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open A Darker Fate: Beyond these Walls Chapter Two.

The Elusive Cinder

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Denarius hadn't been back to Canterlot for far too long, yet with the strangeness of weather as of late he had forced himself to return once again. Whilst the trip back had been primarily an excuse to once again visit his family, who were more than shocked to see their son arrive at such an odd time, yet he had also grown disinterested in the lights and glamour of his adored home of Las Pegasus as of late. This trip had all been for naught though. His parents had been fine, and he had long since grown tired of the familiar pace of Canterlot before even arriving.


"I don't even know why I ever bother returning to this blasted city. It's always the same reaction, and feeling of regret every time I come back", he sighed, slightly frustrated with his short-sightedness of the situation.


Putting on his cloak and grabbing what little travel supplies he had brought with him, Denarius left his parents place determined to leave this city behind, for what we had hoped was longer this time. Quickly reaching the streets below, he began to weave through the crowds of ponies trotting through the familiar cobblestone pathways of his childhood. He had wasted too much of the day already, and he had to reach the city limits soon. If he was not able to, any hope of him travelling with one of the few remaining caravans mad enough to run during this time would be gone, and it would be one long lonely trip back.


Suddenly, a crackling noise ripped through the sky, and a ripple of light soon followed. Almost instinctively, his horn began to glow a pale white, yet it was of no use. The light quickly encompassed him, and the surrounding area. Within the blink of an eye, the surroundings of the familiar city of Canterlot had disappeared, only to be replaced by the unfamiliar landscape of some ancient snow-covered valley.


Woozy from the sudden shift of surroundings, Denarius scanned the valley trying to get a sense of bearing. He hoped his cloak would protect him for now, but if he did not find any kind of shelter he would soon freeze regardless. Unfortunately, from his view this valley appeared almost untouched by the hooves of pony-kind, yet off in the distance he saw spotted a group of distinctly equine-shaped silhouettes. Cautiously, he began to make his approach towards the group which lay ahead.

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@@Windbreaker@@Frosty V,


Blast looked over to the two.

"Well, I don't have any ginger or tea, so why don't we just the attendant if she has some in her drink cart." Blast tried to relax further into his seat. Now that he was in peace and quiet, another question popped into his; where could the Litany even be? Was it moved to another location? Nopony could've moved it, so if that was the case, it would've have to had moved on it's own. He only hoped they would get there sooner than later so he could find out.


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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Frost looked over to the new pony and shook his head and smiled, "No thank you, I'm not really a fan of any kind of tea. I usually just wait it out, but conversations take my mind off of it for a time." He said, extending a hoof. "Frost Typhoon, but I prefer Frost but call me what you fancy." He said with a laugh as he turned his gaze to Blast who appeared to be deep in thought, "You alright Blast....you seem to be thinkin hard enough for smoke to burst out your ears." He said, lifting an eyebrow and chuckled.

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(OOC: Sorry for the short post. I have a lot of studying to do.)


Mirror closed her eyes to shield them from the bright light, when she opened them she found that the walls and warmth of the hotel room had been replaced by the white and cold of a blizzard. The cold of the snow cut through her fur, chilling the left side of her body. It wasn't often that she was thankful she couldn't feel anything on her right half. Mirror looked around as she stood up. Though the snowfall made it difficult to see, she could make out a few pony-ish shapes ahead of her. Levitating the cloak out from her saddle bags Mirror quietly walked forward to join the others.

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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Crimson gave Eclipse another slightly confused look. "I have no idea...for all we know, she could've been your sister, or your marefriend, so until you learn the truth, we don't know anything...but I do know one thing..." he said slowly, holding up his now empty bottle of rum with a look of displeasure. "I know that I'm gonna go look for more rum...I'll be back in a minute, try not to think on it too hard..." he said, before trotting to the next cart.




Crimson trotted in just in time to hear Kingfisher's little speech about the wonders of sailing, and her comment on how boats are the best way to travel. Crimson smiled and patted her back as he trotted by. "I couldn't agree more, trotting is too slow, flying is too safe, and trains just piss me off, but sailing? Now that is how to travel! The places you go, the things you see, the ponies you meet, its like nothing you can ever expect to find if you just stay in Equestria...anyway, do you happen to have any rum on ya?" he asked with a chuckle, not noticing that the cut above his eye was bleeding again.


((Crimson is feeling much better after drinking, lol))

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Zintiik huddled under the cloak Orion had tossed at him, staying as close as he could to Orion and Willow.  With the cloak over him he was mostly pony-shaped, so he didn't need to worry about his secret being exposed just yet...  Though that was the least of his worries right now.  


The changeling's teeth were clattering, and his movements were starting to feel somewhat sluggish.  Bugs didn't tend to mix well with the cold, after all.  All he can do is nod when Orion suggests finding shelter, eagerly looking forward to being somewhere out of the cold.





The ex-guard makes her way back to her seat, taking a moment to rub her chin where it had smacked against the floor when the train had rocked.  "So much for walking around...  I'd get less bruises in a sparring match..."  She spares a glance to the others before speaking up, still rubbing her chin.





"Say, out of curiosity...  About how long did it take to get used to moving on a ship?  And is it anything like this freaking train?  I can barely keep my hooves under me..."











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Grinning awkwardly, Kingfisher answered without looking Pavisa in the eye - she wasn't used to the weird king of sickness that she felt when lying - like guilt but... well... weird..


"Uh... Well if you listen to anythin' Red say's, you've either got it or you haven't." She shrugged. "I'm not so convinced. You'll be fine!"


She used Crimsons unanswered question to change the subject.


"Why would I have Rum? Sorry Grinn." She shrugged. "Red's stuff is staying sealed for now too - it ain't cheap."

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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@@Frosty V,


Blast looked over to Frost, putting an ice pack on his head.

"I'm just asking myself a few questions here and there. In fact, they're questions that I think should've been answered long ago. Like... why is this Litany so important to Redwave? He never explained it to me before, so for all I know, I could be digging myself into a hole." Blast said, slowly munching on his peanuts. "Want some?" He asked.





Eclipse sat back down on the stool and took another sip of wine. He couldn't get the images out of his mind. Why did the royal guard kill Star Fire? In fact, why should he even be caring? He just had to know. He only knew one thing; him and Star Fire knew each other all too well before the mare's death. He tried to drink the images away, but it was no use. He had to find out who Star Fire was, and the only way he knew how to find out was to find the Litany before Orion or Noble.


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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@@Midnight Scribbler



Denarius began his advance towards the mysterious silhouettes as the snow compacted with every step of the hoof, and the hollow chill of the wind slowly cut through him. His movements were muddled from the snow, and the shift in scenery, yet he knew that he had to press slowly onwards in hope of reaching others. 


His mind began to slowly reel back towards the events that had led him here today. Oh, how fortune had a most bizarre way of guiding him through his life, he thought with a slight chuckle. It was inconceivable on how such an event could even transpire, yet his current situation only began to whet his interest.


Denarius slowed his approach as the figures gradually shifted into his view. It appeared to be a small band of adventurers, how curious. What would any pony with a sane mind be doing out in this weather? Stepping back a few paces a thought occurred. Deciding that he should observe this group before attempting anything too rash. He had most certainly caused too much trouble from making such naive mistakes before.

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Aegis Dare

@@@Frosty V,



"Aegis Dare. Just a humble writer and storyteller. Pleasure to meet you." He said, shaking Frost's hoof. Blast's comment about Redwave caught his interest. What did he want the Litany for? "Maybe he intended to turn it in to the Princesses and collect a reward."
'Actually, I have no idea what he planned to do. When I first saw him, he was a statue. And I didn't really speak with him on the way to Canterlot, either.' Aegis thought before another thought crossed his mind. One that he'd forgotten about: Pavisa. 'Ah yes... The romance that may or may not exist. Was I overthinking things? Am I overthinking it now? I'll have to ask her.' Aegis got up from his seat. "Excuse me for a moment. There's something important I've got to attend to."

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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@,@@Nomadic, @, @@SilverHeart, @@Midnight Scribbler,  


Willow Starsinger


"Thanks, Orion."


Willow smiled at her brother in the midst of all this cold. She saw a figure in the distance after helping Zintiik up. She narrowed her eyes, squinting at the figure. She figured it was Midnight Scribbler: the pony looked more like him than it does Mirror. Willow made her way closer to the pony. "Scribbler? Is that you?" Willow then noticed it wasn't Midnight Scribbler. It was some stranger! 


Willow didn't know what to do, so she screamed. She calmed down after a few seconds. "Sorry, I thought you were somepony else. Why are you out here? It's freezing! Come, we'll help you. We're trying to find our friends: they got lost." Willow smiled at the stranger.. hospitality was one of her best personality traits, well, only second to trust. Willow trekked back through the snow to find Zintiik and Orion. "I found.. somepony!" Willow said to the others.


She still wasn't too sure whether or not to trust this pony. She could just leave Kricket to do that job. Kricket could usually sniff out somepony bad. Meanwhile, she looked around for Scribbler or Mirror. 


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Orion Starsinger.





It was Willows voice that sparked Orion into action: his amazement that the spell had worked breaking as his head whipped around. The cold pressed down on him and dulled his senses but the surge of adrenalin was enough to push himself into a protective zeal.


"Stay where you are!" The unicorn commanded - not specifying which of the two he was referring to as he lumbered forwards in the snow - horn igniting with blue light as he came between his sister and the other pony.


The stranger didn't seem familliar - he didn't think that it was one of group of thugs that seemed to be hounding them - but Noble Personas betrayal was still fresh in his mind... and if that happened again, Willow was not going to be the victim!


"Who are you?" He challenged. "What are you doing out here?"






Kricket was not in the least bit happy about the situation.


First he had been teased with all that magic - which had been taken away from him. Then it was cold and just to add to his ordeal he was shoved unceremoniously into the dark prison.


"A-aown G--a-ood!" he tried to mimic mournfully from inside the saddlebag - finally settling down to chew at a stray thread while he sulked.

Never quite forgotten.

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She wasn't sure exactly how she differed from Legion and other incarnations of the Aspect, but she was impressed at her room. Gwyn had memories of other rooms just as grand and some not so grand, but none of those rooms belonged to the Aspects. This one was hers. Her things were stacked neatly, her new dresses hung in the wardrobe, and there was even a tray of food on a desk.


"He can't help himself showing off, can he?" She said with a sly grin. "I'm going to have fun teasing him with this..."



Noble Persona


The hideout had everything Noble needed. A study, a wing for housing any companions he trusted enough to bring them down into the hideout, and a training room.


"Now then, time to evaluate my combat skill. I can't let my skills slip." He said. His horn glowed as he animated a practice dummy and levitated two wooden swords in front of him and the dummy. "Until the spell ends, you will do everything in your power to defeat me."


The dummy took one sword and Noble took the other, holding it up level with his horn and pointed at a similar angle. "En garde." The dummy lunged, thrusting the sword at Noble's heart. With quick reactions, Noble twirled his sword around to meet his opponent's blade, forcing the incoming thrust to aim downwards instead. Taking the moment to push on the offensive, Noble stomped on the dummy's sword hilt, breaking the wooden instrument. Noble brought the blade around to the dummy's throat. Against a living opponent, that would be a killing blow.


"I said do EVERYTHING in your power to defeat me. That was pathetic. Practically an insult to the art of swordplay. Again, and this time... give me a challenge."

Edited by Windbreaker

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Denarius stopped in place. His mouth curled, hoping he could calm this adamant Unicorn down.


"What does it matter who I am? You already seem intent on finding any reason to strike me down", he stated plainly whilst looking straight at this angry individual. "I have really harmed you that badly? I don't even know who you are. Granted, I will extend to you some civility which you have not offered me. You may call me Denarius".


He looked up at the sky wistfully for a moment pondering the second question. Watching the snow slowly spiral down, he began replaying yet again the events of the day. Thinking about how he had arrived at such odd destination. The shimmer of light, the glow of his horn then nothing, but this snow surrounding him.


"I will be honest with you, I have very little knowledge of where I am or why. In fact, I could easily ask the same question of you and your companions. Why would anypony wish to wander around an area like this in such weather".

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Midnight Scribbler







Scribbler shuddered with the feeling of a cold wind blowing from the white light that had begun to expand around him. The spectacle was like nothing he'd ever seen. "Bloody hell.. I should have bought that cloak when I had the chance." he thought, as he suddenly found himself surrounded with snow and ice. He felt the cold cutting through his fur, but wasn't bothered at first. What mostly bothered him was the sudden brilliant white he was being subjected to. His eyes stung as they attempted painfully to adjust to the sudden change in light. Scribbler scrounged blindly for his goggles, and located them with touch alone. He placed them on his head, and adjusted them. "ah.. much better." he thought, as his vision was not only more clear, but the snow wasn't whipping his eyes anymore. He could see Mirror close by, and she moved off towards three other shapes in the snow, which he could only assume were Zintiik, Orion and Willow. He trotted over towards them, coming up to Mirror's left. Orion and the others bacame more clear as he approached, he leaned towards Mirror. "Well, this isn't exactly what I had expected.. It would seem I should have bought that cloak when I had the chance." He chuckled, but was suddenly not finding the cold as funny. He shivered now, the wind was getting to him. Suddenly Orion was on the defensive, and that's when Scribbler noticed the newcomer. He stood silently, waiting to see what the stranger would do. Soon he found himself huddling into Mirror's side, trying to keep warm. His saddle bags kept his back and sides sheltered, but he was beginning to feel the cold sap his inner warmth.



Clockwork Green

@@Commander Tangent,


Clockwork raised a brow. "Hit something?? Well.. wait, wouldn't it be best to stop and see? I mean, we are going far too fast for an engine like this. We could be overtaxing the cylinders. You could blow a line like this! We can't see a damn thing while moving at top speed in a snow storm." He glanced at the gauges on the boiler behind the engineer, seeing they were nearly at the red line.

Edited by Midnight Scribbler

Check out my new music projects on youtube, Bandcamp, or Soundcloud

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@@Nomadic,@,  @,@@Midnight Scribbler,@@SilverHeart,


Willow Starsinger


"Look, you two, settle down. We're in the middle of a snowy valley and we don't know where we are! We have to find shelter quick or we'll be snowed in!"


Willow sighed and trotted ahead. She decided to find shelter first. She didn't think that, with her friends, it wouldn't be very fun to wander around a freezing cold valley. Luckily she found out how to start a fire with two sticks when she was in Filly Scouts when she was younger.. She found a cave nearby and tried her hardest to get there - hoping, just hoping that she'd have enough strength and maybe somepony in the group had a match. She didn't worry that she'd get lost. She could start a fire and attract the rest of the others towards it. 


Willow fell to the floor out of exhaustion: it didn't hurt much; a smooth stone broke her fall. She looked around the cave for two sticks. She let out Kricket out of her saddlebag for a source of light and traveled deeper and deeper into the cave..


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@@Midnight Scribbler,


Zintiik makes his way up next to Willow and Orion again, looking at the newcomer from under the cloak he was huddled in for warmth.  He was too cold to even think about putting on a disguise, so he hoped that the cloak would do a well enough job of keeping his identity hidden.


"C-c-c-can't w-w-we...  F-f-figure th-this out...  In o-one of those c-c-caves?"  He turns to gesture at one of them, just in time to watch Willow disappear into it.  Willow?  Where's she going?  Deciding that anywhere had to be better than here, the changeling turns to try and follow her.  Wherever they were going, Zintiik sure hoped that it was warm...











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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Grey Cap.


@@Midnight Scribbler,

@@Commander Tangent,


"Yer not listenin' lad - we dint hit nuthin'... Somethin' hit us!" The stressed driver snapped. "An I'll be Celestia's mum 'fore I stop this train t'let it 'av another go! "


He turned to look back at the front windows just as a shadow seemed to pass over them - like a rain loud in a sea of white. He stared in confusion for a moment at the phenomenon before...




@@Snowy Storm,

@@Frosty V,




& anyone I might have missed - this list is from memory!




There was no uncomfortable shaking or jolt this time - no, instead the train was simply lifted clean of the tracks be the force of the impact: hurled down from the elevated position of the tracks, downhill - the carriages separating as they rolled two... three... four times.


The elderly stallion was a tough old thing - but the impact was finally too much. His eyes rolled back as he gave in the sleep for one last time: never knowing of his final failure of a journey.




Orion Starsinger.






@@Midnight Scribbler,


"I am Orion. I have business here, and unless you intend to try and attack me, I suggest you stand down and back away from my sister."


He didn't really know if he was up to conflict of any kind after that spell - but the stranger didn't need to know that. His horn shimmered in the air as he stared down the pony - pausing only to glance back at the spot where Willow had been...


Had been.


"Willow!" He shouted: turning to give chase.

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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"Ahh!"  As the train started to turn Pavisa reacted as best as she could - she grabbed her halberd and quickly wedged the blade into the wall next to her.  It wouldn't do to have somepony get skewered just because her weapon went flying.


She couldn't figure out much more about the actual rolling of the train car, apart from a lot of slamming into the walls, floor, and ceiling.  Groaning loudly the ex-guard tries to pick herself up as the car comes to a rest, glancing around at everypony else.  Her armour had meant she'd managed to avoid most of the banging around, apart from a few new bruises on her head.


Waiting to make sure the train is stopped she pulls her weapon back out of the wall, dragging herself over to the others.  "Is everypony okay?  Sheesh...  What just happened!?"  Pavisa tries to look towards one of the windows - she couldn't really tell what was going on out there, or even what direction the train car had landed in...











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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Aegis Dare

@, and anyone present


"I-I'm ok...I think. Everypony else alright? Pavi? Are you ok?" Aegis stirred, slowly trying to get to his hooves. He assessed the damage he'd sustained. Despite his durability, he now had more bruises than he'd ever collected in his life, injured his shoulder, and his nose was bleeding. Fortunately, his wings were bruised but funtional. "We've got to regroup. Whatever hit us is probably coming back."

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Clockwork Green


@@Commander Tangent,


Clockwork watched as the shadow moved bast the window. The engineer's words, coupled with this, and all his previous fears of what were causing this storm welled up all at once. Chills ran up his spine, and he felt like running, but was frozen on the spot until whatever was out there, collided with the train, sending it reeling into the air and off the rails.

It was chaos, nothing made sense, up and down were irrelevant as the train rolled. Clockwork, Icarus and the Engineer were thrown about like rag dolls in the cabin of the train until it finally landed hard in the snow. Steam jutting out from the leaking boiler tank outside left the windows covered in condensation which began to freeze against the cold glass. Clockwork woke up, some minutes later with a bad gash on his arm. His face had taken a spray of hot steam from a ruptured line in the cabin, which now was depressurized, and dripping the remnants of the boiled water. He could feel bits of ice cracking and falling away from his burn. The steam had depressurized so quickly, it had frozen on contact with Clockwork's face. He limped into a sitting position, and cradled his arm, seeing it was bleeding pretty badly, and the right side of his face stung from scalding and frost bite. He didn't think anything had broken, at least nothing inside him. He scrambled to check his bags, praying everything was still intact. Nothing seemed out of place, in fact everything was relatively untouched. The bag seemed to have taken much of the impact and most of what he carried was made from metal, except for his beloved wine. It was seeping out from the bottom of the bag where he found a mass of broken glass and a cork. "Just my luck.." He thought. "All this trouble, and no drink to soothe the hardship." He rolled the Engineer over, checking him to see if he still breathed, but the Stallion was cold, and didn't move. "Shit.. Now what?"



Midnight Scribbler






Scribbler watched as the two stallions faced off. He fired his horn up, building a bubble around himself. This wouldn't help the cold, but it would stop the wind from hitting him, and that was better than nothing. "I'm not prepared enough for this weather.. Nopony mentioned anything about snow." He shivered uncontrollably. This had become much more confrontational than he'd expected all of a sudden, so he stepped in. Trotting over to Orion, he could see this pony didn't seem to be much of a threat.. at least not in this situation. "Orion.. I don't think this Stallion intends to harm us.. We should find shelter though, before we freeze to death. We can properly introduce once we're safely out of this weather. I understand your position here, but now isn't the time to get into a fight." He gazed knowingly to Orion, having watched him expend great amounts of magic, he knew he wasn't going to be at full strength, even if he did need to fight. He only hoped that Orion trusted him enough to take this advice, and not get angry with him. "There are much more pressing dangers out here than this unicorn. We outnumber him to begin with." Scribbler gave a half smile, trying to diffuse Orion's defensive wall.

Edited by Midnight Scribbler

Check out my new music projects on youtube, Bandcamp, or Soundcloud

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Midnight Sky


"For Neighland's sake! What now?!" Midnight exclaimed as he was flung around in the rolling and flying train car. This didn't come as a total surprise to Midnight, after all their group had some of the worst luck in all of Equestria, maybe even the whole world, so something like this was probably inevitable. Nonetheless, Midnight was still irritated by the fact that not only did their train fall apart, but it did so in his least favorite part of Equestria and with his sister on board. Once the train car came to a stop Midnight stood up shakily, thankfully he had avoided any serious injury due to his armor, though he would probably find plenty of bruises the next time he took his armor off. Midnight was also glad to see that his sister had landed not far off and she seemed well given the circumstance, and the others who had been in the same car also seemed fine for the most part. "Come on, up you go. Glad to see you're all right Sunshine." Midnight said to his sister as he propped her up. "Thanks, but can we please not do that again brother. It wasn't very fun." Sunshine said in a daze.


Midnight guessed she was dealing with some minor shock, knowing his sister he knew she'd be fine in a few minutes after she's rested. "I agree with that. Now you sit down while I check on the others." Midnight told his sister before turning and trotting to help everypony else. "Aegis, Pavisa. Sunshine and I are all right. And you're right, we need to regroup. Either we were attacked or the train just derailed because of how fast we were going considering the weather, both require that we gather up everypony and find someplace safe to whole up for a bit. We'll have to walk the rest of the way to the Crystal Empire, and we can't travel in this weather." Midnight said before turning and looking for Kingfisher. Last he recalled Fisher had been with that mare who had been on the train with them, hopefully they were still together. Two ponies were easier to find than one.


Sig by DarkestStar, Avatar by Midnight Gaze

My OCs Midnight Sky, Sunshine Rays and Blizzard Blitz

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Willow Starsinger


Willow eventually found another stick and smiled as she added it to her little stick pile in her saddlebag. "Now, where are the others? Orion's probably facing off with that stranger, that's for sure," Willow mumbled aloud to herself, yet still intended for Kricket to hear. She heard hoofsteps toward the cave entrance, and quickly hid behind a rock. It could be another stranger.. except probably more violent. But she heard huffing and puffing and a thud. She peeked over to the intruder - well, she wouldn't call it intruder, but she could consider this her new temporary home.. 


"Zintiik.." Willow frowned, trying to drag the changeling to a wall and began attempting to start a fire. Now, it's been years since she started a fire without a match. She gave Kricket to Zintiik to hold for a while so that it wouldn't be afraid by the sparks. She didn't know the Aspect too well, but it certainly likes her. She heard more hoofsteps - quick ones - and told Zintiik and the Aspect to hide quick. 


"Who else is there?" Willow asked cautiously at the mouth of the cave.


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@@Icy Void
Icy was sitting in her seat thinking about seeing the crystal empire when the train flipped. She let out a cry as she flipped with the train. her rapier, luckily, was sheathed in it hilt, but Icy was still slammed against the side of the train, hard. After the final flip she landed on her back. She felt tremendous pain rock through her body. She let out a small cry before setting herself to her side. She laid there for a while before trying to get up. She tasted a little blood in her mouth.
Using her magic she made her body colder so to ease and hide some of her pain. She was running on her magic of the cold and Ice now. She heard the other on the train calling out.
"I'm ok" she called out to the others, not sure who she was responding to.
"What happened?" she said standing up slowly, so not to hurt herself.

Edited by Snowy Storm


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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@@@Midnight Scribbler


"I would suggest you listen to your friend there, unless you've grown accustomed to becoming an ice sculptor". Though as the words left his mouth, Orion turned shouting frantically for the younger mare, and soon left him where he stood to give chase.


Denarius stared blankly at where at the ground where Orion stood for a moment, unable to fully understand what had just occurred. The wind began to pick up. The cold biting at any exposed bits of fur as it shook him out of his dazed state. Glancing back at the ground where Orion had stood Denarius realised that unless he wanted to soon become a frozen landmark, he should follow him no matter the future consequences. He broke into a trot trying to mirror the unicorn's movement, and praying that he find shelter from such harsh weather.

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