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open A Darker Fate: Beyond these Walls Chapter Two.

The Elusive Cinder

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Aegis Dare

@, and anypony else


"Are you ok, Fisher?" Aegis said, with Blast still on his back. "This is not good. What are our options?"


Aegis had seen elements from stories come to life alarmingly often lately. But this was far beyond anything the author could think of.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Midnight Scribbler



Scribbler could tell Mirror seemed frustrated by something. When she asked him to take a look, he trotted over with a quizzical look on his face. He smiled briefly at Mirror, then looked at what had seemingly captured her attention. "What have we here? He gazed at the strange liquid substance flowing by. It didn't look like water exactly.. at least not pure water. "What in Equestria?.. Mirror, have you touched it or anything. This doesn't look safe to drink. I don't recognize this stuff.. and I have explored quite a few caves."

(OOC: Cinder if the ice would create a different reaction this time feel free to wrte it and I'll edit this post later. I'm just trying to speed things up.)


Mirror mumbled something incoherent, possibly a greeting but it would be hard to tell. Whatever it was, it wasn't an answer to his question. Sighing she said "Just....here, watch this." Mirror picked up another smal piece of ice and enchanted it like earlier. She tossed the piece of ice into the stream, resulting in a similar reaction to last time.


"So...what would happen if a pony drank this and then had magic cast on then...would they...um...die?" Mirror asked, sounding noticeably less confident by the end of her question.

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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@@Tricksters Pride,



Morning brought little comfort to Canterlot.


The skies were still as ominous as the night before - arcane colours shifting through what the commoners had started referring to as 'the tear' that hung above the city as if watching.




Solar Harvest.




Sol is here just to add some background to how the city is coping - interact with him if you like, but he's unlikely to ever become important.



Sol stepped out into the street - the small militia of farmers and carpenters who had banded together to watch over the district after the guard had given it up as lost emerging from various other buildings and began to disperse in pairs. The night was too hard to keep safe, but at least they could keep some semblance of order during the daytime.


He looked back at the family with whom he had stayed with a genuine smile. It wouldn't last - going without seeing the sun for so long had soured his mood... but what else could he do?


No - he would walk the streets. He would keep order as best as he could, and he would wait for this whole thing to blow over - so that he could finally settle down in peace.

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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& The Rest


Running out with the others, Pavisa's breath had caught in her throat when she saw the tendril of light nearly reach Kingfisher.  The ex-guard nearly ran back into the cave after her friend, though thankfully the other mare seemed to manage to get away before that was necessary.  Pavisa still quickly made her way to her friend's side, positioning herself just a little closer to the cavern...  Ready to push her friend out of the way if the light kept advancing the way it was.  


She notices the blood coming out of Fisher's nose, trying to mask the worry in her voice when she asks "You okay?"  She didn't like this at all - everything that seemed to want to kill them, she was powerless to protect her friends from any of it...  She turns her gaze back to the cave, getting ready to run again...  All we can do is run...  







As Zintiik exited the cave with Orion's permission, he glanced around before starting to fly upwards.  The higher he could get, the better chance he would have of seeing her...  As he ascended he brought his hooves to his mouth, shouting outwards "Willow?  You around here!?"


The changeling kept going higher, hoping to be able to spot any sign of the mare - at least some hoof prints in the snow, something...  He hadn't counted on how much colder it would be the higher he got, though...  C'mon Zintiik, don't shut down now...  They're actually counting on you for once.  Gritting his teeth the changeling did his best to ignore the cold winds, focusing on trying to find a trace of Willow. 











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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& everyone else.


"I'm..." Started the mare uneasily, raising a hoof to her face... she hadn't fell on it, had she? She didn't think so... but it was so hard to tell. She shook her hear - instant regretting doing so as it had the opposite effect that she had hoped for - only serving to increase the confusion she felt. "I'm fine!"


Was she? She thought so. The only thing she was sure of there and then was that she did not want to get any closer to that thing.


"Go... uh...that way?" She mumbled - waving a hoof vaguely in the direction that would lead them away from both the cave and the train tracks - towards what appeared to be a downward slope of some kind.

Never quite forgotten.

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Noble Persona & Gwyn


Despite the dismal circumstances, the morning had been uneventful for Noble. He and Gwyn had cleaned up the hideout, had breakfast and were now on their way to a clinic, where Noble was going to make a generous donation.


"Noble, why are we going to a clinic? Are you sick? Are you giving them heaps of money to get the Litany out of you?" Gwyn asked, panicking a little at the last part.


"No, Gwyn. They're not going to take the Litany out of me. They'd have to get through you first. I'm just going to make a donation so that they stay free for the ponies who need it and maybe pick up something to relieve stress. And there's somepony there I need to talk to." Noble said, reassuring his 'little sister'.


They arrived at the clinic, but something was off. The cheerful chatter he usually heard was gone, replaced with talk of the weather and the fact that the pony he was looking for wasn't there today.


"She hasn't been in to work for a few days now. I wonder what's wrong."


"Who knows. Autumn's been funny lately."


Noble approached the two mares at the desk. "Good morning, ladies. May I speak to whoever is in charge today?"


"Your usual donation, sir?"


"That's right." Noble said politely.


"Well...the usual ponies in charge haven't turned up. The usual manager is ill, and Autumn hasn't been to work in a few days."


"Oh? Why not?"


"Don't know, sir. Shall I record your donation on the books anyway?"


Noble nodded. "That'd be lovely. Thank you, ladies. One last favour, could you tell me where I might find Mrs. Autumn? I may be able to put her in a better mood."

  • Brohoof 1

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Icarus ran over to Kingfisher, avoiding the falling rocks and tendrils, and grabbed her and tried to get her up.


"Madam...Kingfisher, get up or you will perish" he yelled at her trying to get her to get up and run with the rest of the group.


She had better get up... I can not stay here much longer... 

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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@, @Everyone else

(Dont have time to write all in school XD)


Frost reached the end if the cave, there was a blinding light and then blackness. When his eyes opened he saw snow, lots of snow. He slowly got up and stumbled a bit before regaining his balance and his bearing. He looked over to where he had collapsed, seeing a small bit of blood he figured it came from his head. "Celestia that hurt." He grunted as he limped quickly towards the others.

Edited by Frosty V
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Icy stopped and looked at Kingfisher.
"Are you Ok?" Icy said unsure what to say. She looked at the thing and let out a snort. She was happy they were outside again, now she could tap in to the cold again;.
"I guess it time for round two than" Drawing in the cold and Ice and slammed her hooves into the ground. Ice shot up from the ground and created a small wall of ice blocking the exit. hoping to delay or trap the thing in the cave. -I hope I didn't trap anypony with that thing she thought to herself-  Pulling out her crystal of Black Ice she put it around her neck. She could try to enchant to Ice to became Black Ice, but that would drain her in her still recovering form. 


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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@@Commander Tangent,


Pavisa couldn't help but smile at Kingfisher's plan - "that way" seemed as good a way as any under the circumstances.  She nods gratefully at Icarus as he comes to help as well.  "That way it is then, but not without you Fisher.  C'mon, lean on me if you have to, but I'm not leaving you behind."  


She noticed Frost somewhat collapse when he exited the cave and let out a small sigh before turning to Icarus again.  "I'll get Fisher up and moving, can you make sure nopony else is going to hurt themselves by running from whatever is going on in there?  We need to move, and I don't plan on anypony getting left behind if we can help it!"  She still didn't know the doctor all that well, but she figured that with his medical experience he'd be a lot more help to anypony that was hurt by the cave in than she would be...  Generally a hoof to the flank and getting told to run, like she'd be able to provide, only tended to make injuries worse. 











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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"I'm fine! I'm... okay!" Swayed the mare as she clambered to her hooves: managing to spur herself into a snaking trot in the general direction she had motioned. It wasn't particularly easy - what with the way the world seemed to be twirling around her - but thankfully Pavisa didn't seem to be having the same issue.


Tiny patches of crimson (the colour, not the pony) dotted the otherwise flawlessly white snow as she continued onwards towards the supposed valley - focused just enough to keep moving but too disorientated to try and organise anyone else - hopefully they were smart enough to follow, or Redwave was making sure they all got out...


"I'm okay!" She repeated again. "Wait, didn't I just...?"

Never quite forgotten.

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Willow Starsinger


"Zintiik!" Willow cried, and started to feel drowsy. She struggled to find her way back to the cave - after all, she's been too much of a burden to Orion and Zintiik since they got into the cave. She would be fine if they left her behind - she only dragged them down anyway. "Willow! Stop being so paranoid! You'll get back!" Willow trekked through the snow and prayed to Celestia above, please, please let her get through this.


Willow tried a second time, only louder. "Zintiik!" Her eyes grew heavy. She shouldn't have been so dense to trot all the way out here just to die. All of the problems she caused in the past flashed before her eyes. Well, at least Orion wouldn't have to worry about her anymore.. and Zintiik doesn't always have to be so worried about her getting hurt or.. whatever he worried about.


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Clockwork Green




@@Snowy Storm,

@@Frosty V,

@@Commander Tangent,



As everypony began to regroup outside the cavern, Clockwork fixed his eye on Kingfisher. He knew something had to be done, and he was nearly positive what it was. He stepped through the snow after her and Pavisa, coming along beside them. He leaned down to Kingfisher's head level as she staggered onward. "Perhaps I may be of assistance.. I still have some of Icarus' healing magic stored up, it may help if you're interested.. But I must ask.. Those lock boxes. Have you considered the possibility that whatever is hunting us might be trying to prevent us from using these artifacts?" He gave a quizzical look to her as he awaited her response.



Midnight Scribbler



Scribbler looked to Mirror, worried now. "Mirror, you didn't..? Did you drink it? That could be poisonous to begin with, let alone with magic reacting with it." He glanced down at the water, and sniffed the surface of the little pool. Noting no strange odour, he was still uncertain why it had the strangely viscous properties. Bacterial growth? But that would smell, certainly. The only other thing could be either magic or some odourless chemical within the liquid.

Check out my new music projects on youtube, Bandcamp, or Soundcloud

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Midnight Sky


As he watched Kingfisher begin to make her way toward some sort of dip in the ground, Midnight realized that he was still levitating his sister with his magic. "Oh, um sorry Sunshine." Midnight said as he set his sister down. "It's all right. I would have liked a little more warning before being carried like a sack of potatoes, but that can't be helped." Sunshine replied in her usual cheerful attitude. Now that he was sure Sunshine was okay, Midnight did a quick check of his equipment. Thankfully he had slept in his armor, both because it kept him warm and it meant that all of his possessions were still with him, even the lock boxes, which were still tightly fastened to his sides. The only thing wrong was that his armor had a few dings and scratches in it from trying to get away from that strange light, whatever it was Midnight knew that it could have killed anypony if it had come into direct contact with them. Hopefully they didn't encounter anything else like that, and Midnight also hoped that it didn't have anything to do with the lock boxes, because if that were the case then his curiosity is endangering the whole group. Looking over his shoulder, Midnight was also glad to see that Sunshine still had her saddle bags, and thus all of his medical supplies, even if they weren't needed with that doctor around it was still good to have something in reserve just in case.


Sig by DarkestStar, Avatar by Midnight Gaze

My OCs Midnight Sky, Sunshine Rays and Blizzard Blitz

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@@Midnight Scribbler,


Pavisa had quickly moved up next to Kingfisher, trying to help support the mare and keep her on the right track.  When Clockwork came up she glances at him, and considering Kingfisher's current condition, decides maybe she should speak up.  "The healing for Fisher could be appreciated, don't you think we should wait until after we're not about to die before debating about the boxes again though?"


She spares a brief look over her shoulder to make sure everypony was following before turning her attention back to where they were going.  Away from the cave, of course, but it wouldn't do for them to run from the light in the cave straight into whatever they had encountered last night...  Wait...  Could the two be related?  What if this is the same thing?







There she was!  Zintiik had heard his name and focused in on the sound, which had led him to Willow.  Zintiik angled himself to aim for a spot in front of her and tucked his wings in, and the changeling plummeted from the sky.


A more graceful flier may have snapped their wings out to stop their descent - with his insectoid wings, Zintiik was well aware that that wasn't an option.  However, changelings did have the benefit in these kinds of dives of being durable.  He'd noticed when they were in Canterlot a few spots that were obviously repaired craters from similar changeling dive-bombs of when the swarm had attacked the city.  With a loud crash Zintiik hits the ground a short distance in front of Willow, and after a couple moments starts picking himself up from the ground with a grin.


"There you are!  Is everything okay, Willow?  You kinda took off without telling anypony...  Orion and I were both looking for you."

Edited by Lhee











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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@@Midnight Scribbler,@@Icy Void, @, @, @@Frosty V, @Anyone who gives a single fuck.



Eclipse was able to make it out of the caverns safe and sound, though his head hurt like a motherfucker. As soon as he made sure everypony was out, the stallion began to barricade the cavern mouth. He was unsure what was in there or even if there was anything in there to begin with, but he wasn't taking any chances.  That light wasn't getting anywhere besides the cavern.


"We can't stop any longer! Stopping is what almost got us killed!" Eclipse boomed at the top of his voice, more angry than ever. "We're moving out! Onward to the village" The stallion stormed past the mares and began walking quickly towards the village, not even looking back for a second glance.


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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Clockwork Green



(and everyone else)


Clockwork reached to his hat, pressing a button wired to the side of the brim. An aura began to pass over Kingfisher, the healing magic stored in his battery was still fairly strong it seemed, though it wasn't surprising, he hadn't used much of it yet. He glanced to Pavisa with determination in his eyes. "Have you not considered the artifacts might protect us from these things? I do agree, we must find a place out of harms way, but if we do not try, we may end up dead anyway. What's the harm in it?" He grinned. He knew that there might be much in the way of danger within the boxes, but he hadn't intended to open them himself. If the contents proved useful, they might be in a much better position. But if they unleashed something, he wasn't going to be the one to do it.

Check out my new music projects on youtube, Bandcamp, or Soundcloud

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@@Midnight Scribbler,
 "Ugh, fine, yes. Yes I drank some of the...whatever it is. I thought it was just water. When I came down here, I just thought that it looked odd because my spell was being reflected by the ice up there" She said as she pointed up towards the ceiling. If I'm going to die from poison, I'd rather my last few moments not be spent feeling like an idiot. The thought occurred to her that "last few moments" could end being quite a long time. Poison's didn't always kill quickly... Grimacing Mirror spoke again "Look can we just....just not talk about this... please?" She paused to clear her throat before continuing, "So....where does Orion want to go now? Do you think he'll teleport us into a desert during a sandstorm next?" She dropped her light spell as she began to walk back towards the entrance.



Once more, I'm so sorry. Ugh, that was s so embarrassing


Edited by SilverHeart

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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Midnight Scribbler



Scribbler's concern wasn't about to just go away, he respected her, but she was potentially in danger now. "I honestly don't know." He chuckled at the thought Mirror posed, though his worry bled through his amusement. "It's as though we've been thrown into a random location, I haven't got any idea where we even are. I'm not even certain Orion does." He paused, looking into Mirror's eyes. "Listen.. I.. I worry about you, I won't mention it to the others.. I just don't want to see you get ill from this. If you feel anything, let me know, I will try to help you if I can. How much did you drink?"

Check out my new music projects on youtube, Bandcamp, or Soundcloud

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Blinking a couple of times: Kingfisher shook her head again. What had happened? Where was she? Why did she feel the same kind of headache she had used to back in college - learning algebra?

Of course. The... whatever it was. 


"Th-Thanks." She nodded uncertainly - the smell of blood still fresh in her nose as was expected. Strange - she still didn't remember hitting her head, or doing anything likely to cause something like that.


She was looking over the ridge - facing the north. Down the steep banking there lie what looked like a frozen lake beyond a bare wasteland occasionally dotted with evergreens and large boulders. In the far distance. The train track continued on alongside them somewhere off to the left while mountains lined the landscape to the right.


The most invigorating sight though, was the shack.


Just short of the lake was a building of some kind - and given their current situation, Kingfisher didn't even consider the possibility of danger. Was is occupied? Was it a trap? Then and there, any kind of shelter seemed ideal.


"Look!" She said, pointing a hoof into the distance.

Never quite forgotten.

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@@Midnight Scribbler


The ex-guardsmare follows the path of Kingfisher's hoof to the shack near the lake, blinking her eyes before grinning.  Given their situation, the shack may as well have been a castle.  "Well, let's get going then!  Are you okay to walk?"


She glances at Clockwork before nodding towards the shack.  "We can talk about the boxes again once we get there...  Inside, out of the way of whatever is happening."  She still wasn't convinced on what arguing about the lockboxes was going to accomplish for them - it was a gamble that could make their situation even worse, which she wasn't entirely convinced they should take...











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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Aegis Dare



"Hang on. We should scout it out first in case there's something inside. I'll go, since I'm in the best condition and the best suited for the job, being a Pegasus and all. I just need somepony to look after Blast 'til I get back." Aegis said. They had some time on their side for now. But he didn't want them to end up in a dangerous situation for a third time.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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((OOC: At this point, I'm just kind of there, aren't I :( ))



Blast was relieved to finally be out of that cave. Being cooped up in there was just the absolute worst thing. He quickly got off of Aegis' back.

"Thanks, bud, but I think I should just keep going by myself." The stallion said to the author. "Don't wanna slow you down."


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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Aegis Dare



"You're not gonna slow us down. If you do, then I'll just carry you again." Aegis said, flashing a grin at the injured stallion. "I haven't left you behind yet, and when I done scouting, I'm coming right back. Leave no pony behind."


He turned to Pavisa and Kingfisher. "So what's the decision? We have the time for it, but we can't take too long."

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Pavisa shrugs at Aegis, deciding to voice her opinion on it.  "Well, it doesn't look like we have much choice but to go there either way.  But if you wanted to scout it out that may be a good idea...  You'd better be careful though.  If it is trapped and you get yourself hurt, I'm kicking your flank myself."  She smirks at the author before starting back down the trail again, not liking the idea of sitting around so close to the cave...  Even if the others had blocked it off, who was to say that weird light couldn't just go through the blocked entrance?  She wasn't going to put anything past it.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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