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We've Been Over That, Soldier: A Brief Announcement

Yellow Diamond

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I wonder if the Immortal Game links would count...eh...probably not, it's rated Teen and has small amounts of violence.


The NSFW policy is rather easy to understand.....


If its obviously excessively Gorey, sexual or "anti-social" (Racism, Sexism and so on) then it's also obviously not allowed.


If a Moderator/Admin asks you to change it, then change it..



Just follow those two simple concepts and everyone will do just fine ^_^ 


The NSFW rules are their to protect younger members, uphold the sites image and to bring across a more friendly environment to new members.


But yes, some swearing is allowed, you just need to self-moderate

  • Brohoof 4


Goddamn right, you should be scared of me



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An excellent reminder, and very timely too given the influx of new members we've gotten recently in both the off season and following BronyCon.  Remember new guys, and old as well, if you're a clopper, hey, that's cool, whatever floats your boat, but this is a public forum visited by thousands, and if you post something NSFW publicly those thousands can see it.  That's why the rules against NSFW content are in place in the first place.  So just do the forums and the moderators a huge favor and, if you find something that you really like but you are pretty darn sure is most definitely NSFW, especially if it's of a cloppy nature, DON'T post it on the forums, or at least as Spoony said run it by a moderator first.  If we all do our best to follow the rules, then this place will be as harmonious as we can possibly make it, and that means ALL the rules, big or small.  :muffins:

  • Brohoof 3


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well y'know this is the MLP forums, not Penthouse forums. Free speech is great, and NSFW free speech can go on somewhere else.


Man, I forgot about cloppers. Thanks for the reminder, Batbrony  :blink:

  • Brohoof 1

Tell me how a person judges his or her self-esteem, and I will tell you how that person operates at work, in love, in sex, in parenting, in every important aspect of existence - and how high he or she is likely to rise. The reputation you have with yourself - your self-esteem - is the single most important factor for a fulfilling life. ~Nathaniel Branden

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