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OC name: Swift Echo


apperance : no picturt but it just a gray unicorn with blue hair


info: he's the OC i use for RPing and stand by a knights code, and i just use him untill i want to kill him off the best RP he's been was a marvel cross over were he was crossed with Taskmaster and he has killed Pinkie Pie, Twilight , and Rainbowdash and has been killed buy Fluttershy.


other OC

Name: Charging Star


appearance: Alicorn with a blue body and golden hair until hes exiled then he has no wings and dull yellow hair


Info: live in a Olympus like Kingdom of only Alicorns, and has the ability to cast shooting star that can grant wishes, then does something to get exiled and cast down to Equesria having his wings ripped off in the process. he was created from a idea i had for a FanFic that i will never do.

my DA http://heavyecho.deviantart.com/ check my stuff out

the Anime Club http://mlpforums.com/topic/48196-the-anime-club/ plz join us

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Tell us about your pony! Give us info, pictures, whatever you want! Also, you can give feedback and ideas for created ponies. What are you waiting for? Go and post about your pony!


My pony:

Name: Songflash

Picture: Posted Image

Info: Great friends of Rainbow Dash, Likes and makes music.


Thread already exists, mate. I've just merged you to the correct one. Go ahead and feel free to use the Pony OC Club to discuss your OCs.

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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EDIT: I found this one lying in a folder of mine. Turns out I DID make another OC.


Name: Mulelissa


Species: Mule


Gender: Female


Age: 7


Personality: Mulelissa is a very friendly and outgoing young mule who loves to spend time outdoors with her friends Mulebert and Mulelina. However, she's always dreamed of someday waking up and being a pony, because she feels inferior to them.


Special Talent: Making Mud Pies

Edited by Hushabye
  • Brohoof 1

Always off-topic and always derailing.

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Name: Ice Storm


Picture: See Avatar or Sig


Personality: Ice has a personality that can come of as generous, bouncy, and stern.


She is seen as generous because she is willing to do anything that she can to make her friends happy, and because she hates seeing frowns. She's constantly walking around with a bottle of Snow-Cone Syrup just in case she ever runs into a filly that is having a bad day, or any of her friends for that matter. She's always willing to talk about everything, but there are certain things about her past that she's shut off from everypony else.


This comes without saying since she runs a frozen treats store but Ice is almost always very bouncy and very hyper. Pretty much, she is the embodiment of Pinkie Pie without her extreme randomness. Not to say that Ice can't be random but given a topic that she enjoys she will be rambling on for a good five minutes about it almost without taking a breath.


Ice is also very stern when it comes to other ponies who are rude. She absolute despises rude ponies and if she hears about them she will actively go out of her way to strike them down. Ponies who are rude don't deserve to be treated any less and this often times will get her in trouble herself.




Ice Storm was a pony that was born in Fillydelphia, and it quickly became apparent that she hated it there. All of the older and larger ponies in Fillydelphia were rude, and often kicked aside younger ponies for their own gain. If they got in their way of what they wanted to obtain, oh well, the younger ponies shouldn't have been in the way to begin with.


After a couple of years of this, Ice Storm had enough of the big city bullying and took off on her own. She figured it would be a lot easier to deal with like somewhere else without always getting stepped on. Once she was out of the city, she felt something that she had never felt before, relief, and then came the development of her high and mighty self esteem. She had done it. She had built up the nerve to leave Fillydelphia behind. She didn't have any real friends there so she wasn't leaving anything behind, and her parents often were more worried about their own needs to care abut her. As far as Ice storm was concerned, she was already living on her own anyway, so why not take her chances out on the road? surely there were other pony villages that were friendly enough to others that it wouldn't be that hard t fit in. Of course she didn't know that the closest city was in the mountains.


She started walking her way up the mountain paths that were marked, but when she made it about two thirds of the way to Canterlot, an ice storm started to move into the area. Ice Storm was caught off guard, and wasn't sure what to do in her situation. She knew that she needed to find shelter soon, but she kept moving up the mountain, figured that she would run into a cave eventually on the path. I mean it's a mountain right? there has to be a cave on it somewhere close by. Unfortunately there wasn't, and she was getting tired.


She fell to the ground and when she did, her unicorn horn went off. She didn't have any idea what was going on, but her eyes when white. The ice that was around her started to mold around her, and started to take shape in the form of a small hut that enclosed around her. When she recovered she had no idea what had happened, but she looked around her, and she was inside a shelter of ice that she had just made. Another bright light filled the small ice hut and she was worried about what it was until she saw that it was coming from her flank. When it cleared, it showed her new cutie mark with two shards of ice in a mound of snow. This made her so happy that she almost forgot she was tired until she tried to stand back up.


The next morning she finally made her way to Canterlot, and she had hoped that the ponies in Canterlot would be a lot nicer than the ponies in Philly. She quickly found out that wasn't the case though, and the only to ponies in Canterlot that could actually be classified as nice were the the two princesses Celestia and Luna. She actually found Luna more intriguing than Celestia just because she was more interested in the night than she was the day. She was always awake during the day so it was easy to see what happened then.


Over time her conversations with Luna only further added to her high and mighty attitude as she would return the rudeness and the bitterness to others ten fold. The only ones she didn't treat down where the Princesses, and the Phillies of Canterlot. Anyone she caught mis treating Phillies received her rage even more so than the others. Eventually the tensions between her and the ponies in Canterlot because so high, that princess Luna suggested that she left Canterlot and move to Ponyville. That it was still close enough for Luna to visit once in a while and that there were a lot of very nice ponies in Ponyville. All of them were even well respected here in Canterlot, which Ice immediately took as a joke. Luna told her to seek out a pony named Twilight Sparkle, she had a similar experience and Luna explained what had happened to her as well and how she was going though the same thing, and how Twilight was helping her. Ice nodded. She figured that if Luna said it would work, then she would at least give it a shot. She took the next train to Ponyville, and this is where we are today



This is my OC that I use for almost every Role-play that I'm in


Princess Luna is best pony

Avid Twilicorn Supporter

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EDIT: I found this one lying in a folder of mine. Turns out I DID make another OC.


Name: Mulelissa


Species: Mule


Gender: Female


Age: 7


Personality: Mulelissa is a very friendly and outgoing young mule who loves to spend time outdoors with her friends Mulebert and Mulelina. However, she's always dreamed of someday waking up and being a pony, because she feels inferior to them.


Special Talent: Making Mud Pies


A mule! How unique. I don't believe I've ever seen a mule character before. I find this refreshing and rather unique. Especially the fact that she feels inferior to them. It could be an interesting aspect to the show's canon.
  • Brohoof 1

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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A mule! How unique. I don't believe I've ever seen a mule character before. I find this refreshing and rather unique. Especially the fact that she feels inferior to them. It could be an interesting aspect to the show's canon.


I always thought the way Mules look in the show was incredibly adorable, and I'm surprised they don't get more love! :)


Thank you for the compliment.

  • Brohoof 1

Always off-topic and always derailing.

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My OC:



Cutie Mark:Cupcake


Eye Color:Yellow




She looks like Derpy the most.I need a new improved version of my OC -__-.Can i get it drawn please?

Edited by PonyTrollz


Signature and Avatar made by ~Chaotic Discord~

"People change but their changes don't last long."

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Well most of what you would need to know is in http://mlpforums.com/topic/29142-silvadels-experiences-in-equestria-added-moral-to-part-2-moved-23-boundary/ and yes I apologize for not having part 4 up yet. It is mostly written, it just needs some clean up and I havent figured out yet how to handle one part of it.


Eventually I am going to have to get a picture made but the one I am thinking of requesting from someone is from a scene in part 4 where Silvadel is flying outside of Luna's Balcony at night. One other reason I havent asked is while I know Silvadel's Colors, Mane Style, and Cutie Mark, I do not know the eye color. I havent managed to find a mirror when I dreamed of being in equestria and most dreams I actually have there are watching dreams where I do not have a character in the action as opposed to participatory ones.

Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight.

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If I typed in all of my OC's in here then I'll be typing all day, (There are a lot of them!!!) But you can learn all about them on my profile page.


(Shameless promotion FTW!!!)

  • Brohoof 1

~I love the way Storm Spark makes love to me! No one is as manly as he is~

Twilight Sparkle is yummiest pony!!!

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@NyxChick12345 Do it in another pose,like when she's flying etc..And yes you could computer color.Don't wory i am a patient person xD.

Edited by PonyTrollz


Signature and Avatar made by ~Chaotic Discord~

"People change but their changes don't last long."

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My OC's

  • Sam Diamondpick

  • Seismic Wave
Name: Sam Diamondpick

Race: Pegasus

Appearance: White coat, Dark red mane, also constantly wears a green vest (Because Vest's rule), Also has a Diamond Pickaxe as a Cutiemark

Backstory: Coal miner, Celestia's BFF.

ALT: Seismic Wave's son, Killed his father to save Equestria.


Name: Seismic Wave

Race: Pegasus

Appearance: Dark blue coat, Spiky Blue and White Mane, Cutiemark is a Wave

Backstory: A agent in the Alicorn Protection Agency, Protects all Sea affairs.

ALT: Seismic Wave's Father, the Evil mastermind that turned most of Equestria into mindless Zombies!


Seismic wave was a crazy weirdo! Ahh, i had fun with him in the RP i was in!

Edited by Scootabelle

I'm back whoope! img-1369822-1-UNZJLhS.png 

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name is cloud whisper

she is a pegasus, you can see how she looks like (her skin supporse to be brighter)

i would be really happy if you draw her ^-^


not based on no pony




Posted Image



her name is Pearl Eyes

she is an earth pony, really deep gray body, super black hair, wierd white eyes

i dont expect you to draw her, but id be happy if you will :)




Posted Image



  • Brohoof 1




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If I typed in all of my OC's in here then I'll be typing all day, (There are a lot of them!!!) But you can learn all about them on my profile page.


(Shameless promotion FTW!!!)


Same, for all five of mine. :lol:

I've made two more, but have made pages for them here yet...


So that's seven for me... :blink:

Visit my page to see the five I have fully made.

Edited by Nightfall
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To sum it up, from the many OCs I have...


-A music engineer (Flynn Cricket, Unicorn)

-A cook framed for food poisoning (Thick Slice [known now as Mad Butcher], Earth)

-A guard for Luna's army (Agent Black, Pegasus)

-A fancy pony in Manehatten (Agent Olive, Earth)

-An adventurer (fuck arrows) (Agent White, Pegasus)

-A guy who wants to find his meaning in life (Plain Parker, Earth)

-A trustworthy commoner in Ponyville (Sturdy Trust, Earth)

-A psycho known for his creepy smile (Grin, Unicorn)

-A tormented traveler who works as a blacksmith (Agent Orange, Earth)

-An old pony who used to travel everywhere(Agent Brown [now known as Bold Ink], Earth) and is married to a Zebra (Zyneste, Zebra)

-A fat (but loveable) radio host (Big Pete, Earth)


And much more that I can't remember.


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Edited cause of original thread merging into this one


Name: Rascal


Location: Fillydelphia


Age: 16


Gender: Male


Species: Earth Pony


Cutie Mark: Flame Trailing Soccer Ball


Personality: A bit stubborn and rough around the edges so to say but is truly a nice pony that gives his all at everything especially for his friends


History: Was born away from Ponyville in a small town where everypony knew everypony Rascal as a filly was generally kind but had no friends cause he was also a trickster but tricks went into jokes then to pranks ultimately it went into just plain mean acts that got him in trouble.


Everypony began to hate Rascal and one pony couldn't tolerate him anymore he was a friend of Rascals father so he began to speak with Rascal whlie the conversation he figured out Rascal really liked to play. He was a soccer player and had a soccer ball in his rucksack so he decided to become Rascals coach so he started to train him,play a game and after each game he talk to him eventually he became Rascals first friend and a surrogate big brother.


By the time Rascal turned 16 he was no longer the chaotic type but a kind and honest colt that apologized to everypony for his past doings and did many things for them to prove that he's changed. When he was done he went back to his coach and noticed he was packing up and beginning to leave but his soccer ball was still on the field and kicks it hitting his coaches side Rascal would not let him leave without saying good bye so they played their final game of soccer playing all out Rascal won the game breaking a tie with an amazing buck that made the ball zoom past his coach as if it was on fire Rascals cutie mark appeared moments after that.


After a humongous celebration his coach placed the soccer ball in a empty rucksack and throws it to Rascals legs Rascal looks at it and notices it's the same rucksack he has back home then he puts it on confused as his coach told him that it was time to move out and mentioned of the other places in Equestria after that Rascal looks back at his home suddenly surprised that everyone is there even his parents as they mentioned they were there to see him off Rascal lets out a few tears of joy then waves bye before leaving the village.


Habit: Tends to be overly nice to some ponies especially mares...


Posted Image

Edited by Rascal
  • Brohoof 1
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I will most likely draw all of them, but if you want them to be good, it will probably take a long while. I will also try to computer color all of them if you want, but that takes a while if you want shadows and shines. Any specific poses anybody wants?

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Name: Top hat

Cutie mark: Pancakes

Species: Pegasus

Eye color: Cyan

Gender: I plan on keeping my gender a secret

Age: 17 But I guess it acts like it's 21


My ex mate's (we are friends now) OC


Name: Rain crackle

Cutie mark: Book

Species: Unicorn

Eye color: Blue

Gender: Yeah I'm going to keep it's gender a secret too

Age: 18

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I will most likely draw all of them, but if you want them to be good, it will probably take a long while. I will also try to computer color all of them if you want, but that takes a while if you want shadows and shines. Any specific poses anybody wants?


Can you make my OC flying.It would be very nice of you if you did that.And is it really hard to computer color them all(will it take really long).But don't worry ill be patient.


Signature and Avatar made by ~Chaotic Discord~

"People change but their changes don't last long."

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Octavinyl and Scratch Tavi and based off of mixed versions of Octavia and Vinyl Scratch, but not really Scratch Tavi except for color scheme. Their cutie marks are music based because of my love to play music such as the violin, piano, and recorder.

Avatar made by Krystal and signature made by ~Chaotic Discord~.
My OCs: Cherry Blossom, Octavinyl, and Apple Mint.
"It's not about how smart you are, but how thick your heart is." - Cherry Blossom.

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Mine is Aerial Shot (where I got my username from :) )


Appearance: She's a pegasus pony about the same age as the Mane 6. She is purple, about the same shade as Twilight. Her mane and tail are dark purple with stripes of lighter/grey-ish purple. Her tail is the same style as Twi and her mane is short and straight. Her eyes are a mauve-pinky-purple, her snout is white and she has dark purple freckles.

She wears a black cap and bracelets/leg bands.


Cutie mark: Her cutie mark is a film clapperboard and her talent is film making.


Backstory: She grew up in Cloudsdale (she knew RD and Fluttershy, but not very well) with her parents and brother and would get her friends to act out the stories she read/heard with her. She made a film of one of these stories and won a foal's film contest with it, earning her cutie mark. ;)


Pony codes for the dA pony creator:

Pony code:




Accessories code:



Her name is a type of camera shot taken from the sky, since she's a pegasus~ :lol:

Edited by Aerial~Shot
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@@NyxChick12345, I understand it'll take a while but no rush no rush ya said ya most likely draw all of them so i won't bother you about it and wait patiently but now that you mention poses i'd like him to be in this particular pose


Posted Image


Like a exact copy of that changing/removing the minor details : Mane,Tail,Cutie Mark,Eye Color,Eye Lashes,Body Color & Wings


I think it would look cool it ya did it without the shirt and bands he's wearing so even though it maybe obvious how he would look like without them i'll leave a image in the same pose as last time


Posted Image


I apologize for such a detailed request it's just when ya left that post after mine i went searching and that vector Of Rainbow Dash caught my eye.


If it's to much of a request i'd like to request that you put your touches to it if ya want to.


Thanks in advance if you make it

Edited by Rascal
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