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What is the problem with playing BT on Vayne?


Nothing, really. It's just that the meta build seems to be BotRK first, and I recall TwillyFSniper saying that she dislikes the meta, and that she builds BT first on Vayne.


I personally have played Vayne only once or twice, so I don't know whether I would prefer BT or BotRK.


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Nothing, really. It's just that the meta build seems to be BotRK first, and I recall TwillyFSniper saying that she dislikes the meta, and that she builds BT first on Vayne.


I personally have played Vayne only once or twice, so I don't know whether I would prefer BT or BotRK.

Definitely BotRK... I've been maining Vayne on my "smurf" and I almost never build BT at all... BotRK is just way more versatile one Vayne especially since the Tank Meta is still pretty dominant...

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Well, decided to go on ARAM only to get my main. Ended up pulling off my first Quadra Kill, too.


Additionally I NEVER play Fiddlesticks, I only really played him twice. Somehow I got the title of 2nd place carry!



Edited by Redeye

gonna take you out

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This game is so frustrating... On my main I only get matched with retards and can't win and on my former Gold IV smurf I trolled the placements to get closer to Bronze and still won 3/10 and got Silver I and now I gain 28-32 LP per game... Already at 87 LP :/

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Additionally I'm trying out new Mastery pages and itemsets. Just recently got myself Shyvana. I'm also practicing Thresh ADC, and I'm loving it so far.

gonna take you out

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I play DotA 2 but the DotA 2 topic on here is as silent as the grave. LoL definitely seems more popular inside the brony fandom. I have pondered on whether I should give LoL a try. But I've dedicated way too much time and money to try and play another kind of MobA. With 2227 hours on DotA2 I doubt I'd enjoy it as they are completely different in game play.


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Additionally I'm trying out new Mastery pages and itemsets. Just recently got myself Shyvana. I'm also practicing Thresh ADC, and I'm loving it so far.

I think the tank meta is so ridiculous... I can play Shy and play really bad because I haven't played her in ages and still win by mainly pressing W, building full tank and just going ham... When I play ADC which is my Main role, I still lose even if I play everything well... It's just so frustrating...


I play DotA 2 but the DotA 2 topic on here is as silent as the grave. LoL definitely seems more popular inside the brony fandom. I have pondered on whether I should give LoL a try. But I've dedicated way too much time and money to try and play another kind of MobA. With 2227 hours on DotA2 I doubt I'd enjoy it as they are completely different in game play.

Yeah, same here... I've played League so much, I can't play DotA simultaneously and I don't have the patience to get into another MOBA... I actually like HotS but I still don't see myself playing it more because I'm too busy with League^^


Good thing, League doesn't have a timer... I don't even want to know how much time I spent on that game xD

Edited by Velcorn
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I play DotA 2 but the DotA 2 topic on here is as silent as the grave. LoL definitely seems more popular inside the brony fandom. I have pondered on whether I should give LoL a try. But I've dedicated way too much time and money to try and play another kind of MobA. With 2227 hours on DotA2 I doubt I'd enjoy it as they are completely different in game play.

i try to play both cause im the only one among my friends that play league

the mechanics and gameplay are just too different to play at once


i played alot of the original dota but dota2 its still somewhat different

Edited by Alto


What is broken can be reforged

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i played alot of the original dota but dota2 its still somewhat different

I haven't played the original dota. I played dota 2 during beta but didn't like it as it was my first moba and I sucked. I decided to give it another go after beta was over and it's now my favourite game.


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I just recently went 18/5/15 as Talon and 28/1/12 as Vayne.




It's what happens when you feed me.



I also learned recently that mid Vayne wrecks hard with CS advantages.

Mid Vayne should never work when you are against a halfway decent mid-laner... Vayne is outranged by almost any ranged champion (550 Attack range) and she has nothing to poke except for her Q because you won't be in range for proccing your silver bolts... You will also be zoned away from your farm... Vayne mid is a really bad idea...

  • Brohoof 1
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Just went through a long Thresh game. Had a very unorganized and not to mention salty and toxic team. Nothing negative directed at me, but plenty of toxicity coming from the others. Had a Wukong bottom and Tristana mid for some reason, and half of my team had no idea how Thresh's W worked so they just waltzed by the lantern and died two seconds later.


Through an unexpected turn, though, we somehow won. We just placed wards everywhere and got a Baron at the end. Then we just stormed the base and made due with the Nexus in 10 seconds flat.



gonna take you out

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It actually does work. You should see me play it. Vayne has more DPS than the standard mid-laner, acquiring DOUBLE the other mids CS by the time Vayne is level 6. Sure it does require a fairly high skill level, but that doesn't make it unviable. Lucian as a champion in general is an example of this. Vayne's inferior attack range doesn't do anything bad to her, since most mids don't even use basic attacks anyway (sure there's Kayle and Twisted Fate, but those are her primary counters in mid, along with Zed and Varus). She uses the Q to actually outrange and dodge most mid pokes. Also, it's a great tool against Cho'Gath and Vladimir mids, for Silver Bolts deals a lot of damage to tanky champions. Sure there's Ekko and Talon's pokes, which can be devastating to a Vayne, but I said it does require a good bit of skill in comparison to Vayne ADC configurations. Plus, Vayne can outdamage both of them in early game, which that fact alone pretty much makes Vayne counter them (If the Vayne knows what they are doing). You could see my match history if you want to, there's two matches I played mid against an Ekko, both of which I WON. I went 9/5/7 in the first one, and 21/3/4 in the second (that was the LoLstarz link).


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It actually does work. You should see me play it. Vayne has more DPS than the standard mid-laner, acquiring DOUBLE the other mids CS by the time Vayne is level 6. Sure it does require a fairly high skill level, but that doesn't make it unviable. Lucian as a champion in general is an example of this. Vayne's inferior attack range doesn't do anything bad to her, since most mids don't even use basic attacks anyway (sure there's Kayle and Twisted Fate, but those are her primary counters in mid, along with Zed and Varus). She uses the Q to actually outrange and dodge most mid pokes. Also, it's a great tool against Cho'Gath and Vladimir mids, for Silver Bolts deals a lot of damage to tanky champions. Sure there's Ekko and Talon's pokes, which can be devastating to a Vayne, but I said it does require a good bit of skill in comparison to Vayne ADC configurations. Plus, Vayne can outdamage both of them in early game, which that fact alone pretty much makes Vayne counter them (If the Vayne knows what they are doing). You could see my match history if you want to, there's two matches I played mid against an Ekko, both of which I WON. I went 9/5/7 in the first one, and 21/3/4 in the second (that was the LoLstarz link).

In all honesty, you're in Bronze and while in that tier anything can work. As long as you have the mechanical skills to work with said champion, anything is possible.

  • Brohoof 1


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It actually does work. You should see me play it. Vayne has more DPS than the standard mid-laner, acquiring DOUBLE the other mids CS by the time Vayne is level 6. Sure it does require a fairly high skill level, but that doesn't make it unviable. Lucian as a champion in general is an example of this. Vayne's inferior attack range doesn't do anything bad to her, since most mids don't even use basic attacks anyway (sure there's Kayle and Twisted Fate, but those are her primary counters in mid, along with Zed and Varus). She uses the Q to actually outrange and dodge most mid pokes. Also, it's a great tool against Cho'Gath and Vladimir mids, for Silver Bolts deals a lot of damage to tanky champions. Sure there's Ekko and Talon's pokes, which can be devastating to a Vayne, but I said it does require a good bit of skill in comparison to Vayne ADC configurations. Plus, Vayne can outdamage both of them in early game, which that fact alone pretty much makes Vayne counter them (If the Vayne knows what they are doing). You could see my match history if you want to, there's two matches I played mid against an Ekko, both of which I WON. I went 9/5/7 in the first one, and 21/3/4 in the second (that was the LoLstarz link).

I main Vayne on my smurf and got an 80% win rate in ~100 games with an average KDA of 11/4/8 on a Diamond V MMR and I can tell you that I will lose almost any matchup in the midlane against any player that is over Silver and has a decent knowledge of how to play their champ...



Edited by Velcorn
  • Brohoof 1
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So, I technically now have 5 Jinx pentas. One psuedo penta (Killed everyone, Jarvin just managed to live long enough for it to not count)and one real one gained just last game.

Sadly, we still lost partially due to an afk and the rest due to wonky teammates. Didn't help that Bard half baited me by seeming to get caught and the enemy surprisingly changing focus to me out of nowhere when I approached.



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Got bored, so I decided to play jungle Mordekasier. I was not disappointed. 




AWW YISS. Someone that understands the Junglekaiser is good. He is one of the most underrated junglers out there atm. And also good to see a jungler that ISN'T building cinderhulk or any tank items. FINALLY. You sir, deserve that skin.

I can't think what to put here, so have a swimsuit Spencer Sotello


OC (Fusion Chord)

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