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open A Darker Fate: Beyond these Walls Chapter Two.

The Elusive Cinder

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Willow Starsinger


"A lot more than we need you..?" Willow echoed.


Willow frowned, clutching Zintiik's hoof. "But we do need you! What if.. something happens to.." Willow thought that she sounded like a crying foal at this moment and lowered her voice on the next word - did she dare say it? "..Orion?"


Willow sighed, knowing that there was no getting through to the changeling. She nuzzled the bug before backing away reluctantly.


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Mirror addressed the Pegasus, "We'll keep the sword until we get out of the room. I'm not about to re-arm a mare who has proved herself entirely untrustworthy. Speaking of which, you'll want to see to their burns, they wouldn't let us he-" Mirror was interrupted by the sound of something clanging along the floor. She looked over towards Clockwork, he wasn't moving but a metal ball was rolling towards then. She took a step back, watching it closely.

  • Brohoof 1

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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Ronin paused as amethyst did and watched the strange door as it seemingly began to fade "what the hell?" He said, before turning to amethyst "what's the matter amethyst? Is there more of those things?" He asked, as the others ran for the door ahead "wait you idiots, it could be a trap!" He called in annoyance


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Amethyst Void.


Memory wasn't typically a problem for the creatures of Arcana - they remembered thousands of years of history with ease - but there's was something distinctly unsettling about the way that she couldn't identify the aura lingering in the area. She shook her head - no matter, the ponies and their constant aggression would make a suitable distraction, should the need arise.


Still... it was unnerving.


"Nothing you need to worry about." She shrugged casually - feigning disinterest - before seeming realising that there wasn't enough spite in what she had said and correcting herself. "Come on - Shadow's probably about to drain your friends at any minute, and I'd rather he didn't get any stronger."


She flitted ahead - only a few paces: enough to get a comfortable distance from the creature of earth. They were so uncomfortable to be around.


A staircase jutted out of the left side of the corridor - which the outsider stopped at and motioned towards. Voices could be heard in the distance: barely audible, but certainly there.


"I think they're up there."


They must have been getting closer, judging by the trace of Shadows aura in the air.


"There's something else going on here though... I don't like it."






"Yeah, it's Aegis. Clockwork too..." She looked up. "Where are the others? Please don't tell me..."


The screech she had heard earlier... She had assumed that the group could handle themselves without the two of them but now it seemed like she had been incorrect.


And then the witch was speaking again. Kingfisher spat on the ground as if her words had left a bad taste in the air.


"I was stupid - thought they were being honest. Helped them get the book away from Orion and this is the thanks we get... they've still got it, Aegis - it's not like it was, but it still does something!"




Orion Starsinger.


Orion watched the metallic orb roll along the stone ground with what might have been mild concern. It was likely to be something dangerous - his memory was telling him that everything that these ponies did was likely to be dangerous - but the serene feeling of nothingness triggered by his reckless use of magic that he didn't have seemed to be stopping him from even caring.


He needed to get back in command of the situation - before the ceasefire invariably broke once again and any harm could come to Willow. Peace never lasted, not with these brigands.


"Everypony stop and listen to me!" He commanded in an uneasily even tone.

  • Brohoof 2

Never quite forgotten.

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@,@,  @Icy Void,@Frosty V,

White Eclipse

"We don't have much more time to spare, Amethyst. We need to brave it through and go up the stairs." Eclipse realized how stupid that might've just sounded, but he knew that time was of the essence. The group would need to continue on if they wanted to have any chance in fixing this. Eclipse proceeded to walk up the steps at a non-hesitant pace. He could feel himself and the group reaching the end of this. The exit was just ahead. He could feel it.


"Eclipse...please promise me that, no matter what you do with your life... let it benefit ponykind..."


"I will, Starshine..." Eclipse muttered to himself.

Edited by Geek0zoid


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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Ronin sighed, before quickly following the others "if we die I'm kicking all your asses." He said in exasperation. "And why do you have to be so damn vague all of the time amethyst, if there's something wrong just come out and tell us. We're your friends remember? You can trust us!" He said to her, as he quickly caught up


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Midnight Sky


"For once I'm going to have to say that rushing forward is our best option right now. It feels like things are converging in that room to some degree, we need to get there quickly." Midnight said as he kept pace with Eclipse. Normally he would have liked to take things more slowly, but with all that was going on right now he didn't think that would be very helpful. "Besides, I'm tired of this cave system." Midnight added quietly. Hopefully they'd at least be able to settle some things here, like their issues with Orion. If they could fix at least one of their problems Midnight felt it would help immensely.


Sig by DarkestStar, Avatar by Midnight Gaze

My OCs Midnight Sky, Sunshine Rays and Blizzard Blitz

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Midnight Scribbler--Clockwork Green







The orb rolled, just about reaching Sribbler's hoof. He turned his head as Orion spoke up, but his train of thought was cut off suddenly as his field of view began to become obscured by distortions and mirrored walls forming around him. He could hear a small whirring sound, coming from in front of him. Looking back, he realized he was now completely engulfed in some form of illusory aura, likely being generated by the ball. "What is this? Mirror? Are you still there?"

The aura engulfed both he, Aegis and Mirror completely, and blocked all view of everything within the bubble of illusion, which was now fully in effect. Scribbler fumbled around, trying to find the source of the magic, but was constantly thrown off by the strange twisting and distorting reality around him. Suddenly Clockwork became slightly visible, multiple images of him everywhere, bending and twisting around him. Unwittingly, he had turned his back to the green stallion, who had silently moved into the aura to collect his orb.. And something else. Clockwork slipped his hoof into Scribbler's bag, taking one of the two stones he had taken from the pedestals. It was the yellowish topaz stone, inscribed with an eye. Clockwork slipped the stone into his own pocket, before picking the ball up from the floor behind the confused and disoriented Scribbler. He clicked a button on the side and twisted the segmented ball, causing the aura to flow back into the device. The room was now clear, and everything was normal once more. Scribbler jumped around to face Clockwork, a look of accusation on his face, but he couldn't tell if anything was different or not at first. "My apologies, I must have slipped.. This thing is made for tricky situations, where you need to confuse the assailant to get away. I didn't intend for it to go off, the button must have been pressed as it hit the floor." Clockwork explained, as he returned the ball to his saddlebag. His expression was deadpan serious, and Scribbler could not make out weather or not he trusted this pony's word. He glanced to mirror, then back to Clockwork. "No harm done.. Just, try to keep that thing under wraps, it's dreadfully disorienting." He said, still feeling somewhat dizzied from the aura. He turned to Aegis next. "Mirror is right, tend to your own.. I thank you for your generosity, but I can heal Zintiik, the other two there do not seem to like magic all that well.. Oh.. and yes, I will return the sword, but not until we are on our way.. Kingfisher has already attacked our group with it once.. I am not about to allow that to happen again." He turned now to Orion, remembering he'd just spoken. "What have you to say, Orion?"

Edited by Midnight Scribbler

Check out my new music projects on youtube, Bandcamp, or Soundcloud

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Aegis Dare


“The rest of the group is coming up behind us, and what happens when they see Kingfisher without her blade? They’ll assume she’s still a hostage and attack you in here where you’d have a hard time getting out of here. If you return the blade, I would be willing to help you get out of here safely.” Aegis said, determined to have this resolve peacefully and without violence.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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@@Scribblegroove@, "I am sorry... poor wording on my part... i rescued him when he was just an egg. From that time we bonded but... that is a subject for another time." 

Terra was however surprised... Byter seemed hungry for blood, or was prone to violence for lack of a better definition of it. He was the one that prefered violence as a last resort... he was a guardian, not a strategist. Though at times he acted like one. Byter seemed to have something in mind... though he likely was paranoidly keeping it so as to be of use... perhaps he feared that 

"I would like to find if possible a better solution to this matter. However i can agree that if it was possible those creatures would have co-operated in a better way. I don't know if i am glad to say that you are different, or sad that you seem to be the only one... For that matter i am curious to something... what will you do about the rest like you? Perhaps you can tell me over my quarters for dinner... follow me."

((OOC:You guys can have the rest of the guards stand guard outside. As for that i can introduce my other OC Selune as a fellow Mage))

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@,@@Windbreaker, @@Midnight Scribbler, @, @@SilverHeart,  




The changeling had froze slightly when Willow nuzzled him, and he slowly turned his head to glance back at her again.  A small smile split his muzzle - he seemed to be getting better at the gesture.  "Don't worry about me...  I'm harder to kill than I look.  I just want to make sure the two of you get out, and I can always catch up later.  Right?"  Zintiik winks at her before turning his attention back to the others, just...  Watching the exchange.


Why do they all seem so concerned about me of everypony here?  Sure I look like a mess, but I feel fine for now...  He couldn't hold back making a snide comment anymore, and he found himself call out to Aegis "Ya know, if you really wanna help, you could let me feed on you for a while!"  Before he could say anything more though Orion's voice cut through the air.  Seemingly instantly cowed by the command, the changeling quickly turns to look at Orion...  Though he does manage to keep himself positioned roughly in between the other group and Orion and Willow.





Pavisa had shakily managed to get back to her hooves, standing on three of them while still holding her head with the fourth.  A few stray bolts of magic flew from her horn now and then still, but for the most part it seemed to have calmed down...  Rather it worked itself out or she was managing to contain it was anypony's guess, though.


"What...  Happened?"  Trying to get a grasp on what had gone down since the piercing pain in her head, there was little she could manage to say before Orion spoke up.  Glancing briefly towards Aegis, and then towards Kingfisher, Pavisa slowly turns her gaze towards the unicorn as she lowers her hoof from her head to the ground.  She didn't believe the others were about to let up - at least not Kingfisher.  And while Pavisa was intent on seeing them all get out of there alive, what harm was there in listening to what he had to say?  They could always use that as another attempt to get the book away from him...  So she had to be ready to move once Fisher did.  











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Orion Starsinger.


Orion slowly peered around the room: there were ponies that he knew - and ponies that he thought he knew - scattered about. The black knight and the pirate girl - a... flamboyant pony and one with a look in his eye that Orion wasn't fond of were new faces in the crowd - though they looked the type to associate with these brigands.


"Why are you following me? " He demanded. "Following us! Even out in this loathsome wasteland you hound us! Is there no corner of Equestria that you won't hunt us to the ends of? Is there?!"


It was all too much: he was so tired: so drained. He wouldn't grand them the pleasure of victory though.


Through all of this, he had been right. He had started to have his doubts: but these ponies were his friends. Even when he he had abandoned and hurt them, they had followed him without reason to do so. Even when it would have been easy to lie and deny any loyalty, they had not.


"You are going to leave. You are going to enter the wastes and you are never going to pursue me or my sister again. If I ever see any of you, it will be the last time." He motioned towards the closed door which they had all entered through. "I don't even know what you want, but I promise you that unless you cross me again, I am the least of your concerns. Have you looked to the sky recently?"






Kingfisher glanced upwards - through the chasm which left the room open to the elements. True, it was a sight to behold: clouds rolling and trusting in on themselves as brilliant blues, purples and pinks shone through great fissures in the sky itself - seemingly cauterised by arcs of electricity which ran across the horizon seemingly at random.


It didn't hold her attention though: there was something else that she had noticed. Something that seemed so trivial, but that she couldn't shake.


Who kept closing the door?


It was a heavy looking thing - probably build by a creature larger than a pony - and didn't look like it would just swing closed... and had any of them actually thought to close it in the chaos? She doubted it.


"They've got the book... and my cutlass." She muttered to the guardsmare. "This is what happens when I trust ponies..."




Amethyst Void.


"I've told you, we're not friends!" Amethyst snapped - continuing onwards up the stairs and towards the voices above. "I don't want friends, friends get you killed."


Was this because she was helping them? It was a good thing she needed their knowledge of this realm, and that she wasn't one if the many more sinister entities from beyond.


"Anyway, I don't know what it is, it might be nothing. Or we might be in a lot of trouble - but I don't know what kind." She let out a grunt of annoyance. "It's hard to think in your world - hard to remember things properly. I'm doing the best that I can but all my memories are so murky!"




Emerald Gaze and the Canterlot Guard.


Emerald rolled her eyes subtly at Stahls story - though it was indeed one the would raise the least questions. Ponies had a habit of being particularly sensitive about those kind of things.


"I've seen no evidence of them being willing to - or even capable of - trying to negotiate." She commented dryly.


"Yes ma'am! Maybe not 'willing' as such, but it understands us well enough." Nodded the guard as his companion grumbled under his breath. "Some of the castle mages have it contained in the checkpoint up ahead. Nasty creature, can't imagine the captain making any progress talking to it, but the Mages reckon they can use it to find better ways to fight them."

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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In due time, Eclipse makes it up the stairs and rams through the door, hopping to make an entrance of some kind. Though, he just ended up hurting himself. Though, after he got the door to open, he saw two ponies he never thought he'd see again; Kingfisher and Pavisa.

"Oh my goodness! You're alive!" Eclipse was more relieved as he was overjoyed, but he was happy to see them alive regardless. He then noticed something about Kingfisher; her blade was missing. "Wait a moment. Kingfisher, where's your blade."



Blast was overjoyed to see the two mares alive, as well as Clockwork and everyone else. Maybe now, things can look up again and they can get back on track. He then overheard Eclipse, and he couldn't help but notice the absence of the blade. He then looked to Orion's group, who had the blade in their possession.

"Guys, we don't wanna cause conflict. That nature is behind us now. Just give Kingfisher her sword, and everything can be resolved okay."

Edited by Geek0zoid


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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Midnight Scribbler--Clockwork Green








Scribbler frowned slightly at Orion's speech, though he was not facing him, and it would have appeared more that he was just in deep thought to anypony else in the room. He was not being friendly at all, but there was no reason that he could find to disagree. The other party had indeed been nothing but trouble every time they crossed paths, and they did seem to end up in the same places all the time somehow or another. He turned to Orion, speaking up. "Orion.. I don't mean to sound as though I am in disagreement, because I do know why you feel as you do.. But.. I am thinking it may not be because of you or Willow that our two parties keep coming into contact.. We have all been seeking these arcane artifacts, for one reason or another. The conflict merely lies within our motives." He turned once again to the other group, just as Eclipse and Blast.. Blasted in. ( ;) ) Scribbler was beginning to become irritated by the others demands, knowing the outcome of the last time he'd entrusted the pirate with her cutlass. He sighed in exasperation. "I will only give the blade back if you intend to leave us.." He lifted the blade out of his makeshift cloak and held it in the air with his telekinesis. The blade began to heat up until it was red and glowing. "Orion had made his call, you all must go. I will return this blade once you have all made your way out. Now please, be cooperative, I do not wish to ruin such a nice piece of craftsmanship." He held the blade to the floor, intending to break it in it's weakened state if anyone tried to do anything rash. The blade it's self was far too hot for any of them to just grab without burning their hooves badly.

Clockwork looked around the room listening, and trotted over to Pavisa and Kingfisher. He spoke quietly "Perhaps we should listen.. There is no sense in being here any longer, what do we have to gain from attacking these ponies in our current position? Besides.. Once we leave and reclaim your cutlass. We do have two Ethereals on our side remember? I am certain their magic is no match. Always make the offensive move when the board is set in your favour." He winked at her with the eye that was hidden from the rest of the ponies in the room, and waited for her response.

Edited by Midnight Scribbler
  • Brohoof 1

Check out my new music projects on youtube, Bandcamp, or Soundcloud

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Midnight Sky


Midnight followed closely behind Eclipse and Blast, but opted for a less flashy entrance. From what he could see, Midnight could tell that the situation was far calmer than it normally is, and he couldn't help but think that it had something to do with the fact that Orion looked a lot more composed than before. "I think that's a good idea, there's nothing for us here and it's a dead end. We have no real reason to fight Orion and his friends, so we should focus on more urgent business, such as the impending end of two worlds." Midnight said, agreeing with Orion's request. Now so long as nothing inflammatory happened Midnight felt they may even be able to walk away on nearly amiable terms for once. It would certainly be a nice change from how their two groups normally interact. "If that sword is going to be a point of issue, why not let me hold onto it? I can promise to not hand it off until after our two groups are a safe distance apart. I think Mirror can vouch for me in that I won't break that promise, I generally try to avoid violence when my sister is around." Midnight said to the other pony of Orion's group, the one named Scribbler, as he nodded his head toward Sunshine who was standing beside him. With that all said Midnight looked over in the direction of Willow and Orion. "As I told you last time we met, my friends and I don't mean you any harm. And quite honestly we didn't even imagine to run into you all in a place like this, but that's irrelevant now. Hopefully if we ever do meet again for some reason, it'll be under better circumstances." Midnight said to Orion in an attempt to be friendly. If their ongoing tension with Orion's group was resolved, Midnight felt like that would help allow them to focus on more important things, like their problem with Arcana.



Sunshine Rays


When Sunshine followed her brother into the room, she was glad to see that everypony looked like they were alright, for the most part. At least none of them looked hurt or anything like that. "Hi again Ms. Mirror! And it's good to see you're still well Ms. Pavisa and Ms. Kingfisher!" Sunshine said excitedly after her brother's little speech. As usual Midnight focused on diplomacy rather than making friends, but Sunshine could tell he was doing his best to keep things nice. In her opinion though, this would all work out better if they just became friends, then they wouldn't fight and they could save the world easier.

Edited by Icy Void


Sig by DarkestStar, Avatar by Midnight Gaze

My OCs Midnight Sky, Sunshine Rays and Blizzard Blitz

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Aegis Dare



“Wait. I have an idea that should satisfy both parties. We were going to the Crystal Empire before your friend took Fisher and Pavi. Would you like to come with us?” Aegis offered, flashing a genuine smile despite his inner panic. “It would be a good place to rest and resupply before we part ways again. What do you say? Shall we put past grudges behind us and start over?”


Aegis held out his hoof towards the other group, still smiling genuinely and softly. His intent for peace couldn’t be any clearer than it already was. He just hoped that the others would feel the same or at least consider his offer.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Byter followed Terra as they went towards his quarters for dinner. He fell silent for a whilr before answering Terra's question. He hadn't thought about the possibility that his kind would be able to enter this world now that the wall was gone. He had given it some thought when he had only just entered world...


"If more of my kind get here... We'd be doomed. Luckily, that won't happen. I made sure of that." He said casually. Though he was lying. He was't sure at all that he had protected this world from his ferocious species.


"I would tell you more, but my memory from the world of Arcana is vague... I cannot remember everything." He lied to hopefully change the subject. He thought of something to talk about.


"I cannot remember a lot of different species in Arcana being... Sentient enough to conduct a conversation. But that doesn't mean I am the only one... There are probably other sentient species from Arcana as well... Perhaps some of them are cooperative."

  • Brohoof 1

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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"Of course I'm alive..." Kingfisher grumbled as the door burst open once again to reveal the remainder of her missing companions - the relief of finding them alive somewhat diluted by the implications that their presence might have on Orion. "They don't tend to leave hostages armed..."
She listened to the exchange between the others - never having spoken to them before today.
@@Midnight Scribbler,
Clockwork hadn't spoken to her much and she still didn't know much about these creatures that he placed so much faith in either, but underhanded as his methods were, he spoke the truth. Even as a pragmatist though, she couldn't help but seethe for a more direct approach - specifically towards the witch.
There would be time though. She had a feeling that she would see them again.

The suggestion which came from Aegis gave her pause - she froze up: if it hadn't been for her faith in writers, she would have flipped out at his suggestion.
"What?!" She hissed. "These are the ponies that tried to kill us...  I hope you know what you're doing!"
Still, she didn't argue. Not verbally anyway, despite her turmoil over potentially traveling beside these twisted excuses for ponies she let the writer continue without dispute- opting instead to stick close to Pavisa: not willing to leave her on her own in case anything happened to her horn again.

Orion Starsinger.

"Let you get closer, so that you might slit our throats in the night?"

Orion was... he didn't trust them. Any of them. On the other hoof though, he hadn't trusted his own friends just minutes before... perhaps for now - while he wasn't thinking clearly - it would be best to listen to their judgment? If nothing else, he trusted Scribbler to do everything he could to keep Willow safe, and Mirrors Illusions were better for avoiding open conflict than his own destructive magic.
@@Midnight Scribbler,
"What do you think best? I can probably still take one or two of them, but would rather avoid killing if we can."
He said quietly to avoid being overheard. With his recent actions, it would probably have been more suspicious if he had spoken plainly.
"So long as we get out alive - and with the book - we have all we need from this place. We will no doubt see them again - one of my contacts we in the Crystal Kingdom the last time I heard."


Amethyst Void.
Amethyst hung back behind the ponies - where even if she was seen, her form should render her no more suspicious than any other pony. Of course, it wasn't perfect - but there was little they could do to her and she was still trying to think of why this feeling she had n the pit of her stomach made her feel so uneasy.


'What is it with my memory? This world is infuriating!'

Never quite forgotten.

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((New post popped up right before I hit Post XD at least I saw it before-hand!))




Pavisa had watched quietly as Orion gave his speech and the others offered suggestions.  Negotiations weren't one of her strong suits, and she knew it.  She was glad to see the others alive and well, and she had listened quietly to Clockwork's suggestion to Kingfisher, but Pavisa didn't move all that much as she let the information sink in.


Her head was still throbbing with a dull pain - at least the random bolts of magic had stopped.  Glancing at Kingfisher she forces a smile onto her face anyways - the others were going to expect her to be strong, right?  "Hey..."  She hadn't missed her friend's comment before, about what trusting others had gotten her.  "...Still trust me?  We'll get it back somehow...  Promised the Captain we would, right?  I'm with ya 'til the end either way."





The changeling blinked a couple times at the suggestion, turning to look at Orion.  "Umm, can I cast my vote for no?  Ponies I know are one thing, but I'm way outnumbered with that group.  Plus when we met at the Falls two of them held me down and kicked me.  A lot.  While I can live with that, I don't want to think about putting the rest of you in danger."  


Zintiik figured his biased vote wouldn't count for much, especially considering what he was, but he'd said his opinion.  He'd already decided that no matter what they decided, he was going to make sure Orion and Willow both got out safely...  He was starting to feel drained from drawing on his reserves of energy earlier, but he could deal with that later.  When they weren't in danger.  If they do decide to travel with them to the Crystal Empire...  Maybe I could at least feed on one of them...





Stahl turns to glance at Emerald for a moment before glancing back to the guard.  "Take us to see it."  They had come to get help for the Sons, and Stahl still planned to do so...  But if there was some kind of secret weapon they could get from this captured creature, that would make more of a difference than a few more swords in the streets.  


"It's been some time since I've spoken with Lionmane," he mutters under his breath towards Emerald.  "I might be able to convince him to help us out though.  He has as much pull around here as I do...  Probably more, considering I'm dead."











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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@,@, @@Midnight Scribbler,  @@@Nomadic


Clockwork's illusion initially confused Mirror. Where had it come from? Who had cast the spell? Had it come from that little orb? If it had that meant the green stallion knew too much about Illusions for Mirror's comfort. Her assumption was confirmed when Clockwork turned off the device. She glared at the stallion as he walked back over to his friends. He was too smart for his own good, the illusion had been decent, even better than some unicorns she had seen. Her glare melted into a small smile. It was an amazing feat for an Earth Pony. What a pity he might have had some unique insights about illusions.


Before Mirror could start planning Clockwork's demise, Orion asked for the opinions of their group. As much as she wanted to get rid of Clockwork immediately, it would probably prove to be difficult to do anything here without risking being attacked by others. "I think we should just leave. Ignoring the obvious reasons, I don't really want to be surrounded by their friends" She said as she made a small motion towards Kingfisher and Pavisa, "We already know that they're violent and not entirely trustworthy....they'd probably hold a grudge that I took the two mares hostage."

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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Willow Starsinger


Willow smiled to herself when Zintiik winked at her. Of course she was glad that Orion was back to his old self, but something in her clicked.


Mirror used illusions. Scribbler healed ponies. Zintiik could fly. Orion used magic. What did Willow do?




Willow watched as her group huddled together. How did Orion feel? Where was the Litany? She looked around, remembering Scribbler had tucked it in his saddlebag. Now she wouldn't steal, but desperate times call for desperate measures. She HAS always wondered what would happen if it had been destroyed.


"That's it!


(( Sorry for the lousy post! Watching TV :P ))

Edited by Shaymin


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White Eclipse

"Mirror, you know we're right here, right?" Eclipse said, a bit annoyed. He pushed Clockwork out of the way and walked up to Mirror. "Look, stop saying we're going to hold a grudge. Do you think that we would hold grudges during times like this? No. Equestria is in danger, Amethyst's world is in danger, everypony is in danger. We need all the help we can possibly get to stop this, whether they're a bit of a loose cannon or not."

"If you really cared about Equestria, and the sake of all the ponies in the land, you'd let them go. Or... let everything burn... including yourself."


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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White Eclipse

"Mirror, you know we're right here, right?" Eclipse said, a bit annoyed. He pushed Clockwork out of the way and walked up to Mirror. "Look, stop saying we're going to hold a grudge. Do you think that we would hold grudges during times like this? No. Equestria is in danger, Amethyst's world is in danger, everypony is in danger. We need all the help we can possibly get to stop this, whether they're a bit of a loose cannon or not."

"If you really cared about Equestria, and the sake of all the ponies in the land, you'd let them go. Or... let everything burn... including yourself."

Mirror rolled her eyes at the stallion, ignoring most of what he said. More likely then not he was lying. Just a sad attempt to get them to drop their guard. "Eavesdropping on somepony's conversation isn't very polite." Mirror said as her horn began to glow. Throughout the room voices began call out. First there were only a few, talking to each other about how their day was going or other polite conversation. A few more voices joined chorus these voices were crying, laughing, or yelling in rage. And they were soon joined by more, seemingly dozens and then hundreds. It would be nearly impossible to hear over the raucous without yelling directly into somepony's ear. Mirror cast a second spell, relieving her companions from the first spell. She continued to channel the first spell, so that the brigands and bandits would have a difficult time interfering again. "They shouldn't be able to bother us for now...as for Midnight Sky...Out of all of them, he is the most trustworthy. I don't think we would have a problem if we let him hold onto the sword....

Edited by SilverHeart
  • Brohoof 1

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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@@SilverHeart@@Midnight Scribbler,


As the illusion played out around him and the others shadow mentally rolled his eyes and started to suck the power from the spell, immediately destroying the portion over clockwork and steadily consuming the casters power as she fueled the spell... Weakening the spell at the same time as consuming the caster, should it continue to cast eventually he would eat the caster in their entirety. *'Heh... Also rude to attempt to mess with my senses, you fool no one here little mare... My senses are different.'*

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@@SilverHeart,@@Tricksters Pride,  @,


White Eclipse

Eclipse came out right along with Shadow and Clockwork. He didn't have time for this. He needed to get a move on with the others.

"It isn't eavesdropping when you just HAPPEN to be in the same room." Eclipse said, getting annoyed. "Don't believe me, Mirror? We killed the Litany, and that unleashed a second world onto Equestria. The fate of both worlds is at stake! Just ask Amethyst here!"

Edited by Geek0zoid


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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