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Charcoal Embers

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Blazing noticed another pony who seemed to just be waiting. He was about to go talk to her, but somepony else already did. "And... Buck my life..." He said to himself. "This trip has completely sucked so far..." He couldn't help but talk to himself again. "But when has anything ever gone good for me?"


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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Ciracel walked up to the group of ponies around the table. "Glad all of you are here now we can get started." Just then the door slams shut and clicks, signaling it being locked. "Sorry about the barbaric way in doing this but I don't have much of a choice." A hissing sound could be heard coming from the sides of the room. "Have a nice nap." Was the last this he said before teleporting away.


Charcoal was confused as to what was happening but she didn't want to stay here and find out. Running to the door she tries to open it but it is locked. She tries to see if she could break it down but then she starts to feel kind of tired. After inhaling enough of the gas Charcoal falls on th floor unconscious, the last this she saw was the other ponies in the room falling as well. Waking up Charcoal notices two things, that her bag was on the floor beside her and that she was sitting in a cage with the other mares. All the stallions being in a cage beside them. She appears to be the first to have woken up.

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Like before, Star had no time to reply.
She heard the stallion speak and her eyes widened. She took Max's hoof in her own but sadly a moment later she swayed and fell to the ground with a loud *Thump*, her instruments landing next to her.



She woke up a little while later in a...cage?
She rubbed her forehead before looking around...her heart picking up pace. She whimpered. "H-Hello? Wh-Where am I?" She touched one of the bar's with her hoof and whimpered again. "M-Max? MAX?" She yelled, trying to push the cage door open but...obviously failing.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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'Fight, shield, do something, quickly!'


Scribes eyes widened at their hosts announcement - his immediate reaction being to charge at the pony in question.


"Oh, come on!" He shouted as this plan became invalid when the pony vanished.


Throwing all of his energy into a shielding spell that extended around him and the mare he had been speaking with, he breathed heavily as he tried to think of a plan...


'The air in here smells weird...'




Groaning as he stirred, scribe raised a hoof to his head and opened his eyes, assessing the situation. He tried ramming the bars to little effect.


"I knew it! It's impossible for me to have a holiday in peace!"

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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Frost woke up and saw that he was in a cage. He didn't remember following anypony here and was a bit confused he went to the edge of the cage and saw Charcoal in the one next to him. "Hey Charcoal!" he said loudly. "What's goin on did we have to much to drink or something?" he asked

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Icy panicked and ran towards the door. it was locked. She was about to use her magic to open the door the she felt too sleepy to use magic and fell asleep.


She awoke in a cage. She noticed other in cages next here

"What is going on? Someone get me out!" She yelled. 

"I am a High class pony!"


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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Before the mare could reply a gas filled the room and Steel and everypony else was knocked unconscious. He woke up in a cage and saw that everypony was in a cage "WHAT IN THE HAY IS GOING ON HERE?" He screamed not that it mattered because most of the ponies were still asleep except for a few

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"Of course... OF BUCKING COURSE!" Blazing said to himself. "I thought for once I could have a normal vacation, do something normal with other ponies but no... That's obviously not gonna happen is it? But what did I expect? Something good to happen?" He didn't care what the others thought, he needed a chance to get all of this out for once.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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Tempest groaned as he woke up in a cage. He then smirked slightly and shrugged. "This just got interesting." He thought.. The cyan pegesus then started to meditate.


The silver unicorn woke up and looked around the cage. She felt somewhat afraid, and curled into a ball, quivering in fear and worry.

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Frost woke up and saw that he was in a cage. He didn't remember following anypony here and was a bit confused he went to the edge of the cage and saw Charcoal in the one next to him. "Hey Charcoal!" he said loudly. "What's goin on did we have to much to drink or something?" he asked

"Sorry to say, but that isn't the case. I don't drink anyway." Charcoal says, not really looking at Frost but examining the cage. "Now shhh, be quiet. I need to be able to hear this lock. I need to know what I'm dealing with if I want to be able to pick it." Charcoal said while tapping the lock with her hoof.

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At Icy's call, Scribe rolled his eyes silently.


'Oh here we go... There's always one stuck up unicorn with... have I heard that voice before?'


Shrugging, Scribe rammed the bars again.


"Anypony feel like helping me get us out of here instead of complaining?" He grunted to the other stallions as he bounced uselessly off again.

Never quite forgotten.

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At Icy's call, Scribe rolled his eyes silently.


'Oh here we go... There's always one stuck up unicorn with... have I heard that voice before?'


Shrugging, Scribe rammed the bars again.


"Anypony feel like helping me get us out of here instead of complaining?" He grunted to the other stallions as he bounced uselessly off again.

"Look can everypony here just be quiet for a minute?!" Charcoal yells at everyone. "I'm trying to examine this lock to see if I can pick it with what I have. I need to be able to hear everything that goes on in this little piece of metal to force it open so just shut ho and let me work!"

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Frost shrugged. "Fine Charcoal whatever you say." he said as he turned to Tempest.



Frost poked Tempest on the shoulder. "Psst. Tempest, I think your wife needs a little comforting brah." he said as he pointed to the silver unicorn who was now in a ball.

Edited by Frosty V
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Sunset had hid behind her mane as a stallion in armor came over to her, but before she could respond, the host spoke up. The next thing she knew, the air smelled weird and she was having a hard time staying awake. 



Sunset woke up in a daze. Her nostrils tingled from the smell of the gas they had put in the room to knock them out. She slowly rolled over and stood up on all four shaky hooves. Upon realizing she was in a cage with several other ponies, she backed up into another corner and sank to the floor, starting to hyperventilate. 

Calm down... They're asleep... Some are... It's not your fault, they won't notice you or get mad at you...

Her thoughts did nothing to stop her trembling and breathing issues.



Firecracker didn't really hear anything the host said, but she definitely smelled the gas.

"Wha? Wha's goin' on...?" she slurred, the gas starting to take effect. "I feel sleepy..."



Firecracker yawned as she woke up. "What happened?"

She got up, still too drowsy to fly. 

"Where are we?"

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Tempest nodded and glanced at Ivy. He put a wing on her shoulder and smiled. "Ivy, listen to me. It'll be ok." He said. "I'll find a way to get us out of here."


Ivy glanced at Tempest and smiled slightly. She seemed a bit calmer and more focused. "I guess I got a little to worried there." She said. The silver unicorn then nuzzled Tempest.

Edited by Missingno
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After a minute Charcoal decided that the lock was pickable. Reaching into her mane she pulls out a bobby pin, then grabs her saddlebag and get her screwdriver. Positioning it she listens very closely to the inner working of the lock. After a minute of working on it she hears the glorious click of the lock opening. Unfortunately she was leaning on the door as it unlocked so she got a face full of concrete. "Alright." She turns to the mares in the cage. "You all get out of the cage but wait in here, I need to open this other cage." Walking over to it she does the same thing to this lock as the other one, unfortunately her bobby pin broke in the process. "Luna danget." She turns to face the other mares. "Do any of you have a bobby pin with you? I'm going to need one to open this lock."

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"Of bucking course." Blazing said under his breath. Everything bad just had to happen to him. It's always gotta be me... Everything bad always has to happen to me doesn't it? He thought. He started pacing back and forth, trying to resist snapping at everypony.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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Max jumped at the door closing, his fedora falling off his head. He picked it up and returned it to his head in time to hear hissing, gas being pumped into the room. He let out a sigh, surprised at himself for being so calm.


"Man...why can't any of these all expense paid trips ever go right?" He yawned, barely noticing Star falling to the ground.


"It's always potions this, and sleepy gas that..." With that, he fell to the floor, out like a light.



Max awoke, at first slowly, but then with a jump, remembering the situation. He found his fedora in the cage with him. He was surrounded by other cages containing the other guests. He heard Star cry out for him, and he turned to see her across the room.


"STAR SONG! I'm here. It looks like this was a setup." He sat on his haunches, his natural curiosity taking over. He had a puzzled look on his face.


"But why us? Why trick and capture what is essentially a random assortment of ponies?" He asked aloud, in a loud tone.


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

Avatar by Motion Spark

Signature by Marco

My OCs:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/max-r2747




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Frost reached into his hair and pulled out a bobby pin and handed it through the bars to Charcoal. "Here take mine." he said "but I swear if you ask why I have one....I will....kill you." he hissed sarcastically as he sat and waited for Charcoal to do something with it.

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Steel noticed that the mares cage had been open by the mare he assumed was Charcoal. She was looking for another bobby pin since the other one broke from opening that cage. He realized he could try to use his magic to open the door but it had a shield blocking any magic used against it "I'll just wait for her to pick the lock or something" he said to himself as he sat in the corner of the cage

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"Well Right now complaining is all I have.That and another things, but that isn't important right now"

Icy began to think. The voice, that was oddly familiar to her, was right they needed to get out.

"I might be able to freeze the bars enough to break them, but we need water" 


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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Charcoal sighs a little bit. "The thing is, light colors like pink or white don't, we'll say absorb, heat. So colors like those are good for hot whether because you aren't as likely to get roasted. Now dark colors like black or grey are the opposite. They do absorb heat so colors like those are better for colder places so it is easier to stay warm." Charcoal explained.

((OOC: This is true to.))


((OOC: Ok, so you are a muffin and new to the roleplay section. But before you start you need to read the rules. And if you really want to join an RP than you need to go to the OOC discussion thread and find one that is still open.))

@@Charcoal Embers

((OOC: Well, where exactly where would I find these rules?))










filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler 

Edited by EmeraldDazzle


Made by Nicole

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Skitter run was trying to sleep but somepony was being to noisy to make it easy.

"quite I'm try to sleep "

He mumbled

"mrr.....sunset...5 more minutes mom..."

He continued to mumble random words then kicked out his leg and hit something.

"get off my bed you litt.... Mrrr"

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Blazing saw that one of the few ponies who hadn't woken up yet was just waking up. Do I really want to wake him up the mean way? Nah... I won't... He thought. He decided to just let the stallion wake up on his own. You know... It would be funny to wake him up though... He thought.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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Star took a deep breath and looked at the mare who had managed to pick a few of the locks. She reached towards her bag...which she was surprised she still had...anyway, she reached towards her bag for a bobby pin but a...colt? beat her too it. "Max..." She gulped...not really knowing what she was going to say.
She looked at Charcoal and gulped. "P-Please hurry." She begged.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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