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We already have an Official LoL thread here. Please use this for all your League needs :3


When thinking about making a thread, please use the search function beforehand~

My signature broke


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Just had a terrible match as Sej. I'm trying out champs to make another guide, everything from Lee Sin to Morde&renekton. Btw, yeah i have tried Jungle Teemo.. No it doesn't work well ;D


Anyway, back to the point, be playing Sej and pull a gank mid after picking up first red, so i started ganking early in the game, then i go top after another round of the jungle and get a kill on my next gank. During this time our Cait and Xin bot (pre-made idiots with 850+ wins each) have been feeding, as im part way through my next jungle clear after heading to base, they start bitching about me not ganking at all, so i head off and kill both in bot with ease.


By the 20 min mark, both Xin and Cait were sat on 10 deaths each without a single kill, and apparently this is my fault?


Honestly, people have no respect for their jungler, i couldn't tell if they were intentionally feeding or just incredibly bad players, but i reported them anyway -.-




Side note, which junglers need more love in the guide department? No point me writing Warwick jungle guide number 170 when there are plenty of unwritten guides for the less loved junglers (imo, usually the most interesting to play) <3 my Jungle Fiora :D

Your friendly neighborhood alcoholic motorcyclist

Life is too short to worry what others think of you, be creative, be weird, live life.




Check out my YouTube


Check out my Fiora Jungle Guide


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Oh sweet! I wasn't even aware until now there was a League of Legends thread. I would love to play with some fellow bronies. 


I am part of the NA server and my username is SkyStryder.


My credentials (or lack of maybe): 


Solo/Duo Queue ELO: Hovers around 1500, Silver I  (trying for that gold!)


Ranked team name: DuoFisters (I did not choose the name, this is not my doing, I swear) 

5v5 ranked team ELO: 1050 Bronze II 

3v3 ranked team ELO: 1220 Silver IV


I main jungle and I am the designated jungler for my team. Some of the jungle champs I depend on and play often include and are not limited to: Nocturne, Cho, J4, Diana, Vi, Maokai, The Mummy, Lee Sin, Sejuani, Shyvana.


I am the team's runner-up top laner, and Riven is my waifu.  


I am a big fan of TheOddOne from Team Solo Mid, and SaintVicious from team Curse Gaming.  They are my favorite junglers.  I also watch XJ9 streams sometimes too.  He is one of us, a fellow brony, and he watches episode of MLP while he waits for his queues.  


I am open to friendly normal games and ranked games, or I can help out people who are new to the game with some advice.  Feel free to add me, and let me know that you are from the forum if you do add me.


P.S. I am not your typical raging hothead. 


Disclaimer: I am terrible at League of Legends. 

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Oh sweet! I wasn't even aware until now there was a League of Legends thread. I would love to play with some fellow bronies. 


I am part of the NA server and my username is SkyStryder.


My credentials (or lack of maybe): 


Solo/Duo Queue ELO: Hovers around 1500, Silver I  (trying for that gold!)


Ranked team name: DuoFisters (I did not choose the name, this is not my doing, I swear) 

5v5 ranked team ELO: 1050 Bronze II 

3v3 ranked team ELO: 1220 Silver IV


I main jungle and I am the designated jungler for my team. Some of the jungle champs I depend on and play often include and are not limited to: Nocturne, Cho, J4, Diana, Vi, Maokai, The Mummy, Lee Sin, Sejuani, Shyvana.


I am the team's runner-up top laner, and Riven is my waifu.  


I am a big fan of TheOddOne from Team Solo Mid, and SaintVicious from team Curse Gaming.  They are my favorite junglers.  I also watch XJ9 streams sometimes too.  He is one of us, a fellow brony, and he watches episode of MLP while he waits for his queues.  


I am open to friendly normal games and ranked games, or I can help out people who are new to the game with some advice.  Feel free to add me, and let me know that you are from the forum if you do add me.


P.S. I am not your typical raging hothead. 


Disclaimer: I am terrible at League of Legends. 

I'll add you and i started off bad in ranked but about to hit that silver! :D But i'm a good player and i don't rage more of the have fun but try your hardest type.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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I'll add you and i started off bad in ranked but about to hit that silver! biggrin.png But i'm a good player and i don't rage more of the have fun but try your hardest type.


Got the invite. Looking forward to some fun!




Just had a terrible match as Sej. I'm trying out champs to make another guide, everything from Lee Sin to Morde&renekton. Btw, yeah i have tried Jungle Teemo.. No it doesn't work well ;D


Anyway, back to the point, be playing Sej and pull a gank mid after picking up first red, so i started ganking early in the game, then i go top after another round of the jungle and get a kill on my next gank. During this time our Cait and Xin bot (pre-made idiots with 850+ wins each) have been feeding, as im part way through my next jungle clear after heading to base, they start bitching about me not ganking at all, so i head off and kill both in bot with ease.


By the 20 min mark, both Xin and Cait were sat on 10 deaths each without a single kill, and apparently this is my fault?


Honestly, people have no respect for their jungler, i couldn't tell if they were intentionally feeding or just incredibly bad players, but i reported them anyway -.-




Side note, which junglers need more love in the guide department? No point me writing Warwick jungle guide number 170 when there are plenty of unwritten guides for the less loved junglers (imo, usually the most interesting to play) <3 my Jungle Fiora biggrin.png


I feel your pain and sorrow. Junglers, alongside supports, get the least love. I have a video I'd like to share with you. If you jungle often, you may be able to relate to it.





Please read before posting


So this is what I was thinking, we should organize a league of legends group to play together so we can have fun without playing with the "leavers, Dc'ers,noobs,scurbs,trolls,etc"


Put your account in this thread and we can all add eachother up and have some fun. How about it!

We can create a Raidcall,Teamspeak,skype server to talk to eachother in and play some games. c:


Account: Blackfalconz - lvl 30 (not really used, Its a shared account)

Account number 2: GilXGilgamesh (used pretty often)


Sounds like a fun idea! We could certainly try to set-up some groups and play. 

  • Brohoof 1
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Please read before posting


So this is what I was thinking, we should organize a league of legends group to play together so we can have fun without playing with the "leavers, Dc'ers,noobs,scurbs,trolls,etc"


Put your account in this thread and we can all add eachother up and have some fun. How about it!

We can create a Raidcall,Teamspeak,skype server to talk to eachother in and play some games. c:


Account: Blackfalconz - lvl 30 (not really used, Its a shared account)

Account number 2: GilXGilgamesh (used pretty often)

I'm also in for making an team. I'm can be a filler because i can play everything well but you need a supp or top i'm your man. If you want to have a test run added me name is BadVoodooDoll.


I would quite enjoy playing some custom 5v5 or whatnot.


My username is: AwfulNote


I'm level 24 on the NA server.




Add me before I add you.

I just added you. Send me a message when you want to play and we will have a great time playing together because what could be better?! mellow.png


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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Im all for a team (I may be making a ranked team with some friends though so no promises for long term) 

Im in the NA server and go by Sorenwolf (big surprise there)

I can do mid and tanky support (thresh) though im trying to learn other locations currently

Why is it called Common Sense if it is not that common?


Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/SystematixDancer?feature=mhee                Sig by Lost


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Got the invite. Looking forward to some fun!





I feel your pain and sorrow. Junglers, alongside supports, get the least love. I have a video I'd like to share with you. If you jungle often, you may be able to relate to it.



That made me LOL, especially the hate for Fiora :3


I don't see why people solotop her, she is weak as hell if she gets out maneuvered, keep her in the jungle where she belongs <3

Your friendly neighborhood alcoholic motorcyclist

Life is too short to worry what others think of you, be creative, be weird, live life.




Check out my YouTube


Check out my Fiora Jungle Guide


Check out my Motovlogging Trailer

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I can top lane fiora pretty well <3 shes awesome haha but ya I hope there is a pony team made that'd be sweet haha until I shall continue to push plat half way there 44 LP in gold 1 but solo queue takes a lot of effort putting up with trolls/ragers

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Oh my, i think that my days of League of Legends, well, until i get a new laptop, because i used to run the game at 15 fps, but some weeks ago i went playing in the house of my friend in my laptop, and it runned the game at 7 fps.

Well, it was still fun to see how i could get good scores even with a bad computer and a bad connection tongue.png


Made by the awesome Angels_Gal

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I spend most of my time in the jungle, if I have to top I take Akali or Wukong. I played Fiora when she first came out and HATED her but it was recently that I picked her up as a jungler (after having a laugh as Teemo Jungle) after just one match I fell in love with her, bough her skin and wrote my guide after a mere 3 matches.


Fiora is just unbelievably good in jungle, it's like having a second ADC but with tank, I had a match the other day where I had more AD than the enemy ADC and ours combined, after 2 manning Baron I had over 400 AD, it's crazy.

  • Brohoof 1

Your friendly neighborhood alcoholic motorcyclist

Life is too short to worry what others think of you, be creative, be weird, live life.




Check out my YouTube


Check out my Fiora Jungle Guide


Check out my Motovlogging Trailer

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fiora mid is the best fiora! also I only bought her recently when her headmistress skin came out haha. Only reason I'll ever play her. But honestly all I do now is play jax top/jungle, or mid if I can haha because he's a pimp




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Pimp Jax ftw.


If you guys are talking about top lane, then I take Vi up there to crush some faces in. Its quite funny because 90% of the time people dont know how hard her burst hits after you land a q.

Occasionally I get first blood because of that, and getting first blood is like winning a minigame.

Edited by Moon Wave


A shoutout to Dr-Whooves for making this sweet thing~

Anyway, go ahead and visit my http://mlpforums.com/user/380-sirius-crescent/'>About Me page for my characters :3

Engaged to Steel Crescent as of 5/1/2013

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Hey, a LoL thread! Sweet.


Since we're talking about top lane at the moment...


I'm terrible at top. I'm super aggressive, hit minions no matter what health they're at, and shove lanes really hard. This, of course, leads to me getting ganked like a noob 75% of the time up there.


I'm much better at mid lane as my favorite champ, Diana (I'll give you guys 10 guesses as to why she's my favorite...tongue.png ) The fact that she's melee in mid-lane forces me to reign in my aggressive nature against the ranged casters that are common in mid. I still have trouble last-hitting minions (I'm fairly new - only level 25, started at 17), but I can hit with my Q most of the time if I want to poke the enemy mid with it. I might not get many kills in mid (if any, since Diana has no way of getting out once she goes ham on the poor guy she's up against, and that makes me wary of getting merc'd by a tower/the enemy jungler), but I like to think that I win the lane a decent amount.


Earlier on, I actually wanted to jungle, since I was bad at pretty much any lane, and there's no champions in the jungle, obviously, but I soon learned the stigma and the tongue-lashings junglers get when someone starts to fail in their lane and don't ask for a gank beforehand. The jungler is always blamed for losing lanes, but sometimes, that simply isn't true.


Anyways, I enjoyed playing as Nautilus when he was free a month or so ago, and I'm having fun as Nocturne now, since he's free this week. I might pick up top again, but I feel like it just isn't the place for me. Hyper aggro works very early on (I'm talking like level 2-3), but later, you're just begging to die.



On the topic of Fiora - I have a lot of friends that say she's actually quite bad right now. Why? While she has a great dueling aspect (she's called the Grand Duelist, for god's sake), she...doesn't really do much else. She has a go fast that she has to use to get in, so you can't use it to get out, and she doesn't really bring much to team fights. She ults, then dies. It's kind of like Brand, actually, who just ults and twiddles his fingers also.


Now, I've also seen my fair share of Fioras who snowballed to high hell and murdered everyone they came across. But if it's an enemy Fiora who's behind, it's just sort of like, "Oh hey, it's a Fiora...why am I concerned again?"


Just my thoughts. *Prepares himself for Diana being pooped on*

  • Brohoof 1


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Well, I tried it, and honestly I SUCKED at the game. However my friend gave me a few advices... and uhm, I'm not really good at all yet, but it's getting better. I tried out support not to long ago, and I was actually pretty okay as Soraka. I think I'm level 8, maybe 9. 


I usually play wow though, but lol is a great game to. :3

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Just my thoughts. *Prepares himself for Diana being pooped on*




Diana? Pooped on? Diana is a great champion and is one of the top tier picks in the season 3 meta.  She has been played in plenty of tournaments and many players in the LCS also have great things to say about her.  For good reason!  Diana is a strong early game champion with nice burst damage and mobility and even has a cute little CC of her own.  She is viable in the jungle as well and has great AP ratios that scale well into late game.  Plus, you can even build attack speed on her for split-pushing because her passive works on turrets.  In the hands of a master, Diana can win almost any match-up, and she counters some of the baddest mids out there (Kat, Ahri, TF, Ryze, etc.)


I like Diana a lot and think she's a really fun champ.  She's a great champion created by riot, so be proud of playing Diana! 


Also, she kind of mirrors our lovely Princess Luna in a way.  In fact, people who know both LoL and MLP compare the two to each other.  If anyone's read the lore, Diana is an avatar of the moon's power.  She wanted acceptance from the Solari, the people who worshipped the sun.  Although she was born a "Solari", Diana found guidance in the moon, and questioned whether the sun's power should be dominant.  This caused the others to shun her, and look down upon her, causing Diana to yearn even more for acceptance despite her different mindset.  Long story short, she questioned the ignorance of her people and found answers in a temple, where she discovered evidence that people also worshipped the moon.  When she presented this to the Solari, she was put up for execution, causing her anger and sorrow to surpass her desire for acceptance.  She was eventually banished by her sister, Leona. Similar to how Princess Luna was banished by her sister, Princess Celestia.  There's too much parallelism. I demand a Diana-Pony skin. 


"The sun does not reveal truth. Its light only burns and blinds." 


Diana is the Princess Luna of League of Legends!






-Diana is awesome! Diana is good! Be proud you play Diana! Diana is Princess Luna! 

Edited by LunaEclipse
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Diana is Princess Luna! 


I know! It took one of my friends like two weeks to figure out why I love Diana so much after I bought her. The conversation literally went "...so I figured out why you play Diana so much. I looked at your Steam profile picture...and your Skype profile picture...and your Facebook profile picture...god damnit!" He felt quite silly. 


I dicked around with AS Diana about a week ago. It worked one game, so I thought, "LET"S DO IT ALL THE TIME!!" It's just funny to see her slice n' dice everything with her awesome attack animations, which are never the same twice in a row. I even did it in mid lane...well. It sort of worked! I always build Liandry's Torment first anyways, regardless. I've since moved back to the more traditional AP/magic pen build. I've tried jungling a couple times with her, and it went okay. I guess I just don't have the runes for it yet.


I wish she had a go fast button. You don't get to see her go really fast running animation unless you get movement speed from someone like Sona or Lulu. A shame, since it would make her terribly busted (like Shen busted).


It's just so incredibly fun to be able to say, "You wanna go? YOU WANNA GO? KLETSDOTHISSHIT"


Her login theme is also amazing. So amazing, that this happened:



I saw this before I started playing LoL, and the second it was over, I was like "Mkay, buying Diana first, no exceptions."

  • Brohoof 1


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Her login theme is also amazing. So amazing, that this happened:



I saw this before I started playing LoL, and the second it was over, I was like "Mkay, buying Diana first, no exceptions."


AASLKGJDSGHDJKL, Why haven't I seen this video before! That is pretty amazing and awesome.  Yeah, it makes a lot of sense why I like Diana so much too.


Please tell me you've zoomed in all the way on her so you can see her three separate attack animations.  I do this all the time.  

And yeah, I like Liandry's on her too.  I think whether you go AS or not depends on the game, but it is fun to watch.  I like that she has a slow walking animation too.  I think Diana has the most movement animations out of all the champs now that I think about it.  

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Please tell me you've zoomed in all the way on her so you can see her three separate attack animations.


I have indeed noticed that all of her attack animations in her passive rotation are unique. Really cool stuff there. You can even see the small crescent moon and solar eclipse symbol (her logo, if you will) forming at her feet with each attack. The first is just a small whisper of a crescent line. The second is a mini version of the logo, and the third, when her passive procs, is when it appears in full.


I like how we hijacked this thread hardcore. NO REMORSE!


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On the topic of Fiora - I have a lot of friends that say she's actually quite bad right now. Why? While she has a great dueling aspect (she's called the Grand Duelist, for god's sake), she...doesn't really do much else. She has a go fast that she has to use to get in, so you can't use it to get out, and she doesn't really bring much to team fights. She ults, then dies. It's kind of like Brand, actually, who just ults and twiddles his fingers also.


Now, I've also seen my fair share of Fioras who snowballed to high hell and murdered everyone they came across. But if it's an enemy Fiora who's behind, it's just sort of like, "Oh hey, it's a Fiora...why am I concerned again?"


Just my thoughts. *Prepares himself for Diana being pooped on*


Fiora has best ult:


(ignore my annoying voice, i had to re-upload with commentary as per request from my partnership studio -.-)



I've just finished writing my guide for Jungle Sejuani, not sure who to write one for next.... Any suggestions anypony?


I was thinking maybe either Vi, Volibear or Renekton (yes i have worked out how to jungle as him, i can jungle most champs, may try a jungle swain at some point)

Your friendly neighborhood alcoholic motorcyclist

Life is too short to worry what others think of you, be creative, be weird, live life.




Check out my YouTube


Check out my Fiora Jungle Guide


Check out my Motovlogging Trailer

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5 loses in a row suck so much! I'm stuck in bronze 1 need to get out of bronze! I need me some silver! No more bronze please but still looking for a team to play with.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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So, the new champion Zac...

He looks like Buu from Dragon Ball Z turned green. D:<


Like the few new champions, his skills are quite unique, however, there have been rumors that he is an April Fool's joke from Riot.

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I've just finished writing my guide for Jungle Sejuani, not sure who to write one for next.... Any suggestions anypony?   I was thinking maybe either Vi, Volibear or Renekton (yes i have worked out how to jungle as him, i can jungle most champs, may try a jungle swain at some point)


Oh, bro, I completely missed this bit of your post. You should definitely go with Vi. And I'm not just saying that because, like Diana, her voice acting is completely awesome (and I quote, "It's a shame. I've got two fists, but you've only got one face."), but because of this;




Have you ever seen a better parallel?! "Ly" (her cheek tattoo) even rhymes with "Vi" (which, of course, stands for violence)!

  • Brohoof 2


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If anybody is watching LCS/MLG HOLY SHIT the game with complexity and vulcan that just ended was a crazy close and good game (filled with mistakes but whatever ahah) still had tons of amazing plays 

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