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open Last Christmas (Christmas Romance RP)

LunaKitty R5

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(When you see text with 'text' around it its a mental persona he talks to. Text like this -text- is Mr. Critical's thoughts. Just needed to clear that up.)


I look up and see the three looking at me.


"Yeah I'm fine, just chasing down some... unwanted thoughts. Why is the room spinning?" I said with a deadpan face.

Edited by Mr. Critical
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I got up and cracked my neck guess I'm a step ladder these days as I got up I saw lunar being a bit wired I noticed a new pony was near us a stallion "your flame I take it you know sea eyes over here" I motioned to miss lunar who was near comatose "I'm casual connor nice to meet you" I offered my hoof to him

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Flame just took another drink. "I think you had enough to drink" He suggested as he set his glass down. "Because you are getting crazy" He said as he looked at her. "Also waitress can you get me a refill of the same mixture please" He said as the waitress took his glass.


He turned to the pony who spoke to him. "Nice to meet you Connor and yes I actually just met her to tell the truth and both our rooms are next to each others" He said

Edited by Motorloo

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Dust Storm had just arrived at the Whitetail Lodge, Shaking himself in order to get rid of the snow on his fur and wings, shivering from the cold of it, because he was more used to staying warm, he walks over to the front desk, and picks up his room key. A bellhop colt comes to collect his luggage, but as he hadn't brought much with him, he smiles at the colt and says that he will be alright, he pays the colt 5 bits for the trouble how-ever and walks up to his room. He takes off his saddlebags and puts them on his bed. He collects a few bits from his bag of bits and goes to the bar.

Arriving at the bar, he a cider, pays for it, picks up his cider glass and walks over to an empty table. Sitting down, he takes a sip of his cider, then thinks to himself, "Great, it's only been a week or so since I split up with my ex, and I'm already feeling lonely." He slump in his chair and rests his head on the table. Quietly sobbing to himself


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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"Ok you need help!" She grabbed one of the waters and dumped it on his head. She said "Their.." Than she drank hers. She inched closer to the edge of her bar stool. She needed to be closer to the table. She drank her water. Her head slowly becoming normal again. She smiled and watched Mr.Criticals reaction to her dumping water on his head.

The beautiful mare's drunk ness went out the window. She said "I think everyone's had enough to drink.. If I get puked on someone's not going to live with see another day!" She said. She flew to the table were Dust was at and she said "Hi! You seem not drunk!" The beautiful mare smiled and brushed her dark blue hair out of her face. Her ocean blue eyes sparkling with glee as she found a new friend.

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@, Kisu had finally arrived at the hotel she was going to be staying at. Hearth's Warming Eve had never been a fun time for her since what had happened a few years back, so this year she decided to get away from her friends bugging her and telling her to cheer up.
The blue-grey unicorn levitated her luggage behind her as she trotted up to the hotel's door and went inside. There was already a stallion at the front desk; she would have to wait in line. She cantered up behind him quietly, looking around at the festive decorations.

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Dust Storm looks up, trying hard to hide the tears in his eyes, "H..hello. I d..don't drink very often, And when I do, I don't get drunk, not even tipsy." He sighs,"Um.. miss? M..may I tell you something please?" He takes another sip from his cider, then once again thinks to himself, "What are you thinking!? If you tell her what you think, she may hit you."


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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"I'm. Lunar Dance!" She said. The Pegasus smiled. She was down to earth. She extended a hoof and said "Keep drinking that cider.. You don't want to end up with them.." She whispered. She pointed to the messy stallions drinking their beer in the corner. She giggled and she swung her hair. It seemed like slow motion when she spun.

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"So flame what do you think of lunar she's nice right those eyes man there awesome soooo u got a special somepony back home or is she staying here with you maybe" i turned to the bartender " hey mate can I get a couple of shots please" i gave him the bits and got 4 shots "hay flame want one"

Edited by lonewolf1735
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Flame smirked as he had an idea. "Only one glass but hey I guess I think I should try this out" He took the shot in his mouth and put a hoof in front of him mouth. He spitted out the shot and made a flame appeared in his hoof. He then extinguished the flame. "Also I am not a light weight" He said. "Yeah dude she's beautiful and no I don't have a special somepony...never have and probably never will" He said 

Edited by Motorloo

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"M..my name is Dust Storm, it is nice to meet you miss Lunar Dance. And no, I don't want to end up with them." He takes another sip of his cider, the tears start to form in his eyes again, but he tries his best to hide them and smile, "Miss Lunar Dance? I..I think you're really pretty and beautiful." He blushes as he says that, and then covers his mouth, "Did I just say that out loud! What was I thinking!?!" he thinks to himself.


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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Well with alcohol denied to me a second time, minus an angry coltfriends baseball bat. You start to sober up. Why must I have an abnormal tolerance to alcohol.


'Crazy, crazy for feelin...'my c ounterpart sang

-dude not now.-

'Fine, but I want one thing, then I won't comeback 'til the vacation ends'

-fine, what is it?


...oh balls.

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Lunar heard Connors remark and said "NOPE HES SINGLE!" She called and took a sip from her water. She stretched her wings and said "I need my own special somepony!" She said to herself. She was sitting across from dust and she looked around the room. She saw couples and frowned. SHE turned to Dust and said "I've been getting that all day.. Thank you.. Your one of the first ponies to say it not when their drunk.."

Edited by LunaKitty
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-Okay, you can do this. Sure you haven't had a friend in 12 years and counting, but... eh, I'll think of a way to finish that sentence later. Okay let's do this.-


Standing up, I start looking good conversation. -come on critic. Put that mental stain in his place.- ... Looking around I found numerous couples. With, happy on there faces. Upon seeing this, it felt as if lead developed in your gut.

Edited by Mr. Critical
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"Miss Lunar? Why are you frowning like that? D...did I say or do something wrong?" Dust Storm stutters, at the fright of the thought that he upset the most beautiful mare he had even seen. "If...If I did, I'm s..sorry." He slumps even further in his chair, "Just great, the first friendly pony to even take the time to say hello and talk to me, and she's beautiful. and now you've probably gone and done or said something stupid."


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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"Flame man come on man that's a bit sad I'm sure u can get a marefriend what about lunar huh she's nice" I took a shot s@!? That's strong "she has nice eyes and pretty hair and... And... And... There is a rainbow going out to the lobby later mate think about what I said" with that I left and followed the rainbow out of the bar

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"No you didn't! It's just those frisky couples over their!" She pointed at the snuggling couples. She got up and said "I'm going to my hotel room.. I'm tired" she waved goodbye and trotted off to her room. She saw Connor saying something about a rainbow but she brushed it off. She sat in the lobby just looking at the items on the walls.

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"Yeah but-" He stopped when he saw him leave. "I stutter and shy around mares and I don't even know if she has somepony in mind already" He said to himself as he sat at the bar and ordered some water. "Besides so far I only met her here and anyone else is already a couple which isn't helping me feel any better..." He drank all of is water and sighed before getting up and heading to his room. "I need to get out of this area" he said 

Edited by Motorloo

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Well, at least you didn't completley blow it." He thinks to himself, he finishes his cider and decides to go to his room. On his way, he sees Lunar Dance just sitting there staring at the walls, "Well Dust, it's now or never." He says to himself, he gulps and walks over to Lunar Dance, "Miss Lunar? That remark you said earlier, about the couples..." He heaves a deep sigh, "I know exactly how you feel."


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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By the elder gods this is difficult. There got to be some way to do this.


'Dude what happened, you stood and sat down.'

-isnt there a subconcious you need to get to.-


Looking around, I see the one called Flame. Screw it, go for it and speak ya fool


Looking to the guy next to me. "So... pteradactyles am I right."


'You idiot.'

  • Brohoof 1
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She got up and got into the elevator. She saw Dust in their and she said nothing. She turned to him and opened her mouth to say something. The sound that came out was "Buuurraaaapppp!!" She screamed "WHY DOES THIS KEEP HAPPINIING!" And she covered her mouth and sat down. She looked at the wall as they climbed higher. It would take them 3 minutes as they were in the top floor and it was an 60 floored building.

By the elder gods this is difficult. There got to be some way to do this.

'Dude what happened, you stood and sat down.'

-isnt there a subconcious you need to get to.-

Looking around, I see the one called Flame. Screw it, go for it and speak ya fool

Looking to the guy next to me. "So... pteradactyles am I right."

'You idiot.'

Dude your posts are so funny! I die of laughter every time! That is something my best friend would do. That's how we met. She was like So.. Oranges.. Am I right? Cause I was eating an orange and it was so funny we've been bff's since that day. And your just so funny with the battle of your mind)

Edited by LunaKitty
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Dust manages to stop himself giggling by covering his mouth, but only just. Seeing that she was upset, He thinks to himself "Well miss Lunar was kind enough to talk to me when I was feeling upset, so I guess its time to return the favor." He gently nudges her with his muzzle, "It's ok Miss Lunar, these sort of things happen. Heck, I like a mare who isn't afraid of such things like bodily functions." He smiles at her.


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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Flame paid no attention as he had his eyes closed trying to hold tears back. His eyes shot open when he heard her yell. "W-why does what keep happening" He asked her as he waited for the elevator to stop on their floor. "Hey...Lunar may I ask you something" He asked 


((Ignore that i didnt read the post right))





Flame went to his room and closed the door. "I didn't even ask her...I'm going to be alone on the trip here" He said to him self as he caused the ember to appear in his hoof. "Maybe tomorrow" He laid on his bed and fell asleep

Edited by Motorloo

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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She whimpered "I just burped in your face!" She looked at him. Her eyes all big and sulky and she was curled up. She looked really embarrassed and sad. She said "Thanks.. And that's happened to me twice today.. To much drinking makes... THAT happen!" She concluded. On the way up she burped a few more times and said sorry and curled up in a tight ball and than came out. Her head feeling dizzy again. As it did when she stepped on the elevator. She was giggling like crazy when she stepped off.


(You can do your own elevator thingy just in your POV. She's a very down to earth kind of person. Like AJ and she is gassy xD)

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Fellin depressed, I looked around for a potential aquaintance. Then I saw it, a karaoke machine.


'Do it.'


'You know what. You wanna put yourself out there, so what gets more attention then karaoke. I'll even help ya.'

-no one knows you exist, but...- pondering for a bit I thought. -man the staions, were going in.- grabbing one, interfered, drink heading my way.

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