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What would your OC pony do?


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You are out near the Everfree Forest (Near, not inside), and you stumble across a tunnel that leads to an empty Diamond Dog Town. Its empty. The houses carved into the side of the tunnels are still furnished and cans of dog food are still in the shelves.



More importantly, every home has a stash of Gems and Jewels! Enough to make you wealthy for life!



what will your OC Pony do?


I'm interested in your answer, and there is no correct action, There are a hundred ways to react to this.


You could report illegal mining activity to Celestia, or just loot the place.



this is just a chance to show how your OC would react to an interesting situation,



I won't say anything until a number of you react, that way I won't influence your answers.

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i would investigate the place a bit further, provided it poses no harm for my own well-being. see if this place is a legal mining project laid out by the Diamond Dogs or not.


if it is, i'll just leave it be, as taking some of its valuables could make me get the Diamond Dogs on my tail.

if it is however an illegal looting of gems the Diamond Dogs has gotten from somewhere, i'd inform authority about it. although i think it would be the former, as it doesn't seem like you need a legal contract in order to dig after gems in Equestria; however, knowing the shady background of the Diamond Dogs, they could more than likely have stolen them from someone's possession.


in short, it all boils down to what the legal issues of them gems are about. proper action can be withdrawn after coming to a conclusion about that.




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Well that kind of varies...


Cricket - Explore, maybe take a gem or two, then leave and keep the memories. Also works if he needs a story to tell to others just to kill some time and/or to brag

The Agents (excluding White and Violet) - Explore and either find and kill every Diamond Dog in the cave or report back to Celestia about the Diamond Dogs in the territory.

Agent White - Explore, then leave.

Agent Violet - Explore, steal as many gems as possible, then leave.


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Shouldn't this be in Cloudsdale Colosseum?

My OC (which is me as a pony) would probably report it to Celestia.

"Reducing existential risk — that is, carefully and thoughtfully preparing to not kill ourselves — may be the greatest moral imperative we have."  - Lukeprog


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My OC, Storm Shock, being a weather pegasus would have no real use for the gems, but seeing as he knows Rarity through his friendly competitions with Rainbow Dash, he knows she could use them so he tells her about them. Just in case, he has a few of his weather team come help her move the gems in the off chance that the Diamond Dogs show back up. Edited by super muffin derpy506


It's party time, ponies! Let's do this Pinkie Pie Style!

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This thread appears to be a forum game, or something spammy of the sort. Thus, it has been sentenced to Cloudsdale Colosseum.


This is an automatically generated message, by the way.

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Artsy would take a small bag of gems, and then leave the town, returning every now and then to refill her gem stock. But wouldn't take too much because she wouldn't want to become greedy and she's also rather lazy. So she'd probably just have one trip there.

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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I got 2 OC's


Haste- steal as many as possible, become rich, contact the Wonderbolts for a private party, Invite RD so she can come, then she would steal some more, and then report it to the Princess


Breeze- Donate the Gems to charity or something a good Pony would do

Edited by Pinkie Responsibility Pie




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Does Evilshy count as OC? I mean, yeah she's heavily based off of discorded Fluttershy, but I've made her my way.


Anyway, Evilshy would send out her snake to check if anyone was around, if there were, she'd kill them, and either way she'd take the jewels and woe unto any pony or dog who tries to stop her.

Signature now 99% less edgy!

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Autumn Breeze/Autumn Scroll: Walk away and report it to the authorities.


Slendermane: Wait patiently for the Diamond Dogs to arrive. Then stealthily stalk them and slowly drive them insane. Make them paranoid and turn them against each other. Then, one by one, the Diamond Dogs will "mysteriously disappear."


Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster,

and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

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Depends on the OC.


Lunar Swirl: Lunar would take all the gems and check if anypony is around. If yes, he'd use an invisibility spell to sneak up on them and kill them. If no, he'd claim the land as his and move in.


Winter Spark: Winter would leave right after looking into the tunnel. Unless she's in a bad mood. Then she'd send a large spark down the tunnel to set fire to anything flammable. However, if she knew there were gems, she'd loot the place greedily.


Cray (Me as a pony): Cray would instantly be scared when he looked into the tunnel. He is a coward, and would run. Possibly report it to the authorities.

Edited by SuperTheAwesome

Call me Super. If you see me outside of RP World, call Animal Control.

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  • 7 months later...

Lapis would conduct a study and learn what he could. Afterwards, he'd take as many gems as he could carry home. He would keep some for himself and donate the rest to charity.


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Timeshift would obviously trade them into the highest bidder and get rich.

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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