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open A Darker Fate: Beyond these Walls Chapter Two.

The Elusive Cinder

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@@Midnight Scribbler,






Zintiik groaned as his eyes fluttered open.  The cave wasn't exactly comfortable, and neither was sleeping in the form of Tactic...  But, they'd seemed to have made it to morning.  He mutters quietly under his breath as he stands up and flexes his wings.  "Dear Chrysalis, what I wouldn't give for one night's sleep in a hive bed..."  


Glancing around the cavern he makes sure to watch what he says when he notices the newest addition to their party before stepping over next to Scribbler.  "You're alive," he mutters in Tactic's bland voice.  There was just a hint of amusement behind the words - Zintiik really was glad to see the unicorn still with them, he was just trying not to break character.  The newcomer still didn't know what he was, and until necessary the changeling was going to try and keep it that way...


He looks around the cavern again, his ears picking up a little in concern.  Tactic Wind may not have normally displayed much emotion, but Zintiik broke character just enough to let the worry show on his face.  "Wait...  Where are Orion and Willow!?"  A dozen different thoughts crossed the changeling's mind at once - did they leave us here?  Did they use the storm to abandon us?  Why out here?  Was the portal just to get us out of their manes!?  I don't want to be alone again...  He fidgets a little where he sits near the wounded unicorn, too distracted by his thoughts to even hear their voices outside the cavern. 











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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@,@@SilverHeart,@@Midnight Scribbler,@,@@Nomadic,


Willow Starsinger


Willow smiled big at her brother and hugged him tight. She was surprised - she hasn't played with her brother since he learned about the Litany. Well, at least he wasnt willing to anyway.


"Orion, how come you care about the Litany so much?" Willow asked her brother, making sure not to go too far from the cave. She struggled to push a big snow mound by herself, completely forgetting she could simply levitate it.


She looked around, noticing that she hasn't seen Kricket for a while. Was he hiding somewhere? Was he missing? Normally it would have been nipping at her wings.. Speaking of wings, she's been really annoyed by her wings lately. She shook her head frantically. "Come on, Willow.. This is your only time with your brother and you're completely ruining it!"


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@@Icy Void,




What had happened?


They had been struck - they should be dead. Why had the lightning not killed them? Why had only one followed its direction fully? Of course, there was no need for questions: the cause was perfectly clear.


The traces of the old magic were gone though... mostly.


The residue hung in the air for a moment: clearly visible to a creature from the same world as it: a creature that could see more than these pitiful ponies could ever hope to. When it cleared, the one struck was still breathing.


No matter: the mountains would finish them.


The source if the old magic was gone - there was no threat now. Nothing left for hundreds of miles from the ancient ages or from that other world... nothing that would prove problematic. The watcher would continue to observe though. It was weak, but it couldn't risk their survival. If the mountains failed, it would have to intervene.







@@Frosty V,


Giving Frost a quizzical look, the earth mare shook her head as she turned to peer into a dark passageway which was far too small for her to fit. It was probably nothing: just a natural formation or something... but she couldn't help feeling unnerved about how many such holes she had seen.


"Well... like I said, I'd rather not have something sneak up on us in the night..." She said in an off hoof voice: as if discussing the weather. "I think... is that a dead end over there? Is that it?"


She could hope: the way the wind (or at lest, what she hoped was the wind) whistled through the holes in the walls unnerved her enough: if they knew that there was a dead end behind them at least that was one thing they didn't need to be concerned about.




Orion Starsinger.



@@Midnight Scribbler,





Smiling to himself despite the cold, Orion started pushing snow together with his horn.


"How are you feeling?" He asked his sister casually: his tone masking his true concern - bringing his little sister to such a place might well have been a bad choice: but what was the alternative? Stay with her in Canterlot until Noble came to finish them off? No - he had to strike first for both their sakes. "I know its cold out here: hopefully we won't have to stay for too long."


He sighed, knowing full well that he couldn't avoid her questions. Despite the harshness of this place, in the calm of morning it held a kind of serene beauty: interruption wasn't likely.


"Well... at first it was just like I said: I wanted to protect you. It's always been you and me against the world: I wanted to be able to protect you from anything that came our way." He explained as carefully as he could. "Once I read half of it... I knew that there would be others who didn't understand. Who wanted to hurt us because I had read it: and I was weak - I wouldn't be able to stop them without finishing what I started."


This wasn't easy: right there and then, he honestly would have preferred to have gone up against Noble Persona himself - unarmed and unprepared as he was - than finish the story. She was just a filly in his eyes after all: how could she comprehend what he had done? The magnitude of his mistakes?


"And now... it's not just about us. It was me that took that unicorn to the Litany: its my fault... Willow, I created a monster: and if I don't do something to stop him, we aren't the only ones in danger. I don't know what he wants but it isn't something I want to find out..."

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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@@Midnight Scribbler, @@SilverHeart, @, @, @


Denarius got up, and stretched his legs. Grabbing his now slightly torn cloak off the floor beside him, he put it on. Though it was dry from the flame's heat, it had acquired the distinct smell of camp-fire smoke overnight. Not the most pleasant odour, but he had little choice unless he wished to freeze later.


Tactic exclaimed about something across the cave. Curious, from what little Denarius had seen of Tactic, he didn't seem like the kind of pegasus to be rattled by much. Regardless, it was probably just mundane problem that had caught him by surprise. Though, it would be enjoyable to question him about it anyway.


Denarius' mouth curled in an almost sly smile as he found a rest near the pegasus and the wounded unicorn. Looking down a unicorn, Denrius noticed how it still looked in a rather unstable state. The unicorn could be questioned later anyways, Denarius still wanted to know more about the others first.


"You seem a little rattled there. Are you alright? Maybe your just finding out that you can't keep a poker face on forever", Denarius told Tactic with a slight chuckle. "Actually", Denarius paused as his expression grew wider. "I'm curious on what would somepony, so mundane, like yourself gain from travelling with, what appears to be, such an eclectic group of wanderers"?

Edited by Nomadic
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@@Midnight Scribbler,  


Zintiik paused in his self-imposed panic to look at the newcomer.  He instantly started weighing his options - they were seemingly alone in the middle of nowhere, and he still had the new pony's weapon...  And if there was one thing that Zintiik enjoyed it was messing with ponies...  He spares a small glance at the wounded Scribbler, a knowing grin appearing on Tactic's muzzle as Zintiik's urge to play with the new pony overcomes his usual paranoia.


"You're right," he mutters in Tactic's usual voice as he turns back to Denarius.  "I can't keep this face forever..."  Suddenly the changeling is engulfed in a blast of what would appear to be green fire, and as the magic clears he'd taken on the new pony's appearance.  He grins wickedly at Denarius before mimicking the other pony's voice.  "Maybe this one suits me better?"






@@Icy Void,


It was a relief to have the storm seemingly die down - she didn't want to risk being struck by lightning twice.  As they ran she started to notice a glow of light coming from the cave - as she drew closer she noticed it was Midnight's little sister.  As they near the cave, Pavisa shouts out to her "Good job, kid!  Thanks!"  


She slumps to the ground inside the cave, her heart feeling like it was going to beat right out of her chest.  The ex-guard sits there for a moment before she starts to laugh, tilting her head back with a small clang when her helmet touches the rock.  "That...  Was a lot of work for firewood..."  She shrugs the bag of what she'd picked up from off her saddlebags, too relieved that they had made it to bother with the fire quite yet. 











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Midnight Sky


As they neared the cave, Midnight began to make out a yellow glow coming from it's entrance, soon later he realized it was Sunshine. "Glad to see you're well." Midnight said to her as he ran right into the cave before collapsing to the ground. "Yeah, I really hope we don't need to do that again anytime soon." Midnight said with a small laugh in response to Pavisa's remark. Never in his life could Midnight have imagined gathering some firewood to be dangerous. Then there was the matter of the strange items they came across in that strange train car, but so much had happened that Midnight figured that finding out what was inside the lock boxes he had picked up could wait for later.



Sunshine Rays


As she waited for the others to get back to the cave, Sunshine decided to figure out what had happened. "So what happened out there? I was so worried the storm had gotten you guys, and where'd you get those boxes Midnight?" Sunshine called over to where her brother and Pavi had stopped. Whatever had happened had certainly been exciting, Sunshine could tell by how worked up Midnight seemed compared to his normal self, and Pavi looked tired considering all they did was go and grab firewood. "Well, I think I'll let Pavisa explain most of it, but I will say that I got these lock boxes from a mysterious train car that had ended up causing us a bit of trouble. But I don't think I have the energy to tell you all the details. And whatever Pavisa and the others don't tell you I can tell you later." Midnight responded to her, though she felt his explanation was a bit vague.


Sig by DarkestStar, Avatar by Midnight Gaze

My OCs Midnight Sky, Sunshine Rays and Blizzard Blitz

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Aegis Dare

@@Frosty V, @,  


"Let's hope so. It'll just mean some creepy noises for a while. Tell me something, would it be bad if I said that this reminds me of a book I read once or twice?" Aegis asked, as he looked around. After hearing something move, he was beginning to feel very paranoid.


'Focus, Aegis. Now is not the time to start jumping at shadows. I'd end up hurting myself badly, and then it's going to take longer to get to the Crystal Empire. Or have we all forgotten about that?'



Noble Persona & Gwyn


They returned to the hideout, and Gwyn changed out of her dress. She'd grown to like her pony form, though she preferred the soft fur of her wolf form. "Well, that was good. What are we gonna do now?"


Noble took off the formal coat and purple waistcoat, putting on his armour and hooded coat again. "I'm going to see this 'Strings' character. He said to come alone, but I doubt I'll be alone very long if things go south." He fastened his sword to the straps on his armour.


"Be careful, Noble." Gwyn said, with a look of genuine concern.


Noble walked over to kiss her forehead, as he believed brothers do for their sisters. "I will. Now, you know where everything is in case you need anything?"


"Yes. I'll be in bed by 11, if that's what you're worried about. I'll have you know that I'm as old as you are, y'know."


"I know, but it's my job as a brother to look after you, even if you can look after yourself."


Gwyn smirked as Noble left. "At least he's giving me freedom." He expression turned sad for a moment. "But now I feel sorry for Willow..."



Noble arrived at the specified place at 10pm, exactly as he found on the back of the letter. He had his hood up, though it didn't do much to hide the magical shine in his eyes.


"Hello?" He called tentatively. The haunted house was a good place for an ambush.

Edited by Windbreaker

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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@@Midnight Scribbler, @@SilverHeart, @, @, @


Denarius backed away as the cavern and Tactic glowed with the flickering green light of some bizarre magic. Within an instant, or so it seemed, Tactic had emerged from this magic's embrace as something different. He had emerged as Denarius. This had to be a trick of some sort. He re-approached what was now his doppelganger. 


"You're me", Denarius sputtered. His voice was clearly in a state of both bewilderment and awe.


With haste, he began circling around the doppelganger looking for any imperfection. There was none. This was eerily uncanny, yet Denarius would not let some second-rate charlatan get the better of him. "I must admit Tactic your trick is most amusing, and I can't blame you for wanting to look like me. I guess with you around I would never again need a mirror. Instead, I can just look at you whenever I need to see my handsome mane and muzzle", he told Tactic with a slight sharpness attached to his voice that soon dissipated.

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In the middle of the room a stallion with a bland white coat and dim grey mane sits at a table with a few papers on it, across from an empty seat. When Noble enters he gestures to the other seat and speaks in an apologetic tone. "I'm sorry to make our meeting place so dark and dreary but it was necessary to ensure my escape should this should get violent, i'm sure you understand... I wouldn't want to end up like those pirates after all, unlike them i have a sense of self preservation."

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Noble Persona


"Of course. An entirely sensible precaution, given my current abilities." Noble said, opening his wings. Did this Strings also know he could see in the dark, clearly as daylight? He doubted it, but there wasn't any need to mention anything. Noble hadn't come to fight, and by the looks of it, neither had Strings. He folded his wings away and took the empty seat. "You wished to meet with me. Why?"

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Strings grins like you had just answered a question and he liked the answer. "Simple. I am an assassin with no worthwhile employer, a hefty resume... and some experience with uprisings. So i looked around and inspected those who where the most active in this country and guess what i discovered, an Alicorn. Not just any Alicorn either, an Alicorn that had powers from the fabled litany of magic. And it just so happened that he hadn't acquired anyone to... sweep his aggressors under the table. I looked at all of my options and decided that nopony else could give me more interesting work than this client. I imagine that you can guess the rest?"

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(OOC: Posting from phone.)


The sound of ponies talking had roused Mirror from her sleep. Frowning, she slowly stood up. Looking around, it seemed that Orion and Willow had wandered off somewhere. With practiced ease she cast her spell under the guise of removing the mask that still clung to her face. She must have fallen asleep with it on. A bright green flash of light caught her attention. Turning her head she found Scribbler standing among two Denarii. Obviously one was Zintiik. It seemed like more fun to just watch instead of intrude, and so Mirror did just that.

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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@, @@Windbreaker


Frost Typhoon


Frost kept walking slowly, having the light source be coming from the tip of his horn it made it slightly more difficult for him to see where they were headed. "Alright....just nice and slow." He muttered to himself under his breath. He would take the occasional glance over his shoulder to be sure Kingfisher and Aegis were still in good distance of him. The farther they got into the cave he slowly pulled out an arrow and placed it at the ready with his bow, in case something was in fact hunting them in the cave. "Dead End? I don't know you tell me...caves can go for miles I doubt this one would just end." He said turning his head to look at Kingfisher for a brief moment.

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Eclipse lied down and took a breather next to Pavisa.

"Hey, at least we got here in one piece, and we still have some dry coal from the carts." Eclipse unzipped his saddlebags and began taking out handfuls of coal. Some of it was dry, but most of it was unfortunately damp, making it worthless. It put a small frown across the unicorn's face, considering how much work they had to put in to get this stuff. "Well, I guess we'll just have to make do with what we have..." Eclipse muttered.


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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@(Everyone in the cave entrance)


Pavisa tosses her gathered bag of coal and lumber to land next to Eclipse's, glancing around at the nearby ponies.  "Short version, lots of cold and lots of lightning...  Where is everpony?"  Specifically, she was referring to Kingfisher, Aegis, and Frost.  "I can explain, but it would be better to not have to tell the same story multiple times..."  


She was somewhat concerned to see her friends gone, but didn't let it show.  Instead she moved towards the gathered firewood and coal.  "Somepony help me get a fire going until they get back...  It's freezing in here."









@@Midnight Scribbler,  


Zintiik raised an eyebrow and smirked, turning a head to glance at Scribbler and Mirror before turning his attention back to Denarius.  "Unexpected...  Most ponies are disturbed by the prospect of having somepony taking their identity."  He chuckles quietly as he starts to circle around the newcomer, as though checking to make sure his disguise was complete.  An irrevelant gesture, he knew that it was.


"I have been hoping to replace Tactic Wind...  The pegasus is useful, but far too boring for my tastes.  I would have preferred another pegasus, but a unicorn is acceptable...  At least you're not an earth pony..."  With another small laugh the changeling grins, letting one of his ears flick.  











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Hearing a loud thud on the ground made Icy stir from her sleep.
"Kingfisher and the rest of them headed deeper into the cave. A little exploring to kill time" She then saw the coal and wood. she picked herself from her place on the ground and moved closer to the entrance of the cave.
"I'll be over here if you need me" while she wouldn't mind the heat she didn't want to be warm enough to feel pain, along other things. She rested once again on the ground.


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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@@Midnight Scribbler, @@SilverHeart, @, @, @


He had no intention of letting Tactic get the best of him, despite how accurate Tactic's quip about other ponies may of been. Denarius pushed his uneasiness aside and smirked. "Why would I ever disapprove of you copying me? If something should ever happen to me your the one who's going to inherit all of my debts, and all of the animosity directed towards me. In fact, I might point some debt-collectors in your direction just so I can watch your reaction".  


He half-heartedly chuckled as he began to pace back and forth in front of his doppelganger. "It's rather funny you seem to only want to intimidate me, but let's be honest your more intimidated of yourself than I am of you".  He glared into Tactic's eyes. Hoping that this bluff would pay off for him

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Noble Persona


"I see. I doubt it would be in your best interests to end my life, but just to be safe..." Noble's eyes glowed brilliantly as he cast his spell. His usual theatrics wouldn't be of any use, and would only draw unwanted attention. In the same tone as he began the conversation with, he gave his command. "Answer truthfully, do you intend to kill me?"




Gwyn was once again bored, only this time, Noble wasn't there to be tormented. She trotted to the study, where she found an entire wall lined with books. "He loves to read, doesn't he? Hmm?" She spotted an open book on the desk. On the one hand, it was Noble's book and probably one he was reading before they went to dinner. On the other, Gwyn's curiosity was getting the better of her. She picked up the book and checked the cover. "The Abyss Chronicles, Book 1: Descent. Authored by Aegis Dare. A reminder of a friend... I guess you miss him, don't you?"

Edited by Windbreaker

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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@@Frosty V,



Failing to suppress another shiver, Kingfisher shook her head - looking back through the darkness behind her towards the dim grey light that marked the entrance - they had come a long way and while the tunnel was getting distinctly narrower, there was no end in sight as of yet.


"I'm freezin' my tail off here: lets head back. Hopefully Pa..."


She stalled - ear twitching. Had she heard something? Not from ahead of them, or even behind... but from one of the holes off to the side? It was so hard to tell: sounds seemed to come from deceptive directions down in the cavern. A tiny clump of snow dropped to the ground beside her from somewhere overhead and she heaved a heavy sigh of relief - feeling like a foal as she did. Of course there was going to movement: chances were that these caves hadn't been explored in hundreds of years... they were bound to disturb the snow and ice that had formed, traipsing around as they were!


What kind of thoughts had she been entertaining? She wasn't a little filly any more - she had seen real monsters on her travels, yet here she was imagining them? Red would laugh himself half to death if he found out!


"Come on..." Smirked the mare at her own paranoia as she she shook her head and took a step back towards the faded, dust and light. "Lets see if anypony has figured out how to get a fire going yet... It doesn't look like anythings been down here in years."

Never quite forgotten.

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Strings just smirks at Noble. "Yes i'm extremely interested in killing the only potential client in this entire country that has any potential to interest me." He said with very heavy sarcasm. He then gestures idly at the room their in. "Look around you, this room was chosen to give you comfort in the fact that there is no possible way for me to ambush you while still allowing me perfect chances at escaping should you get violent. If i was going to kill you i would have poisoned you and your... Umm sorry, you prefer to call her sister right? Anyways i would never have revealed myself in the first place... that would be kind of counterproductive wouldn't it?"

Edited by Tricksters Pride
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Aegis Dare

@@Frosty V@,


Aegis turned almost instantly. He hated caves, and nopony could blame him after the last one. But this time there probably weren't any living shadows to take his mind off how paranoid he was getting. He thought back to his first experience with caves...



"Dad, where are we going? This had better not be some wild chase." Aegis said.


Aegis' father, Advent, laughed. "Patience, kiddo. See that cave? There's some kind of treasure down there."


"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Aegis said, racing ahead.


"Wait! Aegis!" Advent called, but Aegis couldn't hear him. He was too far ahead.


Aegis dove down the cave, tripping on an upturned rock and tumbling down into the cave. When he reached the bottom, he'd broken his right foreleg and his wings weren't working.


"Aegis? Are you ok?" Advent called, his voice echoing through the cave.


"I can't move! My leg's broken!" Came the reply. Advent soared down to get Aegis out. Tears ran down Aegis' face, from both pain and shame. "I guess I'm in trouble, aren't I?"


Advent shook his head. "It's alright, son. But now you know the value of patience, don't you?" He picked Aegis up and flew him out of the cave. "We'll get you to a doctor or the hospital to get you fixed up."


"What was at the bottom of that cave, Dad?"


"A story about patience. Remember what happened today, and you'll be wiser for it."



'That wisdom also came with paranoia. Did we ever count on that one, Dad?' Aegis thought, as his right leg tensed up.



Noble Persona


Noble smirked. Of course Strings would know the effects of his spell. He seemed to know a lot already. It was an offer not easily refused, since Strings had more than enough evidence to see Noble imprisoned, banished, or worse. "I see you have defences against my command spell. I hope you understand it was merely a precaution, since the one who held the Litany before me is likely seeking revenge. I will consider your proposal. Meet me at my family house tomorrow afternoon, and I will give you my answer."

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Strings just shrugs nonchalantly. "Not a problem, it comes with the territory. I will come to the location tomorrow with my notebook... though i hope that you understand that i'll be leaving a copy of my notes on you in a special place, just in case of course. It would be fairly stupid to treat an ambitious Alicorn lightly." Strings then thinks for a moment before continuing. "Though keep in mind that i wont be using this form tomorrow. Wouldn't want to go out into public as myself would i?"

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"Oh, is that the case..?"  Zintiik grins mischeviously, he loved it when ponies played back.  With Denarius glaring into his eyes like that, trying to intimidate him, it was too much of an opening.  Before the pony would have a chance to break the stare Zintiik is enveloped by the familiar flash of his transformation magic, switching into his natural form and hissing loudly at the unicorn as the green fires disappear.


As the hiss ends it turns into laughter, a small buzz sounding as Zintiik lifts himself up into the air laughing.  "Oh Chrysalis, you ponies are way too much fun..."  He rolls over in midair, coming upright with his head resting on his crossed front hooves as he floats back down to eye level with Denarius.  "If you send your debt collectors after me, can you at least get me a picture of their loved ones first?  I enjoy it when I don't have to go out to feed, it would be like room service..."  The changeling grins widely as he narrows his eyes slightly, his fangs once more distorting the expression to some extent.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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(( OOC: Why can't I ever post anymoreeee ))


Willow Starsinger


"But why do you still care for me? I'm already a full-grown mare, and you are even older. I think I can manage myself." Willow said this as she poked some pieces of coal into her creation to make eyes. "Oh! And I have something for you!" Willow smiled and trotted into the cave quickly to scamper around, trying to find her saddlebag. She took her saddlebag outside to take something out.


It was really just a stone on strings. Before everypony woke up, Willow had been wondering what to do with the rest of the extra string that Denarius has her. She was thinking she should stitch up more of Scribbler's head to be safe, but she thought it would hurt alot when he finally woke up. So she found a smooth stone from the campfire and worked hard all morning to carve Orion's name on it and glued (you don't even want to know what she used for glue) it to some strings. She managed to make a heart sort of shape out of the stone - but the letters were messed up. But still, even thought so much work was put into it, it was still falling apart. "I know it isn't much, but I thought I had to give it to you! It was Hearth's Warming day a few days ago!" Willow smiled at her big brother.


Meanwhile, she stared into the cave to watch what was going on - and apparently, there were two Denarius..es. She figured one of them was Zintiik, though. He seemed to feel left out lately, so she didn't blame him. She thought that she should help him feel better later.


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Midnight Scribbler





Scribbler watched as the changeling and the newcomer verbally duked it out, then turned seeing Mirror had arisen from sleep and was also watching. He stood, and moved over beside Mirror, and laid down again. He was still weak from the injury, and the bickering in the background wasn't helping, though he could drown it out, as long as he paid no attention. He looked to Mirror "Well, it seems I've become our group's first casualty." He chuckled. "Here's hoping I'm the last.. Of any out of us to become so gravely wounded.. What a situation." He winced as pain shot through his head again. The use of magic had helped, but only so much. The strain had nearly counteracted the benefit. It would be slow going for a while yet it seemed. "How are you feeling?" He managed a smile despite the throbbing ache.



Clockwork Green


@@Commander Tangent,


@@Snowy Storm,



"Ah, they've returned!" Clockwork lifted his head from where he'd laid down. Standing up, he made his way over to Eclipse and Pavisa. "And with burnables, no less. I'd worried you and the others had gotten lost out there. It was getting pretty rough from the sounds of it." He gathered an armful of coal, and placed it into the fire pit he'd assembled. "Let's get this lit then, so we can get some real rest." He reached into his saddlebag, and pulled out a red stick with a fuse in it. He ripped the fuse out, tossing it back in the bag, and tore the top of the stick open. Tipping it, he poured a small amount of the powdery substance within onto the coal. "This should suffice to get it started. Anypony got a light?" He glanced around to see if anyone had a match or lighter.

Edited by Midnight Scribbler

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