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open A Darker Fate: Beyond these Walls Chapter Two.

The Elusive Cinder

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@@@Midnight Scribbler,@,@@SilverHeart@@Nomadic,


Pavisa and Zintiik


At the risk of giving the two prisoners the impression that he actually had feelings, Zintiik leans over to gently nuzzle Willow when she speaks up to defend Orion.  He didn't like hearing them talk about the unicorn in that way either, but he knew it had to be even worse for Willow.  "Being a monster isn't as bad as it sounds, really.  Monster is just another word for different, after all."  The changeling briefly glances at Kingfisher and Pavisa to hiss at both of them, not appreciating having them upset Willow.


Still trying to help out with whatever Kingfisher was trying to accomplish, Pavisa just snorts.  "If he really wanted to protect you, he wouldn't rely on a book.  The Litany is a crutch, like any weapon the worth comes from the pony holding it.  He reached for a battle axe when the situation called for a shield, and now he's going to cut somepony's head off with it by accident."  Rolling her eyes Pavisa huffs and sits down, her burns aching yet still unwilling to take healing from this group of ponies.  She turns her head to stare at Kingfisher for a moment, wondering what the mare was hoping to accomplish with all of this.

Edited by Lhee











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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(OOC: Short post before bed.)


@@Nomadic@,@,@@Midnight Scribbler,@,



Mirror Image stared at the back of Denarius as he passed by. What was that about? Hadn't they already discussed this? Whatever, Denarius could be dealt with later. For now she would just listen to the others and rest. At the mention of the mare's friend being turned to stone, Mirror's ears flattened against her head. It explained why she had acted so....terrified of the spell. Shifting uncomfortably Mirror pondered whether or not she should apologize to the Mirror...well it was obvious that she should, but the question was whether or not Kingfisher would even care. It seemed like a good idea to wait for her to calm down a bit more. Mirror finished off her half of the pepper before reaching for another one. All the while , she tried to ignore Scribbler's affections.

  • Brohoof 1

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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Midnight Scribbler






Scribbler left his pack next to Mirror, standing up again. He glanced to her with a slight sadness, he realized he'd messed up with her, but there wasn't anything he could seem to do to make her happy at the moment. He felt terribly about it, and the only thing he could think to do now was work to clear their passage while she rested. She hadn't had the chance to until now. He sighed, and gazed to Pavisa. "I am sure Orion has no idea what he's done.. He hasn't seemed to realize his error yet, and I am not certain he ever will. Though his intention was noble enough.. He has indeed taken hold of something he does not require, nopony needs that kind of power." He said, looking somewhat pained, thinking of the damage that had been done already. He knew he needed to get to Orion, and began working again, picking the plate of armour up and swinging it through the sparks, moving further into the tunnel. "If he is a swinging axe, then I shall be the shield that stops him.. I will not let him destroy anything further if I can help it. I do not wish for this to go any farther than it already has." Scribbler attempted to make his point known. He was not against these two, even if they weren't ready to help them. The very least Scribbler hoped to attain was an understanding from these two, that they weren't so different. Their goals were much the same, and neither he, nor the ex-guard, or the Pirate wanted Orion to continue what he was doing. The feeling seemed mutual among Scribbler's group as well. Even Orion's own sister had questioned why he needed the book so badly on a frequent basis. The time had come to put a stop to Orion's plans, and it had become glaringly obvious with recent events, that the time for this was running out. Scribbler charged up his horn, drawing as many of the sparks as he could together, and forced the steel plate through them, clearing the tunnel completely, at least as far as he could see.

Edited by Midnight Scribbler

Check out my new music projects on youtube, Bandcamp, or Soundcloud

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@@Midnight Scribbler,






"Are you even listening to me?"


Kingfisher was starting to feel panic welling up inside of her now that the path ahead was clear. She had hoped to sway them - at least away from the mad pony if not entirely to her own point if view. It seemed that they were too stubborn for that though - or they were trying to hard to impress his little sister.


Unbound, she took a step backwards - glancing about in the twilight glow of the crystals to try and catch a glimpse of her weapon.


"He was past saving when we found him! He can't control the book - it's taken over him, and the more you try to help, the more it winds itself around his mind."


Was that it, over in the distance? Buck! Too far to snatch up without noticing - and the unicorns were perceptive enough to catch on if she bolted for it... and words weren't exactly her strong point.


What wouldn't she give to have Bardic here...


"You can't bring him to his senses - he doesn't have them any more! Do you really think that you can protect yourselves if he turns on you?" She glared at the group ahead of her. "Dont go after him. You'll get yourselves killed for nothing!"




Amethyst Void.


@@Icy Void,


"Thank you! Finally, someone who sees reason..." Pouted the outsider as she flitted forward once towards the front of the party and began to trot ahead: credit where it was due, these bodies did seem well suited to moving quickly on the ground. That, and perhaps not all the ponies were as stupid as she thought - there did seem to be occasional glimpses of intelligence from some of them.





@@Midnight Scribbler,

@@Frosty V,


@@Tricksters Pride,

& anyone I missed.,


The distorted sounds were getting closer - the black auras were beginning to creep down the halls - not that she expected the ponies to be able to see. Best not to worry them unduly - they would make better shields if they were unaware. Of course, that was the worst case scenario - with a little luck, they would buck up and avoid the danger entirely.




A snarl echoed from up ahead - quiet, but load enough that the ponies might hear it. The ones that weren't bickering anyway. Like a wolf, but twisted - distorted and otherworldly. Stalker's were fairly nasty creatures anyway - but here, where she wanted to use as little if her reserves as possible, and had ponies for backup? She hoped that it was only a small pack.

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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Frost trotted up past the rest of the group until he was beside Aegis, he still had questions to ask. Frost hesitated a moment before looking over to the stallion. "So...hey um Aegis? So we don't have a plan as to how to get them out? I'm..I'm not even sure where they took them, or if we will have to fight this Orion guy." He stammered, slowly realizing that his voice was filled with fear. "I-It's just I think we should get things solid before making any rash decisions all." He said, the same tone of fear was present and noticeable.

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White Eclipse

Eclipse could hear a faint snarl up ahead. It sounded like wolves, but not quite like wolves. They sounded a bit like a different species all together. It made Eclipse curious. What could these creatures be, if they were different at all?

((Sorry for small post. School))



Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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Aegis Dare


Aegis thought for a moment.  “I’m not one for rash decisions myself, but I don’t have a definite plan yet, either. I need more information on Orion’s group before I can do some real work. And sometimes a plan can be too solid. If anything goes wrong, I need to be able to think of something else quickly-Do you guys hear something? Like an angry dog?”  Aegis pointed out the echoing snarl. He got ready to use his wingblades, just in case.

Edited by Windbreaker

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Frost lowered his head slightly, "Well I guess a plan being to solid is a bad idea, but how are we going to gain anymore information on Orion's group when he have noth-" his sentence was cut short by the angry growling sounds, he wasn't sure if he had been hearing things, but once Aegis pointed it out he knew it was real. He drew his bow and a single arrow from his quiver slowly and drew back slightly faster, scanning the landscape around them. "Whatever it was it didn't sound to happy, and I think it was about us." He said trying to calm himself.

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((Posting from phone))


Zintiik hisses at Kingfisher again, and before he knew what he was doing the loyal changeling had launched himself towards the two mares. With the buzz of his wings giving him away, Pavisa glances towards him in time to see it coming and steps between the bug and Kingfisher.


Zintiik's fangs clinked harmlessly against the armour around Pavisa's leg. After standing locked together like that for a moment the changeling quickly launches himself backwards, hovering in midair and staring at the two prisoners.


"Stop it! I won't let you talk about Orion like that! He's my friend, he won't betray us!" Zintiik still refused to believe that Orion had been the one to hurt him with the electric spark before. Flying backwards to stubbornly land next to Willow again, he keeps his glare on Kingfisher and Pavisa.

  • Brohoof 1











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Ronin heard what sounded like a pack of wolves... snarling, hungry wolves. "Maybe scouting ahead was worth my time after all, it's been a few hours since I've had a good fight." He said to himself, before drawing his blade and waiting. The beasts sounded close, almost right around the bend. With a combination of curiosity and caution he looked around the corner...


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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8 Stalkers remaining.

0 are injured.

0 are disabled.

0 are dead.


Extremely thin, wolflike creatures - slightly smaller than a pony. Hardened magical energy forms a dark, shell like exoskeleton covering the body.


- Large, curved claws.

- Fangs

- Magical affinity (movement based)

- Physically strong and very agile.

- Hard carapace.



(Going to try something a little different - a little more 'pen and paper' style - by keeping a running record. Let me know what you think.)


The hall was quiet.


Ahead, the dim light of the crystals illuminated the passage: something had passed by recently, else they would be dark.




A pair of eyes watched with an unprecedented animal intelligence - the stalker flitted along the ceiling of the tunnel and paused - it's dark, unmoving body clinging to the shadows to remain unseen. The aura of the pony was weak - barely a meal for one, let alone a whole pack - but there was little else in this desolate landscape.


The rest of the pack materialised behind it: all watching - statuesque and concealed against the shadows as they clung to the ceiling. Elongated, crescent moon claws clutching their tips into the hewn rock - cutting into it.


The first lunged - experimentally. It wouldn't do for a pack to attack in force: not against an unknown target. The most nimble went first to assess its strength - flitting through the air to snap savagely at the pony as it appeared from its right side.

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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(Going to try something a little different - a little more 'pen and paper' style - by keeping a running record. Let me know what you think.)Stalkers@,


8 Stalkers remaining.0 are injured.0 are disabled.0 are dead.

Extremely thin, wolflike creatures - slightly smaller than a pony. Hardened magical energy forms a dark, shell like exoskeleton covering the body.

- Large, curved claws.

- Fangs

- Magical affinity (movement based)

- Physically strong and very agile.

- Hard carapace.


The hall was quiet.

Ahead, the dim light of the crystals illuminated the passage: something had passed by recently, else they would be dark.


A pair of eyes watched with an unprecedented animal intelligence - the stalker flitted along the ceiling of the tunnel and paused - it's dark, unmoving body clinging to the shadows to remain unseen. The aura of the pony was weak - barely a meal for one, let alone a whole pack - but there was little else in this desolate landscape.

The rest of the pack materialised behind it: all watching - statuesque and concealed against the shadows as they clung to the ceiling. Elongated, crescent moon claws clutching their tips into the hewn rock - cutting into it.

The first lunged - experimentally. It wouldn't do for a pack to attack in force: not against an unknown target. The most nimble went first to assess its strength - flitting through the air to snap savagely at the pony as it appeared from its right side.

ronin hissed a curse and tried to jump to the side as he was attacked, but he only had a few inches between him and the wall and ended up against it. Whatever ambushed him had managed to give him a decent cut near his back on his right side. As he slammed into the wall he turned and slashed at his attacker quickly and skirted away from the wall. He knew from experience that having your back against the wall in battle was usually a bad thing. He looked around carefully for his opponents but only saw one, the one that had attacked him, but he could hear more in the shadows. They seemed to preffer attacking from the shadows, so With annother curse he made sure to stay in the most well lit area possible and prepared for their next attack.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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8 Stalkers remaining.

0 are injured.

0 are disabled.

0 are dead.


Extremely thin, wolflike creatures - slightly smaller than a pony. Hardened magical energy forms a dark, shell like exoskeleton covering the body.


- Large, curved claws.

- Fangs

- Magical affinity (movement based)

- Physically strong and very agile.

- Hard carapace.



The stalker flitted back a short distance as the creature lashed out - its sting scratching the arcane-shell. Cunning eyes watched for any other danger it might have. Crouching low, it tried a different form of assault - testing its prey for weaknesses that the pack might exploit.


Lunging forward against the ground, it darted for the creatures legs before lunging sideways with astounding, unnatural speed - arcing around to claw it it from behind with the soft glow of latent magic flaring into life.

Never quite forgotten.

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8 Stalkers remaining.0 are injured.0 are disabled.0 are dead.

Extremely thin, wolflike creatures - slightly smaller than a pony. Hardened magical energy forms a dark, shell like exoskeleton covering the body.

- Large, curved claws.

- Fangs

- Magical affinity (movement based)

- Physically strong and very agile.

- Hard carapace.


The stalker flitted back a short distance as the creature lashed out - its sting scratching the arcane-shell. Cunning eyes watched for any other danger it might have. Crouching low, it tried a different form of assault - testing its prey for weaknesses that the pack might exploit.

Lunging forward against the ground, it darted for the creatures legs before lunging sideways with astounding, unnatural speed - arcing around to claw it it from behind with the soft glow of latent magic flaring into life.

ronin barely had time to dodge the swift blow to his legs, but realized too late that the creature struck twice. The claws sliced his back near his flank causing extreme pain, but he ignored it and reached forward to grab the creature by the forearm. As he did he gripped the blade in his hoof and stabbed at it's face with all his strength.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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((AW YEAH. Finally, some action! I'm gonna get both Blast and Eclipse in there.)) 


Blasted Nova & White Eclipse

Blasted Nova examined the hard, dark exteriors of the creature. The stallion then conjured up a plan; if he could break a part of the exterior, it might leave an opening for him to attack. Unfortunately, the stalker was continuing to chase Ronin, with Blast and Eclipse chasing right after him.

Edited by Geek0zoid


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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Noble Persona & Gwyn


They had reached the evac point with little trouble, since discovering that the creatures were easily killed. To ensure she could protect herself and her brother, Gwyn was now receiving instructions on operating a crossbow from Bolt, though to Gwyn it was more of a refresher course. Noble, meanwhile, tried to piece together a new plan with the pieces on the board.


“Why now of all times…? This…This isn’t how it’s supposed to go!” Noble said, the stress of the situation hitting him full force now that he had time to think about it. His mask lay on the table as he started to freak out.


Gwyn noticed it, and paused what she was doing. “Hold on a moment, Bolt. Noble, are you ok?”


As if in response, Noble burst into laughter. That laugh that sounded like crying. Gwyn sat with her brother, supporting him as he vented.

Edited by Windbreaker

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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@@Midnight Scribbler, @@SilverHeart, @, @, @


Denarius let out a huff of derision at Kingfisher's and Scribbler's little conversation. Moving out of the way, he let the hovering piece of armour begin clearing the remaining sparks within the hallway. Watching as Scribbler dropped his sack of food upon the stone floor, he scampered over grabbing a piece of produce from the bag. Denarius bit into the ripe produce, it tasted oddly both sweet and savoury to him. Merely tantalizing the senses, and only beginning to sate his hunger. Unaware of how empty his stomach had felt amidst this confusion, he quickly finished off the last few chunks of the food in a miserly manner trying to bask himself in whatever small trace of enjoyment that arose from such a normally banal thing.


Looking back up, it seemed the others still were babbling continuously about the condition of Orion's mind. Zintiik was clearly blinded by some frivolous concept of loyalty towards an unstable unicorn who had already harmed him. Whilst Kingfisher and Scribbler would likely be arguing until everypony here was nothing more than a pile of bones upon the floor. Denarius groaned, this state of inactivity bothered him. "You know both of you are arguing about somepony who's doing Luna knows what, while we sit performing little more than idle chatter. Wouldn't it be a little bit more wise to know what's occurring them focussing on minute details". He advanced forward, and gently shoved Scribbler  out of the way. He scowled at both Kingfisher and Pavisa as he simultaneous raised his brow at them, slightly confused with their inflexible attitude. "You both act as if you're the only 'captives' here. By your own standards, I'm then a prisoner to. I've not been conscripted, and am currently trapped here due to a minor aberration of chance". He paused momentarily shaking his head in a manner of seemingly uncaring disapproval, and began lowering his body towards a more casual posture. "Where we differ is that I saw an opportunity for my own survival when I arrived. You saw only confinement. Furthermore, you both continually fail to notice that are goals are similar enough.....for now. If any of us are misguided in are trust show them, if or when, we find Orion". He regained his posture as he walked back towards Scribbler's bag as gladly took another piece of produce from it. It felt discomforting for him to try and be the voice of reason, yet such a aura of tenseness emanated from everypony here that nothing else would of been applicable. Rolling his eyes, Denarius took a bite into the plump carrot currently held within his hoof.

Edited by Nomadic
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Okay! Hopefully, this post should clear up a little confusion and kickstart some areas that might have been forgotten!







8 Stalkers remaining.

1 are injured.

0 are disabled.

0 are dead.


Extremely thin, wolflike creatures - slightly smaller than a pony. Hardened magical energy forms a dark, shell like exoskeleton covering the body.


- Large, curved claws.

- Fangs

- Magical affinity (movement based)

- Physically strong and very agile.

- Hard carapace.



A wild animal might have pulled away out of a sense of self preservation - allowing itself to by impaled. This creature though, was intelligent enough to think tactically. It leapt upwards - allowing its outer defence to soften and for the sword to sink deeply into where its stomach should have been as it collided with the pony.


It wasn't just here to hunt though - it was learning, for its pack.


The shell hardened again with the blade still embedded inside as the magic flared up again and the creature flitted away - pushing the pony through an impossible distance and crashing the pair into the ceiling - driving the sword deeper still. The vanguard looked down at its wound with what could be pained curiosity - a dark light emitting from within: seeping past the edge of the blade. It didn't seem to comprehend the injury - but continued regardless.




Amethyst Void.



@@Frosty V,

@@Midnight Scribbler,


@@Tricksters Pride,



Amethyst flicked an ear - what was it with these confounded pony reaction? Couldn't they be still for just a few minutes without done kind of noise or twitch? Regardless: she flicked an ear as a sound up ahead if them somewhere caught her attention. She had her suspicions of what they were closing on, but it seemed certain now. How far ahead was still up for debate - though it couldn't be too far...


"Too late - they know we're here." She noted in an offhand tone - mostly concealing her concern. "Actually... Huh, it sounds like they've found something already. Well that's good! Were there any other ponies down here?"


The question was quickly answered by the lack of sarcastic remark.


"Where's the stupid one?" The outsider asked, rolling her eyes.




Emerald Gaze.



@@Tricksters Pride,



The streets were chaos for a short while - but ponies soon learned to stay indoors. The creatures fell without too much trouble at first - but they quickly started to adapt. There weren't many of them, but they soon learned not to attack the armed ones head on.


She gasped a little as one of the Sons was tackled from behind right in front of her - dragged into an ally and quickly out of sight. She moved on quickly - dagger drawn but unused.


The castle had been predictably useless - locked down right. Even sneaking inside had achieved little - the guards were all at arms at their posts - the high counsel not taking any chances on their own safety. Given the current threat, they paid little attention to a pony like her - she slipped away to return to find Sol, or Stahl, or the mysterious benefactor they had recently met. Anypony who might have an idea of what to do next.








@@Midnight Scribbler,




Kingfisher stalled: out of words. She looked halfheartedly towards Pavisa - hoping that the ex-guard might have some other line of reasoning, if they wouldn't listen to her.


Desperate for something - anything - to say, she just started to speak.


"If we're all in the same side..." The mare seethed in disbelieving resignation. "... then pass me my sword. If you think I'm going near that psycho unarmed then you're very mistaken..."


Her mind was screaming at her - Red wouldn't have even entertained the idea... but he wasn't here.

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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Okay! Hopefully, this post should clear up a little confusion and kickstart some areas that might have been forgotten!Stalkers@,


8 Stalkers remaining.1 are injured.0 are disabled.0 are dead.

Extremely thin, wolflike creatures - slightly smaller than a pony. Hardened magical energy forms a dark, shell like exoskeleton covering the body.

- Large, curved claws.

- Fangs

- Magical affinity (movement based)

- Physically strong and very agile.

- Hard carapace.


A wild animal might have pulled away out of a sense of self preservation - allowing itself to by impaled. This creature though, was intelligent enough to think tactically. It leapt upwards - allowing its outer defence to soften and for the sword to sink deeply into where its stomach should have been as it collided with the pony.

It wasn't just here to hunt though - it was learning, for its pack.

The shell hardened again with the blade still embedded inside as the magic flared up again and the creature flitted away - pushing the pony through an impossible distance and crashing the pair into the ceiling - driving the sword deeper still. The vanguard looked down at its wound with what could be pained curiosity - a dark light emitting from within: seeping past the edge of the blade. It didn't seem to comprehend the injury - but continued regardless.

---------------Amethyst Void.@@Windbreaker,@@Frosty V,@@Midnight Scribbler,@@Geek0zoid,@@Tricksters Pride,@,

Amethyst flicked an ear - what was it with these confounded pony reaction? Couldn't they be still for just a few minutes without done kind of noise or twitch? Regardless: she flicked an ear as a sound up ahead if them somewhere caught her attention. She had her suspicions of what they were closing on, but it seemed certain now. How far ahead was still up for debate - though it couldn't be too far..."Too late - they know we're here." She noted in an offhand tone - mostly concealing her concern. "Actually... Huh, it sounds like they've found something already. Well that's good! Were there any other ponies down here?"

The question was quickly answered by the lack of sarcastic remark."Where's the stupid one?" The outsider asked, rolling her eyes.

---------------Emerald Gaze.@@Windbreaker,@@Tricksters Pride,@,

The streets were chaos for a short while - but ponies soon learned to stay indoors. The creatures fell without too much trouble at first - but they quickly started to adapt. There weren't many of them, but they soon learned not to attack the armed ones head on.

She gasped a little as one of the Sons was tackled from behind right in front of her - dragged into an ally and quickly out of sight. She moved on quickly - dagger drawn but unused.

The castle had been predictably useless - locked down right. Even sneaking inside had achieved little - the guards were all at arms at their posts - the high counsel not taking any chances on their own safety. Given the current threat, they paid little attention to a pony like her - she slipped away to return to find Sol, or Stahl, or the mysterious benefactor they had recently met. Anypony who might have an idea of what to do next.

---------------Kingfisher.@@Nomadic,@@SilverHeart,@@Midnight Scribbler,@,@,

Kingfisher stalled: out of words. She looked halfheartedly towards Pavisa - hoping that the ex-guard might have some other line of reasoning, if they wouldn't listen to her.

Desperate for something - anything - to say, she just started to speak."If we're all in the same side..." The mare seethed in disbelieving resignation. "... then pass me my sword. If you think I'm going near that psycho unarmed then you're very mistaken..."

Her mind was screaming at her - Red wouldn't have even entertained the idea... but he wasn't here.

ronin grunted in pain as him and the creature flitted into the ceiling with supernatural speed, but he noticed his blade was still embedded deep in the beasts stomach. As fast as he could move his body he grabbed the hilt and twisted the blade almost 360 degrees before pulling downward with all of his might in an attempt to gut the creature. As he did he jumped back and attempted to soften his landing by rolling, as he stood back up he quickly decided to warn the others. "Those masters are down here!" He yelled as loud as he could to them "I'll hold them off for as long as I can, you guys need to keep going!" He finished, turning back to the creatures. He couldn't let the others get hurt by these beasts, he needed to hold them off while his friends got away.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Finally! The way was clear. A few more minutes if rest probably wouldn't have hurt but the longer they waited the harder it would be to help Orion. Finishing off the food she had taken from Scribbler she stood up. Spotting the cutlass some distance away she lifted it up and brought it over to Kingfisher. Though she held it just outside of the mares reach. "This is probably the last chance either of you will get to accept Scribbler's offer for healing..."

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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White Eclipse

"Oh my goodness, Amethyst, you just answered your own suspicions!" Eclipse exclaimed. "The beasts must've ran off with Ronin. Me and Blast are going to track him down and help fight them off. The rest of you, make your way through safely."


With that, Blast and Eclipse were off. But, to be more accurate, Blast took off as fast as he could, leaving Eclipse to catch up. In no time, the duo was able to catch up with Ronin, who seemed to be handling the monsters well.

"Ronin, we're going to help you. This may not be all of them, and you may need assistance. Me and Blast will help you fight!" Eclipse said, firing a shot of his new magic at a stalker.


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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White Eclipse

"Oh my goodness, Amethyst, you just answered your own suspicions!" Eclipse exclaimed. "The beasts must've ran off with Ronin. Me and Blast are going to track him down and help fight them off. The rest of you, make your way through safely."


With that, Blast and Eclipse were off. But, to be more accurate, Blast took off as fast as he could, leaving Eclipse to catch up. In no time, the duo was able to catch up with Ronin, who seemed to be handling the monsters well.

"Ronin, we're going to help you. This may not be all of them, and you may need assistance. Me and Blast will help you fight!" Eclipse said, firing a shot of his new magic at a stalker.

ronin looked back as blast and eclipse arrived to help him, but the look on his face wasn't a happy one. "Y-you idiots! I told you guys to escape with the others, These things are incredibly dangerous!!" He said angrily, before quickly looking at the fight before him. He couldn't take his eyes off of his enemies for long. "Your both idiots..." He said quietly


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Frost managed to roll and back away from the on coming attacks, firing a few arrows at the large pack, he rolled once more and when he stood found himself standing next to Ronin, "Well, these bastards sting, whats say we get a little team work going on, you get me a clear shot, I'll put them down, and visa versa." Frost told Ronin nit taking his eyes or bow of the creatures before him

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White Eclipse

"And your even more so for coming and doing this by yourself." Eclipse proceeded to lift a stalker up with his psychic magic. He then threw the stalker against the stone wall.

Three times.

"Let us help you. We can handle ourselves." Eclipse said.


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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Midnight Scribbler







Scribbler could hear the sudden buzz of Zintiik's wings hurrying towards the group. Spinning around, he yelled as he saw Zintiik flat out attack one of the mares from the other group. "Zintiik! Stand down! Do not force me to separate you!" He began making his way back, frowning at the outburst. What was the bug's problem? He'd been working so hard to get the others to trust them (At least him)

Scribbler listened with disdain to the babbling coming from Denarius once again about how little they were doing. He trotted by him, pressing Pavisa's armour plate into the front of him with a slight force, enough to get his attention. "Then perhaps next time you can do all the clearing, and give your words some weight, Denarius. While we babble and argue, and do nothing." He spoke with annoyance in his voice, feeling rather insulted, having been the one to be their main diplomatic figure between the two mares, as well as the one who had cleared the hall for the group. He moved back to his saddlebag, and lifted it back onto himself. Once he had it secure, he moved back towards the other two, where Mirror stood, holding the pirate's weapon. He felt slightly nervous about her offering the blade back to these two, they hadn't shown much trust in their group, and Zintiik and Denarius hadn't made it any easier to gain their trust. "We plan to move on now, if you two should wish to come, you may. But I warn you, Orion is still powerful, even without the Litany's full power. If we do find him.. I will try to reason with him alone. He has trusted me before, and I am confident I can do it again if I must. But I will not put any of you at risk for this task. For that reason, I will use a force wall once we find him, to prevent him from getting to you, locking him in until he is dealt with. If I must.." His voice lowered so that only Mirror and the other two could hear. "I will end this.. even if it means destroying us both." He said, with complete seriousness.


(will post for Clockwork later)

Check out my new music projects on youtube, Bandcamp, or Soundcloud

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