back to watch the show a ton! I watch a episode every day, usually someone's blind commentary!

3) Because I watch blind commentaries, I go with whatever that commentator is watching! But just yesterday, I converted my friend into being a brony, so we were marathoning the first season! :D

4) Season 2 is my favorite season, then Season 3. All of the seasons are great though!

  • Brohoof 2


Signature made by- Kyoshi

Make sense? Oh, what fun is there in making sense? -Discord

I'm So Excited! I'M SO EXCITED! I'm so scared. -Rarity & Spike

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MLP is one of those extraordinarily rare programmes I quite happily watch through on a regular basis. I don't think a single week has gone by this year where I haven't watched any episodes! Usually with a show, I will watch an episode if I catch it on TV, or if I have DVDs/downloaded eps then I may watch them again every once in a while, but the difference with MLP is I watch it almost daily! Never could I have thought I would become so attached to a show featuring ponies, but there it is. :)


I always start from the very beginning, and then watch through to the current end of the show again, over the days. I'd say I'm on my fifth or sixth run through for the year now (I've been a fan since about the very beginning of the year). :)


S1 is my favourite season as a whole, S2 of course has a lot of great episodes too, but there's just something about that first season which always strikes a chord with me. S3 I was particularly a little let down by certain episodes, but the season was certainly nothing of a tragedy.


Either way, it's a great programme, and there's only about 4 or 5 episodes which I always tend to skip (eg. "Stare Master", "Mysterious Mare Do Well").


Looking forward to eventually adding Season 4 to my gradual episode run-through's. :)

  • Brohoof 3
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1) Favorite MLP episode(s)?

Hurricane Fluttershy, Suited for Success, Party of One, Apple Family Reunion


2) How often do you go back to watch the show?

I might watch an episode here or there, but mostly, I watch them during my summer binge, which I just started yesterday. It has become tradition for me to watch all of the episodes over my summer break.


3) Do you do it in groups of episodes, a single, or marathon an entire season in one go?

Single if I'm just watching an episode at random, groups when I'm watching all of them. Usually three to six episodes a day.


4) Favorite season?

Season 1. Yes, the show did keep getting better in later seasons, but season 1 had a more simplistic feel that I really love, and I also loved Pinkie's little songs (she hasn't had as many in later seasons).

  • Brohoof 1



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1) Babs Seed episode

2) I rewatch quite a bit

3) I usually watch one or two episodes on YouTube or the HUB, But I power-thoned season 2 the other day.

4) Season 3 or 1

  • Brohoof 1


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Signature made by Kyoshi

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1) Favorite MLP episode(s)?


I'll have to get back to you on that one actually, tho I'm sure there are quite a few for this. Ones that I can mention from memory are The Cutie Mark Chronicles and definitely Winter Wrap Up.


2) How often do you go back to watch the show?


So far, I've ran through it three times and currently going through a fourth run (I know, I'm crazy like that xD). The only series I've watched even more than MLP is Avatar: TLA


3) Do you do it in groups of episodes, a single, or marathon an entire season in one go?


I run through an ep or two a day, depending on how much time I have to spare for them really. I varies quite a lot. I don't actually set a goal for how many eps I wanna watch at any given time.


4) Favorite season?


Season 2. Discord. This day Aria. 'Nuff said.

  • Brohoof 1
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I find it highly rewatchable. I think that, because the episodes(aside from the few exceptions) do not run in a linear direction, you're able to pick any part of the series to start from. This makes it easy to make groups of favourite episodes, without the worry of timelines and previous episodes.

I've always had a soft spot for Party of One. I watch episodes whenever the desire arises. I watch as few or many as I feel like. xD
I love ALL the seasons.

  • Brohoof 1


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1) Honestly, my most favorite of episodes include Luna Eclipsed, Sleepless in Ponyville, and Wonderbolt Academy.


2) I tend to re-watch those episodes everytime they come on the air which is somewhat common :P


3) I mostly just watch them whenever they come on but sometimes I'll go on Netflix or On Demand and watch a couple episodes there


4) my favorite season would have to be Season 2...

The ROYAL wedding and Discord's sillyness seales the deal for me :P

Edited by ~Wuvable Woona~
  • Brohoof 1


Thank you Nas for the sig :3


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(1) Favorite episode:


I have to say that Applebuck Season is one of my favorites. It's just so bleeding funny! xD It's also a great showcase of Applejack's personality, and Applejack is one of my favorite of the Mane 6. :3


(2) How often do you re-watch episodes?


Well, I used to watch them quite frequently between seasons 2 and 3. Since the end of season 3, I've (I really hate to say this...) lost a bit of interest in it. D: It's probably been a few months since I've watched any. However, when I do go back and watch, I really enjoy it. So I think I'm okay. :3


(3) How many do you watch at a time?


I usually watch them in groups of around 3. Seems like a nice number. :P


(4) Favorite season:


I think I have to hop on the bandwagon and say that season 2 is my favorite. Season one is great with all its character development and introductions, but season 2 really introduces a lot more, and has a few more "epic" episodes. :3

  • Brohoof 1


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1. Favorite Episode?

Season 1

Bridle Gossip for Flutterguy and I liked the overall message it was teaching.

Feeling Pinkie Keen was just absolutely full of trollage from Pinkie, so I loved it.

A Dog and Pony Show was the episode that made me LOVE Rarity. Shes not my fav, but after that episode, I had mass respect for her.

The Cutie Mark Chronicles since I'm a sucker for backstories.

Season 2



Lesson Zero, Twilight going crazy was beyond enjoyable.

Read It and Weep was great. 

A Friend in Deed is up there on my list. Top 5 easily. Just everything about it was good for me.

Hurricane Fluttershy, as its an episode that reminded me why I greatly admire Fluttershy. 

Canterlot Wedding.

Season 3

Wonderbolts Academy because it really showed off Rainbow Dash's best qualities

Games Ponies Play was a very nice episode.

Spike at your service because of dat Mustache. 

Mystery Magical Cure was pretty nice as well.


2. How often do you rewatch episodes? 

Once or twice a week.


3. How many do you watch at a time?

Singles or pairs


4. Favorite Season?

S2 all the way. It just had so many great episodes,. I really think if S3 was longer, it would've ended up being my favorite since it pretty much matches S1.

Edited by RAInbowShy1001
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  • 3 weeks later...

1 magical mystery cure, winter wrap up, and any episode that is center around rarity 

2 every week or so ( i am re watching the entire show from start to finish and am up to ep 13 season 2 )

3 i don't sleep well ( maybe 1-4 hours a night ) so i watch them in groups of about 5-6 episodes 

4 my favorite season would be season 3 even though rarity did not get an episode to herself this season. it was brilliant funny and well done 

  • Brohoof 1



signature made by DaReaper

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I am not a fan of the actual show really, I only got into mlp because of my niece. Just as a feminine guy, I think the ponies and characters are cute. But the show it'self is for little girls, so it isn't too appealing to me. Only one episode has re watch value to me, and that is sleepless in ponyville. 

  • Brohoof 1

“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.”

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1) Favorite MLP episode(s)?

Hurricane Fluttershy, Return of Harmony, Party of One, Too Many Pinkie Pies, DragonShy, and Magic Duel


2) How often do you go back to watch the show?

I like to have something that will take me a few days to watch, be it a TV series or a Let's Play or whatever.. But I rewatch MLP if I have nothing else to watch, or if I just want to watch it.
And that happens probably after a few months or so


3) Do you do it in groups of episodes, a single, or marathon an entire season in one go?

I watch a series all the way through from the start.. I just can't jump into the middle of a series like that.
Maybe I'm just OCD that way


4) Favorite season?

It's a fight between season 2 and season 3.
But I'd probably pick season 2 as it took another viewing to fully realise how good season 3 was

  • Brohoof 1

Have a nice cold pint, and wait for all this to blow over..

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1: I'm still going to stand my ground saying "Return to Harmony" is my favorite so far. The humor and the introduction of Discord, and the ponies' "negative" sides made a great overall episode.


2: If it's ever on TV, I'll always go to watch it since I don't really watch any TV anymore. Other than that, I rarely re-watch the show because I usually spend my spare time with other things. However, if I have any friends over, and they want to watch it, we will watch it every so often.


3: When I do watch it on the internet, it's normally just an episode or two.


4: Season 2 has most of my favorites. S3 was close, though.

  • Brohoof 1

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Favorite Episode: Any episode about Rarity or Fluttershy.


How often do I watch it? I'll throw an episode on Netflix every now and then.


Do I watch it in groups of episodes, singles, or marathons? I usually pick one season and just pick episodes from it to watch. I may change to a different season. I just pick a random one usually.


Favorite season: I like them all. I like Season 2's plots the best, and Season 3's songs the best. 

  • Brohoof 1


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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1) Favorite MLP episode(s)? -  My favorite episodes would definitely be: Sweet and Elite, Lesson Zero, A Canterlot Wedding, Magical Mystery Cure, Suited For Success, Return of Harmony, Hurricane Fluttershy, Too Many Pinkie Pies and Wonderbolts Academy. 


2) How often do you go back to watch the show? - I usually watch a single episode once a day; just to get my daily pony fix. I also like to go back and retry episodes I previously didn't enjoy.


3) Do you do it in groups of episodes, a single, or marathon an entire season in one go? - I either do it in a group of episodes or a single episode. I would do a full season...but some episodes I just can't stand watching.


4) Favorite season? - Season 2 and then Season 3. I'm going to be honest...I didn't really enjoy Season 1 that much; most of the episodes were average or bad to me. 


So, certain episodes are definitely re-watchable for me; others...not so much.

  • Brohoof 1


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1) Favorite MLP episode(s)?

Keep Calm and Flutter On.


2) How often do you go back to watch the show?

1 - 3 times a week but it depends how busy I am with work and stuff.


3)Do you do it in groups of episodes, a single, or marathon an entire season in one go?

Again depends on how busy I am. I've done mini marathons but not full season marathons. (Someday)


4) Favorite season?

I like them all they were all a great bunch of episodes.

  • Brohoof 1
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1. Favorite MLP episode: I just can't really decide. I like every episode which makes it hard for me to choose.


2. How often do you go back to watch the show? Since I first started watching last December, I have watched it all, twice. I would go back and watch it again, but I am holding out to have a marathon before season 4.


3. Do you do it in groups of episodes, a single, or marathon an entire season in one go? I usually watch 2 episodes at a time. The most I have watched in one day is 4.


4. Favorite season? Again, I can't really decide. I liked all three season.

  • Brohoof 1

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I have watched all of the episodes at least two or three times, and I am a comparatively new brony. I also have watched Equestria Girls about five times, because I used savevid.com to pull it off of Youtube. It is a totally rewatchable show, and not even one that you have to wait for for a few months for it to be entertaining again.

  • Brohoof 1



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1) Return of Harmony Parts 1 and 2, followed by A Canterlot Wedding Part 2, Suited For Success, and Hearts and Hooves Day.


2) Ever so often, whenever the mood strikes me.   I'll not watch it for weeks, then I'll go back and watch several over a few days.  Recently, for instance, I've rewatched Suited for Success, Green Isn't Your Color, and Party of One. 


3) Generally I'll do an episode a day.


4) Season 2.

  • Brohoof 1


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