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open A Darker Fate: Beyond these Walls Chapter Two.

The Elusive Cinder

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Midnight Sky


"Yeah, things did get a bit complicated." Midnight said after the green pony's remark. "And I can take care of lighting that. Also, we haven't been properly introduced, my name's Midnight Sky. I suppose I should welcome you to what our life has been like for the last week." Midnight said as he created a small pseudo-fireball and lit the fire pit. Now that all was relatively well, he might as well get to know their new additions. It's not like there was anything else to do at the moment.


Sig by DarkestStar, Avatar by Midnight Gaze

My OCs Midnight Sky, Sunshine Rays and Blizzard Blitz

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@(Everyone in the cave entrance)


Pavisa tosses her gathered bag of coal and lumber to land next to Eclipse's, glancing around at the nearby ponies.  "Short version, lots of cold and lots of lightning...  Where is everpony?"  Specifically, she was referring to Kingfisher, Aegis, and Frost.  "I can explain, but it would be better to not have to tell the same story multiple times..."  


She was somewhat concerned to see her friends gone, but didn't let it show.  Instead she moved towards the gathered firewood and coal.  "Somepony help me get a fire going until they get back...  It's freezing in here."









@@Midnight Scribbler,  


Zintiik raised an eyebrow and smirked, turning a head to glance at Scribbler and Mirror before turning his attention back to Denarius.  "Unexpected...  Most ponies are disturbed by the prospect of having somepony taking their identity."  He chuckles quietly as he starts to circle around the newcomer, as though checking to make sure his disguise was complete.  An irrevelant gesture, he knew that it was.


"I have been hoping to replace Tactic Wind...  The pegasus is useful, but far too boring for my tastes.  I would have preferred another pegasus, but a unicorn is acceptable...  At least you're not an earth pony..."  With another small laugh the changeling grins, letting one of his ears flick.  

(Sorry I'm late, everypony! I've been kinda busy playing Unreal Tournament lll online...did I miss much?)



Crimson stood there in silence for a moment, panting, before finally speaking up. "I love action just as much as the next stallion, but I think I speak for everypony when I say, let's not do that again...like, ever..." he said with a slight chuckle. "I have some fire wood too, if you guys need it..." he said, laying the pack of logs and timber on the ground, before slumping against the wall of the cave and letting out a tired sigh. "I'm almost tempted to drink up my emergency rum stash...but that would just end up making me sour in the long run..." he mumbled.

Edited by ragestar
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@@Midnight Scribbler,


Eclipse glanced over to the injured Blast, who, to his surprise, was asleep. He seemed to have been taken care of by Icarus before they returned, but it still seemed like he should be resting a little bit. If he were to try going out, he likely wouldn't last a single moment. 


The unicorn reached into his saddlebags and pulled out a small lighter. "Here, take this." Eclipse said, throwing the object to Clockwork.


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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His face contorted into a mix of conflicting emotions at the sight of Tactic's sudden transformation. What was once him had shifted into the blacken insectile form of a changeling. Denarius backed away slowly in terror from the entity's cackling visage, yet his mind was telling him to run. Where would he even run if he was to? Into the darkest depths of some unknown cavern, or outside until he succumbed to ice.


Denarius continually stared at the grinning figure unsure what to do. His head so full of conflicting thoughts and feelings. Anger, fear, intrigue, and pride all of these ideas had converged into a single symbol in-front of him. He shakily trotted forward trying to regain the ground, he had lost due to his sudden outburst of fear. Approaching the figure, he tried to give a grin, yet his mouth would not let him on this occasion.


Denarius muttered "You're a changeling aren't you?". He wasn't really looking for an answer, but he just needed to hear the words come from his mouth to reassure himself.

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Scribbler watched as the changeling and the newcomer verbally duked it out, then turned seeing Mirror had arisen from sleep and was also watching. He stood, and moved over beside Mirror, and laid down again. He was still weak from the injury, and the bickering in the background wasn't helping, though he could drown it out, as long as he paid no attention. He looked to Mirror "Well, it seems I've become our group's first casualty." He chuckled. "Here's hoping I'm the last.. Of any out of us to become so gravely wounded.. What a situation." He winced as pain shot through his head again. The use of magic had helped, but only so much. The strain had nearly counteracted the benefit. It would be slow going for a while yet it seemed. "How are you feeling?" He managed a smile despite the throbbing ache.


Mirror watched Scribbler walk over and lay down next to her. She lowered herself back to the ground next to him. Mirror moved closer to Scribbler, more for the warmth of another pony than any intention of being romantic. Today probably wouldn't be a good day. If the past uses of that spell were any indication than she'd start getting migraines soon. "I'm just...tired. I hate using that spell.... If we weren't stuck out here I would probably sleep all day." Mirror said before chuckling at Denarius' reaction to Zintiik being a changeling. She hadn't expected him to reveal that aspect. 

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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Noble Persona


"Duly noted, Mr Strings. I shall take it into consideration, but I'm afraid I must take my leave for now. My sister is probably going nuts, since she's alone tonight. I look forward to meeting with you again, sir. Until then, arrivederci." Noble said, bowing to Strings. He seriously hoped that Gwyn had done as he asked as he climbed into the carriage he arrived in and headed back to Canterlot.




She hadn't done as Noble asked. It was now 11:15 and she was still up, laying on her bed reading Dreaming of Wings. A teapot and a teacup sat forgotten on the desk and several empty popcorn buckets littered the floor. "He's still so sweet to her, even though he doesn't remember." She said, commenting on the book.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Strings nods with an understanding look on his face. "Very valid point, you never know what Miss Gwyn is going to be up to, shes already quite well known for her antics. Well in any case your right, have a good evening Mister Persona i'll see you tomorrow... Don't worry about when." Strings then grabs his papers and slowly tips over his chair. As he hits the ground he sends out a pulse of magic... into a teleport rune. It quickly teleports him and removes any traces of its presence in moments.

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@@Midnight Scribbler




Zintiik gasps, bringing a hoof up to his mouth and looking at his body as he floats in midair.  He was having far, far more fun with this than he'd expected.  "Why, what gave me away!?  Oh, it was the wings, wasn't it...  Or maybe the buzzing in my voice...  The fangs?"  He would reach out with one hoof to teasingly poke at Denarius' horn, an only slightly condescending smile on his face.  "They say unicorns are smart, and boy, they're right...  I wouldn't have been able to make observations like that!"  


Laughing again he calmly flies over next to Mirror and Scribbler, looking at them for a moment.  "Really, I don't remember you two reacting like this...  If you did, you hid it well.  Bravo."  Grinning and not wanting to stay away from his new game, the changeling quickly flies back over to hover near Denarius.  


"I mean, you were able to tell I was a changeling after watching me transform twice?  Dear Chrysalis, it's no wonder our invasion failed, what with ponies as sharp as you in Equestria..."  Zintiik made himself stop from going on - he was starting to border on just being mean, which wasn't his goal.  He wasn't the most empathetic with how ponies were feeling, but he knew teasing them too much didn't give results he hoped for.  And he didn't want this game to end - teasing new ponies was one of the funnest things he'd found to do...  Well, when it didn't lead to them running for the Canterlot Guards. 





Pavisa sighs with relief as the fire starts, slumping down again near the wall of the cave.  She wasn't sure why, but she didn't feel quite as cold as she had before...  She blamed it on the adrenaline.  That or on being nearly hit by a lightning bolt.  She reaches up to pull her helmet off, grumbling in annoyance as her mane starts to stick to the armour thanks to the static buildup around her.  The lightning may not have actually touched her thanks to the pillar, but it had still gotten close enough that she wasn't completely without side effects it seemed...


Struggling to get her mane under control and back into some semblance of its usual braid, she spares a glance down the tunnel where the others had supposedly gone.  She hoped they'd be back soon - surely once everyone knew about what happened, somepony would be able to make some kind of sense about it...  Like what had that pillar been doing out here in the first place, or why wasn't she dead right now.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Midnight Scribbler





Scribbler smiled through his headache, and nuzzled Mirror's neck gently. "Thank you, for whatever spell that was. I was unable to feel anything the whole time.. It would have been much worse without it. I appreciate your sacrifice.. I owe you one." He hid many of the emotions which he'd accumulated throughout the dream, oblivious to the fact that Mirror knew everything he'd seen and done within it. He glanced up as Denarius jumped away from the changeling. He couldn't help but grin, feeling slightly amused at the fear Denarius displayed at the sight of the changeling. He remembered his own first thoughts of Zintiik before really knowing the bug. "You'll have to fogive our tenacious friend here.. Zintiik is fond of playing with new ponies." He chuckled "Don't worry, I'm sure he won't bite." Scribbler gave a joking grin to Zintiik.

Check out my new music projects on youtube, Bandcamp, or Soundcloud

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@@Midnight Scribbler, @@SilverHeart, @


Denarius enjoyed playing the fool, when the setting dictated it of course, but did not appreciate being made the fool. He felt anger overwhelm his sense of fear, yet gritted his teeth. This was not the place to start a fight, and his words would suffice for now. "Oh, forgive me for not believing that something as servile and lowly as a changeling drone would have enough autonomy to decide to tag along with a group of ponies. Clearly, the brevity and wit of the changelings is beyond compare", he snarled at the drone. 


Turning away from the changeling, Denarius heard a weakened voice speak up to him. He shifted his stare downwards. It appeared to be the maimed unicorn speaking to him. Still angry at the changeling, he tried to calm down enough to speak with this pony. Taking a few deep breaths in, he opened his mouth hoping his voice would have a slightly calmer ring to it. "Excuse me, I don't believe we've been properly introduced to each other yet. You apparently know me, but who are you", trying to sound as cordial as possible to this one.

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'What are they?' She thought - these creatures of flesh and blood... they were so... heavy! Unwieldy but in a way they had a strange, blundering grace of their own... They didn't look dangerous: they didn't even have magic, just this primitive 'fire'. What possible threat could they...


The spell flickered - and she was gone.







@@Frosty V,


"Y'know what would be great right now? A..."


The mare stopped again - eyes wide as her head whipped around. Another trickle of snow? No... just paranoia... There was nothing here. There couldn't be.


She looked ahead again to be greeted by a welcome sight: fire! And not so far away: she could make out Pavisa... Eclipse, Midnight... even Grinn had turned up from somewhere.


"Things are starting to look up!" Kingfisher grinned with relief, shaking off her fear as she spared a glance at her two current companions.

"Come on - lets go get warm!"









Kricket was conflicted: this was a difficult decision to make.


He enjoyed tormenting the changing creature but maybe, maybe this new pony would taste good? He hadn't been very lucky so far but if he was determined enough, surely it would eventually pay off? But watching the changing creature get angry was really fun too and the little drake wasn't particularly hungry at the moment... an ice elemental in a freezing wasteland? He was (quite literally) in his element!


He decided: swooping down from the ceiling behind one of the identical ponies and gleefully opening his mouth - snapping at the ear of the pony. The actual pony - there would be plenty of time to torment the changing creature later after all!




Orion Starsinger.




"Willow..." Orion said in a tired voice and a half smile.

"Ten years from now... when all this is just a distant memory? You'll still be my little sister."


He chuckled to himself - an action that, while harmless itself, made he look aged beyond his years. The Litany hadn't been kind to the unicorn: Willow still wasn't showing any symptoms beyond the wings... but the hollowness... the lack of energy and the patches of foreign memories that he sometimes recalled... they were starting to become a problem for Orion. Starting to become more difficult to hide at least.


"No matter how old or capable you get, you'll always be my little sister. Because that's what families do." He shrugged - smoothing off a section of uneven snow. "Especially since dad went and... well... never mind. The only important thing now is that we look out for each other!"

Never quite forgotten.

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Midnight Scribbler





Scribbler smiled through his headache, and nuzzled Mirror's neck gently. "Thank you, for whatever spell that was. I was unable to feel anything the whole time.. It would have been much worse without it. I appreciate your sacrifice.. I owe you one." He hid many of the emotions which he'd accumulated throughout the dream, oblivious to the fact that Mirror knew everything he'd seen and done within it. He glanced up as Denarius jumped away from the changeling. He couldn't help but grin, feeling slightly amused at the fear Denarius displayed at the sight of the changeling. He remembered his own first thoughts of Zintiik before really knowing the bug. "You'll have to fogive our tenacious friend here.. Zintiik is fond of playing with new ponies." He chuckled "Don't worry, I'm sure he won't bite." Scribbler gave a joking grin to Zintiik.

Scribbler's touch reminded Mirror of his dream, it had started off interesting but quickly became awkward to watch. Honestly, it was a little jarring to see herself in the dream. Mirror looked away from Scribbler to see Denarius standing nearby. Something about the way he carried himself and spoke annoyed her. Perhaps she could somewhere else to be for a bit. Orion and Willow were out in front of the cave. So the only way to be alone would be further in the cave, shrugging to herself she stood up, "I'll be right back." She said speaking to Scribbler before she started off deeper into the cave.


(OOC: Work started ran out of time to finish my post. Sorry it's so abrupt and rushed atthe end.)

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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@, @@Windbreaker


Frost lit the way out of the cave, walking a bit faster than he had before, wanting to get out of the cave before something happened that he didn't want to be around for. When they reached the end his spell faded away and he let out a large sigh of relief. "Oh thank Celestia there's a fire!" He said in almost out of breath from his large sigh. He smirked at Kingfisher "What did you think I was gonna do?!" He asked sarcastically, with a laugh.

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Midnight Scribbler





Scribbler raised a brow as Denarius spoke. "I'm afraid I only know you very little.. You've said your name was Denarius.. Mine is Midnight Scribbler." Scribbler felt defensive, he didn't like Denarius's tone towards Zintiik, as much as he understood his misconception. Zintiik had proven to him that there were more to changelings than mere lowly drones. "I think I can speak for most of us here when I say this. I think you and Zintiik should back down, we don't need conflict like this, especially out here. There is nothing to be gained from making enemies in a baron waste of snow and ice. Zintiik is much more than you'd think, and I'm certain you will come to learn this. Just remember who the newcomer in the group is.. Don't alienate yourself." Scribbler gave him a knowing look. He knew Denarius was alone, weather or not he seemed to remember it. There were five ponies, himself included, versus one newcomer. He wasn't yet in trust with Orion, nor Mirror likely. He made this point apparent, not to be rude, but to point out something that may help Denarius realize he was out of place in fighting with members of the group he'd only just joined.

As Mirror got up, he glanced towards her, smiling. "Alright.. I won't be moving far, yet." He shrugged, still feeling weak, and near powerless. This was maybe helping his argument to Denarius, though he couldn't help but feel a slight disappointment she was leaving him. A childish feeling, he knew. Something deeply engrained in some distant past experience, which he suppressed. There was no need for it after all, she clearly wasn't leaving permanently.

Edited by Midnight Scribbler

Check out my new music projects on youtube, Bandcamp, or Soundcloud

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@@Midnight Scribbler@


"Good,  we have a fire. We may just survive this, and it seems our companions are returning" Icarus said as he approached the group at the fire. 


He got his medical kit ready in case, anyone returning was in need of medical aid that Clockworks invention could not fix.

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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@@Midnight Scribbler,






Zintiik was flying in lazy circles around the cavern now, rolled over to look like he was laying on his back.  He didn't see the point in arguing what Denarius had said - he was a drone, it was what he had always been, and he really didn't see it as an insult.  As he drifts closer to Denarius and Scribbler, he does chime in again though with "Yeah, and you still got caught off-guard by a drone.  Score one for the bugs."  


He likely would have continued the game, but he saw Kricket flying closer.  Zintiik didn't trust the little Aspect, he'd been bitten too many times.  He watched the tiny Aspect warily...  And burst out laughing when Kricket bit Denarius' ear.  He had to admit that it was much, much funnier when he wasn't the victim of the little creature's jaws.






@@Frosty V,



Pavisa jumped up from where she'd sat when she saw the others approaching from deeper in the cave, quickly smiling to see her friends coming back safely.  "Hey!"  She shakes her head to try and get her mane out of her face, it still wasn't cooperating well thanks to the static, but she wanted to at least look somewhat presentable...


"Did you find anything?  You won't believe what we went through to try and find firewood..."  Looking around at their gathered group as she trots forward to meet Kingfisher, Aegis, and Frost on their way back, she lets herself give a small sigh of relief that they all seemed to be okay...  Well, alive, anyways.  "Take a seat near the fire, and I'll try and get everypony filled in on what happened to us..."











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Aegis Dare

@, @@Frosty V@,


"First, did you find a piece of metal? It's got to be a relatively thick piece so I can use it for cooking." Aegis said. His right leg was starting to relax now that he was out of the cave. He was almost certain the others had noticed his unusually stiff movements, but he wasn't going to talk about it. Aside from 'I hate caves', anyway.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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@,@@Nomadic,@@Midnight Scribbler,@@SilverHeart,@,


Willow Starsinger


Willow hugged her brother tightly. She took the "charm" and strung it around her brother's neck. She felt a faint ache in her head as she did this though. "What will you do when you did get the Litany?" Willow asked, paranoid. "Are you going to leave me?" Willow frowned, looking at the ground.


She heard some arguing inside though and trotted inside the cave. Besides, the weather was beginning to act up again. "What's going on? Zintiik?"


(( Sorry for the short post! ))


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The cave gradually darkened as Mirror Image made her way further into its depths: quickly narrowing into a rough tunnel which wound left and right seemingly at random - descending at a steady pace.


As the light faded, a trickling sound could be made out in the distance. Aside from this though, there was no other sound to be heard: no sound of voices or even the wind outside managed to follow down the winding tunnel.







@@Frosty V,



Before she could respond to the unicorn, they were apparently within sight of their companions... not really surprising considering that the light must had made them easily visible from a great distance in the darkness of the cave. She unceremoniously dropped to the ground beside her friend - thankful beyond words for the warmth of the fire even as she get too close and singed the fur of her foreleg.


"You're okay! I was worried s..." She stalled - fumbling her words. "Uh, ahem. I mean... What took you? I thought I was going to freeze my tail off in here!"


Rubbing the tender burn, she looked into the fire for a second - wondering just what had taken them so long... did it have something to do with finding Grinn? Or something to do with the creature they had seen earlier?

Never quite forgotten.

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@@Commander Tangent,@,@@Midnight Scribbler, @Everyone near the two


Eclipse and Blast

Blast continued to lie on the cold floor. It's not like he was going anywhere anyways. He was stuck with a two crazy doctors, a pirate, and an amnesia-filled psychic unicorn. Perfect! Just perfect. Though, seeing the group back upon waking up made him feel more stable.

"Good to see you back..." Blast muttered under his cold breath.


Eclipse didn't see Clockwork doing anything with the lighter, so he took it himself and began lighting the fire. The amount of dry wood and coal they managed to bring back was very scarce. It was something, though. It'd have to do, or else they'll freeze.

"Well... that was quite the trek..." Eclipse muttered to Crimson.


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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& Everyone Else 


Pavisa lets out a small sigh as she sits next to Kingfisher, trying to think of the best way to start the telling of what had happened outside.  "Well, first we went to try and salvage the wrecked cars...  That's where we met up with Crimson..."  She spares a glance to grin at the pirate, then looks back to the fire as she continues.


"But then...  I don't know, things got kinda weird...  There was a train car, but it wasn't broken like all the others.  In fact, it looked perfectly fine...  Like something royalty would ride in.  Covered in gems and gold and such.  Well, of course we had to check it out.  When I opened the door there was some kind of weird music playing...  But it stopped pretty soon after the door was open."


She waves a hoof at Midnight at this point.  "Midnight found a couple lock boxes...  And then in the back, we found a stone pillar that looked just like the one the Litany of Magic was on, back at the Falls.  We tried to take it back with us, but well...  It kinda saved my life on the way back to the cave.  Lightning was striking all around us, and the pillar somehow absorbed a bolt that otherwise would have killed me."  She shrugs slightly, looking down at her hooves.  Retelling it made her sound so helpless...  "...I don't really know what happened to it after that.  I didn't see any debris or anything as I was picking myself up."







Hearing his name, Zintiik perked up and quickly flew over to land next to Willow.  He was still in a pretty good mood from teasing Denarius, and he smiled widely as he landed next to her.  "Willow!  What's up!  I was just...  Getting to know the newbie better..."  He snickers quietly, his wings buzzing slightly as he turns to glance back at Denarius, then quickly returning his attention to Willow.  He was trying not to think about his mini-panic attack from when he'd woke up to find her and Orion gone from the cave.

Edited by Lhee











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Willow Starsinger


"I see Kricket isn't biting you," Willow smiled, nuzzling the changeling. "You weren't arguing, were you? I heard arguing and I got worried," Willow's ears dropped to the sides of her head. "I hope you two aren't causing too much trouble.. if you've ever heard the Hearth's Warming story, you wouldn't want to do that."


Willow lay down beside the bug, migraines beginning to take over her head. She tried to suppress the urge to clutch her head in pain, hoping that Zintiik wouldn't worry for her.

Edited by Shaymin


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"Heh, well, not at the moment anyways..."  Zintiik blushes slightly when Willow nuzzles him - she was the only one who ever did that when he was in this form, and it caught him off guard every time.  When she lays down near him he quickly lays down next to her.  As much fun as teasing Denarius was, the changeling enjoyed it when Willow spoke with him...  


"Arguing?  Nah, I don't argue very often.  Just, you know, having a little fun."  He snickers and his wings buzz slightly before he stops and tilts his head.  "What's Hearth Warming?  A pony thing?"  He noticed that Willow seemed to be in a bit of pain - Zintiik was concerned, but there wasn't much he could do to help...  And she wasn't making a big deal of it, so he decided he shouldn't either.  He'd just try to keep an eye on her, and if it seemed to be getting worse he would try to help somehow.


Realizing he hadn't had a chance to talk with Willow for a while, he suddenly picks his head back up as though remembering something.  "Oh yeah!  Willow, I was wondering...  I still can't remember anything that happened back at the Falls...  I don't like having a blank spot in my memory though, I was wondering, was there anything that happened that you could help me remember?"  He tilts his head and smiles slightly as he asks the question.  


"I don't mean like, Noble stealing the Litany from Orion, or any of that stuff, I've got those details...  But things have changed enough since the Falls, that I can't shake the feeling that some things happened that I should remember..."  He shrugs a little bit, trying to ignore the feeling in his brain that there was something from the Falls that he was trying to protect himself from.  











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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The cave gradually darkened as Mirror Image made her way further into its depths: quickly narrowing into a rough tunnel which wound left and right seemingly at random - descending at a steady pace.


As the light faded, a trickling sound could be made out in the distance. Aside from this though, there was no other sound to be heard: no sound of voices or even the wind outside managed to follow down the winding tunnel.



As the light from the entrance began to fade Mirror illuminated the cave with her magic. The acoustics of the cave must be odd. Maybe she had gone deeper than she had thought? Well even if she had it would be easy to retrace her steps. The cave had not branched off in any other direction...yet.


Either way she was in no real hurry to get back. Spending over a week with ponies (and a changeling) she didn't really know was mentally exhausting. It seemed odd that she had hardly talked to anypony besides Scribbler. Even so as far as she was concerned she had earned some alone time. And exploring the cave seemed like a fine idea, so long as she turned back at the first sign of a branching path. That way she couldn't get lost. For now, onward she would go.


Mirror's ears twitched as she tried to locate the source of water. It didn't sound as close she had hoped. Not that it really mattered. Mirror dropped her illusion spell so she would only have to focus on lighting the area around her. With the increase in light Mirror's head began to hurt. It seemed that her migraines were beginning to start. She slowly walked towards the trickling sound scanning the floor to avoid any possible has adds.


(OOC:Post before bed. Sent from phone.)

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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Willow Starsinger


"I see you're in your changeling form! How did Denarius react?" Willow smiled at the bug. She grunted quietly, the migraines becoming worse.. "What is happening to me?" She smiled meekly at the changeling.


"Hearth's Warming.. It's where ponies give each other gifts and receive.. the season to drink lots of apple cider and bring smiles while the Santa Claus pony sneaks down the chimney to deliver gifts to little fillies and colts everywhere. Just a few days ago it was Hearth's Warming day.. Normally I would have been home."


"How come you can't remember anything? Oh, you passed out. Well.." Willow thought, scratching the back of her mane, thinking about the first thing that popped into her mind. "You didn't miss much."


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