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open A Darker Fate: Beyond these Walls Chapter Two.

The Elusive Cinder

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Emerald Gaze.






Emerald raised a brow and shrugged - managing a slight smile of reassurance as she did. She didn't like the idea at all, but lacking anything better, decided to go along with it and try to make the best of whatever situation they ended up in.


There wasn't much else that she could do after all: at the very least she could try and keep them from getting themselves into too much trouble.


"If that's the only plan that we have, I supposed it will have to do." She said carefully. "But can we please do this somewhere other than the noble district? I'd rather not endanger ponies unnecessarily"


Two guard captains ought be enough to ensure their own safety from the creature: and she would keep her eye on it was well.

Never quite forgotten.

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"ORION!!!"  Zintiik was obviously not thinking clearly, but as he saw his friend go flying through the air rational thought left the changeling's mind.  Even as Mirror was attempting to try and set things right Zintiik quickly pushed Willow away from the strange pegasus before launching himself at the ethereal.  Likely a very stupid idea, considering what had just happened to Orion, but he wasn't about to just stand by while Orion was in danger.


Green flames started to flicker around Zintiik as he launched towards Rhalkeem, not really attempting any transformation in particular but trying to do something to appear more intimidating as he attempted to sink his fangs into the pegasus that had sent Orion flying.  







The ex-guard had been about to answer Aegis when everything happened, stopping whatever she had been going to say in her throat.  "What the?"  Orion had just gone flying - sure the unicorn didn't have the powers of the Litany anymore, but was that pegasus really as powerful as that!?  Logic said they should be getting out of here, but Pavisa's conscience didn't like leaving so abruptly as she saw both the changeling and...  Oddly enough, the swordspony that had started following them at some point who's name she hadn't caught...  Both try to attack the ethereal.


Tearing her gaze back to her friends - Kingfisher, Aegis, Blast, Midnight, and everyone else - Pavisa grits her teeth and quickly shakes her head.  She had to get them out alive, somehow...  "Come on!"  She shoves a hoof towards the now ruined door, hoping to get the others to start running.  She didn't like the idea, but she had no idea how they were supposed to deal with something that powerful...  











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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@SilverHeart@Midnight Scribbler


Midnight Sky


For a moment Midnight was too awestruck to move as everything broke down and as Ronin charged at the mystery colt. For once Orion's paranoid over-protectiveness of his sister actually helped them, or at least gave them options other than compliance. But it was the memory that whoever this pony or ethereal is, he was clearly strong enough to intimidate both Amethyst and Shadow, which meant they were all in trouble now. Not even thinking too hardly about anything, Midnight ran over to where Mirror and her friend Scribbler were talking. "Sorry to intrude, and for my companion's courageous stupidity, but you two should probably get going while you can. You should take Willow and Orion and get out of here, and if you don't mind I'd like you to take Sunshine with you. I know I can trust you to not get her hurt and I just can't protect her properly when I'm with my own group." Midnight asked, directing his request more towards Mirror. While everything he said was the truth, Midnight left out the part where he was hoping Sunshine could help bring the two groups closer together, which wasn't likely to happen if the effort was  only being made on one side. And Midnight had a feeling that they would eventually have to join forces with Orion in order to solve this mess, and at the very least it's always better to have more allies.


Then Midnight turned to his sister, who was standing right by his side. "Alright Sunshine, if Mirror says yes then I want you to go with her and her friends on the way out. Help them and treat them as you would anypony else, and if you can then make some friends. If she says no then I want you to follow Pavi and the others out. I'll tell you why I'm splitting us up later, I promise." Midnight said quietly to Sunshine. "Okay then, but if Ms. Mirror says yes then I'll miss you. Make sure you hold that promise big brother." Sunshine replied back. With that out of the way, all Midnight could do was wait for an answer. Either way he planned to stay back and help Ronin and the changeling escape once everypony else was clear of danger. After all, staying behind to help everypony escape was practically his job with how often he's done it.


Sig by DarkestStar, Avatar by Midnight Gaze

My OCs Midnight Sky, Sunshine Rays and Blizzard Blitz

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Crimson watched neutrally as the chaos before him ensued, not doing anything until he saw Ronin and Zintiik attack Rhalkeem. At this, Crimson cursed and tried to stop them. "What the hell are you two doing?! Ronin, don't you remember what happened the last time we tried to kill a super powerful monster?! It didn't end well!! We have to get out of here!" he said, but before he could try to pull them back, he stopped, noticing how familiar Krickit looked, causing him to squint at him. "You...why do you look so...familiar?" he knew that now wasn't the time for something so trivial, but he was just so estranged by the sense of familiarity he had with this creature.

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White Eclipse Blasted Nova

All of this... was too much. White Eclipse came to the conclusion that not another second could be wasted dealing with the likes of this pony. Amethyst may have said that they had a few weeks to stop this, but with how far away they were from Canterlot, there's a chance they might need those weeks.


Blast came to a similar conclusion, and he began making his way towards the door, along with Eclipse

"Equestria needs us. We can't waste anymore time with this. We'll deal with this pony later. We need to leave, now! We're running out of time!" Eclipse and Blast made their way to the door, hoping some of the others would agree with them for once and come along with them.

With that, Eclipse threw open the door...


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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Byter turned around to face the guards that were still inside. "Come on then, we have no time to lose... Get me my stuff and we can get to work!" He said to them. He tried to hide his excitement a little, since it would make him look a little childish... and insane. But he was a predator after all, and that combined with the excitement of setting an ambush, of having a plan come together in the end... He just loved that.

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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@@Scribblegroove@@@Umbreon, Fenix landed on Byter's head and nimbled the edge of his ear once, following that he proceeded to land on Terra's shoulder. Terra smiled at Fenix's gesture as he gave the phoenix an "Oh you!" look. Having understood what the phoenix wanted to do he spoke

"I agree with Fenix... you need to chill. Alright... we'll get going. The lives of the whole city depend on us so... no pressure i guess. Heh..." 

He shook his head left and right as he thought of what Stahl had said about civilians getting hurt in this district.

"This district also contains some pompous ponies and while i wish none harm... let's just say i don't appreciate so much the ones who made Canterlot this way... which is one of the reasons i joined the guard and became captain... to change this."

Maybe now that Stahl returned he could further influence the high-political-power ponies to actually get a bit invested in all of this instead of shouting orders left and right from their thrones.

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@,@,@@SilverHeart,@@Midnight Scribbler,@@Nomadic,


(( Can't remember the rest.. :( ))


Willow Starsinger


"O-Orion!" Willow rushed to her brother's aid, quickly inspecting Orion's hooves, face, mane, and the rest of his body.


"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Willow nuzzled her brother lightly, hoping that he hasn't broken any bones.


(( Short post - tired xc ))


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@,@,@@SilverHeart,@@Midnight Scribbler,@@Nomadic,


(( Can't remember the rest.. :( ))


Willow Starsinger


"O-Orion!" Willow rushed to her brother's aid, quickly inspecting Orion's hooves, face, mane, and the rest of his body.


"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Willow nuzzled her brother lightly, hoping that he hasn't broken any bones.


(( Short post - tired xc ))


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Midnight Scribbler


@@Icy Void,






Scribbler had just considered doing something he had never considered. He wanted to attack, but he knew this creature was not something that could just be dealt with by casting magic, he was clearly far too powerful for Equestrian magic to deal with. Scribbler had something planned, but now was not strategically advantageous to use such a spell. His group was split up, and nopony would be ready to take off on his command. Instead he stood calmly, listening to Mirror's diplomatic speech, and watched as a black blur whipped by their heads towards Rhalkeem. Zintiik.. Of course. Scribbler fired his horn, catching the hind leg of the bug before he made contact and pulled him out of reach to attack. The other pony was now swinging at the ethereal, but Scribbler knew this was suicidal, and he wasn't about to let a second of his friends just get tossed aside. "Zintiik, come back, attacking is not going to help us, you'll only be killed. I know this is difficult.. but Orion struck first, don't do the same.. Please, Zintiik, for your own sake." He said, a worried look in his eye, hoping the bug would listen to him. Midnight made his way closer to the group, dividing Scribbler's attention momentarily to see who it was. His paranoia of the other group stifled seeing who it was. Mirror trusted this pony, so he couldn't be too threatening to them. Then for the first time, he noticed Sunshine. A young filly was in their midst as well? "Who brings their young siblings out on adventures like this? And how is it that I keep getting caught up with looking after them?" He thought, in a slightly comedic way. It didn't matter, the reality was before them, and weather or not they should be here, they were. He suddenly had a thought that had escaped him earlier. The sword. He reached for it, pulling the blade out, and held it out, handle first to Midnight. "I believe this belongs to someone in your group. Mirror seems to trust you enough, so I will too."



Clockwork Green

@@Tricksters Pride,


Clockwork suddenly found himself standing in the passage outside once again. Orion at his hooves, after just watching the stallion get launched through the door. He looked battered, but that was none of Clockwork's concern. Shadow's voice chimed into his thoughts once again, urging him to go. He could hear the others coming, but instead of waiting to see them, he turned to the tunnels and took off, nearly flying. "Got it, I'll meet you.. wherever we end up. Which way should I go?" He had considered at the last second, as he hurtled down the stairwell, there were multiple ways to go, which lead them to their intended destination? He knew which way was back, but was unsure of the other passage. Where had the other team come from earlier on?

Edited by Midnight Scribbler

Check out my new music projects on youtube, Bandcamp, or Soundcloud

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@@Midnight Scribbler, @@SilverHeart, @, @, @


Denarius had often enjoyed a certain schadenfreude from similar events, yet the pegasus' possible intent of harm towards Willow fractured his thoughts. She had been the only pony here that he considered if anything worth more than a fleeting gaze. Appearing to him as a naive and caring oddity within a world that he saw as being only bent towards one's personal interests. Such ideas had presented a drastically divergent path compared to his often self-indulgent methods. Such ideas deserved to be preserved, at least for now.


The stallion's mind flared up with conflicting thoughts as he tried to contemplate the multitude of actions laying before him. Wincing under the mental stress, his head argued with itself readily as his instincts openly demanded for violence against this pegasus. Whilst his slightly more civil minded thoughts wished for nothing but a retention of his aloof façade.


"Hold it", Denarius' conflicted voice lashed out at Mirror before a return to its normal tone. With so many dissenting ideas arising within him, this was one outcome he did not want to see embraced by Fortune's caress. His eyes and body glinted at the visitor with an uncanny determination as he tried to reiterate a point that had been already passed so readily around. "Friend, you have done nothing but mince seductive and threatening words since arriving. Whilst we might not be able to physically overpower you, but what's to stop somepony here from smashing one of your precious gemstones as you try to forcibly take them? All that I... we desire is a simple indulgence as a sign of trust. A trickle more information on these gems of yours is needed before handing them over".

Edited by Nomadic
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@@Midnight Scribbler,@@SilverHeart,@@Nomadic


Zintiik lurched forward as Scribbler grabbed him by the hind leg with his magic, smacking his chin against the floor as he was dragged backwards.  The changeling quickly turned around to see what had grabbed him, assuming it some kind of trick of the pegasus...  And a look of betrayal crosses the bug's face as he sees the glow around Scribbler's horn.


"Let me GO!"  Zintiik starts to squirm, trying to break the spell.  He couldn't believe this - Orion was hurt, and the others...  They were still trying to talk to the one that did it!?  "Some friends you are - I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER THAN TO TRUST PONIES!"  The fact that Scribbler was most likely holding Zintiik back from committing suicide-via-ethereal wasn't crossing his mind at the moment, only that he needed to help Orion...  And the venomous words came easier to him than diplomatic ones did.







Stahl glances towards one of the mages as he walks past.  "May as well get him his sticks - take note of what you've returned to him."  He still didn't like the idea of arming Byter, but he figured that if worst came to worst they still out numbered the being from the other world.  And they may have proven resistant to magic, but Stahl had seen first-hoof that they still didn't like being stabbed.


Glancing at the others as he walks, Stahl flips his head to try and push away his mane (again).  "With the Guard centered here, we can use one of the outposts in the Market district.  It'll be pretty much abandoned at this point, and anypony in that district should have evacuated by now."  He spares a brief glance at Emerald.  "We'll pick up Sol and the others on the way - there will be safety in numbers."  At that comment he turns to glance towards Terra.  "Speaking of which, can you convince any of the Guard to go with us?  Leave enough here to protect the refugees of course, but we'll need as much help as we can get...  And considering I'm technically dead, my orders don't carry as much weight as yours."











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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Byter was literally bouncing on his hooves now. He couldn't stop himself. And considering he was quite large in comparison to these ponies, it looked a little ridiculous. "Yes, get me my tools... I will need them. As quickly as possible." He said.


He thought deeply at throughout all of the excitement. This would be a complete experiment, and there was definitely a chance of failure... He needed a failsafe. Something to protect himself if the energies turned against him. He took the phoenix feather in his claws again. He felt its essence. It's true meaning. He couldn't do much without his tools, but he could assume things... This phoenix would be his failsafe... His buyout. If things went wrong, this would be his backup.


He didn't take his eyes off the feather, looking at it a bit absentmindedly, whilst still grinning. "Please take me to this district... I will need to inspect the area. I cannot just cast magic anywhere..." He was scheming and planning the trap, and his escape route at the same time. What components would he need? What did he need these ponies to do as well. He had to find a constellation fitting to this specific ritual as well... It was complex indeed, but he was sure the ponies would provide what he needed.

Edited by Scribblegroove

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Aegis Dare


@Everyone else in the room


"Right. I'll take point. Stay as close as you can." Aegis said. Without a moment's hesitation, he bolted for the door and rushed past Eclipse, shouting back. "Everypony not sacrificing their lives get out now!"


Still pumped full of adrenaline, Aegis ran after Clockwork, trying to get his attention. "Clockwork! Take the right turn. We're going to the Crystal Empire, getting the information from Kingfisher's friend. So, we're take the right turn." Aegis said, trying to calm his now over-active mind and return to normal...again.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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@@Midnight Scribbler@@Windbreaker,@Cinderscribe,@@Umbreon,


White Eclipse

"Are you kidding me, Clockwork?" Eclipse asked as he caught up, a bit annoyed. "The LAST thing we need is for the team to split up again. I say we take Aegis' directions and take the right!" Eclipse began running down the pathway to his right and signaled for the group to follow him.


Blasted Nova

Blast smiled to himself as he ran slightly ahead of the group. It was great that they were finally getting a move on! He looked back to Aegis as he ran. "Awesome job helping us save the mares, Aegis!" Blast couldn't have said that in a more enthusiastic tone. He then looked back to Kingfisher and Pavisa. "So, how was your time with Mirror and Orion's group of psychopaths?"


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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@@Scribblegroove,@@Umbreon,@,  ((OOC:I should warn you... however magic resistant or whatever your char is if he attempts to escape Terra will hunt him... that very instant. Also... please don't attempt anything more than a big brilliance/blinding spell with the feather because i will officially declare it as OP. The most i can help you in creating is a large fire. And still that won't help you escape much...))

Terra remained silent for a moment. He had a bad feeling about this and he started feeling uncomfortable... the more they spoke about violence to Byter the more he seemed to reach a point where Terra questioned his sanity. He had to be on the safe side.

"Anyone that can come with us should do so... it won't matter where the refugees are if we start attracting them like magnets somewhere else. Plus i don't know what will happen if the magic we attempt gets out of control... we'll need to be sure. Make fail-safes..."

As he issued the order he kept thinking... what could he say to calm down Byter? What could he do? He turned to him as they headed towards the Market district...

"I've treated you right... and i'm prepared to do more... if you're willing to do so as well." he didn't frown, threaten, or anything like that. He was calm and concentrated reminding him that he was different than the rest, that he was willing to do something more than needlessly imprison him. He was willing to be his friend... could he understand that? Or would his blood-lust overcome him and force Terra to do the unfortunate?

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Rhalkeem the Elder.



@@Midnight Scribbler,



Rhalkeem brushed himself down with a hoof - pathetic appendage as it was - and inspected the wound, Rather than blood or gore, it emitted a surreal haze that might have seemed common to his own kind but was completely alien to Equestria - as if reality and existence itself struggled to show how such a creatures injury might appear.




With an irritated look, he felt the magic encasing his body reacted correctly to the next assault - hardening instinctively to the impact of the blade and forming into an inch thick band of solid arcane energy. He blinked, holding up a hoof to indicate that his attention would soon be with his aggressor as he took a moment to finally half-answer one of their questions - if only to shut them up.


Another pony was wrestled away from him as he flicked the hair... they called it a mane, yes? Flicked his mane away from his face.




"Then I will be the least of your concerns. Very unstable magic, you see. Of course, that is to be expected when Wyvern are allowed free reign to weave arcane power... Suffice to say that they are useless to you, and are the to being rid of myself. Excuse me, this will only take a moment..."


Finally lowering his hoof, the 'pony' turned back to Ronin - his overwhelmingly smug smirk curling into a smile of pure sadism. The band of magic had long since faded: once again giving him the appearance of a simple, slender pegasus. The other ponies were taking the initiative and escaping: no matter, he would find them. The trail of their essence was like a beacon in the night.


"Fine, we shall do this your way."








The aspect paused as it was spoken to: staring emotionlessly back at the pony which had said the words.It was supposed to search the ponies but they were leaving: without further orders it was left without direction... and while it was used to servitude, it wasn't quite sure of how to act after its recent experience of freedom.


"Aa-ak" It crackled as it hovered in place - decidedly sick looking and miserable: if emotions were possible for such a creature of cold.






Kingfisher stood, bewildered. She had no love for Orion: in fact, right then and there he was quite possibly her one of her least favorite ponies - second only to the witch that forced her to relive a memory that she had just been able to suppress. Still, the response that the almost-sane stallion had received was... one moment he was there and the next, he simply wasn't.


She was more than willing to do what was needed - she had been called barbaric in the past, and with good reason... but this was something else entirely. Besides: Orion's intentions might not have been to help them, but since their interests has aligned it had proven beneficial.





Taking off at a run to follow her companions, she was about to make some snide remark to Blast when she stalled - glancing behind her.




Emotions seemed to have done nothing to help her yet - only steering her towards weakness and self doubt - but she could stop herself. Not this time - there was the witch, about to be left with an entity that had simply swatted aside the pony that had practically ascended to godhood... and she was trying to talk to it? No - sometimes anger was too much to ignore. She caught Blast's hoof and stopped him.


"I'll be right behind you - make sure the others don't stop." She muttered. "I've got something to finish..."


Motioning for the stallion to follow their companions with a jerk of her head, the navigator charged back into the room and behind the 'pony' - who was now focused singly on Ronin, though for how long was anyones guess - towards the witch that had traveled with and assisted the maniac that had tried to kill her best friend - that had succeeded even - and then had tried to do the same to herself. The vile backstabber that had used her to further her own schemes with the arrogant warlock... They were speaking quite peacefully with Midnight - clearly he had a lesson to learn about loyalty when they escaped.




"You!" She snarled, reaching out and snatching at the figure of not Midnight, but of Mirror Image with a hoof, steely eyes void of compassion or empathy. "Move, or I leave you here."


Pointing a free hoof towards the ruined door, she seethed to herself at the stupidity of what she was doing.



@@Midnight Scribbler,


@@Icy Void,


"All of you, now. I'm not staying to clean up your bodies!"




Amethyst Void.



Amethyst shied away as everything exploded into action: one of the ponies actually had the audacity to attack Rhalkeem: she had to admit, it was quite impressive - though she couldn't fathom for the life of her what had allowed him to actually harm the creature.


The arcane barrier was incredibly strong - designed to protect against physical attacks that had been enhanced by magic - such as those of the stalkers and other creatures of Arcana. All beings from there used something like it to some extant - but only the more powerful could sustain a strong barrier for any length of time like that. As for why the unicorn had been able to pierce it as if it didn't exist at all... she had no idea: but that was a secret she was determined to figure out.


Shadow was trying to flee as expected: strange that he had waited for her this long - she would have gone by now and left him in the dust under normal circumstances, but flitting felt... it felt... wrong. Instead, she hung back and hoped that he wouldn't feel the need to pursue her while there were other, much more vulnerable targets to choose from.


"You know, we might manage to at least hurt him..." She muttered in an irritated tone under her breath - why she cared she didn't know - fleeing seemed like the best option certainly. She stumbled over her words in a hurry to justify them. "I mean, he's only going to follow us anyway, right? We need a better head start than the thirty seconds it'll take him to drain these..."




Orion Starsinger.




Orion grunted once as the impact shuddered through his body not once, but three times. Once when struck, and twice more on not striking, but passing abruptly through the thick wooden barrier and a final time when landing - though this third time was mostly a bodily reaction and not by any design of his own at this stage.


His last conscious vision was that of blackness closing in on his vision as the distance between him and the pegasus extended before a sudden terrible feeling of blunt nothingness spread across his body.


Unmoving - the stallion landed in the hall: twisted in an unnatural position and no sign of peace on his face - just a defiant look of self satisfied pride that was locked in place when no other part of him had been under his control.

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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Blasted Nova

"What the? Hey! Kingfisher, wait!" It was too late. Kingfisher was off like a bullet before he could even have the chance to shout anything. Regardless, Blast didn't go after her, just like she requested of him. "Everypony, Kingfisher want's us to keep moving... so let's go. I'm sure she'll be fine on her own. So, let's continue on." Blast turned away and signaled for the rest of the group to follow him.


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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@@Midnight Scribbler,@, @@Icy Void, @@Umbreon, @, (I think that's everyone that's there)


"NO, Zintiik!" Mirror attempted to shout shouted as the foolish changeling charged at the not-a-pony. What was the stupid bug even trying to do? Even Orion's spells weren't able to hurt the colt. What hope could a changeling have against him? Mirror closed her eyes and looked away, waiting to hear the sound of Zintiik's already damaged carapace shattering against the floor....most likely followed by a scream from Willow. The next sound she heard instead was not the sound of Zintiik breaking upon the ground but his voice, cursing their existence for saving his life. Mirror had to admit, Zintiik had proven disappointing. Maybe Changelings just weren't as impressive as she thought they were. Or maybe he was just a bad drone, he had gotten separated from his hive after all. 


A pony, his voice somewhat familiar broke Mirror's train of thought, She looked up, it was Midnight....the other Midnight....along with Sunshine. And he wanted them to do what? Take care of Sunshine? Why would he even want them to look after her? Their group had lost too much, the bandits would be able to overpower them without even breaking a sweat at this point. Orion was injured, possibly dead, Scribbler was nearly out of magic....again, Neither Willow nor Denarius would likely be able to defend the whole group against any threat they may encounter. Not to mention that Mirror herself probably couldn't even stand up without Scribbler's assistance....the only thing they had going for them was that the yellow pegasus hadn't killed them all yet. It didn't make much sense to leave your sister with a bunch of injured and possibly dying ponies. Meanwhile his group of friends, while not always intelligent were at least in mostly good health. Instead of saying yes or no, Mirror responded the only way she could at the moment.... "Why?"


Before she had a chance to listen to Midnight's reasoning, something spun Mirror around, she stumbled slightly, unsteady without Scribbler's support. More likely than not Mirror looked a little too shocked, possibly even scared when Kingfisher grabbed her. However, that didn't last long, Mirror's face quickly hardened into a glare, before softening a little bit. ".....Okay...." Mirror replied, unsure of how to respond. It wasn't as if the mare had any reason to try and help them....but she was right that they needed to leave...at least o check on Orion.


Not taking her eyes off of Kingfisher, Mirror spoke to Scribbler. "Scribbler....leave the orb. If we don't give it to him he will take it from us....if we give it to him we may however get out of here alive."

  • Brohoof 1

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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Midnight Sky


After being interrupted by Fisher, Midnight got his chance to reply to Mirror. "We may not look it, but our group isn't faring as well as we look, though I'll admit you all look worse for wear. Plus I think your group will benefit more from Sunshine's... talents. That's all I can say at the moment." Midnight said before turning to Scribbler. "Thank you, I'll make sure Fisher doesn't use it against you too soon. If possible I really would like our groups to come to terms with each other at some point." Midnight said as he took the sword, fastening it to his armor. He'd wait until they were out of these tunnels to return it, so long as they didn't get in fight along the way. "Well I should get going with the rest of my group, so I'll just leave Sunshine with you. Take care of Orion, I can't imagine how Willow would feel if he died, though he really should stop getting himself knocked out in strange ancient temple-like places. Anyway, see you all later!" Midnight said before turning to Fisher, who didn't seem to be in the best of moods. "Well then, shall we be off? You know, before the new ethereal decides to kill us." Midnight said to Fisher.


Sig by DarkestStar, Avatar by Midnight Gaze

My OCs Midnight Sky, Sunshine Rays and Blizzard Blitz

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(For those who don't know i use 'this' for telepathic communications... Only Amethyst can hear it.)


At Amethyst's words Shadow stopped in his hovering and surveyed the scene for a moment before sighing inwardly. '... Fine then but three things first. One, you'll owe me for this. Two, when i port us elsewhere there had better be no resistance from you cause i ain't leaving him a snack! And three... Well i've been feeding all day while you drained your energy so here.' Shadow then detaches a small portion of his power to hover in front of Amethyst. 'It'd be bloody pointless if you couldn't even scratch his barriers, you fighting him now would only give him a snack... I'll use beams you use detonators?'

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Ronin glared at the non-pony and swung at him again "fine with me..." He grunted, as he saw the eathrals were making no attempt at leaving "you two need to leave too. I already told you that I'll hold him off while you guys get away." He Said impatiently "I know you want to help amethyst, but you can't... If he gets your essence then there won't be any way of stopping him... And I can't..." He struggled to finish the sentence, and eventually gave up and sighed. "Both of you just go, leave with the others. The least you could do is let a warrior die a good death." He finished, before swinging at the eathral again.

Edited by ~LoSt SoLe~


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Pavisa paused by the door as Kingfisher ran back in, wondering what was happening at first.  As she saw what Kingfisher was trying to do Pavisa couldn't help but smile slightly - even with who they were, the ex-guard hadn't felt like it was right leaving the others behind with the ethereal.  Waiting just outside the door, Pavisa gestures with a hoof towards the hallway.  "C'mon, make it quick!"


While 'Fisher was trying to get their captors to start moving, Pavisa turns her attention farther down the hall to where Orion had landed.  Willow, his sister, seemed to be trying to check on him...  But even from this distance, Pavisa had a feeling it wasn't going to be good.  At least not without help.




"Hey..."  Pavisa moves over next to Willow, crouching down to a lower level and practically laying on the floor.  Her head may have been hurting, and the horn may have suggested otherwise, but the ex-guard was still an earth mare.  That meant there was at least one thing she knew she could do to help.  "He took a pretty nasty fall...  Let's get him somewhere safe so somepony can look over his wounds, right?  Help get him onto my back, I can carry him for you."  She tries to smile reassuringly at Willow, hoping that the other mare would choose to focus on getting help for her brother rather than on how bad his current condition seemed.





@@SilverHeart,@@Icy Void,@@Nomadic,@@Midnight Scribbler


Zintiik's protests don't last long when he finds himself unable to get out of Scribbler's spell, turning his gaze away from their group and towards the door.  "...You can let me go now.  I won't try and attack."  The changeling's voice was cold, lacking even a trace of the usual mocking tone that his words were usually soaked in.  Even as he spoke he wouldn't look at any of the ponies, not wanting any of them to see the pained look on his face.


His mind felt like it was in a haze of conflicting emotions.  Anger at being held back, the feeling of betrayal that the others still seemed so calm, cowardice that he was going to be running away...  But also gratitude that Scribbler had probably saved his life, concern for Orion, guilt for what he had said...


It was getting to be too much for him.  Changeling's weren't supposed to feel these emotions.  They'd been awakened by the temple back at the Falls, and he just...  Didn't know how to deal with them anymore.  I'm broken...  I'm a monster trying to be a pony, and I'm broken...  But I need to help the others get out of here.  I can't fall apart now, not yet.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Midnight Scribbler

@@Icy Void,






Scribbler was struck by the sudden ferocity and anger that Zintiik showed at his action to save the creature from a possible suicide attempt. He frowned at the reaction, and simply let the spell fade. "I only wished to see you live another day, Zintiik. Orion and Willow are alone, they need you now." He turned his attention to Midnight as he'd been addressed, then the blood drained from his face, as Kingfisher suddenly pulled Mirror from his side. His first instinct was to simply attack in Mirror's defense. He turned, pointing his horn with a light charge building. It slowly faded as he realized what she had said to them. Regardless of her clearly uncaring expression, she was offering her assistance, which not only surprised Scribbler, but threw him off completely. He stepped up next to Mirror, nudging her neck with his nose in response. "You are right." He said simply, and reached for the stones. Remembering suddenly the other was missing, he produced the only one he had, and rolled it across the floor towards Rhalkeem. "Go, now.. Run!" He said in a hushed, but urgent voice. He was overwhelmed with a sense of relief and confusion that Kingfisher hadn't attacked Mirror. His thoughts then wandered to the injured unicorn outside. "I do hope Orion is alright... This trip has been nothing but a disaster."



Clockwork Green


@@Tricksters Pride,



Clockwork glanced back as he ran, following Aegis's advice, he veered right down the tunnel. Eclipse had somehow managed to catch up to him. He grunted in response, and used his wings to propel himself forward even faster. "I am merely taking point ahead of the rest of you. If there is to be death today, it shall not be my hide that meets it. I'm sure you will catch up with me eventually." With that he sped off at high speed, smirking over his shoulder at the unicorn. He began making his way through the tunnel, attempting to leave Eclipse in the dust. His magitech battery hummed slightly with the flow of energy running to his mechanical wings as he propelled himself faster and faster.

Edited by Midnight Scribbler

Check out my new music projects on youtube, Bandcamp, or Soundcloud

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@@Midnight Scribbler,


Blasted Nova

Blast sighed and looked back to the group. "Eclipse, you take point for a moment. I'm catching up to Clockwork. I see his point, but we really shouldn't be getting separated right now." Blast almost took off and, within moments, was running at Clockwork's side. "I don't think now's the time to be doing this, Clockwork. We just saved the mares, and we're covering a good distance between us and that non-pony. I don't really see the need to just take off on your own."


@Everypony else in the area

White Eclipse

Before taking off, Eclipse turned to the others and began speaking.

"Y'know, Kingfisher said that we should just continue on without her... but do you all think we should really just leave her? And Pavisa?" Shadow's words from earlier were getting to him. Kingfisher's main response to things was violence without compromise first. No wonder she got herself captured. Eclipse was beginning to question how much of a leader Kingfisher really was...

Edited by Geek0zoid


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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