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Man fired for being a Brony....

)O( Scarlet )O(

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There is a difference between being cautious and being paranoid.


Being cautious means you are aware of the circumstances and what can happen, but you don't let it control your life. Must the business be cautious if it is reported? Yes. Does it mean firing him? No. No crime was committed.

You are working very hard to justify the idea that a thirty year old man should be allowed to do what many would see as "flirting" with a nine year old girl. No matter what you say, his actions could be seen as a clear and present warning. With the rising rates of child molestation in this country, it would be criminal to ignore it. As was mentioned, if, and that's a big IF, this story is true, we only have an admitted anti-social person's word on what happened. How do you know the little girl didn't say "Ew!" when he used what sounded like a pick-up line on her?


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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You are working very hard to justify the idea that a thirty year old man should be allowed to do what many would see as "flirting" with a nine year old girl. No matter what you say, his actions could be seen as a clear and present warning. With the rising rates of child molestation in this country, it would be criminal to ignore it. As was mentioned, if, and that's a big IF, this story is true, we only have an admitted anti-social person's word on what happened. How do you know the little girl didn't say "Ew!" when he used what sounded like a pick-up line on her?

I am merely arguing in his defense because an innocent bystander gets attacked because of being nice.


And the only reason why child molestation are rising is due to our school system not even checking the teacher's backgrounds at all. We might as well argue that a woman committed a crime because a majority of people thought not wearing a berka in pubic is taboo.

Edited by BronyPony
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I am merely arguing in his defense because an innocent bystander gets attacked because of being nice.


And the only reason why child molestation are rising is due to our school system not even checking the teacher's backgrounds at all. We might as well argue that a woman committed a crime because a majority of people thought not wearing a berka in pubic is taboo.

You are making the dangerous assumption that if even true, they guy is reporting it as it happened. Why are you also trying to claim the increase of child molestation is due only to teachers. How many case have their been in the last five years of teachers molesting. 12? How many HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of molesters are not teachers? I am done with this topic. There is no way you can convince me it's proper and okay for a grown man to FLIRT with little girls.

Edited by cuteycindyhoney


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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You are making the dangerous assumption that if even true, they guy is reporting it as it happened. Why are you trying to claim the increase of child molestation is due to teachers. How many case have their been in the last five years of teachers molesting. 12? How many HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of molesters are not teachers? I am done with this topic. There is no way you can convince me it's proper and okay for a grown man to FLIRT with little girls.

He wasn't even flirting with the girl, which you assume he was. And, please don't get so huffy about the debate. It is merely a debate. I am arguing from one point of view, you are from another.

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Hasn't anyone in his old workplace even been on the Internet? Oh, right all Bronies are cloppers (I'm a Clopper, but that makes me a xenophile) apparently.

  • Brohoof 1

Check out my "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic" fan fiction on Fimfiction.net under the same username here: Rush.

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You are making the dangerous assumption that if even true, they guy is reporting it as it happened. Why are you also trying to claim the increase of child molestation is due only to teachers. How many case have their been in the last five years of teachers molesting. 12? How many HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of molesters are not teachers? I am done with this topic. There is no way you can convince me it's proper and okay for a grown man to FLIRT with little girls.


Obviously, you are allowing your anger to cloud your better judgement.  I know this from past posts you've made and the fact that they usually make sense.  So when I say this, you can rest assured that I know what I'm talking about.


Folks, this guy wasn't flirting with anybody, any more than I am if I admit to being a Brony in front of someone.  Yes, bad things happen.  Yes, kids do get molested.  Yes, it's tragic and really creepy and just sick.  Nobody's arguing this.  But to say that people who compliment younger kids are flirting with them, is nothing more than generalization, especially since there is no proof of exactly what happened, unless you were there when the situation went down.

Edited by SBaby
  • Brohoof 8

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Its an outrage and its stupid! Seriously society even if this show was intended for little girls ITS A CARTOON! IT HURTS NO ONE! if you dont like it cool, if you like it cool. Geez I don't wanna imagine if the boss finds out one of his employees likes Gravity falls or worse some Anime. i'm pretty sure he would call the cops

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Rereading the article, with language like his, it's a wonder he didn't get fired earlier. Also, he says he didn't do anything to bring any of the "attacks" on him? Firstly, he should have noted that when his coworkers were talking about it, there surely would have been some hint of sarcasm or whatnot in their voices and what they were saying, if he had simply just ignored them and not butted in and put his bit in and told them he was a brony, then yeah he may not have been "attacked" by others, but as he did put his two cents in, he did kind of deserve it... Just my opinion IMO, and as others have stated, unless the man is named, his old job is named and there is a better source than just Reddit, I am inclined to believe that this is just a "woe is me!" bulls*** story.

  • Brohoof 2


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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it is kind of creepy for an adult man to tell a little girl he likes her shirt.

Da hell? I do this all the time if a kid has a comic book shirt on or hell even a pony related shit. You're just overly paranoid. Seriously, while crimes against children do indeed happen your average person on the street isn't going to be committing one much less is some dork who compliments somebody's shirt.

  • Brohoof 6

Gonna be honest, don't take anything you see from me seriously on here. I don't go by the Lord Bababa username on anything anymore because of so many reasons including me being a jerk from time to time. This is the very condensed version of it but I'm not the same person now, I'm better. Not gonna post anymore on here so yeah.

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What pisses me off the most about this is that one of the reasons why he was fired was because his boss simply found it "weird". I can't believe the average man's reaction to something like this is to just hate it, or grow so paranoid of it to the point where they go apeshit whenever they reach close proximity with it.


My hope for humanity just keeps on fading.

Edited by Mars Brownie
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Wow, this thread devolved into arguments quickly.


Meanwhile, I keep my Happy Meal Pinkie Pie on my CMM and Fluttershy on work's Chrome background.  Not fired.


Dude probably had a shoddy work record to begin with.  Hard to trust self reporting without verified sources, and a Reddit post just doesn't cut it.

  • Brohoof 1


On 8/23/2012 at 1:54 AM, Djenty said:


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Wow, this thread devolved into arguments quickly.


Meanwhile, I keep my Happy Meal Pinkie Pie on my CMM and Fluttershy on work's Chrome background.  Not fired.


Dude probably had a shoddy work record to begin with.  Hard to trust self reporting without verified sources, and a Reddit post just doesn't cut it.


Like I said, it is surprising with having such a foul mouth, that he wasn't fired for that, hate to imagine what kind of language his kids use.... I mean would you want to be served by a guy who shows no restraint when it comes to using foul language?

  • Brohoof 1


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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it is kind of creepy for an adult man to tell a little girl he likes her shirt.

No, it's factually NOT creepy, and anyone who thinks otherwise is seriously deluding themselves and needs a dose of common sense from the Logic Vial. As a kid, I've had adults tell me they like my work, from art I created to the designs on the shirts I wore, and I've spread my compliments to kids right back as an adult today. If the designs are good, you damn right I'll compliment the art. Implying this happened, the Reddit brony complimented the art on the girl's shirt. All you did throughout this thread (and in this quoted piece alone) is throw around fear-mongering paranoia and delusion, passively enforcing the Reddit brony's credibility and destroying your own.


BTW, you and @ didn't read the report properly. He was NOT fired for complimenting the boss's daughter's shirt. He was called in for this. He went back to work and was fired a few months later.

Edited by Dark Qiviut
  • Brohoof 6

"Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross


Pro-Brony articles: 1/2/3/4


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Once again, I'll let Spoony sum up my thoughts on this article, whether it's real or not :''"How joyless and paranoid is your life if you're afraid of children and adults armed with funny-shaped dice who still play with dolls?"

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Unnamed man claims his unnamed job fired him for being a brony...Way down at the bottom it lists the only source as Reddit. To me that means the odds are that it never happened. NOTE: It also states "Not Vetted By CNN". Oh, and even if it did happen, it is kind of creepy for an adult man to tell a little girl he likes her shirt. 

Yeah, I was skeptical too.

With the internet it's easy to claim anything. and Reddit is hardly a reliable source for news.


if this unnamed guy really did get fired it most likely wasn't for being a fan. I'm betting he's just using MLP as cover for the real reasons he got canned.

--this just doesn't feel right to me.

Edited by Silverhoof
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Are you telling me you'd find nothing wrong if some thirty year old guy went up to a nine year old girl and complemented her clothes?



You can have no criminal record, for the sole reason that you weren't caught.

Lesson of the day kids, treat everyone like a paedophile unless they can prove otherwise. 


If I was in his position I wouldn't know what to think and I bet that there wouldn't be an issue if it was a woman that complemented the child either. I do feel bad for the guy being fired though which is pretty harsh but at the same time being removed from a workplace like that probably isn't such a bad thing, the boss was most likely a jerk to begin with. As for the whole complementing a kid on their clothing being such a serious issue, If you can't at all imagine the act being a polite and harmless experience and believe that the likely motive is to harm the child in some way, well... I kind of feel sorry for you.

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If this did happen


Legally it's 100 percent alright. 


Morally it's pretty screwed up.


If he is preforming at a proficient level and isn't screwing the workplace up (There was no indication that he did anything to hinder anything) he should of been allowed to keep his job. 


However there's nothing saying you can fire someone for having certain interests. 

  • Brohoof 1


Thanks to the lovely Pink Mist for the magnificent signature!

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Totally and simply bull....

And is not very professional of them, not to mention being an anti-Brony -- or is there another word for fandom hatred.


OC              "I live for the story."              dA

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Wow. Seriously!? This seriously happened!? It seemed the only reason he was fired is because his boss thought the show was "weird" and that it made the other workers "uncomfortable" even though he only ever brought up MLP 3 times in a year! Yeah like an Applejack background is seriously doing so much damage to your company.


Thanks to LittleRawr for the signature!

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No, it's factually NOT creepy, and anyone who thinks otherwise is seriously deluding themselves and needs a dose of common sense from the Logic Vial. As a kid, I've had adults tell me they like my work, from art I created to the designs on the shirts I wore, and I've spread my compliments to kids right back as an adult today. If the designs are good, you damn right I'll compliment the art. Implying this happened, the Reddit brony complimented the art on the girl's shirt. All you did throughout this thread (and in this quoted piece alone) is throw around fear-mongering paranoia and delusion, passively enforcing the Reddit brony's credibility and destroying your own.



When I was a child a lot of people used to compliment me, heck even now in high school they still do. Its not about being a Pedo, its about being nice, If I was nice to a dog does that mean I am attracted to dogs? If I was nice to my siblings does that mean I am into Incest? Heck if I complimented a tree does that make me treesexual?

I swear this whole thing is because people see rape as a "men assualting a woman" rather than forced sex. Had this been a woman complimenting a boy or a man complimenting a boy or a woman complimenting a girl nobody would care.

  • Brohoof 4

Credits to Mint Drop for an awesome Sig.

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Honestly, I would have expected the brony to at least file a lawsuit and take him to court for discrimination, though he never mentions it; instead, he's on the Internet saying how he was fired from his work.


His information is most likely false, since I won't see a boss fire a person unless it has something to do with his work personality. If I could, I would want to hear the boss's side of the story before coming to a conclusion.


Also, I don't see how everyone should "hate" humanity. Really, we should try to love it. Intolerance comes from fear and paranoia, along with the bystander effect.

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When I was a child a lot of people used to compliment me, heck even now in high school they still do. Its not about being a Pedo, its about being nice, If I was nice to a dog does that mean I am attracted to dogs? If I was nice to my siblings does that mean I am into Incest? Heck if I complimented a tree does that make me treesexual?

I swear this whole thing is because people see rape as a "men assualting a woman" rather than forced sex. Had this been a woman complimenting a boy or a man complimenting a boy or a woman complimenting a girl nobody would care.


This right here.^^^^


I can't speak for the person who wrote the blog because I wasn't there. But, if all he said was "I like your shirt" That's really more of a compliment or a conversation starter actually. 


Truth be told this is either total BS, or he's missing out some very valuable info about his story, I highly doubt people would be that uncomfortable if all he did was be a Brony and have an Applejack wallpaper.

  • Brohoof 1

Facebook: Josh B.

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Wow that is practically discrimination. :o How can anyone be so judgemental and narrow-minded to do that to someone who is meaning no harm?? 

It is just someone who likes a cool cartoon! What's wrong with that? I can't believe the people in that job. The boss in particular. That is so disrepectful and nasty! You can't ruin someone's life because of something they're a fan of! BRONIES ARE NOT HORRID PEOPLE. 

Oh my god that has just made so angry I could just.... GRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

British Pegasister, aspiring writer, and dedicated Rainbow Dash fan.


Creativity is life. ♥

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Unnamed man claims his unnamed job fired him for being a brony...Way down at the bottom it lists the only source as Reddit. To me that means the odds are that it never happened. NOTE: It also states "Not Vetted By CNN". Oh, and even if it did happen, it is kind of creepy for an adult man to tell a little girl he likes her shirt. 


And it's not creepy for his random co-workers to pull aside his son and talk to him about whatever? This is the kind of shit I hate right here of everyone assuming a person has ill-intentions just because they dared speak to a kid that wasn't their own. Let's not even discuss how he's actually a father so it would perfectly normal instinct for him to speak to kids without a second thought. 


On the article, provided it's true it's got to be the most shallow reason I've ever heard for firing someone. 

Once again, I'll let Spoony sum up my thoughts on this article, whether it's real or not :''"How joyless and paranoid is your life if you're afraid of children and adults armed with funny-shaped dice who still play with dolls?"


I cannot bro-hoof this post enough for using that quote(if anyone wants to know it's source, Google his review of Mazes and Monsters)

Edited by Shoboni
  • Brohoof 1



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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