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private Equestria University (Romance) (SOL)

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"41... 40... 39..." Cinder counted down aloud. "Oh, thats great!"


Truth be told, among everything else happening that day she had forgotten all about having a roommate. Still, Nightshade seemed pleasant.


"I guess your studying magic then?" She nodded towards the mares horn. "I can't believe they put me down for farming! I don't know the first thing about farming!"

  • Brohoof 1

Never quite forgotten.

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@, @@Psych Ward,


Gardenia jumped a little bit at the voice of another mare coming from behind. She turned around and looked upon the mare with an eyebrow raised, but her smile that had faded from Minty not recognizing her came back upon looking at this new mare.


Hey, I saw her before, she seems interesting. And the way her sleeves go past her hooves is just so darn cute!


Gardenia then recognized that the mare was looking at her expectantly. Gardenia looked around and said, "Oh, um, this is room number 2. You must be Minty's room mate. Pleasure to meet you, I am Gardenia and this..." Gardenia pointed a hoof towards Minty, "is my old friend Minty."

Edited by GaleFenrir
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"Oh, that's wonderful," Psych Ward smiled, instantly calming down.  "I thought I had gotten the wrong room!  I'm Psych Ward.  It's so wonderful to meet you both."  She talked quickly, barely stopping to breathe.  She put her saddle bag on the floor to give her back a rest.

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I got up to explore a little bit, until I find my room mate. I head down the halls and down the stairs. *i don't seem to notice any pony here that I know...* I had too much energy, so I stupidly fly up and down the halls, being followed by a blue trail, almost hitting the ponies around me. *I love doing this* I thought. And continued flying up and down the different floors. "This is a nice place, much better than high school. Blech" ((OOC I have nothing to do it seems, hopefully I meet my room mate or something happens to me or something))

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"Oh, that's wonderful," Psych Ward smiled, instantly calming down. "I thought I had gotten the wrong room! I'm Psych Ward. It's so wonderful to meet you both." She talked quickly, barely stopping to breathe. She put her saddle bag on the floor to give her back a rest.

Minty looked away shyly. "U-um, nice to meet you.." Minty says. "You're my room mate? I won't cause any trouble.." Minty squeaks. "You won't even know I'm your room mate.." This was the most words Minty had said at a time, since she's such a shy pony and all. She quickly hid behind Gardenia.
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"It appears so," Psych Ward shrugged.  "I'm sure you'll be no problem at all.  I'm actually usually the one that causes the problems.  I hope I don't cause any problems.  If I do, just let me know!  I couldn't stand it if I caused problems with you.  You see, I've never had a roommate before because I'm, well, not good with other ponies."

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@, @@Psych Ward,


Gardenia was simultaneously relieved and worried when Minty hid behind her. Relieved that Minty had come to recognize her and that she felt comforted by her presence, but worried that she would so nervously and readily hide from her new room mate. she knew Minty had been shy, but Gardenia was hoping that she had grew out of it in the intervening years.


Gardenia looked back and forth between the two mares, "I am sure you two will get along just fine." She said, as much to assuage her own fear for Minty as it was to comfort her.

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"It appears so," Psych Ward shrugged. "I'm sure you'll be no problem at all. I'm actually usually the one that causes the problems. I hope I don't cause any problems. If I do, just let me know! I couldn't stand it if I caused problems with you. You see, I've never had a roommate before because I'm, well, not good with other ponies."

Minty kept pawing her hoof at the floor, and looked up. "I'm really shy.. I don't talk to ponies much. That's why I'm l-lonely.." She squeaks sadly. "I'd like to, but I always wimp out.." Minty says to the mare. "It's hard for me to socialize." Minty looks up a little bit. "I'll be in the d-dorm.." Minty says, trotting in frantically.
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Acoustic Cloud had everything where it needed to be in the quarters.

"Strange, no sign of a roommate yet", he thought. "Oh well."

Acoustic Cloud wasn't one for too much socializing anyways. He felt like taking a little stroll around campus, so he picked up his saddlebag and made his way out the door.

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I stopped at the top floor to catch my breath.

" What am I doing, acting like a child" I face hoof and lean on the wall "I guess it's why I can't make friends..." I didn't have many friends in high school, every pony thought I was crazy and annoying. "IM TALKING TO MYSELF AGAIN!" I make a rage face and sit in the corner, *grunt* I lick my lips and sit there. "This isn't going good at all and it hasn't been a day yet..." I scratch my head. "Am I am attention hog? Is that why no pony likes me?" I think a little. "Well I'm doing the opposite and it's not working...I'm talking to myself again..." I look down the hall, no pony in sight, peace and quiet. I take a drawing pad from my saddle bags and doodle, to kill time.

Edited by PelateOvercast
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Psych Ward nodded.  "I sure hope so," she said.  She frowned as Minty went into the dorm.  She could feel for her.  With all her nervous breakdowns and voices in the head, she could never really face other ponies.  "Thank you for being so nice," she said to Gardenia before picking up her saddle bag and heading into the dorm.

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Acoustic Cloud finished walking around the campus and made his way through the courtyard once more.  He loved the look of this place, there was something that just worked.

Acoustic Cloud found himself humming a melody, he followed the notes and made his way to the grass in the courtyard.  He pulled out a notepad and began writing down some lyrics.  Nothing was more enjoyable to him that creating something new. 

Not many ponies were around the courtyard since most were still setting their possessions in their quarters, so he felt comfortable to continue humming his new melody as he scratched out some new words.

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I start to get bored, I check my watch "THREE MINUTES RAAARGH!!!! *sigh* I need some fresh air...yea sounds good, I don't care if I'm talking to myself because I'm the only pony for me to talk to!!!" I was stressed for some reason. Maybe because I really HAD no pony to talk to. I look out the window and had a view of the courtyard and all the ponies walking around down there"I should at least try to make friends..." I fly down the stairs and fly out to the courtyard and run into some pony *thump* "oops sorry about that dude..."


@Rainbow Dashey

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Acoustic Cloud gets laid-out from the side and his papers go flying across the yard.  He turns to see a grey pegasus stopped on the grass.  

Acoustic Cloud gets to his hooves with a slight ringing in his ears. 

"oops sorry about that dude..."


Acoustic Cloud shakes his head a bit and replies, "Huh, oh... no problem, guy." As he picks up the papers strewn about.


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Acoustic Cloud gets laid-out from the side and his papers go flying across the yard. He turns to see a grey pegasus stopped on the grass.


Acoustic Cloud gets to his hooves with a slight ringing in his ears.


"oops sorry about that dude..."


Acoustic Cloud shakes his head a bit and replies, "Huh, oh... no problem, guy." As he picks up the papers strewn about.


@Rainbow Dashey


"no really sorry I'm a terrible flier...my names Pelate Overcast by the way, I'm from Ponyville." I squee and ask "so what's your name?" I help pick up his things "where ya' from?" I hand the papers to him with a half smile on my face.* I'm finally meeting some pony?* I think holding my enthusiasm. ((OOC finally I'm becoming more significant))

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Gardenia couldn't help but feel a little disappointed that she was left alone in the hallway now, just after reuniting with her old filly-hood friend. It was, at least, comforting to know that she was attending the same university, and their rooms didn't seem too far apart. Gardenia decided that it was about time she made way to her own room.


She opened the door to room number 4 and had a pout on her face, seeing it was vacant. "I guess I got here before my roommate." Gardenia walked in and dropped her saddlebags on the bottom bunk. She opened her bags up and brought out an assortment of items she brought from home: a framed picture, an old and well-loved tome, and a small jewelry box.

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"It's all good.  Heh, maybe you'll get a bit out of weather class, am I right?" Acoustic Cloud replied with a slight smirk. "Name's Acoustic Cloud, I am from the outer city of Canterlot." He said as he attempts to clumsily shuffle the pages back into order, which seemed in vain.

Edited by Rainbow Dashey


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Psych Ward instantly started unpacking the boxes on her bed.  An entire box was filled with long sleeved sweaters, much like the one she was wearing.  Another had her special pillows and fluffy blankets.  The final box had all her knick knacks and books that she either hadn't read, or just couldn't leave the house without.


(Um, @GaleFenrir, you're pony is in Dorm #4.)

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"It's all good. Heh, maybe you'll get a bit out of weather class, am I right?" Acoustic Cloud replied with a slight smirk. "Name's Acoustic Cloud, I am from the outer city of Canterlot." He said as he attempts to clumsily shuffle the pages back into order, which seemed in vain.

@Rainbow Dashey


I laughed a little at the joke " well cool, nice meeting you, I'm going to go check my dorm room, got to finish unpacking my stuff n' things you know, cya' later" I walk off * heh I actually did it right... I'm but so bad at this* I think to myself. As I approach the dorm room I wonder if my room mate is here yet. I open the door, empty. "REALLY?!" I left the door open just in case he or somepony else comes. I go to my suit case and look for my things. I set done things on my desk such as an alarm clock, a notebook, a set of quills, jars of ink, and some other stuff. I put a poster of Zoe Trent above my desk ((OOC I was going to choose applejack but i can't be a brony because I'm a pony so LPS is my second option *not a bad show btw*)) "ahhh... Perfect, hope my room mate comes here soon" I look out the door into the hall way, it was still empty. I shrug and put more stuff away.

Edited by PelateOvercast
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"Catch ya' 'round!" Acoustic said as Pelate left.  Acoustic Cloud quickly finished sticking all the papers in his saddlebags.  Acoustic put the saddlebags on and poked his wings out of his sweatshirt and flew off to his room.  

He was a good flier, but for some odd-reason, he would cover his wings whenever possible.  Call it a quirk.


Acoustic Cloud landed and made his way into the room; still no sign of his roommate.  

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@@Psych Ward, ((oops, you are indeed right, fixed it.))


Gardenia was looking about her new dorm room, it wasn't too bad, she thought. Could use a little more color, but she could add that later if her roommate was amiable. She took out a blank sheet of paper and went to the small desk in the room. She figured she would write a letter, she wasn't sure who to, yet. She just wanted to write down what she thought so far of her new university, but she never saw the point in keeping a journal or diary before.


Perhaps I should get a diary. I never had a need before, every day seemed to have blend together all those years.

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Finally reaching the door labeled '6', Cinder fumbled open the door and stepped inside the dorm.


'Wow, bright in here' she thought, considering the large windows as they filled the room with light. Looking outside she noticed that the room they had been assigned seemed to overlook the main courtyard.


Unceremoniously dumping her bags down beside a bed she started to root through it - pulling out a number of small wooden boxes and placing them with care on a small table. Finally she slumped down onto the bed to relax a little before she decided what to do next.

  • Brohoof 1

Never quite forgotten.

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“Yeah, see you around,” Cliff said, watching bemusedly as Gardenia bounced off to meet some other pony. Oh well. At least he had laid the groundwork – Earth Pony, likes garden, total knockout. He didn’t need much more then that for an excuse to meet her again. Cliff twitched his tail and checked his form. Dorm #3, that didn’t sound too far off. He bumped his way into his dorm room and flicked his tail, noting that someone else had already been here.


“Oh where are you, roommate,” He sang under his breath, sliding his saddlebags onto the available bed and stretching out the kinks in his back. He really had to stop carrying so much stuff. Cliff started to unpack, taking one of the available drawers and filling it with his team sportswear.






Zatiko killed time for as long as he could, filling out his form as slowly as possible and checking everything twice. Now, it was finally time to meet his new roommate; this was the part he had been worrying about. The zebra noticed a filly pausing by the doorway to gawp at him, and quickly averted his eyes. Of course, he would be the school freak for a day or two, until he bled into the woodwork. He just needed to keep a low profile and not worry about making friends, they had never helped him in the long run anyway.


Dorm #1. The door was open and there appeared to be somepony inside already. Zatiko lowered his slanted golden eyes, and then held his head high. He had stripes – the other pony didn’t. There was no reason that they couldn’t get along amicably. Except for the fact nearly every pony you’ve met is incredibly superstitious and hates Zebras, his pessimistic side retorted.


“Hello,” Zatiko said quietly, biting the strap on his saddlebags and then dropping it onto the unclaimed bed. “My name is Zatiko, I am your roommate.”


No reason he couldn’t introduce himself politely. And if the other pony asked for a room change, well, he’d have the dorm to himself.


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((Sorry for the delay!))


Ciel trudged onto the Equestria University campus, her two suitcases floating behind her in cased in her foggy blue and not at all sparkly magic. With each step she took, her pink bracelets smacked together making an awful and somewhat heinous jingly sound. She briefly considered taking them off, as jingling noises were often associated with happiness, and she was anything but happy. However she didn't remove them, as she knew her sister would be quite upset, even if she wasn't there, but the potential guilt trip was strong enough to keep her from removing them.


She reached the sign up desk, and had to cough a few times for the secretary to take notice of her, as the mare was chatting with some other new students.


"Last name and first name please." The mare muttered, seemingly a bit put off by Ciel's interruption.


"It's simply, Ciel." she stated. She had never really had a last name, although she could have used her mother's, she didn't feel like going through all of that.


"Alrightie, then." the Mare murmured. "Here's your form, fill it out, then bring it back."


Ciel nodded and began trotting away, but turned back suddenly, surprising the secretary. "I forgot to say that I am a first year student." she, said a bit flustered. The mare nodded slowly, waving her a way and turned back to her previous conversation.


Ciel ducked her head and trotted to the bench that she had been heading to, originally, taking note of the dorm room number in the corner of her form. Dorm #4. I guess it's time to meet my roommate.

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Nightshade followed her in, carefully setting her saddle bag on her bed.  Several boxes sat at the foot of her bed.  She started quickly looking through them, enveloping them with the shimmering purple aura that accompanied her horn.  She loaded the bookshelf next to her bed the black and blue spell books and loaded her comforter set onto her bed.

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