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Equestria Girls


Equestria Girls  

14 users have voted

  1. 1. Rate the film

    • Flash Sentry steals your waifu - Hated it!
    • "... needs some peanut butter crackers." - Disliked it
    • "What are hands?" - Meh it was okay.
    • "Those are my girls! Woo-hoo!" - Liked it
    • "We helped Twilight win the crown!" - Loved it!

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I watched it last night but I have mixed feelings towards it. Firstly I still do not like the humanized versions of the characters or the style designs for the characters. I honestly think other artists have made much better depictions of the human versions of the mane 6 than what they designed for the movie. The cross-over was really a neat idea especially seeing Twilight having to adjust to the big change. But I still think they could have polished this movie much more than they did. I seemed to me to be very cliched with the high school setting and etc... But that is just me I am still looking forward to season four. 


But I didn't take to kindly to this movie unfortunately :/


Out of all the character designs I liked Applejacks and Scootaloo, Applebloom, and Sweetie Belle's the most. But out all of the characters I liked their design the best. 

Edited by White Rose
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Well it was good but I didn't find it amazing, some of the people were out of character and by that I mean Snips and Snails, they were really mean in this movie. Yeah, they weren't the nicest ponies but they were never flat out mean before. I think they ran the joke of Twilight tiring to get used to the human items into the ground, I did find it funny though.


I know what you mean. Snips and Snails didn't even feel like Snips and Snails. There was a hint or two but they were really jerks in this movie which is kind of out of character for them. They're suppose to be rather clumsy as are their pony counterparts. It was weird seeing them act so diabolical ,but I guess it was Sunset Shimmer's leadership that messed them up so badly.

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Just watched the full movie on YouTube. Well. I simply cannot put all of that cuteness and awesomeness and amazingness into words!


But I'll try anyway XD I'm just warning you, I have a lot to say:


I can't believe how pony-related that was! They were sooo much like their pony-selves and that's what I loved about them! It was hilarious! I love how they used tons of pony designs and the Spike/Rarity was funny. AND OMG, THE CMCS ARE PEGASISTERS!! That was sooo hilarious! Pausing it just before the word "pony" but they were watching an episode on YouTube!! One of the best parts!


I'll also include some of my views on the characters:

Sunset Shimmer:

Wow, what a bitch! Why do bitches always have to pretty!!? Oh well, she turned nice at the end. I kinda hoped she'd go back to Equestria with them and become like the Mane 7 buuut... I know you'd all hate that.

Principal Celestia and Luna:

ZOMG! We hoped for and they gave us it! AWESOMEEEE!!

Flash Sentry(where the heck did you get "Brad" from?):

He was real annoying at first. Super cheesy when Twiley threw her hot choc over him, but he warmed to me, kinda felt bad for him when she ran out of the room screaming XD so did the audience of the cinema :L But when me and my sister were watching it, at the very beginning, we saw the royal guard with the blue hair and instantly knew it was him. And then at the end when he bumped into her - again - we melted into cuteness overload when Iccle Twiley got all embarrassed when the Mane 6 teased her! :3 d'awwww...

Twilight Sparkle:

Really, really adorable. She cracked me up a lot of times, as would any pony who's just turned into a human (um, were they humans...?). Turned out a bit of a Mary Sue but there ya go, that's Twiley for ya XD


As a dog... Not a fan. He was a wimp for jumping in the portal after her, not wanting to be left alone, but it wouldn't have been much of a storyline if Twilight didn't have her loyal companion dragon - er, I mean dog - with her.


*clears throat* DA CUTEST THING (and awesomest, obviously) THAT EVER LIVED! SHE DID THE CHUBBY CHEEKS!!! Me and my sister squealed with delight when she did that - and it's funny because we even said, "aw, they should make her do that, or say 20% cooler or something". AND SHE DID THE CHUBBY CHEEKS!! They already had cute cheeks anyway but her.. Just... OMG

Applejack: She was pretty cool. She was hilarious, a good old sport. Her and Dashie fell out XD yup, sounds like them. She was my second favourite character. (I think you know who's my first)


Surprisingly, outrageously adorable. She gave me a lot of d'awwww moments. I would include this point in my "moments I liked in the movie" to come, but I'll just say it now: I loved how they did the same beginning of Twilight meeting Futtershy as they did in S1 E1.


Well, she really was kind of the hero, wasn't she? If she didn't think of the ears and tails idea, well.. Yeah. I quite liked her character design. Very sexy... I mean - pretty!

Pinkie Pie:

Pinkie Pie.

I think that's about it...


Best bits of the movie (in my opinion):

- The CMCs watching an episode of MLP!!!!!


- When AJ picked up the table after Twiley struggled and had to have two boys helping her XD

- Of course Snips and Snails always fall for the bad girls XD that was hilarious.

- Bitch fight between Twilight and Sunset. (not really, it just reminded me of the drama queens at my school)

- The Great and GREEDY Trixie!!

- "Of course you lost. I'm awesome."

- AJ: "right, lets get this pathetic argument over your damn eyes over with!" *rips of Vinyl's glasses* "SHOW THE WORLD!!"

- Dashie on the chair followed by chubby cheeks and attitude and yet more awesomeness.


- The opening title!! When I heard the "my little pony, my little pony.." I was like, "seriously? -.-" but then it turned into that awesome beat and the awesome animations for the opening credits.

- Damn why can't I think of anymore at this very moment in time. I will think of it over dinner. XD *goes to eat dinner*

Back! And proceed...

- DASHIE'S CHUBBY CHEEKS!! OBVS!! How did I not think of that before...?

- Twilight's erect wings XD

- AJ fuming under her hat XD not much like her, but still funny

- Ummm think think think...

- OK you know what? I'll just say the WHOLE MOVIE! Because it was totally amazing! I knew it was worth waiting for!

- One last thing: EVERY MOMENT WITH DASHIE IN :3 sorry


Weird bits/things that could be improved:

- It escalated quickly. I think there should have been more twists and turns and made it a longer movie.

- Twilight really left Canterlot (now, where have I heard that name before...?) without a lot of fuss. I thought she'd be super upset to leave her friends and above all, Flash. I seriously thought he would confess his love for her and hold her hand as she left to even come with her but nope. POOF! And she was gone.

- SUNSET SHIMMER WAS FREAKY AS!! I'm telling you, this is NOT a movie for little children. Pretty sure that demon would give em' nightmares XD

- Well, this is sorta a confusion, but it can only be resorted to one thing: Pinkie Pie IS physic! Or, she was just Pinkie Pie. Yeah, we'll stick with that.


Umm, I forgot what else I was gonna say. Shoot. BUT I think you get the idea of how much I LOVED this movie. One of my favourite movies now, naturally. I'm still gonna buy the DVD if I ever see it available for England.


Oh yes, I knew there was something else I wanted to say,



Edited by Dashabel
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I actually liked Snips and Snails better as diabolical and competent henchmen than the orders-of-magnitude-worse-than-Derpy-could-ever-be insults to the mentally impaired they are in Equestria.


EDIT: Dashabel's post ninja'd me, so I read it after posting this one.  ...Is it just me, or does that read like Pinkie Pie's Review of Equestria Girls? ;)  /)*

Edited by InvisiblePinkUnicorn
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After watching EG, I was actually surprised.


- Good humor 

- Nice animation

- Twilight's adaption to the human body was funny

- Lot's of things only fans would notice

- The youtube scene with the CMC in the library was hilarious!


- Very cliche 

- Ending felt very rushed

- High school drama

- Trixie scene felt "really" forced

- I didn't like the the new intro, felt to dubstep-like

  • Brohoof 3

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Remeber my first review?




*Warning: few "spoilers" ahead"


Okay... Okay... *sighs*


I'll be honest. I didnt love it. And I have to activate my inner brony to say that I don't hate it either. I'm just caught in the middle. Or below. If it was the 66th episode, i'd give it a place in my personal bottom 33.


I'm sorry.


I can't call it outstanding, or really good, or something like that. I really can't. I'm disappointed. I was cheerful after the second trailer sank into my mind. I tought "Well, this might not be great, but atleast a bumpy yet joyful ride. Good, but not great". And now my expectations have been belied.


I'll start from the most objective point of view that's possible for me.


And that is the critic.


From technical point of view it was somewhere in the upper middle. Animations not bad, writing good enough to make it feel fluently, but yet a bit too rushed. Songs were average. Texts okay, but the music was quite generic. But then I have to stick to my personal rating system. And I will use it here as well as when I come to my brony-point-of-view.



A Highschool setting. One could easily say that this is necessarily bad because most movies with that premise are mediocre to bad. But that's the wrong idea. It can grant the movie the possibility of showing non-cliche conflicts.

Interdimensional travel. Well, can argue about that, but what do you expect if Hasbro wants Highschool combined with the sucess of Friendship is Magic. I have to commiserate with the writers here. Bad, forced idea-crossing.

But the real problem is: I have to look at the movie seperated from the show here. And then I can only say that it is just a Highschool movie, cut down to be watchable for a bigger audience. Inconsistent. But expected. Thanks, marketing.






The idea that Twilight Sparkle has to fit in the setting first and that the focus on the setting itself - I mean waht everyone might fear: the cliches - is actually the best part. But then comes the bad. The plotline follows the classic setting; but in an slightly altered way. Not too cliche but a bit "meh". And with fantasy/magic, of course. The good jokes outweight some of the inconsistences. And the fact that the  generic "Mr-Good-Looking" can easily be ignored here, make something right. They help to compensate the slightly rushed and underexplaned plotline.





Average pop songs combined with a partial High-School-Musical setting, a demon-transformation and a lesson that fits poorly into the run time of the movie in the way it is presented. Taking a well elaborated series and putting it into something half-tweenesque. I would call it a mistake. And I'm running out of words here. 




Total critic (NON-brony) score: 9/21 (7 is the minimum to be considered as "acceptable". Everything above 17 is the outstanding stuff.)


So, now to my brony-point-of-view.



Highschool? Humans? Alternate Reality? Really? Okay, let's just skip that. It's awful. 

Crown stolen, Twilight as a princess not that ungrounded (yet?) and a former student that is the bad guy? I like it.






Rushed. But yet comprehensible. Someway. Bringing friendship to alternate reality selves and then get the crown back so everything can be just as ever now with alicorn Twilight. Good. Half baked "FlashLight"? Even though most likely not in season four... just, just no. Not Fitting to the concept of the show. Some plotholes and forced plotline. Willing suspension of disbelief suffers.






You took the bun, Hasbro, or whoever is responsible. Making the setting yet too cliche in the end by not actvely acting against the cliches, turning Spike into a dog and forced, simplified side blows against modern society by forcing the characters we know and love  into it; Really? I thought we could overcome the stereotypes. Not do something that gives ammuniton to the haters. And don't try to compensate that with shout-outs. I'm a brony, not a fanatic.




Total brony score: 11 (Yeah, but 1/7 in style)


I don't want you to get me wrong here. My system is not perfect, it's just the way I feel like I have to rate something like a movie. 

I really wanted to watch the movie in the end. I hoped that my fears would be allayed. They weren't. Sorry. I can't. I simply can't rate this movie better.


The simple fact that it is set in something that we all can better judge because it is not totally artificial makes it impossible for me to say "This is a part of Friendship is Magic".

The fact that FiM is set in a fictional world, has fictional beings in it, makes it - in combination with human conflicts and subjects - so outstanding to me. I can sink in and ignore my differences with the ideas transmitted in the show because my willing suspension of disbelief and my ideals allow me to say "This is not your culture. It is not even your species, Yes, it is created by humans and therefore has humanity and human ideas in it, but I can ignore that because it tells me something that I like in a way that I like."


But Highschool in general is not artificial and not fictional enough. I can't watch it with the same eyes as FiM. I can't. And now I will simply try to forget about the movie. I might watch it again, but not because I really liked it.


I hope this doesn't predict how season four will be. I know, McCarthy is a good writer and she svaed the movie from being in my "crap-of-the-crap-list". But even good execution can't compensate bad content. At least not for me.


You might say that I'm wrong, but this is my point of view and I will not rant about Equestria Girls in the future. I will simply try to ignore it. Just fo you to understand me.


Thank you for your attention.


P.S. Whoever wonders, how I, a german, sitting in Germany was able to watch it... Well, that's up to your imagination.




And guess what? I rewatched the movie.

And now I have only one thing to say.


I feel ashamed.


Yes. I supressed my initial wrath while writing this review. Maybe there is truth in it, but right now I'm very confused. I wouldn't say I love the movie. Or do I? I don't know. I just came to the conclusion that I can rather like and accept it than to dislike and ignore it. I still see some, or many things, that bug me in it. But I focused on those. And not on the actual good things. Or, to be precisely, my basic "liking" of ponies was supressed in that moments.


I am sorry that I really wasted space on the internet by posting that. But I will not edit it, so it can either be deleted or just stay there as an example of what rather uncontrolled emotions and a focus on negatives can cause. This shall not be an excuse. I think I'm just quite more emotional than I like to admit to myself. And I don't ask for forgivness, in case I offended you in any way.


So now, review "totally" revised.


The best thing is that it actually does feel like kind of an episode of the show. Not the best one, yes; but the goods outweight the bads. Voice-acting, characterization and humor. These are the best things about the movie. Period.


It still doesn't feel fitting to see the characters in Highschool. But it works in some way and when Twilight returns to Equestria, it feels like coming home. A weird but entertaining, yet sometimes rushed and forced adventure. Some of the sideblows on modern society weren't really necessary, because they were only half-baked. The songs are very pop-like, but that is maybe just me who doesn't like generic pop and expected something closer to the songs in the show.


And the cliches were there because they were shown but not really done away with. And especially the parts with Flash Sentry could have been much better and the movie could have needed twenty minutes more screentime.


But still...


I can't deny the fanservice in it. All the references to previous stuff in the show works. I don't know if that means that they hadn't more ideas than "Recycle the whole thing, add a few spices and mix it with Highschool". Right now it just tastes like a stew cooked out of last weeks stuff. But the best stuff. I know that nostalgia doesn't replace quality. Hay, someone who doesn't even know the show and watches it will most likely call it nothing better than being of the quality of a Direct-to-DVD Disney movie. But that doesn't need to interest us here.


It isn't flawless. Nothing is. Not me, not us, not the writers. But the staff from DHX made the best out of the... marketing-scheme. Let's face it. We are all biased about the franchise, because we like it. Some keep optimistic, no matter what - and that really impresses me in a good way - and others will never find anything permanent negative in anything that the staff does. And that's okay. It's just human.


I for myself should just stop writing things under the influence of anger. Lesson learned. Thank you again, FiM.


Right now, I can only summarize the movie as the shout-out/reference/good-but-not-really-outstanding piece of entertainment that it is for me right now. And that is enough for being an improvement to my previous opinion. And enough to be watched by every brony out there. Just an advice from someone who needed to rewatch it to clear his open but sometimes very cloudy mind.


Idea 5/7

Plot 5/7

Style 5/7


Total score: 15/21



Okay, okay...


Brony Bonus: +2 


Total score: 17/21


(Well played again, mind. And I feel so much better right now)

  • Brohoof 1

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- W. I. Thomas & D. S. Thomas



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I just watched it on Youtube and...it was pretty good, actually. There were some parts that were a bit confusing, though, such as the fact that everypony/body except for Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer (and I suppose Spike?) had doubles in the parallel world.  What happened to their alternate dimension selves?  Also, I thought that Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon  should've been Sunset Shimmer's sidekicks,  not stupid Snips and Snails! That was a big missed opportunity, I think. Not that Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are great characters, either, but I would have much rather watched them as the Beta Mean Girls (especially seeing Queen Bee Diamond Tiara answering to an even meaner/older Alpha). Lastly, the alternate Mane Five are going to be friends with Sunset Shimmer, now? After all that? ....Really?img-1590152-1-huh.png


There were a lot of funny parts, such as the parts where the CMC were watching their song on Youtube (kinda bummed Scootaloo didn't have any lines though), when The Great and Powerful Trixie wanted snack crackers and, especially, all the mistakes Twilight made at first (going into the men's room for instance - Lol. And throwing those books around with her mouth!)  The songs were also pretty catchy, especially the "Helping Twilight Win the Crown" one (even if it seemed a little High School Musical-ish).  Anyone know if there's anywhere to download the songs yet?


But, yeah, overall, pretty well done. I was never as opposed to the idea of humanized ponies as some. After all, I like humans better than ponies and I also don't mind the occasional high school story as long as its done well.


Oh, and I actually kind of liked Flash Sentry. Sure, he was bland, but sometimes bland is okay. 


ETA - I forgot to add, I freaking LOVED Cheerilee's cameo. She is such an underrated character to me. I love how she looked annoyed with Twilight's/the CMC's behavior, but put on her best fakey cheery face for them anyway. She's had moments like that on the show, too, where her cheerful demeanor slips and you see her getting annoyed (like in Hearts and Hooves Day especially). She's such a stealth bitch, I bet.

Edited by Carolina
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I'll give my review since I watched the whole thing(And might have recorded it off youtubehappy.png ).


I have been skeptical of the project since I first heard talk about humanized ponies. I'm open about my dislike for them. This movie, this freaking movie, changed my mind. Overall I thought the movie was okay. It wasn't perfect, but it wasn't as bad as I thought. Sure there were the moments when you knew exactly what was going to happen, but there were those others that were like, say what let me rewind that and see that again. The characters weren't overly girly like I thought they might make them, instead they were just like the characters we came to love in the show. Overall I liked it. 4/5 stars from me.


Now the moments in the movie that made me squeal like a little girl!

1. TRIXIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2. I think Trixie was it...............

3. Nearly forgotten... STRAIGHT HAIR PINKIE!


Now the moments that made me a very angry pony.

1. Why was Vinyl Scratch not dancing with Octavia in the cafeteria scene.

2. Where was Babs Seed.... I wanted my Babs Seed.

3. Why did Luna look so weird.

4.(Not really but still) Where was Trixie when Sunshet Simmer took over. She saw Twilight run out there. I thought something was going to happen...


I think that it for me.

Overall nice movie, and it had Trixie.

Again in case you decided to skip straight to here on my review.

4/5 stars!

Edited by Pinkie_D_Pie
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I thought about this movie last night.  I have two different thoughts about it, one as someone who enjoys MLP, and then a second thought as someone who would approach this movie from a neutral point of view.  So here are my Three-Line reviews:


A word on the scale. I have always used a out-of-ten score for movies.  (http://www.dwad.net/movies.html)  5/10 is considered a Must See.  Most movies score 3/10.  No one has ever scored 10/10 or 0/10.




Crossing over into the human world is an idea which might have gone badly, but it was well handled.  It was fun to see the characters in unique situations, and the movie did have some elements to it which are a part of the show, but it also had a sledgehammer feel to it at times.  All in all, enjoyable sort of but not worth the price of admission.  3/10




A cheap attempt made on the cheap to grab cinema dollars that is nowhere near worth what you'll pay for it.  Forgettable songs, zero character depth, and art that is one step above Pokemon, you'll wonder why My Little Pony is so popular if this is your only exposure.  Flat story, flat characters, and flat humor all lead to a flat experience.  2/10


Pearls of Wisdom - The riches God gave us are not for us, but for us to distribute to others.

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I hated every second of this horrendous movie. It was beyond cliched, I wanted to eviscerate Sunset Shimmer anytime I saw her, and the romance was horribly forced. It took everything I loved about the show and ignored it. But what really pissed me off is that probably the one chance Friendship is Magic gets at a movie, we get this over-hyped excuse for a flick


This video sums up my feelings on the movie http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eKc7f0k_g9w

Edited by DITR
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That movie was gooooood!


A few points that I could think of off the top of my head...


1.  The High School tropes were there, but they didn't overshadow the story like I thought it would.  


2.  I couldn't help to think that human Rainbow Dash could have been introduced a bit earlier.  It would have been interesting to have the fight scene in the classroom with all 5 of them at each others throats.  Actually, they could have played the animosity a bit more, but it was fine as is.


3.  Was I the only one who thought that Sunset Shimmer should have recruited Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara instead of Snips and Snails?


4.  I never thought they could make Fluttershy any cuter.  Boy was I wrong!  If this keeps up, Fluttershy could start to make her case as best EVERYTHING!!!


5.  I really liked how Principle Celestia was portrayed as opposed to Principle Celestia.  Really subtle way to illustrate the underlying differences between the two worlds.


6.  I can't believe there was such a uproar over Flash Sentry when he wound up being kind of a let down in the movie.  IMHO, he was only there for the whole girl meets guy thing in high school shows/movies and nothing else.  Seems like a waste of a character to me.  :-/


7.  The designs grew on me.  I was a surprisingly a bit disappointed when Twilight turned back to normal in the end. 


Those are just a few of my thoughts on what was, IMO, a very awesome movie!  /)^3^(\

  • Brohoof 1

Applejack is best pony!


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I just watched it on Youtube and...it was pretty good, actually. There were some parts that were a bit confusing, though, such as the fact that everypony/body except for Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer (and I suppose Spike?) had doubles in the parallel world.  What happened to their alternate dimension selves?  Also, I thought that Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon  should've been Sunset Shimmer's sidekicks,  not stupid Snips and Snails! That was a big missed opportunity, I think. Not that Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are great characters, either, but I would have much rather watched them as the Beta Mean Girls (especially seeing Queen Bee Diamond Tiara answering to an even meaner/older Alpha). Lastly, the alternate Mane Five are going to be friends with Sunset Shimmer, now? After all that? ....Really?img-1590152-1-huh.png


It is implied that Sunset does have a long way to go to make up for what she's done.  Luna: "Here, take this hand trowel and rebuild the whole front entrance of our school."  The brevity of the film (my main complaint) didn't really allow for enough character development to provide a basis for her turnaround.  But, given the core target demo, the redemption thing was probably inescapable.  What else are they gonna do, blast her and scatter her bloody body parts across the front lawn?  IMO pretty much the only other options were:


1) Let's put her in some equivalent of Arkham Asylum.  Gosh, I really hope she doesn't escape sometime soon...


2) She makes some kind of Dramatic Escape: "I'll be back for my revenge, Twilight Sparkle!  BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" *disappears in a puff of brimstone*


Both of those would have been blatant sequel hooks, and it doesn't seem like they had any intention of making a sequel.  Heck, they didn't even make this one full-length, which they should have.  One more thing: in Equestria, names are very closely related to a pony's personality and destiny.  "Sunset Shimmer" does offer a strong possibility of goodness and beauty.  Compare to "King Sombra."  What could he ever be, but a grimdark source of negative emotion (somber)? 

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Compare to "King Sombra."  What could he ever be, but a grimdark source of negative emotion (somber)? 


A cosmetics salesstallion? http://sombrausa.com/


Sombra means 'shady' in Spanish, as in 'Get into the shade you idiot! It's too hot to be standing in the full sun.' It's why the hat is called 'Sombrero', because it's very shady due to the big brim. 

  • Brohoof 1


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Equestria Girls was about what I thought it would be; wasn't THA BEST MOVIEH EVA but wasn't completely into the realm of something like High School Musical (*shudders*). It wasn't the best but it was still good.


There were some things that I did love about it though; mainly the CMCs, Trixie, and human Derpy at the end of the credits.


What did I hate? That some fans behind me decided they wanted to sing Winter Wrap-Up until the movie started in ONE MINUTE. So I told them to 'shut the #$%^ up'. And they did img-1369822-1-UNZJLhS.png

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So, i thought Equestria Girls was gonna be awesome. And i was right img-1369822-1-UNZJLhS.png I loved it! Probably the only thing i would say is wrong with it is that maybe it could of been longer...And that Spike could of been human too, making him a dog didn't make much sense...But, i did like him as a  dog! The movie was funny, cute and just pure awesome wub.png And i loved seeing all the ponies humanized, like Granny Smith and Trixie...that was super funny! I will probably even be buying this movie! And hey...am i the only one who liked Twilight and 'Brad' aka Flash together? I don't know...i thought they were cute together! laugh.png

Alright, i think that's all i got to say... :)

  • Brohoof 2


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MillyMusic , Heather ,

Neon Strobe , Scarlet Stage

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A cosmetics salesstallion? http://sombrausa.com/


Oh, now you've done it.  Cue AU SombRarity shipping in 3...2...  This, right here, is where it all began, folks.


Oh well.  Bronydom needed some new horror to seethe about now that the EGpocalypse fizzled. ;)

So, i thought Equestria Girls was gonna be awesome. And i was right img-1369822-1-UNZJLhS.png I loved it! Probably the only thing i would say is wrong with it is that maybe it could of been longer...And that Spike could of been human too, making him a dog didn't make much sense...But, i did like him as a  dog!


Dog!Spike was pretty key to the plot.  Without him as ironclad confirmation that magic was afoot, the other girls (aside from Pinkie Pie Being Pinkie Pie) would not have had plausible reason to believe that Twilight was a pony Princess who needed to win her magic crown.  And he was good in the role. :)

@@DITR, Oh, DITR, your video link does not seem to be working as intended.  It leads to a list of videos, none of which is obviously an expression of white-hot incandescent rage toward Equestria Girls. :)

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Oh, now you've done it.  Cue AU SombRarity shipping in 3...2...  This, right here, is where it all began, folks.


Oh well.  Bronydom needed some new horror to seethe about now that the EGpocalypse fizzled. wink.png


Dog!Spike was pretty key to the plot.  Without him as ironclad confirmation that magic was afoot, the other girls (aside from Pinkie Pie Being Pinkie Pie) would not have had plausible reason to believe that Twilight was a pony Princess who needed to win her magic crown.  And he was good in the role. smile.png

@@DITR, Oh, DITR, your video link does not seem to be working as intended.  It leads to a list of videos, none of which is obviously an expression of white-hot incandescent rage toward Equestria Girls. smile.png


this is the video.


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Hahahaha, ROTFL!  /)*  That could almost be a sequel to the classic "Lllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrooooyyyyyy Jeeenkiiiiiins!" video. :D 


Still, when you take into account the lemon the writers were given ("Marketing has decided that it would be a brilliant idea for us to sell these terribad Uncanny Valley catgirl Bratz dolls.  We threw a dart at a list of all our properties and it hit My Little Pony, so we need you guys to come up with something that'll make sense.  Why are you looking at me like that?  I was hoping we'd sell 'em as Lycanthrope Barbies!"), and the length limit they were saddled with, the FiM team made some pretty decent lemonade.

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Okay out of a 10 I will give this move around a 5-6/10 it wasn't all that bad. But at the same time it really could have been so much more I think if Lauren Faust had her way with it would have turned out even better. 


Things I disliked 


- The character designs seriously I have seen so much better artwork and designs for the humanized versions of the mane 6

- The story seemed to be a bit shallow and really cliched. 


Things I liked 

- The idea of the crossover and having Twilight adjust to these new changes were cool.

- The new love interest plays a new role in the series I think now. 

- It brought more in depth of Twiley being a alicorn now. 


Now for Season 4 <3



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K i had to add one more after thought


i love the way they showed how the other 5 girls are not usless even though twilight is a princess cause they rushed to help cover her when sunset attacked and that act protected all of them


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Yeah, so when the designs first came out, I hated them. However, after watching the movie, I have to say I actually prefer them over the normal ones. I must be like the only one who does.


Anyways, I really, really, like it. The animation is far better than I thought it would be, the songs are catchy, and the actual story isn't all that bad. In fact, I find myself wishing it was half an hour longer. I want more, and I'd be perfectly OK with an Equestria Girls spin off show. 


Overall I'd give it a 9.3 out of 10. My main complaints were the fact that it was too short, and the ending was really rushed. Otherwise, I was extremely impressed. All my expectations were exceeded. 

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haven't seen it yet. So i'll reserve judgement on the movie/series itself for later.


but from the clips i have, the only complaint i have is the art style... 

am i the only one that just doesn't like this weird stick figure, extra long legs style with the balloon heads when its in motion?

its cute as stills and pictures, but when i see it in motion it churns my gut :/

works for non-human like characters often but meh....


then again i think the Star wars animated was terrible as a 2D toon, but once the art style was put to 3D (and they *gasp* gained joints that didn't look like they were from gumby!) it actually was really good...

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InvisiblePinkUnicorn, on 24 Jun 2013 - 9:50 PM, said:


InvisiblePinkUnicorn, on 24 Jun 2013 - 9:50 PM, said:


It is implied that Sunset does have a long way to go to make up for what she's done. Luna: "Here, take this hand trowel and rebuild the whole front entrance of our school." The brevity of the film (my main complaint) didn't really allow for enough character development to provide a basis for her turnaround. But, given the core target demo, the redemption thing was probably inescapable. What else are they gonna do, blast her and scatter her bloody body parts across the front lawn? IMO pretty much the only other options were:


1) Let's put her in some equivalent of Arkham Asylum. Gosh, I really hope she doesn't escape sometime soon...


2) She makes some kind of Dramatic Escape: "I'll be back for my revenge, Twilight Sparkle! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" *disappears in a puff of brimstone*


Both of those would have been blatant sequel hooks, and it doesn't seem like they had any intention of making a sequel. Heck, they didn't even make this one full-length, which they should have. One more thing: in Equestria, names are very closely related to a pony's personality and destiny. "Sunset Shimmer" does offer a strong possibility of goodness and beauty. Compare to "King Sombra." What could he ever be, but a grimdark source of negative emotion (somber)?

I actually was kind of expecting her to go back to Equestria, since that is where she was originally from, to try to make amends with Princess Celestia. That way, we'd get to see her on the show sometimes, which I think could be interesting.


I'm alright with everyone in the human realm forgiving Sunset Shimmer and giving her a chance, but there's a huge difference, IMO, between forgiving someone and actively being friends with them. As nice as the Mane Five are, I don't think they should be obligated to be friends with someone who almost killed them. They can be nice to her, sure, but making her a new member of the group? Nah, I don't think that sends a very good message. That's kind of like rewarding her for her bad behavior, no? Friendship is magic and all that, but that doesn't mean you have to be friends with everyone. You can accept/tolerate without inviting a potentially highly toxic person into your life.


On another note, I liked how Princess Celestia was concerned about Sunset Shimmer's safety/well-being. That was nice and it only furthered my opinion that Sunset should go back to Equestria and work on that relationship.



ETA - Ack! Have no idea why the quote got posted twice! Sorry...

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I actually was kind of expecting her to go back to Equestria, since that is where she was originally from, to try to make amends with Princess Celestia.


Huh.  Good point.  That, to me, seems like it could be an evidence for the Backstab Hypothesis.  Earlier in the show when the girls are telling Twilight about Sunset, Applejack makes a point of explaining how Sunset will be all friendly in order to get into position for a backstab, illustrating the story with balloons.  That she knows this implies that the HuMane 5 already tried being friends with her.  How else did Sunset get all of their cell phone numbers and the ability to send fake texts "from" each to the others? 


If she had truly reformed, it's arguable that she would have wanted to return to Equestria (it is her home, after all) and humble herself before Princess Celestia.


On the other hand, staying in Not Quite Earth and paying/making up for her crimes (assuming she would have been allowed to return to Equestria in the first place) could be good evidence that she really has reformed and developed ethics.  For her to say, "OK, I'm good now so I'm going back to Equestria to tell the Princess I'm sorry and live out my life in a shining utopia, kthxbai!" *poofies through the Portal* leaving the school in ruins and the kids with nightmares of demons and being mind-controlled would have been a pretty nasty move.

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