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open A Darker Fate: Beyond these Walls Chapter Two.

The Elusive Cinder

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Clockwork Green


@@Frosty V,


@@Tricksters Pride,


Clockwork turned his head, glancing over his shoulder at the angry swordspony. He didn't feel like fighting, but if it came down to it, he had enough tricks up his sleeve to stay alive. Perhaps he would be reasonable, perhaps not, but now he had Clockwork's temper going on some minute level. Enough to warrant a retort. "And I suppose you are going to stand in my way?" He chuckled with a smirk on his face. The smirk vanished, and in a split second Clockwork was inches from Ronin's face. A cold and steely expression upon his face and a tone of voice to match. "Who are you to deny me passage?" He backed up slightly, turning to Amethyst once more. His tone back in a much more cheerful tone. "Well? What say you?" He asked, waiting to see what she wanted to do. He turned to the other one floating in the background. "And what of you, my illusive friend? Are you interested in pressing on with us as well?" He inquired to the ethereal being. Though he had only just met these two, they seemed to be much more progressive in their methods of achieving goals than the rest of their ragtag band of mixed talents. Clockwork, though speaking to the others, kept a close eye on Ronin, ready to defend himself at a moments notice. He was cocky in his approach, but he was not foolish enough to allow anything to catch him off guard.

ronin watched as the pony got in his face and smirked as he turned to the others "what's wrong, did I hit a nerve?" He asked, his hoof hanging limply on his swordhilt. If the pony would try to attack he'd be ready. "On second thought I don't care where you go. Your worthless to the group. But amethyst has agreed to help, so she stays. Go Run away like a coward by yourself." He said just as coldly, but maintained the smirk.
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Clockwork Green



@@Frosty V,




@@Tricksters Pride,

@@Icy Void,




Clockwork grunted with frustration. "This one must be thicker than a lead brick. Typical warrior type." He thought, glancing back at Ronin. "Where are all these insults coming from? I haven't yet gone ahead, nor will I unless our guests here wish to move on. You would do well to calm yourself, warrior. Weather or not you care, I will do what I wish. I am not bound by any moral on your part." He chuckled again. "Nor do I care what you think of me. I am not running from anything. Merely working towards a noble goal. Perhaps you would do well to consider what you are attacking before you let your tongue fly from your mouth so foolishly." He spoke a bit louder, making sure the others could hear. "Is this truly your view of righteousness? Guilt tripping and threatening the ones who wish to achieve the goals we've all been working towards? I am of no use here, there are plenty of you to deal with this situation, and I am certain Amethyst would agree, she is not bound to your word either. She is more free than any of us. Kingfisher herself told us to move on, and I will carry out her orders if nopony else will!" He let his voice fall once again. "And so, I ask of you, please do be reasonable. And try not to get your leader killed." With that, he moved past Ronin and began making his way up the tunnel towards where Orion had gone. Carefully stepping around the sparks he'd trailed behind him. The Cloak he wore would insulate them from contact to his wings at the very least.

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Amethyst Void.


Amethyst rolled her eyes - it was astounding how many gestures ponies had for these expressions of disdain, not to mention how naturally they were performed. Their very structure was built to show irritation! No wonder they argued so much...


"You realise that I could just set you both on fire right now and be done with it?" She said callously. "I agreed to help try and preserve your world, not run errands for every foul mouthed creature we stumble across. Right now, we're wasting time while the impending apocolypse is actually taking place around us. I'd really like to stop that before we all get reduced to essence."


Flitting across the the wall of gently hovering sparks, she gestured towards them with her tail.


"Not to mention that whatever did this is using some trace of Arcane magic - I can't get through it any easier than you can. The smart thing to do - whether you want to sacrifice two universes to save her, or do what makes sense and save everything - would be to double back and try to find a way around to that other door that you all seem to have missed..."


Ponies... she needed a break from them. Finally, she turned to the more pragmatic one - still scowling. "And you're just as bad - you all are! Letting pride and emotions blind you... Is it really so hard to solve the bigger issues first, or at least take a sensible approach if you insist on trying to deal with the trivial matters?"

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Aegis Dare


“Sure. Don’t worry about me, Frosty. You’re needed with the others. But I’m gonna try something.” Aegis said. He flew up where everypony could see him, but the sparks wouldn’t fly at him.




“STOOOOOOOOOOOOP!” He yelled at the top of his lungs, amplified by the tunnels. He addressed the other team, but his words were also directed at his own team as well. “This fighting is pointless! What are we getting out of it? Nothing! I don’t care about your stupid quarrels and ridiculous grudges, but I do care about the ponies I travel with! Return Kingfisher, and we will not attack you! We've got our own problems to worry about without adding you lot to them! JUST! STOP! FIGHTING!!!”
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((Alright, ugly post from Mobile incoming))

Hesitating for a moment as she listens to the others argue, Pavisa starts to grit her teeth. Eventually she turns to snap at the rest of their party. "Would you all shut up and stop threatening each other!? It's not helping!" Pausing to take a breath she looks back at the sparks before continuing.

"The... Whatever she is, is right. Midnight, Aegis, do me a favor and make sure nopony kills each other while you try to find a way around."  Hesitating for a moment to consider Aegis' outburst, she gestures him closer to mutter quietly "Remember the Falls?"  Pavisa takes a tentative step towards the sparks again, watching Kingfisher arguing with her captors.

'She's liable to get herself killed...' The mare thought to herself. Clearing her throat to speak up across the room, Pavisa tries to get Mirror's attention.

"Unicorn! Er..." What had Midnight called her? "Mirror! If the others leave, will you help me get across this minefield? I'm with the Canterlot Guard. I'll make a better hostage than the sailor will anyways." A small lie, but Pavisa wasn't about to leave Kingfisher alone with the ponies from Orion's group.

Sparing a glance back at her friends, the mare mutters quietly "What are you waiting for? Get going and trust me with this." Turning her attention back to Mirror and Kingfisher, Pavisa raises her voice again. "I'm unarmed. You saw me throw my weapon aside, and I'm practically naked at this point. Nowhere I could hide another weapon."

As this is going on, Zintiik buzzes quietly, trying to fly over the trail of sparks that Denarius had been clearing. "Told you sooo..." He mutters smugly, though who he had been directing the comment at could have been anyone's guess.

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@ @@SilverHeart @


While everyone else was fighting and arguing, Crimson had actually been analyzing the situation carefully and listening to everything that Orion's companions had to say. After Pavisa spoke up, however, he finally decided to do so himself. "So...if your telling the truth, and we can trust you enough not to hurt Kingfisher, then will you do the same and listen to our side of the story? I still hate it when you see us all as bandits or the badguys...my only fucking goal anymore, is finding Noble and stopping him, and saving the world...so let's try not to threaten or attack each other for once...in fact, as much as it pains me to say this, lets try making a compromise...but of we're going to do anything, we need everyone to be on the same page...so we'll stand down, then you give us back our friend...alright?" he said, tossing his sword down and being diplomatic for once.

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Clockwork Green



Clockwork took in the abrasive comments Amethyst made, but knew she was not to be trifled with. She was beyond the rest of them in power by a long shot, and he had no interest in getting himself killed. He looked up at her as she moved gracefully though the field of sparks. "Perhaps you should lead us, you are much more focused than the lot of them. I understand your frustration.. We've wasted more than enough time already." He continued on following Amethyst through the sparks, carefully edging his way through. One made contact with his cloak, sparking violently and fizzling out. The others suddenly began shouting demands out for the fighting to cease. "About bloody time. Too bad they couldn't start that way and save about an hour of much needed time." He thought.

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Ronin grit his teeth and bit back a curse. That bastard had a point, weather he liked it or not. They really were wasting time, and none of them were helping. And as much as he wanted to help kingfisher, he was just getting in the way. Besides, he needed to keep his enemies close. And clockwork was precariously close to crossing that line. "Fine, if that's how it's gonna be... Then I'm coming with you. I don't trust you to save the worlds alone, I want to help." He said, following the ponies as they were leaving. As he did he turned to the others "I'm sorry, but our time together must end for now. I'll meet up with you guys again when I can, I've still got a debt to repay." He said, before continuing. He felt like a traitor, but he had other priorities to fulfill. He wouldn't abandon them totally.

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Mirror Image




Mirror looked at the two other members of her group. They hadn't tried to help much. Nor had they stepped up to offer any suggestions or ideas. Their opinion on this wasn't wanted. Mirror looked back at the other group speaking loud enough that all of them could hear her, "I am NOT just going to let her go back because a few of your drop your weapons or make a demand. Especially you..." Mirror said as she pointed her hoof at the pirate, "I've seen you use fire magic to fight. I will however accept your offer." Mirror pointed at the guard instead. "If all of your friends leave then I'll help you get over here....but only if they leave. 


Mirror called out to Midnight, "Midnight...can I count on you to make sure that everypony over there sticks to this agreement? I'd prefer to not hurt either of them but if it keeps us safe then I will.."

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Crimson glared at Mirror. "Two things, miss...one, I'm still out of magic power from a recent endeavor...so I'm no threat. And two, I'm sorry...but there's no way in hell that I'm leaving my friends behind...if you take them, then who'll stop me from flipping out on that Clockwork and Amethyst? They're gonna drive me insane! So I'll make you another deal...how about you petrify me and let everyone go? That way, I won't be able to hurt a fly..." he said.

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Pavisa lets out an exasperated sigh at Crimson's proposal...  Before abruptly turning and attempting to launch a hoof at the pirate's face.  "You're not throwing your life away!  Damn it, I already said that if anypony gets themselves killed I'm kicking their flanks myself."  Under the guise of trying to hit Crimson again, Pavisa leans in closer to whisper to the pirate.  To Mirror and the others across the room it would appear as though she were just hitting him again though, and her voice is quiet enough not to carry.


"Damn it pirate, do you consider me a friend!?  If you do, trust me.  I'm not going to let Fisher get hurt, and I have no plans on getting killed.  Now do as she said and go with the others - they'll need your help to save Equestria, right?  Leave this to me."  Standing back upright, she turns her gaze to the rest of the party and points after where Amethyst had gone.  


"Go on, you all heard the plan.  Get out of here and help the others."

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Crimson cursed quietly and played along, giving Pavisa a hesitant look. "I...I do trust you...but...but I've never left a friend behind before...damn it, soldier girl! I'm going, but you'd better not let yourself or Kingfisher die...if you do, how will we ever save this damned world, huh?" he whispered, pretending to take Pavisa's hits. "Oh, and I'd better get an invite to the wedding, alright?" he joked with a chuckle, motioning to Kingfisher, before giving her a small wink and trotting after the others.


((Crimson=Troll! Lol))

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Blasted Nova White Eclipse

Blast's vision faded when Kingfisher was kidnapped by Team Serious. Out of determination, the scarlet stallion's eyes opened up like a rocket. He got off of Eclipse's back and stood tall and proud. He was hurting from the injuries, but he did his best to ignore it. His friends were in danger.


"It's time that I start being of some use again." Blast said, more determined than ever.

Eclipse chimed in "Blast, stand down. You're too hurt to-"

"I don't care about myself at this point. An innocent mare is in danger, and I won't stand for it. We'll rescue her, with teamwork." Blast had fire in his eyes. He was ready to spring into action.

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@@@Midnight Scribbler, @ All the not very entertaining ones...


*'.......... These things are incredibly stupid, come on guys first i'm a threat then i'm left at your backs in face of this dramatic display... Well at least the green one has some sense, lets ditch these morons.'*  As opposed to answering the... curious and interesting green one. (Apparently intelligence is a rare trait around here...) Shadow merely deformed and followed taking care to keep the sparks away from his particles... they might sting a bit. The swordspony (whom was apparently just hostile to everything, including teammates.) decided to argue with the green one for a moment... But there was no need to intervene, it would seem that the green one was pretty decent at talking idiots down... And looking more interesting by the moment as well, a pony with common sense was quite the anomaly here. So he decided to try speech for once... At least this one had promise. "Believe me when i say that's a bad idea. First encounter included lots of stabbing and hitting, i can only imagine that there would be a trail of dead ponies by the end of things..... The stabbing and hitting was on your end of things by the way."

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Blasted Nova

Blasted Nova looked at the sight before him. Mirror Image had Kingfisher, and Pavisa was on the other side of this barrier with him. Without hesitation, he walked up next to Pavisa  and got as close as he could to Mirror without crossing the border of electricity mines separating them from her.


"Look, Mirror, I know this is really tense for all of us. But, in exchange for Kingfisher... maybe we can come to a compromise." Blast said, trying to resolve things with peace before going violent. "My groups way of doing things is a bit... extreme, but I beg of you; what do you want in exchange for her?"

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@@Midnight Scribbler,

(Not much really. :P She just wanted to be sure he understood. :3)


Willow Starsinger


"I'm afraid that we're all probably going to just leave one another. You all were my only friends, after all.. I was quiet in school so I never made any." Willow frowned at the ground. "What would you be doing if this didnt happen? I'd probably be lonely at home.. well, as always. I hope none of the other group members are causing you trouble though. Do you consider Zintiik or Denarius a friend?"


(Sucky post before going to violin lessons :c)

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Mirror Image


What was with these ponies....hadn't they already reached an agreement? Why do they keep trying to offer other compromises? "J-just go...buck, is this really so hard? The sooner you all leave the sooner your friends will be safe. Sisters! This doesn't have to be so difficult." Mirror said, waiting for everypony to leave so she could help the guard.

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Midnight Sky


"All right, it's decided! Everypony except Pavi, let's go try and find a way around this magic. No more arguments, the fate of the whole world and another world are both at risk, so let's move already!" Midnight ordered the rest of his group, using his best "royal prince" voice he could muster. As much as it pained him, they didn't have time to try and help Fisher. The least they could do is leave Pavi here, if anypony could help Fisher handle any problem they find it's Pavisa. "Fisher, Pavi, don't get yourselves killed okay. Mirror take care of my friends, I'll be sure to try and keep the rest of my lot under control. Maybe next time we meet we won't have to worry about captives or death threats." Midnight said as way of farewell to Fisher, Pavi, and Mirror. He didn't see any need to extend his farewell to the changeling or the other pony since he really didn't know either of them. With that Midnight turned to make it clear he was going to leave, but waited to see if the others would follow him as he followed the others who had already started to leave. He wanted to be sure everypony actually did come along, since he trusted Mirror to do as she had said, but they needed to leave first.


Sunshine Rays


Sunshine gave a small whining noise when she heard they were leaving without Kingfisher and Pavisa, but she did understand why. She knew saving the world was more important, but she really wished they could save their friends too. "I guess we gotta go now. Bye Mirror! Bye Kingfisher and Pavisa! I hope we all meet again real soon!" Sunshine said happily before following her brother. Sunshine was upset that she hadn't been able to help much, but then the situation wasn't one that could just be solved with smiles and sunshine(the kind from the sun), she realized that now but the thought didn't help much.

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@Everyone in the area

White Eclipse

White Eclipse nodded and walked with the rest of the group. He looked back at Blasted Nova, who was still where Pavisa was.

"Blast, c'mon. We don't have much time to waste." Eclipse said to his companion, continuing on his way.


Blasted Nova

Blast looked over to Eclipse and slowly nodded. He then gave Pavisa a small hug.
"Pavisa... just be careful. Don't get yourself killed. Please, I don't want you to die. Take care of yourself and make sure you and Kingfisher stay out of trouble." He then looked over to Mirror Image. "Please don't hurt them, Mirror. They're my friends." Blast then darted back to the group and followed along with Eclipse and the others.

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"I'm... you're... no!"


The logic of the resolution - that Pavisa was only doing exactly as she was, for exactly the same reason - was lost on her. Of course, she wasn't exactly thinking clearly between the panic, rage and concern. As the others started to leave, she fell silent. Glaring daggers at the misfits which had bested them though her own ineptitude.


"Sooner or later..." She muttered. "... you'll get yours sooner or later..."


Amethyst Void.

The ponies had finally seen reason. Admittedly, some of them had been stupid enough to leave themselves behind out of this misguided 'honor' that they kept blathering about but that didn't really affect her - if anything, it meant that the collective ability of the ponies was reduced, if they decided to turn on her as well.


"... what were you going to do, run at them and hit them with the momentum of your charred, twitching corpses? I mean, yeah that would probably have been pretty entertaining - and the shock value might have even made it successful... aside from the whole 'dying' thing..."

That might have been cruel, even for her. Still, the equines needed a wake up call - there were more important things at stake thant heir own little world!


She sighed - trying to make them see how stupid they were being wasn't working - she would have to stoop to trying to reason with them, on their own level.

"Think of it this way, if you die then you can never save anyone else. Not dying actually tends to be really good for helping others!" Wow, that was painful to say... hopefully it would sink in. She did her very best to force face into a winning smile - clearly fake, but the effort was there."Stand down and come back later... with fire... and more fire..."

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Kingfisher."I'm... you're... no!"


The logic of the resolution - that Pavisa was only doing exactly as she was, for exactly the same reason - was lost on her. Of course, she wasn't exactly thinking clearly between the panic, rage and concern. As the others started to leave, she fell silent. Glaring daggers at the misfits which had bested them though her own ineptitude.


"Sooner or later..." She muttered. "... you'll get yours sooner or later..."


---------------Amethyst Void.

The ponies had finally seen reason. Admittedly, some of them had been stupid enough to leave themselves behind out of this misguided 'honor' that they kept blathering about but that didn't really affect her - if anything, it meant that the collective ability of the ponies was reduced, if they decided to turn on her as well.


"... what were you going to do, run at them and hit them with the momentum of your charred, twitching corpses? I mean, yeah that would probably have been pretty entertaining - and the shock value might have even made it successful... aside from the whole 'dying' thing..."

That might have been cruel, even for her. Still, the equines needed a wake up call - there were more important things at stake thant heir own little world!


She sighed - trying to make them see how stupid they were being wasn't working - she would have to stoop to trying to reason with them, on their own level.

"Think of it this way, if you die then you can never save anyone else. Not dying actually tends to be really good for helping others!" Wow, that was painful to say... hopefully it would sink in. She did her very best to force face into a winning smile - clearly fake, but the effort was there."Stand down and come back later... with fire... and more fire..."

ronin sighed and hung his head "don't strain yourself amethyst. I know what I did wrong, I let my emotions get in the way of our mission. We're on a schedule here, and wasting all that time wasn't smart..." He said calmly, berating himself for his stupidity before smiling. "But thanks for trying to 'lower yourself to us ponies level' to talk to us... That's very considerate for an eathral." He said
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Midnight Scribbler



Scribbler smiled at Willow. Her innocent concerns were so very real, and much like he'd been at her age. Although he'd been a bit more rough around the edges, his feeling towards the idea of losing friends was very akin to hers. "Willow, I know it is hard to live alone, I've spent nearly my entire life that way. You, and the others are the closest thing to a family I've had since I lost my own. Zintiik may be somewhat out of the ordinary, but I can see he means well. I would not discount him as a firend. Denarius.. well, I don't know how well we get along." He sighed, and laid his head down again. He pondered a moment, thinking of Orion. He knew the world was cruel, and fate could be unkind. He would at least be the force of stability for her in times of need. "And as for when this is all over, you can be certain that you will see me again. I am hopeful for Orion's return.. When we manage to retrieve him, I'll knock some sense into his head about just how real we are." He smiled, hoping this would cheer her up a bit.



Clockwork Green


@@Tricksters Pride,


&whoever has begun to follow behind


Clockwork glanced over his shoulder to see who had begun to follow. Overhearing Crimson's remark down the tunnel, he sighed and looked ahead once more. "What is it with ponies wanting to kill me suddenly? I haven't done a bloody thing to them..yet" He muttered quietly under his breath so nopony would hear the last word. Glancing up at Shadow, Clockwork smiled. "I am terribly sorry you have been treated with such animosity, I'm certain you are respectable enough. I am Clockwork Green, by the way." His introduction was directed at both the ethereals, as he'd not yet truly met them. "I apologize for my lack of knowledge here, but.. where exactly are you two from? I have never seen anything like you before." He inquired, hoping they would be reasonable with him, despite their holier than thou attitude towards pony kind. "You both seem to have much more magical power than any unicorn I've encountered. And certainly you put my sorry attempt at magic to shame." He chuckled, looking back at his damaged magitech battery.

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White Eclipse

"Try to settle down, Blast." Eclipse said, trying to comfort the young stallion. "I'm sure Kingfisher and Pavisa will be okay. Right now, we just need to put our trust in Amethyst. She might not be the most trustworthy of beings, but she may know her way around." Eclipse then looked up to Amethyst. "Are you sure we're going the right way, Amethyst? We can't walk into anymore traps, or that could be the end of it."

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@@Midnight Scribbler


Shadow eyes Clockwork with interest before rolling his eyes and grinning. "Good to see at least one of you isn't a brute, a pleasure to make your acceptance Clockwork... I suppose i go by Shadow here but you may call me whatever you wish really. Hmm... Well it was skipped over horribly in the summary but where from the world that's now on a crash course with yours, and as you've noticed we have much more magic there than here so a collision would only end one way and that wouldn't be much fun......" He then eyes Clockworks battery with interest and curiosity before adding a last question to his response. "What exactly is that anyway?"

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Clockwork Green

@@Tricksters Pride,

& anypony in the near vicinity.


Clockwork pondered this idea. Two worlds colliding? But.. it couldn't be a world in physical space, they'd see it, and it would be causing greater physical impacts than weather change and magical distortions. He had to have meant some other dimension then. "How very intriguing indeed" He thought. Noting Shadow's inquiry, he suddenly felt a sense of inferiority in the face of a creature who's magic was far beyond that of any unicorn's. "This?" He glanced at his battery. "It's a device I built for storing magic. I use it as a power source to fuel my wings." He lifted his cloak, revealing a false wing which was connected directly to his organic body, and wired into the pack where the battery rested. "It is still a prototype design, and it isn't very powerful yet, but I'm working to improve that. I can use the device in my hat to cast a spell, but it drains the battery pretty substantially. It's mostly a self defense mechanism, which I will only use if the time arises." He took the opportunity to show off his work, but expected very little in positive response from these beings. Whatever he could do was likely miniscule compared to their power.

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