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What if Twilight Sparkle was married to Flash Sentry?

Sugar Pea

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Initial reaction: "Somebody must've decided I wasn't unhappy enough about the direction they seem to be going with Twilight's character :huh: "


If they showed enough of their relationship development to justify their getting married, it'd have hijacked the show. If they didn't show enough, then I'd think it was dumb and forced. Pass.

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Being a FlashLight hater, I know that I wouldn't be able to do a thing about it, sadly. I guess I'd be happy for Twilight, but for some reason, I hate Flash.

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To be honest I wouldn't care I still haven't seen Equestria girls yet to know why people have such a love hate thing for Flash Sentry. if they did in ep  one of season four that would be pretty disappointing, I doubt the movie fleshed out their relationship enough to justify that (assuming they find a way to make him canon of course)

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In light of my inability to find the Nostalgia Critic's 'No!' video right at this second, I'll just say this much.  As indifferent as I am with him as a character, I will say that a marriage between any of the mane 6 and any other character would invariably mark the end of the series as we know it.  It's not advisable, and it would probably make anything after the marriage really corny.


It's nothing personal against Flash Sentry.  It could be any character and I would feel the same way if one of the mane 6 was going to get married.  It's not the character.  It's the marriage that would be the problem.

Edited by SBaby
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As a wise man said above - "MLP:FiM gained its fame for largely avoiding cliches like that."...y'know, despite Equestria Girls and mishandling the toy marketing and stuff...


Anyway, probably not that much given that I stopped watching the show a while back and focus mostly on the Comic now. However, if the Budget Shining Armour sneaks his way into the Comics, then well...

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one thing i learned from fictional character is that weddings and shiping makes the couple BORING because instead of focus on their ideals, they keeps worring in how their relationship continues and we see every stuff we will se in a soap opera (or  telenovelas like is known in my conutry) jealous situations, envy, fights girly quotes, and other things that ruins the entire character. Twilight give us a big deception when she fall in love with Sentry, because we see her in all seasons, we know what personality she has and, one person says one or two words in the entire movie and now she fall in love with him, now, what does it tell us?


That Everything We Believe in Her was Bull$#it!!!!


That she doesn't acted like herself and intead, we have a superficial girl, a shy, confused, dramatical and antiheroic thing.


Of course it's my opinión i don't know guys, but a crush on Twilight (it doesn't matter if was Flash Sentry or anypony) was too soon and poorly planned, i'm agree that twilight have a love interest, but, ¿Why so soon?

¿and why with a guy who sees aprox 20-30 minutes in total?


i know that somepony who support this ship must saying to me their reasons for why this ship could Works, and i respect that, i'm only express my opinión thank you!

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