Gamer_Luna27 77 August 23, 2013 Share August 23, 2013 Ever felt like you were the only sane person in the world because everypony else seems to be an, ahem, idiot? I ask out of curiosity because a friend of mine found a worm on the concrete at school, and everypony else was gathered around him and daring him to eat it. I couldn't help but think 'man all you guys are idiots'. 21 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moonlight 7,288 August 23, 2013 Share August 23, 2013 Yeah, I do, quite a lot, really. Most of my friends aren't...*cough* the smartest. In fact, one says that the moon and sun are planets, she's too much of a stubborn moron for me to tell her she's wrong. 2 matching setups with my bff pathfinder Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~StatesTheOblivious~ 1,795 August 23, 2013 Share August 23, 2013 (edited) Quite often. Especially when I enter political, philosophical or religious discussions. Not because I wouldn't accept that others have different opinions, but mostly I sense that arrogance some people might have when they think they're right, or say that they're not necessarily right, but don't understand how they're wrong from another ones perspective. And I feel that way especially when one tries to use arguments and doesn't even really understand their basis. Edited August 23, 2013 by StatesTheOblivious 1 "If men define situations as real, they are real in their consequences." - W. I. Thomas & D. S. Thomas Signature by Kyoshi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Smarts 1,623 August 23, 2013 Share August 23, 2013 Yeah, I do. I feel that everyone who lives in this parish are complete brainless morons, and that is pretty much the truth. They will do anything stupid because it gives them "swag". Bunch of nonsense. 6 IF is best girl. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kaspars L 100 August 23, 2013 Share August 23, 2013 When I'm dealing with other people irl I instantly see everyone as a complete moron until they have proven otherwise, which they far too often can't. That is the main reason why I often chose voluntary solitude. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Celtore 2,770 August 23, 2013 Share August 23, 2013 No, it's not just you... I feel the exact same way every time I go to check the news... Also, my friends in high school weren't exactly that smart either except for this one fellow I knew. He was very logical and was fascinating to talk to, a big science buff. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ReGen 1,466 August 23, 2013 Share August 23, 2013 (edited) Oooooh yeah, constantly. This is most apparent during school. A lot of my peers act like total jackasses. I'm probably the only one who actually wants to learn something. Edited August 23, 2013 by ReGen 3 "I keep the walking on the right side, but I won't judge the next who handles walking on the wrong. 'Cause that's how he wants to be. No difference, see." Cloud of Sounds | YouTube Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Agent505 661 August 23, 2013 Share August 23, 2013 When I was in school I often thought this myself, there are far too many attention seeking idiots who act up to try and get laughs. The sad thing is, a few people who do it are actually really quite clever, they just act like idiots because it makes them seem "cool." I rarely leave the house these days unless I have to for something important, it's just not worth the hassle of being reminded why I hate my generation. Once the older generation dies off, this world is doomed... 1 I've been watching you, all this time. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rascal~ 657 August 23, 2013 Share August 23, 2013 Only one? Mate, try to be the only kid who can say a word with more than 7 letters in a ten click radius. And I'm definitely not sane, which reminds me I have to take my medication , but I know how you feel by being surrounded by idiots. 1 Fire Sharp Stardust Sai Time Scribe Chai Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LittleRawr 679 August 23, 2013 Share August 23, 2013 Not really... But when I do see something, (*cough* kids kill someone cause they were bored *cough*) I just want to go there and hammer their heads in. But I don't, because society because violence isn't the answer. It does make me feel smarter than someone when I go on a lecture about astronomy. 3 Signature by Azura Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Keezuw 107 August 23, 2013 Share August 23, 2013 Ahaha I think I'm one of those people that like to act silly and schtuff. It's not 'cause of stupidity or coolness... I'm one of the top students in class, but I have a pretty childish personality and everything. So I can't really help myself at times. ;__; 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Discordian 6,015 August 23, 2013 Share August 23, 2013 Maybe it's because I hang out with smart people but I usually feel like the dumbest person in the room. Darn you smart people and your smartocity. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JeanHover 326 August 23, 2013 Share August 23, 2013 That's sort of a constant thing for me. I often try to shove it to the back of my head. Doesn't always work. I hate people who make assumptions and spew crap out of their mouth without anything to support what they say. You know, general idiocy. Turns out, that is just about every person in my generation. Lemme just go ahead and say something here: I'm pretty young. Like, looking at the rest of MLPforums, I'm definitely leaning towards the more youthful side of the spectrum. Yet I manage to capitalize my sentences, add correct punctuation and always have a good source for any meant-to-be-true fact that I say. I take other people's feelings into account when I say things. And you know what? I feel like I'm the only person in the world that meets that criteria. The kind of people I'm surrounded by are people that pull sentences right out of their asses. They act like what they say, even if it makes everyone within ten feet of them stupider, doesn't matter. They act like it won't affect anybody's emotions of they make a generalizing statement out loud in a hallway full of 200 of their peers. It sucks. 2 OC's: Whirl Wake and Noon - Profile Picture Credit - Signature by Me twilight sniper kill blue all tf2 wow map you see firend rianbow dsah,pinkie pie,applejack,rarity,fluttershy wow team red kill blue red win huh robox bad new Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commissar Alexer 763 August 23, 2013 Share August 23, 2013 (edited) "Yeah, you're right, people these days are really stupid. Just look at them, eating, sleeping, working and mating. Nothing else, just like Sheeps" Probalby everyone thinks sometimes that s/he is the only smart person in a world full of idiots but that's pretty normal. I myself often thought how stupid people can be sometimes. Edited August 23, 2013 by Gefreiter 3 "There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt." "Prayer cleanses the soul, Pain cleanses the body." "He who follows Chaos, shall suffer for eternity." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Senator Armstrong 8 August 23, 2013 Share August 23, 2013 Well, to take a quote from Twilight Sparkle herself, "All the ponies in this town are crazy". Honestly if i kept a chart of how many people were either really inconsiderate, dumb or just downright jerks, I think id need Twilight to start keeping organized lists for me 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
They call me Loyalty 1,948 August 23, 2013 Share August 23, 2013 (edited) By reading your words, I could say I have the same problem with this society, or al least a similiar one. Since I was a kid, I never feel myself related with most of the people since their lack of "humanity" lets say. I was alone in school due I wouldn't betray myself and turn into something that I'm not just to be part of a decadent group, today called society."Spoiled people everywhere, more like animals than humans" I thought until one day my path crossed with one "sad" lonely-looking guy, and we literaly started a fight in front of everyone.He was the only person in my life that I couldn't one-hit down. He wasn't fighting for himself, he was fighting with his heart for something more than his own selfishness. It turned out to be that he was just like me, disapointed by most people, but at the same time resentful due the pain and loneliness he had to live through. We couldn't hit each other dispite our effort to take down our adversary.The people around started trying to stop us in groups, but we got rid of them like If they were made of thin air. Persons were literaly flying around us since they couldn't reach our strenght nor will. Others were simply knocked out. They were just trying to stop us, we were just trying to solve a problem regarding ourselves. They never cared about others, but now they were trying to play the hero-roll and stop us from fight each other, a fight they could never understand. Selfish "humans" trying to feed the principles they never had.At some point, that lonely-looking guy and I,we both found ourselves fighting against our class mates, back to back in the middle of the classes break time at our religious institute, against the whole freakin' school. Most of our college's rugby "american football" team was knocked out while trying to stop us from fight each other.Even a poor maiden was hit down by one of them, since the guy was mad 'cause he wasn't able to match us. The old maiden tried to stop him, but the jerk just put her to sleep.At the end no one was able to stop those two emo-looking guys. We just looked into each other eyes and smile while barely trying to catch our breath again. Ready to face our punishment, I still remember that look in the rector's eyes. She always told me to fight for what I believe to be the truth, but now she was dissapointed at me.We tried to warn them to not get involved into our fight. They didn't listen as always, since everything seem to be a joke for them. Many of this guys were kicked out from our institute. We both just get simply punished eventhough we were the ones that started it. Could be worse, but it wasn't.So while in the lobby, waiting to be furiously lectured by our rector, we started talking, knowing each other. Then he turned out to be my best friend.So don't worry, even If sometimes seems to be like that, you are probably not alone in this world,Apologies for my english, it isn't my first language. Edited August 23, 2013 by They call me Loyalty 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scootalove 10,689 August 23, 2013 Share August 23, 2013 At times, I do feel like I'm the only smart and sane one when it comes to my friends. But, sometimes they are actually smart they just don't show it. 2 Credit: Moony © Forum FAQ Forum Rules Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FoxyCryptid 4,330 August 23, 2013 Share August 23, 2013 Don't feel like a lone stranger, I've been there many times when I get into debates. I can't even count the number of times I've gone at it with someone who spent the whole time making stuff up and hoping I'd wouldn't notice/ 1 "You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that." -Duncan McLeod. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dog man 48 August 23, 2013 Share August 23, 2013 (edited) I feel like that sometimes, two of my 3 best friends aren't the brightest light bulb in the house ( does that make sense?) Like one time my friend Jordan thought Chinese people were descendant from aliens... ( he wasn't trying to be racist , its just he is very gullible and thinks whatever he is told most of the time ) I can't remember having a serious/political/Scientific Conversation without it ending in "Nerd!" also the majority of my class are *sigh* around redneck I.Q level... This girl thought the sun was a planet... Some people in my class are very smart, a girl in my class had 97% on her math Exam! So yeah sometimes I feel like I'm one of the only Smart ones in my school... Edited August 23, 2013 by Nye1254 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ampharos 1,009 August 23, 2013 Share August 23, 2013 I'm starting my freshman year in high school pretty soon and I have no classes with my friends. It made me a little upset, but my parents didn't understand. They told me to make new friends. But there's a reason I have a small amount of friends, which is the fact that everyone else in my school is either a douchebag or completely idiotic, or both. Actually most of them are both. So yea. 1 RWBY DISCUSSION THREAD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sylentmana 271 August 23, 2013 Share August 23, 2013 I don't usually go hang out with my friends when they have their get-togethers. They have a weird random sense of humor and they do stupid dares that usually end with one of them vomiting on another person. They also get too loud and rowdy for my tastes. 2 In space, no one can hear you squee! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
techno915 408 August 23, 2013 Share August 23, 2013 don't worry, you're not alone. there are many idiots out there. have you ever been on a road? there are bunches of them there. we just have to deal with them. it may be hard, but it's our only choice. there will always be idiots. 3 This signature was created by coastercrutchfield. |--(0)--| techno915Previously: TARDIS915 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HeartFeltPuma23 180 August 23, 2013 Share August 23, 2013 Well,let's just say that i'm surrounded by idiots,we are talking abuot 23 guys (boys and girls) that bully me for only not talk to anyone and stay by miself all the time,i'm a lonewolf,and the last thing that i want next to me are some stupid teenage boys that don't even know their first lenguage. (i'm talking about my school class,i don't have any actual friends,or people i can call that way) 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
aoEAF2FBvC0MIo2Q 3,673 August 23, 2013 Share August 23, 2013 (edited) Well, I'm not really one to make conclusions at this point, partly because I've become so withdrawn that I hardly see people on campus despite living there myself. As for my classmates, it's decent enough but here's the thing; it's an electrical engineering curriculum. Although when it comes to politics... Geez, I can't help but be pessimistic. Over here, your political colors aren't a conscious and deliberate choice but a fashion statement. Freaking pitiful. Edited August 23, 2013 by SunBurn 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zygen 6,066 August 24, 2013 Share August 24, 2013 Well, yes in some cases. However, I know plenty of people who are plenty intelligent, and some way more intelligent then me, and therefore sane. I also know that the vast majority of people here( if not all) are sane intelligent. But to an extent, yes. 1 Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig! My Oc's, Ponysona, Bella Vocal Covers Blog, MLP Covers Thread Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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