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What's the best thing you've ever done?


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turning down all the other guys around here to be in a long distance relationship.

it wasn't ideal at first but i've been happier than ever :)

never thought i could feel so complete even if he's not here yet.


also; doing dance competitions. because i don't get nervous or shy now :)

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My best personal achievement was getting my life back together after I initially dropped out of college. Right out of high school, I went into a four year program that I clearly was not mentally ready for. After a semester and a half I dropped out and ended up moving out on my own. I spent a year and a half living paycheck to paycheck, and ultimately knew I needed to get back into school. Swallowing my pride, I got permission from my parents to move back in with them under the condition that I stay in school. I enrolled in a local community college as a part time student, and two years later I have my AS in criminology, I'm working towards my BS, I've got a salaried job in a field I enjoy working in, and I'm once again living on my own...the right way.



  • Brohoof 2
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  • 3 weeks later...

The best thing I've ever done was when I went to London.


Not only was it an awesome trip in and of itself (first out of the country), I also met up with my friend from online there.


After the initial awkwardness, we went out with his dad and my brother and we all got smashed.


Cheers, m8's.



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The best thing I did so far was finishing college, even if I selected a major that is seemingly unrelated to what I want to do in life. At least I now have more choices and the means to live a more independent life. 


Finding out about the MLP fandom was one of the best things to happen as well. I got to know very interesting and kind people as a result.

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Probably... beating up the bullies throughout school and letting the victims of bullying know someone was there for them.

That has always what I've been most proud of in my life. Giving every kid a big brother to turn to.


I just wish I could of been there for everyone...

Edited by Aniki


~Signature by my awesome sibling @Armchair Adventurer "Som"~

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My first year in the U.S. Navy(I was 20), I was visiting Perth, Western Australia during the X-mas season.. Never imagined St. Nick waterskiing until then..

Anyway, I digress. Best Thing I have done EVER: Myself and 2 friends dressed up as St. Nick and his elves. We delivered toys & treats to a Children's Hospital for cancer patients.


To see the children's beautiful faces just light up, when Santa came to sit and just talk with them...Thinking back now...I could feel my heart fill with sunshine! 

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Jewel of Rarity


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Getting a guitar. My parents tried to stop me from it with words like "You'll be bored with it in no time", but now I play it for 6 years and it's my favourite thing to do at home. And awesome way to relief stress. 

I dunno why they'd say that, learning the guitar, just like learning anything new, really stimulates the brain. I learned that from Nova, I play the guitar too....sort of, I know a few chords, the only problem is, my cerebral palsy gets in the way, its a very mild case luckily and if I work at it enough, I may be able to play better.  Haven't play it lately though, too busy with school and stuff and mostly because I forget.

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the best thing I've ever done is meet my 3 best friends,they are totaly crazy,and me too most of the timehappy.png (welll,when I say "most of the time" I say "EVERYTIME"yay.png )

joke list:


the wrost acrobatic ever

cócó the chicken
marry with a lettuce
terrorist penguin
queen of macumba
assasin baby Alive 
the ballet
twi family
Diamond Tiara,the harabe queen
mortal bean

flippy skills

we will deal want to listen some?send me a MP



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