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open A Darker Fate: Beyond these Walls Chapter Two.

The Elusive Cinder

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Frost shook his head and sighed. "R-right....I'm just not really used to trains...the swaying...the bumps...the turns...they make me sick." He said rubbing his face in his hoofs. He looked back up to Kingfisher and chuckled awkwardly. "Hehe, you saw how I stumbled around when we first met....I just hope it doesn't last long." He cursed, before changing the subject. "What does this "Litany" mean to you exactly? Is it important...to keep away from this Orion pony?" He asked, slumping back in his seat.

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(OOC: Postig from phone.)


Mirror's ears perked up at the sound of "Tactic Wind's" voice.. Mirror frowned for an instant before smiling at him, she circled the changeling once, getting ever closer to him, until she brushed up against him. "Aw, Zintiik, are you jealous you didn't get to spend a day with your mare? I wouldn't blame you. Afterall, Orion did steal Willow's attention today." She teased, stressing his real name.

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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@@Frosty V,


Kingfisher shook her head slightly with a smile that lacked any kind of happiness about the question.


"It's a book that too many ponies are fighting over. All it means to me is that we need to put it in the hooves of someone who won't abuse it..." She said.


Magic wasn't anything that interested her: sure she sometimes carried scrolls and things from Bardic, but they meant nothing more to her than any other tools.


"Orion's already got it: it was one of his crew who got away with it... I don't think he's the one we need to be concerned about, not really. This is... It's bigger than just us squabbling over a book..."

Never quite forgotten.

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Icarus waved his hoof in a dismissive manner. 


"No thanks, not very hungry as of the moment"he said " But thank you for the offer".


never really did like peppers, then again, I don't like to many foods that arn't from the Stalliongrad area, so it's not the only thing.

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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"I see..." Eclipse said in a deep tone. "I see where you're coming from, Crimson, but here's the thing; you are fighting for somepony right now. In fact, you're fighting for the sake of everypony. Like I said, we're all searching for the Litany, but you're searching for it to do the greater good. In fact, maybe you and Blast might get along. He has similar intentions." Just then, a memory spark began going through the mind of Eclipse. That day when his wife was killed...

((OOC: What Crimson said triggered a piece of Eclipse's lost past.))


Eclipse's wife, Star Fire, was about to be executed for the royal guard. Eclipse would've been executed for having suspected relations with the changeling army. However, his wife took his place in the electric chair.

And all Eclipse could do was sit and watch it all happen before him.

"Star, no! You don't have to take my place in the chair!" Eclipse said from behind the glass.

Star lowered her head and shut her eyes. "Strap me up." The royal guard did just that. Eclipse felt like crying. He couldn't believe his wife was about to die for a false crime.

But, it was too late. The royal guard put the helmet on his wife

...and threw the switch.


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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Aegis Dare

@@Commander Tangent, @ Everyone Present


Aegis shrugged, then popped the bell pepper in his mouth. He scoffed down two more before speaking again. "I love bell peppers. I would've bought more, except funds and the fact that they only had five packets left. Y'know, there's a place in Phillydelphia where they make a nice bell pepper stir-fry. Haven't been to that place in a while, so... If anypony is goin' down that way, and if I have any money, I'll treat everypony to bell pepper stir-fry. Sound good?"

Deep down, he was trying not to seem worried, so the others could still look to him to lift their spirits when they needed it. And he was happy enough to do it. 'But what will happen when I break down? Probably better not to think about that for now... They need somepony to put on a brave face. Just like back in the the Temple.

Edited by Windbreaker

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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"Heh, and perhaps if  we ever find ourselves in the vicinity of Stalliongrad, I can treat you all to the true food that is pelmeni" Icarus said with a slight laugh.


He seems to be quite the spirited one, heh, he should be nice company to have around. Hmm, I wonder what Clockwork left to do, probably to rest.

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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Pavisa lets out a small sigh as she sits back in her seat.  Everything had happened so quickly she'd barely had a chance to respond, but thankfully everything had worked itself out.  For the moment, at least.


The ex-guard turns her attention to the window, watching the countryside roll by while getting lost in her thoughts.  Here I'd thought everypony might actually cooperate better after the Falls...  Pavisa sighs again, bringing a hoof up to rub her eyes.  Not getting much sleep the night before was already seeming like a bad idea, even if it wasn't intentional.  "I wonder how long this ride is supposed to take..."






@@Midnight Scribbler


The paranoid changeling glances around to make sure nopony could have overheard before quietly hissing at Mirror.  "Don't call me that here, of all places!  It's not a pony name...  Besides, I don't know what you're talking about."  He was still suspicious of Mirror, even though she had covered their tracks on the way back to Canterlot...  He hadn't had any prolonged interaction with the mare though, so she was still one that he wasn't sure about.  She knows I'm a bug and hasn't ratted me out to the Guard, that's something at least...





It was about this time that Zintiik noticed Orion wave from one of the windows above them.  With a smug smirk at the two unicorns - namely because they couldn't follow in the same fashion - 'Tactic' spreads his wings and flies up to Orion and Willow's window.  Landing on the window sill, the changeling invites himself inside while shedding the disguise of the pegasus in favor of his natural form.  If there was anywhere he'd be able to get a little bit of rest from the disguise, surely it would be in the secured hotel room.


"Heya Orion!  Sorry I'm late, I got a little...  Distracted...  The guards are just too much fun to mess with.  Did I miss anything important?"  He grins at the stallion, seemingly getting better at the gesture now that he'd been practicing for the last couple weeks.  The fangs still made it look out of place on his muzzle, but...  It was a little more natural.  


When he notices the huddle of blankets that he assumes must be Willow, Zintiik tilts his head and his grin becomes...  Just a bit more mischievous.  He'd been fairly quiet when he flew in - there was the chance she hadn't noticed yet...  While waiting for Orion to answer, Zintiik flies over towards the bed and loudly asks "Hey Willow!  What's wrong!?"











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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It wsn't long before the extent of the damage to the ecosystem became apparent: as Canterlot and its outlying villages were left behind, so too were the contingency spells which had held for so many years. Left to its own devices, without magical or Pegasus intervention the sky was twisting in on itself: the grey clouds seeming to churn like tidal waves in the sky.

With the sun hidden away and moving so much slower than its usual pace, the temperature fell to a perpetual chill - which only worsened as the train wound its way further and further northwards.

What would have been more unsettling - had it not started so subtly for anypony to notice, especially when combined with the motion of the train - was the constant, ever so slight shaking of the ground.

Snow started to appear on trees: a stark contrast to the streaks of lightning that occasionally crackled downwards from the dismal sky. The train ploughed onwards though: hardly even slowed by the unprecedented conditions. Evidently the driver had decided that she didn't want to spend a minute longer in this chaos than necessary.

The train shuddered occasionally, and groaned uncomfortably on more than one occasion, but thundered on regardless.

Edited by Cinderscribe
  • Brohoof 2

Never quite forgotten.

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@,@,@@SilverHeart,@@Midnight Scribbler,


Willow Starsinger




Willow rolled out of bed along with the blankets out of surprise. Her muzzle popped out of the cluster of sheets and blushed profusely. "W-why'd you do that?!" Willow demanded, trying to get herself out of this problem with failure. She looked at her pillow and noticed the Aspect still sleeping. "Good.." Willow rubbed her eyes groggily and faced Orion. "Where are the others?"




"He doesn't seem all that high and mighty. He was after the Litany like that other alicorn was, and I think he read a bit of it. Not like you guys noticed."


Aphrodite smirked at the stallions around her and just breathed a sigh of relief. "It'll all be over in another month," Aphrodite said to herself for comfort. Going here was enough already: she would've had an emotional breakdown by now if it weren't for Blast. She had to thank him..

  • Brohoof 1


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Aegis Dare


Aegis smiled and nodded. "You're on. Once all this is over, I'll have to take you up on that offer." He held out a hoof to Icarus. The doctor seemed alright, despite Aegis' earlier suspicions. 'I'm trusting you, Doc. Please don't let this be a mistake.'


Noble Persona and Gwyn


'She did indeed make me pay... more literally than I expected...' Out of the thousand bits he had set aside for Gwyn's shopping, she had spent double that amount. And if it weren't for a few thugs he'd brainwashed into carrying her ever-growing load of shopping, Noble would be even more irritated. "Have you quite finished? Or perhaps you'd like to deplete the family treasury?"


"When are you going to say you're sorry?" Gwyn asked in return, her sweet and innocent tones masking her devious intent.


"Never." Noble replied dramatically. Gwyn went back to her browsing, flicking Noble with her tail. 'I should be planning a coup d’état, not buying Gwyn every random thing she sees.' He thought angrily. He put a hoof to his face.


"It's just two words, brother. I'm sure you can handle that. Or is it too simple for you?" Gwyn said with an air of smug satisfaction. Either way, she wins.


"Fine. I'm sorry." Noble said.


Gwyn giggled. "Was that so hard?"


"You're enjoying this, aren't you?"


"Who can say?"

  • Brohoof 1

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Icarus extended his hoof, and met with Aegis' in a hoof shake.


"It would be my honor Aegis" Icarus agreed in a slightly upbeat voice. He smiled a little under his mask, actually somewhat happy for the first time in awhile.


I have his trust, very good. Hopefully I can trust him equally as well. 

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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"I see..." Eclipse said in a deep tone. "I see where you're coming from, Crimson, but here's the thing; you are fighting for somepony right now. In fact, you're fighting for the sake of everypony. Like I said, we're all searching for the Litany, but you're searching for it to do the greater good. In fact, maybe you and Blast might get along. He has similar intentions." Just then, a memory spark began going through the mind of Eclipse. That day when his wife was killed...

((OOC: What Crimson said triggered a piece of Eclipse's lost past.))


Eclipse's wife, Star Fire, was about to be executed for the royal guard. Eclipse would've been executed for having suspected relations with the changeling army. However, his wife took his place in the electric chair.

And all Eclipse could do was sit and watch it all happen before him.

"Star, no! You don't have to take my place in the chair!" Eclipse said from behind the glass.

Star lowered her head and shut her eyes. "Strap me up." The royal guard did just that. Eclipse felt like crying. He couldn't believe his wife was about to die for a false crime.

But, it was too late. The royal guard put the helmet on his wife

...and threw the switch.



Crimson scoffed. "That's what all heroes who don't have marefriends tell you. While its true, its still not what I'm searching for, the thank yous of random ponies won't fulfill your life, only the love of another can fill the gap and make me whole again..." said Crimson before shaking his head. "Tch, oh great, I've been hanging around writers and poets so much lately that they're rubbing off on me...oh well, more rum can cure that right up, eh Eclipse...Eclipse?" he asked, looking over to the other stallion to see him with a blank stare. "Hey man, is everything ok? You look a bit pale..." he said with a slight hint of concern.

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Blast continued to stare out the window, only he tried to keep his eyes off of Noble and more on the sky and stuff. He couldn't believe that Aegis told Noble about the Litany. Well, he usually was the one to clean up other ponies' problems. Nothing too new, honestly. Though, it was nice to have Aphrodite with him. Even though she wasn't a happy-type mare, she was still probably his closest friend among the group, aside from probably Eclipse.

Perhaps something more.





When the flashback finished, Eclipse honestly didn't know what to make of what he just saw. It was a piece of his past, but why was he just now remembering it? What caused this sudden return of memory?

"That's right... Star Fire..." Eclipse said, raising his head again. "I watched her die via electric chair. But... why? What could she have done? Or.. was it, what could I have done to cause this?"


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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Clockwork Green



Clockwork groaned, having slept for some time, he was still restless. Dreams of horrible storms lived within his mind while he slept, funnel clouds tearing the ground about him. He woke to the feeling of the train car rattling in an unsettling way. Slowly, he let his eyes adjust to the light, then peered out the window. His eyes were met with a blinding white light, snow everywhere. He winced as he struggled to glimpse it as his eyes adjusted. It was much brighter than his bunk. Frost had formed on the inside of the window, branching in beautiful, fern-like structures which curled around one another. "This isn't right.. Winter is far off still, and we're not that far north yet. Something terrible has happened.. I know it.. I just hope it's not as I fear."



Midnight Scribbler



Scribbler watched as Mirror taunted the changeling, she hadn't given much of a response to his talk of sacrifice for the greater good, and was beginning to wonder how worth it it was for him to consider her as more than just friends. She didn't seem at all interested in him, but he couldn't help the way he felt towards her, cruel as she seemed to act towards the changeling. He felt torn for a time, but put these thoughts aside. He noticed Orion, once Zintiik took flight to the window, and shuddered. "I hope he hasn't heard too much.. I don't know what he'll think of me if I reveal my true intent for the Litany. Destroying it definitely didn't seem like what he had in mind before." He glanced back to mirror, who was now standing ahead of him. He gave her a half smile, not really feeling anything at the moment aside from a small bit of dread, lingering in the pit of his stomach. "Well, shall we get some rest? It's been a long day. I have something I need to pick up, but it can wait until tomorrow. There's a shop just over there, which sells cold weather supplies, I'll need a cloak before it gets any colder around here." he shivered, feeling the air grow more and more cold. Frost had begun to form on the windows around the city. "For now, lets just get inside." With that, he trotted up towards the doorway.

Check out my new music projects on youtube, Bandcamp, or Soundcloud

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Zintiik can't help but laugh at Willow's predicament, his wings buzzing quietly as he lifts himself into the air and hiding his face behind his hooves.  "Oh jeez...  I swear, that never gets old...  I'm sorry Willow, it was...  It was just too good of an opening..."


Still snickering, Zintiik flies backwards a little bit to give Willow some space.  He turns towards Orion and grins, still quite happy with the results of his little wake-up for Willow.  "Heh, so...  What's the plan, boss?  Want me to go tell Scribbler and Mirror to get their flanks up here?"











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Aegis Dare


Aegis stared out the window, deep in thought.


'Well, seems like my brain is finally settling down. Ok, let's think about this rationally, rather than panic. Noble is in Canterlot, and he has a mare with him. Maybe he has a marefriend and he's introducing her to his brothers. Or the others could be right and he's up to no good. Well, he won't try anything yet. Not when it takes him an hour to make a move in chess. That move won him the game, but my point stands. We have time to make a plan and find out how to beat him. Odds are I won't get a chance to talk, not with Crimson the way he is. Well... No sense worrying myself to death. To think, all this time, I thought it was just a story. Just a scary bedtime story...'


As he leaned back in his seat, a small smile spread across his face as his worries seemed to sort themselves out until the only one left was Noble, and if Aegis could talk to him for just five minutes, even that could prove to be nothing. "Fear the name, and so shall you fear the one who bares it." He said, once again forgetting exactly where he heard the phrase.

Edited by Windbreaker

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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 Willow Starsinger


Willow gave a silent glare to Zintiik and looked up at her brother. "Orion, we better get a move on. You know what happened before, we don't want other ponies to be spooked now," Willow whispered to Orion, afraid that Zintiik would make fun of her and think that she was hallucinating. 


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@@Midnight Scribbler, @


Mirror sighed as the changeling flew towards Orion's room. "Of course you don't...." Perhaps, she had misjudged the changeling, he had seemed to have the same sense of humor as hers. Or at least she had thought so, it could just be that he isn't used to being on the receiving end of a joke...or he didn't trust her. That was a possibility too.


Mirror turned her head back to Scribbler, "Well, if you're sure getting your supplies can wait until tomorrow.... We should probably check in with Orion before bed though.... I'd personally like to know what his plans are...or if we are supposed to split ways here."

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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It was a long ride - she had expected that. She hadn't really anticipated just how long though. The scenery blurred by just outside the window as the mare glanced back at her companions periodically - some more so than others - but never quite brought herself to speak of what was on her mind.


This was serious business, after all - not the time for idle fancies and chit-chat.


The snow had thickened at an alarming pace after they passed the border into the northern territories: combined with the sheer speed of the train and the blizzard that they seemed to hit at the same time as the snow, the windows were soon pure white and impossible to see anything from.


"Ugh..." Muttered Kingfisher, rolling her eyes as she turned away from the windows. 'Guess there goes my plan of just looking out the window and avoiding conversation for the rest of the journey...' She added mentally, rolling her eyes in disgust and turning to look back into the carriage.


"I'd say we're about... maybe two thirds of of the way there?" She said. "I don't know - we might have passed it for all I know... I've only ever been there by sea, and its not like we can see anything to judge by in this fog..."




"Orion Starsinger.





"Zintiik! By the ancients, don't scare her like that!" Burst Orion - almost like a father scolding a child. He blinked - realising the, perhaps undue harshness and shook his head apologetically. "Sorry... There was some fool at the door a little while back - spooked her a little. Just... try to be sensitive, okay?"


Impatiently, he looked back outside at the other two: still muttering to each other under their breath...


"Can't those two just hurry it up? There's something I need to do: and I need their help..." He said, rolling his eyes. "Willow, go check that you have everything packed please."

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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Midnight Sky


Even though the windows had been plastered over by snow for a little while now, Midnight had continued staring at the window absently as thoughts swirled through his mind. This snow at this point was acting similarly to one of Frozen Stars winter spells, and even though he knew full well that Frozen wasn't here in Equestria the thought still made Midnight uneasy. After all, if the weather continued like this then Equestria very well might end up like the Wendigo Wastelands that cover everything north of Neighland, and that place really isn't all too pleasant. Hearing Kingfisher's remark, Midnight looked over and decided he might as well tell the others that he can sense the Crystal Heart, at least somewhat.


It was a side effect of learning chaos magic, something that generally wasn't accepted in Equestria but of which Neighlanders have no problem with. At least in this case it could prove useful, and in combination with the fact that he and Sunshine have been here before, though they've never been to the actual city, could be helpful if they find themselves wandering outside for any reason. "Don't worry Kingfisher, we haven't passed it, though I'd say we're around where the edge of the snow is supposed to be this time of year. Or at least that's what I can tell from the waves of harmonic energy coming from the Crystal Heart in the Empire. I sort of dabbled in chaos magic for a while so now I can sense when there's a source of harmonic or chaotic magic." Midnight said calmly. Hopefully these Equestria ponies didn't take offense from his knowing chaos magic, even if only a little bit, but now all he could do was wait and see how they react. The foundation of good teamwork is trust after all, so this will be a good way to test the trust of his companions.


Sig by DarkestStar, Avatar by Midnight Gaze

My OCs Midnight Sky, Sunshine Rays and Blizzard Blitz

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Frost slumped further down in his seat. He kept looking over to Kingfish. He would open his mouth like he was going to say something, but would turn away and hope she hadn't seen. He felt a strong need to show the mare he could handle himself, if he ever wanted to join them on there adventure for the Litany. He hesitated before turning to Kingfish and speaking. "I'd like to join you..." he said in an overly awkward tone before clearing his throat. "I would like to join you on your quest for this book...ma'am." He said ending softly.

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@ everyone present


Icarus shook his head. He was quite tired and drained. The hotel bed from last night had done him no favors. He stood up in his seat, and looked to everyone


"If any of you requires me,I shall be in the bunks" he said, heading for the sleeper car.


@@Midnight Scribbler,


He entered the car, not noticing Clockwork, and went for an available bunk. He sat down on it for a few seconds. 

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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Midnight Scribbler




Scribbler's heart sank with the thought of parting ways. He knew the task ahead was not going to be easy, and without them, he knew it would be even more dangerous. "Why would she suggest splitting up? That's the last thing we need to do now." He nodded at the idea of checking in with Orion though. "Well, that was the plan.. Why would we be splitting ways at a time like this though? With all that's at stake.. It just wouldn't make any sense." He trotted over with Mirror as they began to ascend the stairway. "We need our full strength if we are to face that blasted unicorn demigod, Noble." He glanced to Mirror "We may not be able to kill him.. at least.. not with our magic. However, if we find the book.. it may separate him from the magic as it did with Orion." Scribbler frowned, looking down as he continued next to Mirror. "I just pray it doesn't come to that.." In his heart, he knew this was likely where they were headed. Noble was linked with the book, and would undoubtedly be ready when they found the Litany.. If they got to it first.


Clockwork Green

@@Commander Tangent,


Clockwork rolled out of his bunk, jumping down to the floor. He stumbled as the car lurched slightly and shook, but regained his footing on the isle. He glanced over as he suddenly noticed Icarus sitting nearby. "Well.. Didn't notice you enter. How goes it, friend? It seems I dozed a while, how long has it been?" He smiled in a friendly way, his expression warmer than it had been all morning. His head wasn't hurting anymore, which helped his mood substantially.

Edited by Midnight Scribbler

Check out my new music projects on youtube, Bandcamp, or Soundcloud

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@@Icy Void


Pavisa jerks her head up from her hooves - she'd fallen asleep at some point during the ride.  Ugh...  When did that happen..?  Rubbing a hoof over her eyes, she looks at Kingfisher and grins.


"If we passed it, I wanna know who's still putting down train tracks way out here..."  She glances at Midnight and grins, still looking partially asleep.  The importance of what he'd said had gone right over Pavisa's head - magic was magic to her.  She didn't really know the difference.  


Hiding a yawn behind her hoof, she turns to glance out the window.  "It looks...  Really cold out there..."








Zintiik flinches at Orion's outburst, dropping to the ground and cowering slightly.  Orion may not have had the power of the Litany anymore, but the fact remained to Zintiik that the unicorn had possessed that power.  The changeling still looked to Orion as the one in power, and didn't like the idea at all of him being angry at him.


"Alright, I'm sorry, sheesh...  What's this about somepony sneaking around?  Should I be on the lookout for something?"  He glances from Orion to Willow worriedly, not really understanding what has the two of them so upset but willing to take it as a serious threat.  











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



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