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opinions on Bashfics in This Fandom


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Am I the only one who hates this type of pony Fanfiction? I think its worst than Grimdark and Clopfics combined.

A bashfic is when a writer hates a character and has everyone hates him in the story because he is so biased. Although the Brony fandom is not the only fandom to have this type of fanfics It seems to have a lot of them.


Like when someone has Fluttershy turn Angel into a soup because he slaped her, by that logic a mother should eat her child when he disobeys her.

Or when Gilda gets haunted by all of the ponies and gets killed and has her entire race killed because she made Fluttershy Cry? Are Fluttershy fans really that stupid?

Oh and when Big Mac beats up Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon to death, I mean would you feel great because a grown stallion is beating up two fillies?

and what about when Prince Blueblood gets his guts sliced infront of all of Canterlot by his own Aunts because he used Rarity as a Shield?


I seen all of those fics, they have the characters act OOC and have this certian pony they hate potrayed like Pony Hitler, heck Fluttershy gets some Bashfics Only because of his fanbase.


These types of fics show how immature the writer is, and shows how some bronies overreact to everything, even if its something small like Derpys fanons which isn't even canon yet some hate her for it.


The question is, how do you feel about pony fics that are only their to bash a certian Character?

  • Brohoof 1

Credits to Mint Drop for an awesome Sig.

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I find them incredibly boring and an indication that the writer clearly has no imagination or creativity, I can see little jokes at the expense of some of the characters and trollfics can actually be funny if done right but it dosen't take any sort of talent to just endlessly bash on a character you don't like.

  • Brohoof 6
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I wouldn't get too worked up about it. It sounds like immature, sophomoric writing done by pre-teens. They give real writers like me a bad name. Just because you have a keyboard doesn't give you the right to crank out garbage.

  • Brohoof 2

Original Fiction: http://mlpforums.com/topic/69008-hawkmoths-fiction/


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Yeah, I never do really like bash fics. I've only read one fic that I like that had character bashing in it. Surprisingly, the fic was bashing Pinkie Pie, and I love Pinkie Pie! But, really, I guess it wasn't bashing exactly, as it was Cupcakes-based and PP acts like that in Cupcakes. blink.png


Anyway, the main reason I liked that fic was because it was a Rainbow/Discord fic, of which there are so few, and even less are well written. Rainbow Chaos I believe it was called.


Back on topic. Most of the time I despise bashing fics because they are so pointless! If you don't like a character, just write them out of the story subtly and in a believable way. That way, YOU DON'T HAVE TO WRITE ABOUT THEM! Like, send them off to boot camp or something. laugh.png

  • Brohoof 1


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Am I the only one who hates this type of pony Fanfiction? I think its worst than Grimdark and Clopfics combined.


You know what? I would rather read grimdark or a clopfic than a bashfic, the more I think about it.


At least grimdark and clop can be written well. It depends on what it is, but it's possible.


But if someone hate a character so much that they are devoting a story to making their lives miserable, then they are a sad person, and that reflects in their writing.

  • Brohoof 3
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Honestly ive not really read any, but If a story is simply just making someone's hate for a charactor a reality of a story and just torture them, then I really don't like it.


There's a difference between it being part of the story, and it just being them wanting to see the charactor miserable.


But frankly they're incredibly boring since they have no purpose but to manifest hate.


Clopfics and grimdark aren't my thing, but I mean Atleast some of them have some kind of story and purpose. It's a bit rare, but Atleast it's possible for them to have a story, even if they include things I'd rather not have if they're good enough I can Atleast look past it.


Bashfics are basically solely based on hating a charactor and after the 50th time of torturing a charactor you have totally wore out the concept and put me to sleep.


Tl;dr bashfics are boring.

  • Brohoof 1


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

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I dislike those kind of fics because of how ultimately boring they are. I tend to avoid them. At least with grimdark and clopfics, there can be some semblance of an interesting plot. This coming from someone who reads clopfics every now and then. So, I guess my opinion is null and void.

Edited by SmartyPants
  • Brohoof 2



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Am I the only one who hates this type of pony Fanfiction? I think its worst than Grimdark and Clopfics combined.

A bashfic is when a writer hates a character and has everyone hates him in the story because he is so biased. Although the Brony fandom is not the only fandom to have this type of fanfics It seems to have a lot of them.


Like when someone has Fluttershy turn Angel into a soup because he slaped her, by that logic a mother should eat her child when he disobeys her.

Or when Gilda gets haunted by all of the ponies and gets killed and has her entire race killed because she made Fluttershy Cry? Are Fluttershy fans really that stupid?

Oh and when Big Mac beats up Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon to death, I mean would you feel great because a grown stallion is beating up two fillies?

and what about when Prince Blueblood gets his guts sliced infront of all of Canterlot by his own Aunts because he used Rarity as a Shield?


I seen all of those fics, they have the characters act OOC and have this certian pony they hate potrayed like Pony Hitler, heck Fluttershy gets some Bashfics Only because of his fanbase.


These types of fics show how immature the writer is, and shows how some bronies overreact to everything, even if its something small like Derpys fanons which isn't even canon yet some hate her for it.


The question is, how do you feel about pony fics that are only their to bash a certian Character?




smh. I'm not even going to go into everything that's wrong here. I'll stay on-topic.


Anyway, the descriptions you gave are actually descriptions of hateful gorefics, not bashfics.


Though bashfics do exist, I don't particularly care about them. People read them for fun or to vent, just like the writer intended them to be. To be honest, people calling any type of genre of fiction stupid, are actually the ones being everything but intelligent. I could point out numerous bad written romance or adventure stories that others might praise to the heaven, and call their respective genres insults that might not even be translatable to English. However, the genres being bad is just my opinion. Not a fact. They're not my cup of tea.


I think we're forgetting that every single genre has countless of damn boring and crappy fanfics and that only a select few stand out. Just because you are unfamiliar with a genre and you are only scratching the surface of its fanfics, doesn't mean it provides as a fact for all them being the same quality. Perhaps it might be better to ask someone who's a regular in the realms of bashfics to point you to a few good ones. Read those objectively and then come back. That would be a far better approach than randomly going through sites such as fimfiction and picking out random titles from a place where the majority of stories are bad fictions anyway. That's like taking all of AJs apples, seperate the good ones from the bad ones, and say "Look! Look how many bad apples she produces! Obviously they don't care about quality!" whilst not comparing them with the amount of good apples. It just doesn't make any sense and the entire argument just doesn't hold much value. Except our situation would have a paradox.


Another difference about these type of fictions, such as bash, grim and clop, is that they convey emotion in a far different manner than what you're usually used to. They're not always about a good story, they're not always about deep characters. They're exactly what their genres imply them to be, with no strings attached. This doesn't mean there aren't any who do have deep characters or a good story, but they also don't need to be. It's called simplicity, perhaps even minimalistic.


It's exactly this reason why vacation novels exist. I could read A Song of Ice and Fire during my vacation in Whateverstan, but I also could choose a simple fantasy/adventure to read for relaxing, like Island. Again, another example would be watching a slasher for its story, just doesn't work. You watch them for their simplicity because you know exactly what they got in store for you. But it doesn't mean all slashers don't have good stories or good psychological stressing moments.


In fact, all kinds of good stories sprout from this approach. From Robinson Crusoe, Darren Shan and Hitchhikers to Neuromancer, City of Fire and Island. Just because a story is simple in design, doesn't mean they aren't good in another person's eyes.


Also, you are shining solely a subjective light on a matter that has at least a decent amount of discussive value, that's sophism, shame on you.


TL;DR (Is there even such a thing on a topic about reading?), opinions are opinions, people read what they want to read, simplicity is sometimes better than complexity, stories don't need to follow a person's rules, genres exist for different reasons/not every genre is the same.

Edited by Winterbass
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I think it depends on the extent it goes. I'm not really for the heavily mean-spirited ones, but if it's a more light-hearted case where it's just being done for humor and to get a laugh, I have no problem with it. 


I think if there's one thing that the brony fandom has taught me by literally shattering barriers with fanfic and getting me enjoyment things I wouldn't give a second look at from other fandom, it's that there's very few bad ideas, just bad executions of them. 



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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Bashfics are the worst thing I've ever heard. Why bother writing them. It's basically taking out your anger in the form of writing, which doesn't help you nor others. In fact, it can get other people angry just by reading them. It can go so far as people wanting to stalk and do something bad to the writer. Bashfics should've never existed. 

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Bashfics are the worst thing I've ever heard. Why bother writing them. It's basically taking out your anger in the form of writing, which doesn't help you nor others. In fact, it can get other people angry just by reading them. It can go so far as people wanting to stalk and do something bad to the writer. Bashfics should've never existed.

On an added note:


To the person who may be thinking about writing a bashfic: if you are angry enough at a fictional character to write a story solely to bash them, then you need to get a life and find real things happening around you to be angry about. We need people in the world to be angry at what is wrong with it, and wasting that anger on fictional characters is beyond wasteful.

  • Brohoof 1
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Years ago, just for fun, I wrote a Sailor Moon grimdark story that was a borderline bashfic. People freaked and sent me mean emails, just because Sailor Moon died, and in the process killed Luna (Her cat, not our Princess of the night!) I think I will avoid writing anything like that in the Pony-verse. Bronies might not stop at a couple of "Y U do dat?" emails!


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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For the most part, yeah they are bad. I've read quite a few. Overkill much? Huh? No use of the democracy or mercy


There's a series of fan fiction where the Ponies invade Earth/Human universe called the The Conversion Bureau, that bush and condemn all of Humanity to death... By forcing them to become Ponies, if they refuse they will be killed.


Basically they are fan fictions that turned our lovely Ponies into the Reapers from Mass Effect.

Edited by Rush

Check out my "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic" fan fiction on Fimfiction.net under the same username here: Rush.

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On an added note:


To the person who may be thinking about writing a bashfic: if you are angry enough at a fictional character to write a story solely to bash them, then you need to get a life and find real things happening around you to be angry about. We need people in the world to be angry at what is wrong with it, and wasting that anger on fictional characters is beyond wasteful.




It's called misdirected anger. Just like when someone who's angry is easily irritable and might push you or say mean things to you whilst the thing making him angry is something completely different. Like household conflicts or tertiary negative events.


Although I do agree with fixing the things that are wrong in the world, like capitalism, we should stay on-topic. Because you too are misdirecting anger at this very moment. Too bad endogenous morphine can really change our behavior without us ever finding out.


Also, avoid talking about "getting a life" on the internet. If it weren't for this place, you would be flamed to the ground.




I still don't care about bashfics, people can write them all they want, I just don't enjoy the genre. People talking trash about them isn't really going to change anything except fuel the prejudice we might already have. We're also getting the same answers in different words and from a different mouth. Does anyone have something new to add to the discussion?

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I agree that those types of fics are really bad, but this comment right here is really biased:

Are Fluttershy fans really that stupid?

Just because some people write fanfics like that you can't call all Fluttershy fans stupid.


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Also, avoid talking about "getting a life" on the internet. If it weren't for this place, you would be flamed to the ground.




I still don't care about bashfics, people can write them all they want, I just don't enjoy the genre. People talking trash about them isn't really going to change anything except fuel the prejudice we might already have. We're also getting the same answers in different words and from a different mouth. Does anyone have something new to add to the discussion?

I can agree with the first part that you said (that I cut) although I can't really say that I am angry, just mildly irritated that people spend their time doing bad things to fictional characters. This is nothing new, and it really isn't something to be mega-upset over, but it is irritating nonetheless.


But I have absolutely no idea what you mean by me being flamed to the ground if it "weren't for this place." No idea if you are implying that any place with worse attitudes would chew me out, or if I don't know what the rest of Internet is like... either way (or some other way) it is patronizing and I don't appreciate the attitude. I can be wrong of course, I know this, but correcting me by acting like you know me is a bit bothersome. Which I ADMIT IS IRONIC because I threw out a general "get a life" message but the difference is that I told no one specifically that they need to get a life. It is a strong statement that was harsh on my part to use generally but I rarely, if ever, say it to anyone specifically.


But it is probably true that the raging person bashing something actually has a deeper issue altogether. I swear that was what was wrong with half of the people raging about Equestria Girls and Twilacorn. I even heard about someone going to therapy because of Twilacorn... pretty sure there were other reasons for therapy and Twilacorn was simply the catalyst.


So let me rephrase my initial statement.


If you, the person creating the bashfic, are so upset at this character that you feel the need to write a story solely to make bad things happen to that character, you are probably hiding what is truly upsetting you. Be honest with yourself and your feelings. It is harder, but you will feel much less anger in the end.


As for something to discuss... unless someone wants to start defending bashfics, I don't think there is more to the topic. :P

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Waste of time. People can write them but I won't read them. When you go to the trouble of writing a fic just to bash a character or characters on this awesome show, you might as well admit that:



  • Brohoof 1

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I remember reading one where Applejack beat the hell out of Diamond Tiara...it wasn't funny, it was a stupid thing to write. A writer could write something more worthwhile than having a character beaten or killed. They're just immature little fanfics with no real purpose other than to have the writer let people know who they hate and to maybe vent. I avoid them as they're just stupid and annoying. That's my opinion.


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I can agree with the first part that you said (that I cut) although I can't really say that I am angry, just mildly irritated that people spend their time doing bad things to fictional characters. This is nothing new, and it really isn't something to be mega-upset over, but it is irritating nonetheless.


But I have absolutely no idea what you mean by me being flamed to the ground if it "weren't for this place." No idea if you are implying that any place with worse attitudes would chew me out, or if I don't know what the rest of Internet is like... either way (or some other way) it is patronizing and I don't appreciate the attitude. I can be wrong of course, I know this, but correcting me by acting like you know me is a bit bothersome. Which I ADMIT IS IRONIC because I threw out a general "get a life" message but the difference is that I told no one specifically that they need to get a life. It is a strong statement that was harsh on my part to use generally but I rarely, if ever, say it to anyone specifically.


But it is probably true that the raging person bashing something actually has a deeper issue altogether. I swear that was what was wrong with half of the people raging about Equestria Girls and Twilacorn. I even heard about someone going to therapy because of Twilacorn... pretty sure there were other reasons for therapy and Twilacorn was simply the catalyst.


So let me rephrase my initial statement.


If you, the person creating the bashfic, are so upset at this character that you feel the need to write a story solely to make bad things happen to that character, you are probably hiding what is truly upsetting you. Be honest with yourself and your feelings. It is harder, but you will feel much less anger in the end.


As for something to discuss... unless someone wants to start defending bashfics, I don't think there is more to the topic. tongue.png


I wasn't really sure what the term was so I gave it the name of misdirected anger.


I'm confused on where you saw me trying to act like I knew you in my post. Besides the point of misdirected anger I was just referring to the fact that most people start to act really insulting and hating when you use the "get a life" argument, doesn't matter if it was directed to them or not, nowhere where was implying that you were "new to the internet".


On the topic of whether they have a deeper issue or not. Not entirely. Anything can cause someone to act hostile, even when nothing has happened at all. This is due to the fact that endogenous morphine is released and stimulates the instinct of survival. In fact, more than half of someone's behavior is actually caused by endorphins entirely. Though secondary and primary negative events cause most of the misdirection, even tertiary can cause it, like being grumpy when you wake up or having a mediocre breakfast.


I also, reacted more negatively when I saw the "get a life" post than I usually am. They're strong words and most, if not all, people will react more negatively. That's why saying "get a life" somewhere else will cause a lot of people to pile on you, the only difference here is that we're all decent people and a fairly close community, that and there are rules we all must follow.


All in all, I wasn't trying to be negative,  to put words in your mouth or to act like I knew you.




Well, seems like I'm the only one defending bashfics, but I haven't gotten any discussion out of anyone yet, except for you.

Edited by Winterbass
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  • 8 years later...
On 2013-09-22 at 12:51 PM, Courageous Thunder Dash said:

Bashfics are the worst thing I've ever heard. Why bother writing them. It's basically taking out your anger in the form of writing, which doesn't help you nor others. In fact, it can get other people angry just by reading them. It can go so far as people wanting to stalk and do something bad to the writer. Bashfics should've never existed. 


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  • 2 months later...

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