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planning Beyond these walls Chapter 2: A Darker Fate (Adventure, Survival, EPIC!)

The Elusive Cinder

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I didn't ignore Blast in the slightest.  I'm not mentioning anyone in Pavisa or Zintiik's posts because that would involve mentioning almost everyone involved in the RP.  Pavisa's initial comment was directed at Blast, Kingfisher, and Aegis together.  I also referred to her glancing back to "her friends".  That implies that Blast is included.  She didn't react too much about what he said in particular because right now all she's really feeling is pain and she's trying to hide it.

  • Brohoof 1
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No offense, but I don't think you really understand Scribbler's personality then. He won't gain any enjoyment from Denarius admitting to having done nothing. He's more concerned about Mirror's condition at the moment to begin with, but he'd basically have little response to it either way. It isn't in his nature to take pride in being right, regardless of weather he is or not.

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Might as well come right out now.

I've convinced myself that you guys don't like me, maybe even hate me. I don't want to think this way, but all I've brought to this OOC is negativity.

I just wonder.

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Might as well come right out now.

I've convinced myself that you guys don't like me, maybe even hate me. I don't want to think this way, but all I've brought to this OOC is negativity.

I just wonder.

don't be stupid, no one here hates you to my knowledge. Don't be dramatic because a few people didn't answer you in an rp, your just going to feel stupid for it later man. Some people are just not answering you the way you want, don't get so offended please.
  • Brohoof 1
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don't be stupid, no one here hates you to my knowledge. Don't be dramatic because a few people didn't answer you in an rp, your just going to feel stupid for it later man. Some people are just not answering you the way you want, don't get so offended please.

You think this is about the RP? No. It's about the OOC. All I do is be a negative nancy on here.

Edited by Geek0zoid
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You think this is about the RP? No. It's about the OOC. All I do is be a negative nancy on here.

yep, but not in the way you think. Your only problem is that you tend to overreact and make mountains out of molehills. Aside from that your a good rper and a great friend, so just chill dude. You know how your saying your a negative nancy? Well, your being one now. Your overreacting lol. No one hates you, so just relax man
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Sorry, I should really learn that sarcasm doesn't transfer especially well on the internet. I assumed that he wouldn't gain any enjoyment from it. The last bit of my last post was meant as a joke. That'll teach me to try and type a response whilst waiting for a bus.

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*Sigh* Well, with that, let me at least come out and display one problem I have with this RP. Cinder, I respect you, and I respect that you're trying to tell a big story, but I have my opinions


In my honest opinion, there are WAY too many characters. How many do we have right now, like, twenty? Possibly more? I personally think that's a bit excessive. I'm not trying to say that we should just flat out get rid of some people. That'd be unfair to some. I'm just saying that right now, I think our character roster is big enough XP

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*Sigh* Well, with that, let me at least come out and display one problem I have with this RP. Cinder, I respect you, and I respect that you're trying to tell a big story, but I have my opinions


In my honest opinion, there are WAY too many characters. How many do we have right now, like, twenty? Possibly more? I personally think that's a bit excessive. I'm not trying to say that we should just flat out get rid of some people. That'd be unfair to some. I'm just saying that right now, I think our character roster is big enough XP

Cinder has already stopped accepting new applicants.

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I hope my weird character hasn't confused anyone or destroyed any lore? I also hope the quality of my posts is good enough since I can almost never write anything on PC. The few that I do write on PC are with colored text...


Oh and by the way, if some of you guys think Cinder's is overdoing himself (and with that I mean being so much of an awesome GM that it might harm him mentally :3) try to make sure you don't need cinder to reply to each of your posts. Beside all the ingame factors, try to keep the OOC thought in mind that it is easier for everyone if you try to avoid constantly interacting with NPC's. (Not that I am saying that you guys are, but just keep it in mind :3 I feel a bit sorry for cinder :c)

  • Brohoof 1
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??? I was being sarcastic. I'm not real fond of metagaming...

My question was a half joke. Jokes that are dependent on tone kinda suck over the Internet. Although I don't actually see what could be meta gamed from the post. Unless suddenly people were mind-readers.

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Posting from phone, so I can't mention.




1. Bolt was talking to Noble

2. They are in Canterlot. Team Brandy is nowhere near Canterlot at the moment.


Sorry if I sound rude or harsh, because that's not how it's meant to sound.

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