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On Loving and Tolerating


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Before I decide to go off on this, I want to make clear that this is not directed at everyone who is a brony or a fan of MLP:FiM but just a large portion of fan base that seems to put the show and itself too highly at times.


For those who read these, I want you to know this is not for the nonbronies. No its its not even for the haters or the Rainbow Dash and Twilicorn "haters." Its for you, who through this wonderful yet flawed show, have put up your beliefs and the show itself, intentionally or not, have put this show, its characters and your beliefs on high above on an ivory tower. 


No I don't care that you may value this show more than anything else save life or that it changed you. This is not about that. This is about the blatant hypocrisy you wear around. And as a "brony" I know well enough, because I have seen enough people pour their love, devotion, time, and life into this show how it has even changed others for the better. So believe me when I say that for a lot of you out there, MLP: FiM is not just a kid's cartoon show. And I will not dignify your response if you just try to excuse your ignorance by simply saying its the internet. You wouldn't be part of an online community such as this unless you wanted some sense of belonging and a way to speak out. I know that was the case for me.


The first issue has been addressed before and I can see how its viewed as benign: the idea that Equestria and somehow the ponies are idea or even perfect and living in a colorful utopian society. I cannot stress enough that you should purge this idea from your minds. It is certainly not what the writers or even Hasbro had in mind, and especially not what Lauren Faust intended either. The characters and the world arguably are meant to be relatable, lovable, adorable and fun. But to assume that its somehow utopian, somehow better than our world, because heaven forbid its a kids show that withholds violence and darker messages, is deeply flawed.


Equestria and Celestia are flawed and very dysfunctional, even w/o the dragons, Discord, and the "villains." It is not meant to be some religious heaven with Celestia as a monotheistic God. To regard it as such misses the entire premise of the show and its theme of friendship, which is earned, despite differences and often times major flaws. The ponies themselves outside the mane 6 as with other characters like Spike and Discord, have to learn to accept and open up, despite strong differences as seen in Hearth’s Warming Eve, Bridle Gossip and arguably the whole premise around Luna herself. So stop assuming and pretending that the show is something its not, that’s some escapist paradise for you to run off to. You would be selling both yourself and FiM short of true value.


Finally regarding the fandom itself, as much as it pains me, I have read plenty enough to see that many are sincerely nihilistic and/or cynical enough to think that humans and the Earth are not worth living for. Because in their views, somehow the wicked cruel acts of the few, justify condemning the whole of a civilization and race as bad and irredeemable. And equally worse yet they would rather leave this world and run off to another unknown distant realm, leaving their friends, family and loved ones. Where is the “loving and tolerating here?” I see plenty of shortsightedness and narrow minded pessimism, selfishness, judging, despising and yes intolerance, but no tolerance or love in these views that many espouse.


I don’t know about others, but honestly if I had the opportunity, I would not live in Equestria, at least not of yet. I wouldn’t mind visiting and exploring it, utopian or otherwise, but I would much rather choose to return and live in my imperfect, yet equally beautiful home with my friends and family and magnificent Earth, in spite of all the crap its gone through.


Shame on those of you who would think like this and dare try to say you live up to MLP:FiM’s teachings and virtues. Being a fan and admirer of this show, not necessarily being a brony, means so much more than these superficial views. I would hope that someday all people learn to love and tolerate better and not judge others even in spite of their actions. Unfortunately, it seems the world is far from such a standard, and this fandom is no exception. 


I have no regrets for what I say.

  • Brohoof 10
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I'm sourly tempted to tl/dr this. but i look down on b.s. like that.  BUt i was sourly tempted.  I got to the second paragraph and was thinking "GET ON WITH IT!"  I'm on the third paragraph and still don't see your thesis statement.  one moment.


Oh your annoyed people are using it as a their mental fantasy land?


kinda like people did with death note or dozen other animes or other cartoons.

or comics.

or video games.


Am i right?


and yeah buddy you bet your bottom bit i'm wicked and cruel.
I'm catholic, American and a man.  My soul is three shades darker than night fall.


I don't see your point sir?

People fantasize about going to post apolitical futures or even zombie apolitical futures.

And?  I would fancy myself as a person if he was in equistra would seek to bring it down.
Ever see the Matrix?

Agent smith talking about that utopian world that the computers created they lost crops and crops of humans cause their mental state kept trying to wake up?

I imagine that's equistra and my mind^^.  I think after living in the human world for years and years my subconsciousness would straight up reject the acceptance.


I think the very air the atmosphere would be super charged with happiness and going there and coming back would cause withdrawal symptoms much like a ecstasy user after the drug wears off.


But i come up with crazy ideas like these for alot worlds.  I came up with a fantasy world in my head for death note.

For bat man (who hasn't)


I don't see your point?

Edited by FNGRpony
  • Brohoof 1


flight to the finish. i continue to improve,

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The title can be a bit misleading but I think I see the point that's being made by OP, altho it could easily be relegated to this one paragraph:




Finally regarding the fandom itself, as much as it pains me, I have read plenty enough to see that many are sincerely nihilistic and/or cynical enough to think that humans and the Earth are not worth living for. Because in their views, somehow the wicked cruel acts of the few, justify condemning the whole of a civilization and race as bad and irredeemable. And equally worse yet they would rather leave this world and run off to another unknown distant realm, leaving their friends, family and loved ones. Where is the “loving and tolerating here?” I see plenty of shortsightedness and narrow minded pessimism, selfishness, judging, despising and yes intolerance, but no tolerance or love in these views that many espouse.


This has always made me a bit uncomfortable, and most people who claim to want to do this are those who hold Equestria as a world morally and ethically far above our own, all the while forgetting that Equestria and the stories set in that world were created by humans for other humans to watch. Just as there are those people capable of great evil, there are those capable of great good and the fact this show even exists should tell viewers as much. This is partly why I don't view ponies as simply candy-colored horses who can talk, fly, do magic and so on, but rather personas represented by such creatures. Thing is, if people hold Equestria so highly in their hearts to go to the extent of wishing to be there themselves, to preach love and tolerance for everyone in this world feels like a double-standard. At least I think that's what OP is trying to say.

  • Brohoof 2
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Any and all fan bases have at lest three levels of fans. At the top and the loudest are the... I'd say 'Hipster' fans. EG: "Oh my god, you don't like ponies! Blah blah blah hate hate hate," Unfortunately for the other two types of fans the first kind makes us all seem like... Well.. idiots. In the middle, is the basic type of fan, the one who likes it, likes the merchandise and will recommend it to friends but wont get carried away with insulting them if they wont try it. And the third kind, which is mostly applied to MLP, the 'in the closet' fans. They go without description. 


Now to base your entire theory on the first group, let's call them HGroup. So to base your theory on Hgroup is quite a flawed method of study, it would be like studying one type of bird and saying all of them are the same. Personally I am annoyed and hurt by this. And to be saying something like that is just what outsiders think of us because they can't get past the thick HGroup wall.

Edited by GLaDOS
  • Brohoof 1


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OP is referring to HGroup specifically but I didn't see anything in his post to suggest he thinks HGroup is the majority of MLP's fanbase, in all fairness. He's not even conducting any kind of study, just giving a message on his personal opinion about their belief, which is fair enough.

Edited by Freedan
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OP is referring to HGroup specifically but I didn't see anything in his post to suggest he thinks HGroup is the majority of MLP's fanbase, in all fairness. He's not even conducting any kind of study, just giving a message on his personal opinion about their belief, which is fair enough.

You're right in a sense, but when he says



Finally regarding the fandom itself, as much as it pains me, I have read plenty enough to see that many are sincerely nihilistic and/or cynical enough to think that humans and the Earth are not worth living for. Because in their views, somehow the wicked cruel acts of the few, justify condemning the whole of a civilization and race as bad and irredeemable. And equally worse yet they would rather leave this world and run off to another unknown distant realm, leaving their friends, family and loved ones. Where is the “loving and tolerating here?” I see plenty of shortsightedness and narrow minded pessimism, selfishness, judging, despising and yes intolerance, but no tolerance or love in these views that many espouse.


He is not specifying that people are different, he is basing this on HGroup. HGroup are the ones that go on and on and on about how their world is so much better, you know, general hipster behaviour. That's what REALLY got to me. I would rather never live there, I used to want to, but if we look at it, there's no vice, and sorry to say it, I'm a hormonal teen girl who likes the thought of sex. (Slightly off topic)


Don't get me wrong, I see your point. But only half I believe is correct.


And I do in fact think HGroup is the majority of fans that the public SEES. :) Because the stand out too much, I mean, I like t play tf2 every now and then, and they give us such a bad name.

Edited by GLaDOS
  • Brohoof 2


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He is not specifying that people are different, he is basing this on HGroup. HGroup are the ones that go on and on and on about how their world is so much better, you know, general hipster behaviour. That's what REALLY got to me. I would rather never live there, I used to want to, but if we look at it, there's no vice, and sorry to say it, I'm a hormonal teen girl who likes the thought of sex. (Slightly off topic)


Don't get me wrong, I see your point. But only half I believe is correct.


And I do in fact think HGroup is the majority of fans that the public SEES. smile.png Because the stand out too much, I mean, I like t play tf2 every now and then, and they give us such a bad name.


Good point, must've missed that part. I guess a misunderstanding of the fandom can take place even internally (not necessarily OP specifically) and why some fans of the show would be hesitant to join the fandom. And no need to apologise for the off topic. There's a perv in (almost) all of us which can be more apparent in some compared to others tongue.png





Edited by Freedan
  • Brohoof 2
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Good point, must've missed that part. I guess a misunderstanding of the fandom can take place even internally (not necessarily OP specifically) and why some fans of the show would be hesitant to join the fandom. And no need to apologise for the off topic. There's a perv in (almost) all of us which can be more apparent in some compared to others tongue.png





I have no idea that that anime dude is doing in the spoiler... Looks like cupid got angry and punched him in the nose for not getting the hint, and along with that I have been watching it while I've been typing and I have come to a conclusion. That is A LOT of blood loss. He gon' die.

  • Brohoof 1


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Yes I too have gotten sick of people putting this show on pedestal, I love it it is easily one of the best I have ever watched but some people are treating like its some kind of religion. I don't think that people who claim it has had a positive impact on them fit this category at least not most of them anyway as it has had a positive impact on my own life as well. Sure it hasn't "saved my life" or anything that dramatic but it has made me slightly less depressed and cynical. The ponies indeed don't live in a utopian society, what people forget is that if Equestria did in fact exist in some alternate dimension or galaxy somewhere that the show would likely be an idealistic interpretation of it. That is of course not to say that they might in fact have it better than us in some ways but the reason why the characters are so relatable is not because of how perfect they are but because of how human like they are.

  • Brohoof 3
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This thread appears to be related to the My Little Pony franchise and/or the Bronydom in general. Thus, it has been sentenced to Sugarcube Corner.


This is an automatically generated message, by the way.


Kyoshi made this ^^



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Okay, So I am what you might consider someone being a fanatic or atleast someone who highly highly admire the show and im becomming more obsessed with MLP FiM every day. 


Saying that Equestria is perfect is ofcouse silly because the show isnt ''perfect'' as in all happy and theres only sunshine. Reason I like the show so much is because its not flawless the characters have problems the world they live in have problems, such as monsters etc hey King Sombra enslaved a whole city, thats pretty cuel and dark.


Equestria might not be an utopia but its far better than earth in my opinion. Yes there are wonderful people on earth but there is ALOT of cruelty and alot of things are unfair.


But saying that you're selfish for wanting to live in Equestira... I dont agree, lets make an example. I want to be an Marine in the army, am I selfish then because I am putting my life at risk and exposing my family to the possibility of losing a loved one? I hardly think so since the military fights for a good cause (most of the time). 

Another point is happiness, from what I can see from the show I would be happy living in Equestria, life in Equestria might not be hard and its a little bit like getting everything served on a silver tray. 


Giving up on humankind? The day I will fight for humanity is when the whole world stands united against other threats because right now the biggest threat to a human is another human. There are just too many flaws in humanity, I am very tolerant about things and I dont get angry at most times. I guess you get the impression that im the type of guy that says ''fuck it they can fix it'' But I really see no way of fixing earth, because people are not willng to wanna take the big step people all around the world are making small small steps to make the world better but the majority isnt. The thought that Earth can be saved is very nice and I want to to be a reality but it just wont happen. AGAIN im NOT saying that there arent wonderful people on this earth but there has been some pretty cruel stuff in our history, people willingly killing people for not thinking like they do? No thank you. I bet the future population of humans on whatever planet they will live on will look at our time period and think awful things about us, just like my country dont like our history of vikings killing raping and plundering. Thats MY OPINION on earth and humankind


I think its a little rude of you to say that I should give up on my dreams, I mean we can pretty much agree on that I will never be able to live in Equestria but I can dream right? Am I not allowed to think about the thought of being happy myself? Is only the happiness of others that is important? While I want to make all of my family happy when I can I do. I rarely rarely think about my own happiness because as long as others are happy im fine. Im not saying that im never happy but very often im not. 


If im an selfish arrogant a-hole for sometimes wishing I could be in a place where I would probably fit in more and be happy? then I guess im a disgrace to humanity.

Edited by SveciaDash
  • Brohoof 1




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I think that it's pretty obvious that Equestria isn't some sort of perfect, care-free paradise.  That would make for an exceptionally boring show where the greatest conflict would be if they had enough chairs to seat the guests at the tea party.  It's pretty clear that this fandom wouldn't exist if Equestria was meant to be portrayed as a perfect world.


That being said, I can see it being very easy to, while accepting that Equestria isn't a perfect place, portray it as a better world.  The reason for this lie in the choices of the characters.  In an episode of MLP:FiM (two-parters counting as one episode), you can guarantee that at least one thing will take place: in the end, the main characters will make the correct choice (or at least that is the intent).  No matter how much goes wrong or how many bad choices they make, everything will be fixed in the end.  I'm pretty sure that it goes without saying that that guarantee doesn't exist in our world.  So the ability to be able to live in a world where, despite some setbacks, the good guys win and everyone makes the right choices in the end?  I'll be honest, that's pretty tempting.


So do I want to live there?  No, I know that I have family and friends who care about me here, and I, in turn, care about them.  Can I see why other people would want to live there?  Absolutely.  While I personally don't see it as the right choice, I'd prefer not to judge others just because of that.


Hopefully that made sense/was relevant.

  • Brohoof 1

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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I understand that people like the show but, worshiping the show like it is the best show in the world does get annoying. Like every other cartoon out there, each cartoon has a mix of good, bad, and okay episodes. In conclusion, the show that we all adore isn't the best show out there so we don't have to praise the show like a religion.

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Before I decide to go off on this, I want to make clear that this is not directed at everyone who is a brony or a fan of MLP:FiM but just a large portion of fan base that seems to put the show and itself too highly at times.


For those who read these, I want you to know this is not for the nonbronies. No its its not even for the haters or the Rainbow Dash and Twilicorn "haters." Its for you, who through this wonderful yet flawed show, have put up your beliefs and the show itself, intentionally or not, have put this show, its characters and your beliefs on high above on an ivory tower.


No I don't care that you may value this show more than anything else save life or that it changed you. This is not about that. This is about the blatant hypocrisy you wear around. And as a "brony" I know well enough, because I have seen enough people pour their love, devotion, time, and life into this show how it has even changed others for the better. So believe me when I say that for a lot of you out there, MLP: FiM is not just a kid's cartoon show. And I will not dignify your response if you just try to excuse your ignorance by simply saying its the internet. You wouldn't be part of an online community such as this unless you wanted some sense of belonging and a way to speak out. I know that was the case for me.


The first issue has been addressed before and I can see how its viewed as benign: the idea that Equestria and somehow the ponies are idea or even perfect and living in a colorful utopian society. I cannot stress enough that you should purge this idea from your minds. It is certainly not what the writers or even Hasbro had in mind, and especially not what Lauren Faust intended either. The characters and the world arguably are meant to be relatable, lovable, adorable and fun. But to assume that its somehow utopian, somehow better than our world, because heaven forbid its a kids show that withholds violence and darker messages, is deeply flawed.


Equestria and Celestia are flawed and very dysfunctional, even w/o the dragons, Discord, and the "villains." It is not meant to be some religious heaven with Celestia as a monotheistic God. To regard it as such misses the entire premise of the show and its theme of friendship, which is earned, despite differences and often times major flaws. The ponies themselves outside the mane 6 as with other characters like Spike and Discord, have to learn to accept and open up, despite strong differences as seen in Hearth’s Warming Eve, Bridle Gossip and arguably the whole premise around Luna herself. So stop assuming and pretending that the show is something its not, that’s some escapist paradise for you to run off to. You would be selling both yourself and FiM short of true value.


Finally regarding the fandom itself, as much as it pains me, I have read plenty enough to see that many are sincerely nihilistic and/or cynical enough to think that humans and the Earth are not worth living for. Because in their views, somehow the wicked cruel acts of the few, justify condemning the whole of a civilization and race as bad and irredeemable. And equally worse yet they would rather leave this world and run off to another unknown distant realm, leaving their friends, family and loved ones. Where is the “loving and tolerating here?” I see plenty of shortsightedness and narrow minded pessimism, selfishness, judging, despising and yes intolerance, but no tolerance or love in these views that many espouse.


I don’t know about others, but honestly if I had the opportunity, I would not live in Equestria, at least not of yet. I wouldn’t mind visiting and exploring it, utopian or otherwise, but I would much rather choose to return and live in my imperfect, yet equally beautiful home with my friends and family and magnificent Earth, in spite of all the crap its gone through.


Shame on those of you who would think like this and dare try to say you live up to MLP:FiM’s teachings and virtues. Being a fan and admirer of this show, not necessarily being a brony, means so much more than these superficial views. I would hope that someday all people learn to love and tolerate better and not judge others even in spite of their actions. Unfortunately, it seems the world is far from such a standard, and this fandom is no exception.


I have no regrets for what I say.

Hmm.....Honestly, I want to agree with you here, I truly do, because I see where you are coming from. The fandom seems to be incredibly full of itself at times and can be insanely annoying and during this particular hiatus it feels that a decent amount of the fandom have forgotten why they joined in the first place, that being this wonderful show. I think some need to remember that.


At the same time, your post confuses me. First part being paragraph 4 about the utopian thing. Now, I have seen posts like these. I myself have made a post like this. Truly, I am unsure why this one bothers you. This particular thing all depends on a person's worldview and overall life. It has many possibilities. For some, like you, this world and life is currently better. For others, even with its own flaws, Equestria would be better for them. So it is just escapism, which there is nothing wrong with that in my opinion. That is why many probably say these things without acknowledging the somewhat big flaws that are indeed there because, well, it is escapism and they obviously know that Equestria is non-existent anyways so it doesn't matter in the end in that regard. Then you say how it 'shouldn't' be this 'escapist paradise'. This is because....? What exactly is oh so horrible about that?


Also, the part referring to those who 'condemn' the whole human race because of the actions of a few, the human race is kinda messed up honestly. Yes, it has many good part but also many bad parts. So, we are just a mixed bag of awesomeness and extreme flaws.


The last paragraph mystifies me the most. "Shame on you for not doing something to my standards AND not loving and tolerating, which is exactly what I am not doing here anyways." I don't get it.


This is why I hate the whole 'loving and tolerating stuff. I am not one of those bronies. Just because I love a TV show about colorful ponies doesn't mean I have to be tolerant of every little thing or this race as a whole. Stupid people as an example. Or people who DESPISE bronies for loving a TV SHOW. Nope, not going to be tolerant of them, at all. This is kinda off topic so ending that there. Well, it isn't off topic but..This is an odd wording I am doing.


Perhaps I am just not fully understanding this post or something, because while I do agree with points, I really disagree with others and even see some hypocrisy in it as well. In the end, I am unsure on what it accomplished.

Edited by Kyoshi
  • Brohoof 1



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Honestly, I am going to have to disagree with you, because the world portrayed through My Little Pony, although definitely not utopian, is far more positive a world than what many of the people around us percieve. I am going to have to stress the importance of one idea, that the world is only what is perceived by the individual, so reality is entirely different for each person.


People view Equestria as a kind of fantasy land that they wish they could escape to, and many would be willing to sacrifice everything they have, to give up their families and friends to make such a change, but you have to remember that this their way of expressing their own perception of the world around them, they do not see it in the same way as you do. I, personally, will naturally find anything bad in our world and exaggerate it, I find things such as the holocaust, the crusades, hate groups such as the KKK, murderers and psychotic killers, and they really begin to drown out the positive. MLP is one of those shining rays that can manage to break through, that allows me to keep my sanity intact, and I would glady move there if it was a possibility.


Now, this is not shortsightedness and pessimissm as you are clear to point out in your fifth paragraph, this is not intolerance as you suggest, because I do see the wonderful things in our world, I look at nature, I laugh with my friends, and I enjoy the time that I have here on this world, because I know that I only get one chance, but I see this in a much more vibrant way in Equestria than I do in our world. Frankly, I am content to admit that I will never be able to move to Equestria, and that isn't a bad thing, what is important is that I take the lessons the show teaches to heart, no matter how simple they are, and that I attempt to portay them in our world, but I also know that I would be much happier to live in a world without so much hate. I can tolerate vulgar people, and I can live through terrorist attacks and train robberies, but there is one thing that I will not tolerate here.


I will not tolerate someone telling someone that their inability to cope with negative experiences is them being intolerant and selfish, because you have not stepped into their shoes, and you definitely do not perceive the world the same way they do. You have no right to tell someone that they are wrong in believing that living in Equestria would be more positive than continuing their current life, you don't know the circumstances they live in, for all you know they have abusive family that restricts what friends they are and aren't allowed to have, so don't go touting that they are the ones at fault. I have had my fair share of negative experiences, I've almost given up on life entirely, twice. I tried to kill myself twice. Why? Because I only saw the negative in the world, and what I did was selfish, giving up as a whole is selfish, and wrong, and rotten. Someone having such a simple escape, such a basic fantasy as wanting to live in another world is nothing that you should be criticising, when you could instead be helping people overcome their insecurities that make them want to give up in the first place.

  • Brohoof 3


"You must never give in to despair.  Allow yourself to slip down that road, and you surrender to your lowest instincts.  In the darkest times, hope is something you give yourself.  That is the meaning of inner strength." - Uncle Iroh

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I believe that MLP is a wonderful show, and that Equestria is a great place, especially compared to earth. This show has been a positive influence in my life, and I am willing to venture that many other bronies have been able to get something from the show. At the endof the day, though, this is the internet. I can speak only for myself, but to have on place, a fantasy world to simply let your brain unwind, that is a good thing in my opinion.  If truly presented with the option of going to Equestria, few would take it, and many of those that did would regret it. It would be difficult to leave your life, your friends and family behind, and dare I say, it would be contrary to the very idea of the show. Rather, Equestria is a place in our minds and on the internet where we can escape for an hour r two and have a moment of joy before returning to reality.


Removing the element of short-term escapism, Equestria and the ponies therein serve as an example. True, they have none of the bloody and violent history of humanity, but that brings something to the table. Think what the world would be like if there was more compassion and understanding, and less greed and hate. These things run contrary t human nature, it is much easier to bear grudges against people we have never met for things our ancestors did to each other. MLP may not change the world, but if even a few people extend the hand of friendship, or offer help and charity to the less fortunate, we can start a wave, if only a small one. Ponies are not perfect, and they are certainly not real, but if we can learn from their better aspects, we can grow and strive towards self improvement.


If I am walking with two other men, each of them will serve as my teacher. I will pick out the good points of the one and imitate them, and the bad points of the other and correct them in myself.
This serves as a nice segue into my next point. Humans are some messed up critters. We have an ugly and violent history, tracking straight up to the present, and it will likely continue into the future. We kill each other, destroy our home, raping our Mother Earth in vain attempts to show off and prove to ourselves that we are better than other species who can do something we can't, live in a state of balance with nature. Politics is a field filled with backstabbers and boot-lickers, liars and thieves, and don't even get me started on religion. Despite all this, we should remember and honour our past. This cruel history, while some may seek to hide from it, serves as reminder. Humanity can (hopefully) learn from mistakes, and collectively grow and advance. Honour your kin and ancestors, their actions may have been deplorable, but much of it was done for family and nation. We must recognize what went wrong in the past and seek to grow from there, always striding forwards, just as our forebears did.
I think there is much to learn from Friendship is Magic, and I think having a place to escape to is good for the psyche, but I agree with the OP in that in some instances, it goes too far. Take a moment while your're having a case of the internets, but afterwards, stop and ask yourself what can be learned. What can you take in, and what can be discarded. MLP may be far from perfect, but it is still both useful and entertaining. The element we seem to be missing is a moderate middle ground. It is easy to become polar in a debate-like setting, or any situation that evokes passion, but we need to remember to find a middle road, a point of balance. What was posted in the OP needed to be posted, but that doesn't mean ceasing the mentioned activities, just becoming more moderate and trying to truly live the values we espouse.
  • Brohoof 3

Keep flyin'


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I honestly don't see the point in realizing that Equestria isn't a utopia. It's far better to have a world without problems to dream about, rather than pointing out its flaws. Is it really that bad to think Equestria is perfect? I hardly think so. Not only does it give you stable support, it also gives you a reference point to what general likable behavior is. There's nothing wrong with escapism, everyone who dreams does it.


Sure Equestria isn't perfect and the show's characters certainly are far from perfect, but that doesn't forbid people to still dream about a better world, that's simple human nature. In a sense, you're thinking about how to better our world, everyone's world.


Not only that, the lessons taught in FiM might seem simple and obvious, but you don't want to know how many people forget them to apply in their real life. True, no one actually can live up to FiM's values, it's simply impossible to turn around your behavior and personality. Still, there's a lot to be learned from those same values, enough to have a more positive attitude.


Plus, you don't know how other people have lived their lives. To tell them they're selfish, even arrogant in a sense, is more hurtful than you can imagine. People have their own lives, their own experiences. You can't be the judge of how important and impacting those experiences are because you simply aren't them and don't stand in their shoes. Frankly, it hurts me that you think you can judge people in this way and put words in the mouths of others. Some people just can't stand being in this world anymore and instead of calling them selfish and narrow-minded, it would be better if you helped them. Negativity easily drowns out the positive, it's a fact. Negativity can drown out the positive so quickly, one can become s lost that they can hurt themselves or others, or look for other alternatives.


Longing for a world like Equestria isn't wrong, it's just something you don't seem to understand.

Edited by Winterbass
  • Brohoof 2
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People here gave a lot of good arguments with which I mostly agree
I just wanted to add that I am a person who would leave friends and family without regret to move to Equestria (Why? I just have my reasons!). More precisely to Ponyville. Many people charmed by this lovely place wrongly assume that is in the case of whole land. Of course I know that this world apart from not being utopian is also unreal. Because I can't live there, I'm trying to bring at least part of it to my real life.

I would like to point out that such emotional terrorism is also very selfish. I mean, telling me that when I leave away for good then my family and friends will be sad, how can I even do them such a thing?! Actually I can, this is my life, there is no point to sacrifice myself when I gain nothing in turn or even my life is going worse (In brief, that's my reason). Before you call me selfish, belive me, I'm a person who tend to devote and sacrifice a lot for another person. Why others can't sacrifice something for my sake? I was hurt a lot because of my stupid friendly nature. The situation don't have to be so extreme, this is normal that some people leave their current place of living and set off to the world looking for better place.

Another reason why Equestria is better place than Earth? Because it's filled by magic! Many people dream of living in magical world where they could do things impossible in real world. And there the strongest kind of magic is love and friendship.

Edited by spacestorm
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