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Opinion on Twilight and Flash Sentry


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He was pretty noble in the film. I don't think obnoxious was the right word. I guess why some people like him is because he's apparently a healthy example of a male love interest while other bronies hate him because he was either too underdeveloped or that Twilight didn't end up with their OTP.


I think Flash had potential, makes a cute ship with Twilight, but is too underdeveloped and like Sunset Shimmer, I don't want him to appear in the show because he served his purpose.

I agree with you about pretty much everything you said, except that I would like to see him in the show. We won't be getting him in season 4, which is good the more I think about it (give Twilight time to adjust to being a princess before getting a boyfriend), but if the show wanted to add in a romantic relationship for Twilight, he seems like a genuinely good pony for the job.


But if they decided not to include him in the show, I would be OK with that as well. Eventually.


Flash being underdeveloped could be EASILY fixed by, you know, developing him... do the cartoon gods forbid the writers from developing a character from Equestria Girls in a future episode of MLP? No? Then someone can't say that Flash shouldn't be with Twilight simply because he is underdeveloped. The problem has too simple a fix for it to be a legitimate roadblock from a good romance in the show.

Edited by RockinRarity
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I believe that if Flash were less like the "He's soooooo perfect!" kinda guy, I would've liked him better. He seems too perfect, and the moment when he asked Twilight out was just so awkward to me.  He should've been more developed, and maybe been more of a prominent character, helping Twilight on her way to the crown more than proving her innocent. Maybe then, I would've been more open on FlashLight.


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I believe that if Flash were less like the "He's soooooo perfect!" kinda guy, I would've liked him better. He seems too perfect, and the moment when he asked Twilight out was just so awkward to me. He should've been more developed, and maybe been more of a prominent character, helping Twilight on her way to the crown more than proving her innocent. Maybe then, I would've been more open on FlashLight.

I think that there were 2 things getting in the way of developing Flash more were

1. Time constraints - not being able to set aside ample time to develop him without making the movie longer than Hasbro wanted it to be.

2. If Flash were developed as a character even more, then bronies would go apeshit about how the movie isn't about friendship anymore but about romance.


I think that anyone who likes FlashLight needs to pay reeeeeeaaaaally close attention to Flash's personality quirks, and develop a headcanon from that. I would have liked to see more of Flash, don't get me wrong, and it would be nice to see some of his flaws and weaknesses, but there just wasn't room for that.





Bahahahaha, for what little this ship presented, I think that it has lots of potential. Equestria Girls doesn't need to be the end-all for what this ship means, folks.


Maybe this will get me into fanfiction again...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Meh Flash Sentry seem ok, he's nice, he plays guitar, he never over exaggerates, he never exaggerates period, he has a similar personality to all the boyfriends in monsters high, my god, all the girls must be going crazy for him, but on a serious note, they could've done more, I mean, even if big mac showed more personality in just two words than FS showed through the entire movie, I don't hate FS, but if they do bring him back for other seasons, I hope they at least give him some quirk, some gimmick, something that says that he's not just another stereotypical girls only cartoon high school perfect in every way flawless boyfriend for twilight to go gaga over without really getting to know him first

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I honestly don't support this pairing, because as others ave said he's a Gary Stu that only exists to give Twilight a really unnecessary love interest. She doesn't need one, if anyone it should be Rarity who has the love interest. And you know, I have a lot of issues with this movie, and I don't think any elements of it should be reused or referenced.

  • Brohoof 2

I am a Brony. I love being a Brony, Twilight is best pony.

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FlashLight? that's hilarious, give that man an award


Okay so I don't like this whole Flash Sentry and Twilight canoodling fiasco Hasbro made, so I'm glad they aren't including him in Season four because if I wanted to watch Twilight falling in love I would go on FIMfiction. I mean the shipping is really bad, if he was more developed then maybe I would support it but I'm to into TwiDash since you know opposites attract.

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Well, I think it might actually make a good ship! We didn't actually see very much of Flash, so we can't exactly judge his character too well. If they were able to make a good character out of him, I wouldn't mind too much, but at the same time I wouldn't want a ship that takes away from the quality of the episodes.

  • Brohoof 1
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Well, I think it might actually make a good ship! We didn't actually see very much of Flash, so we can't exactly judge his character too well. If they were able to make a good character out of him, I wouldn't mind too much, but at the same time I wouldn't want a ship that takes away from the quality of the episodes.


100% agreed. There are a couple of personality quirks that we saw from him in the movie, so I don't think he is quite as bland as people say that he is. I also like the pony version of him better - after all, I prefer Royal Guard over Guitar Dude, lol. But his personality is the same regardless of the universe he is in.


If they wanted Flash Sentry in the show, they would have to do a good job with fitting him into the canon without it feeling like a forced romantic setting. The more I think about it, the more I realize that the romantic hints in the movie probably were forced into the plot, but I dunno, that doesn't mean that there is no sign of genuine potential for them as a couple.

  • Brohoof 1
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100% agreed. There are a couple of personality quirks that we saw from him in the movie, so I don't think he is quite as bland as people say that he is. I also like the pony version of him better - after all, I prefer Royal Guard over Guitar Dude, lol. But his personality is the same regardless of the universe he is in.


If they wanted Flash Sentry in the show, they would have to do a good job with fitting him into the canon without it feeling like a forced romantic setting. The more I think about it, the more I realize that the romantic hints in the movie probably were forced into the plot, but I dunno, that doesn't mean that there is no sign of genuine potential for them as a couple.


I guess they may have a plan for Flash in the future, as the last scene of the film with his ponified version may confirm a later role in the show, and I wouldn't really mind that at all! If not, it's a shame, because if they did it right I'm sure they could really make the ship work!

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I guess they may have a plan for Flash in the future, as the last scene of the film with his ponified version may confirm a later role in the show, and I wouldn't really mind that at all! If not, it's a shame, because if they did it right I'm sure they could really make the ship work!


And at this point, the writers shouldn't care what the complainers think either... if they think that they are making the right decision despite the rage on the Internet, then they probably are. Even if Equestria Girls wasn't the best that it could be, and even if people found that there were issues with the movie, the fact that the high majority of bronies liked it despite the drama means that it wasn't nearly the trainwreck that it could have been. Same goes for Princess Twilight.


No plans for season 4 for Flash. Which is fine with me - Twilight needs time to adjust to her new princess life. It is too soon to be diving into a romantic relationship. Future seasons will have more opportunity to dive into that.

  • Brohoof 1
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Equestria Girls is not canon, so techniclly, Twilight never has or will have a crush on him or perhaps know who in Tartarus he is.

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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And at this point, the writers shouldn't care what the complainers think either... if they think that they are making the right decision despite the rage on the Internet, then they probably are. Even if Equestria Girls wasn't the best that it could be, and even if people found that there were issues with the movie, the fact that the high majority of bronies liked it despite the drama means that it wasn't nearly the trainwreck that it could have been. Same goes for Princess Twilight.


No plans for season 4 for Flash. Which is fine with me - Twilight needs time to adjust to her new princess life. It is too soon to be diving into a romantic relationship. Future seasons will have more opportunity to dive into that.


Yeah, I guess you're right there! :P I'm thinking they might reintroduce him as possibly a guard for Twilight (even though she doesn't need one) in a two-part episode for the start of the series, but for now, I guess it may be better just to keep Ponyville and it's fan ships the way it is!

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Er, what about Sparity? That's kinda, sorta a relationship. I mean, in Secret of My Excess, Rarity figured out her admirer, and they're in a weird sort of limbo right now.


Nevertheless, as for FlashLight, I think it's goofy and unnecessary. Not for it. I'd much rather the writers focus on FlutterCord, and maybe, maybe Sparity.


"The most horrible kind of ignorance is to have an opinion on an experience that you have never experienced."

"Get off your high horse and give her a hug."

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Er, what about Sparity? That's kinda, sorta a relationship. I mean, in Secret of My Excess, Rarity figured out her admirer, and they're in a weird sort of limbo right now.


I think that Sparity is going to remain one-sided throughout the rest of the show. I don't honestly see Rarity falling in love with a baby dragon.


I also really hate the ship so I really hope that it doesn't happen. Spike's crush on Rarity is still cute, though.

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I think you're right. Though Rarity showed Spike some affection, that was Rarity the Generous and Loving and Caring. I can't really imagine the arrogant and vain Rarity we see the majority of the time stooping so low as to engage in a relationship with a baby dragon.


As you said though, it is cute.


"The most horrible kind of ignorance is to have an opinion on an experience that you have never experienced."

"Get off your high horse and give her a hug."

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Twilight and Flash Sentry would be a cute couple. Sure Shining Armour is top of the royal guards, but maybe he thought Twilight would consider Flash. Every princess needs a special somepony  :P 

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I had always thought I would not live to see Twilight getting a crush in somebody.

Never have I been so wrong.


About my opinion, I guess it's okay.

"Walk always in shadows, so that you will see your foes before they see you."



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I don't give a buck who Twilight ends up with....so I don't see the big deal. I support FlashLight, heck i'll support any shipping even if it is yuri. 
It's a children's show, of course she might end up marrying a handsome royal guard. So what if she is? Just be happy she has a crush and move on....this is just in my opinion. I'm not trying to sound like a jerk, i'm just saying that I just don't really care who she ends up with in the end. 

Edited by Nature Of Fluttershy
  • Brohoof 1

      ℓ٥ﻻ  ﻉ√٥υ

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well id like to see more Flash and Twi together maybe not as a couple but trying to be, for one it would be hilarious to think of Flashs CO which is Shinning Armor and is Twilights big brother hearing of this event and as a responsible big brother try to "measure" flashs worth from dating his one and only beloved little sister, also it would be kinda awesome to see how the other royal guards would react to this, im saying this from the multitudes of times that twilight met a royal guard (from her breaking in the library and from the canterlot wedding scene), coz for me it would seem that most of the royal guard not only admire her ( as they would change their expressions like a little school boy in-love when she unexpectedly bumped into them in the Canterlot wedding opening scenes) but it my humble opinion twilight might be like the royal guards un-official princess, i can imagine how twilight would visit his older brother in the baracks as a young filly and how the soldiers would notice her grow up into a beautiful young mare infront of them

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Man, I completely agree with you, it's just, what would the series become, no offense ladies, but adding real world teen girl problems with boyfriends? I've played with the idea, but it never worked out in my head. It would cause massive loss in adult male viewers, which surprisingly make up over half of the viewers, and over 75% are males! (Just what the statistics say, I'm not sure​)


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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Man, I completely agree with you, it's just, what would the series become, no offense ladies, but adding real world teen girl problems with boyfriends? I've played with the idea, but it never worked out in my head. It would cause massive loss in adult male viewers, which surprisingly make up over half of the viewers, and over 75% are males! (Just what the statistics say, I'm not sure )

well yeah but you have to consider a few things 

1. the show was meant for little girls..........so having twilight or the other cast of the Mane 6 deal with crushes would be a good way of showing it to the younger audience how to handle such situations

2. even with a large older male viewers just like in anime a love interest would actually be a crowd pleaser (kinda why shipping is very popular)

3. as the general progression of character development goes twilight is going to fast(in my opinion) and perhaps a love interest might be a good distraction (in my opinion)

  • Brohoof 1
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well yeah but you have to consider a few things 

1. the show was meant for little girls..........so having twilight or the other cast of the Mane 6 deal with crushes would be a good way of showing it to the younger audience how to handle such situations

2. even with a large older male viewers just like in anime a love interest would actually be a crowd pleaser (kinda why shipping is very popular)

3. as the general progression of character development goes twilight is going to fast(in my opinion) and perhaps a love interest might be a good distraction (in my opinion)

You make a very good point there, I was just stating what I wanted to happen pretty much, it's good to advance the show, they might lose some of the audience though.


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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It would cause massive loss in adult male viewers, which surprisingly make up over half of the viewers, and over 75% are males! (Just what the statistics say, I'm not sure )

I think whether or not they would lose anyone would depend on exactly how they handled it, yes if they had the mane 6 fawning over cute colts 24/7 and they had bland Gary Stu like characters shoe horned in to just be their love interests than yes many people including myself would probably stop watching. But there have been several shows where romance has played a role yet has done so without creating this kind of scenario, it can play out in many different way but what they have in common is that they didn't just have it for the sake of having it they made it flow with story and the actual love interests have personalities beyond just being wish fulfillment/fan service fodder. Even DBZ has had some of its main characters get into romantic relationships and while it wasn't a major focus of that show was handled in a believable and dignified manner.

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