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open A Darker Fate: Beyond these Walls Chapter Two.

The Elusive Cinder

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Midnight Sky


At this point Midnight was just about done with this little quest of theirs. Looking back the only reason he had ever even left to join the original expedition was to research the Litany and maybe do some good along the way, he never expected to end up travelling all across Equestria as two worlds got ready to collide and destroy everything he knew. And while Clockwork was a bit of a mystery Midnight could guess as to why Aegis might decide to leave like this. Aegis could be fed up with how things have been going lately and trying to go off and do things his way, or he could be travelling for the sake of his writing, he was an author after all and their group really was making slow progress. Midnight himself was pretty tempted to leave this group too for similar reasons, but he knew that would not improve anything. That would just leave Amethyst as the only one who's always on task, and she's made it quite clear that they can't fully trust her, and Midnight knew she would sacrifice every single one of them if it meant she got what she wanted, it seemed that was just how creatures from Arcana were.


"Sunshine, why don't you help with the lighting as well. This is a great chance to practice maintaining your illumination spell and it will help keep us safe at the same time." Midnight said to his sister who had been by his side this whole time as they chased the three who were trying to leave. "Sure!" Sunshine said happily, and before long her horn was giving off a bright yellow light that reached about ten feet. Midnight would never tell another pony this, but his sister's specialty was light based magic and happiness emotion magic, and so even though Sunshine was still learning magic her illumination spells were stronger than most other  unicorn's illumination, and it had the added side effect of radiating a sense of happiness into those covered by it's light. Midnight even suspected that one day her cutie-mark will have something to do with light and happiness, though he knew she had to discover these things herself. For now what mattered was catching up to Clockwork, Aegis, and Shadow, saving Fisher and Pavi, stopping Orion, and saving their world and Arcana from destruction, they really had their hooves full.

  • Brohoof 1


Sig by DarkestStar, Avatar by Midnight Gaze

My OCs Midnight Sky, Sunshine Rays and Blizzard Blitz

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@@Icy Void


White Eclipse

White Eclipse noticed how Midnight and Sunshine were continuing on without them. Figures. This team was falling apart faster than flower pedals fall from their plants. 

"Oh, fantastic! You're abandoning us too, Midnight? And Sunshine?" Eclipse said, continuing to move along.

Edited by Geek0zoid


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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@@Midnight Scribbler,

Orion Starsinger.


Orion stalled again: was he even hearing the words being directed towards him? It was uncertain - he was uncertain. The pages of the book continued to flicker back and forth at random. He opened his mouth, then closed it again. He looked away, off to one side as if struggling with some great decision. When he finally spoke, he spoke loudly.

"I know you can hear me!" He screamed. "I'm coming for you!"


Orion fell silent again - looking towards the guests. The visitors: all seven of them. He wavered.


"I did it..." He said simply. "I can... don't move! Don't... don't come closer! I'm... I found it! I can fix it, I just need... need time. I just need more time!

With his shout, another outward bust of force caused the fire to flicker ominously. The unicorns eye twitched again - his neck spasmed slightly. Dropping low to the ground as his legs fought a loosing battle to support him, he snarled angrily at his own position.



Kingfisher didn't waste any time when the door opened: pulling at the hoof in her grasp - hard - and slipping behind the unicorn into the room.


They were in position and they were hidden: the problem now being how she was supposed to take action without giving herself away. While she thought, she stood and listened to the psychotic ranting with a sense of grim, satisfaction. She had told them so.




Canterlot Guard.

(Stream Walker and Vivid - Late morning / afternoon.)




"Yes sir! At the district gate - theres something they wanted you to see." The first guard piped up. "They reckon it's one of them thats been running around the city: wanted you to see. We're to escort you sir - at you're request."


The other shuffled uncomfortably, but stayed quiet again. Something was bothering the pair about whatever little they knew about the discovery, but they weren't saying. Gossip was frowned upon  as was nosing about in matters of ones superiors.

Never quite forgotten.

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@,@,@@Midnight Scribbler,@@SilverHeart,@@Nomadic,


Willow Starsinger


Willow must have forgotten her common sense or the fact that Orion had thought she was a spirit, because she burst through the doorway, trotting towards Orion like a little filly to her mother, crying out, "Orion! Orion!" Willow then realized the mistake she made by skidding herself to a halt with her hind hooves.


"Orion?" Willow squeaked out meekly, not daring to move.


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Midnight Scribbler






Scribbler frowned, listening to Orion ramble senselessly. He understood roughly what the unicorn was babbling on about, but not enough for it to be very coherent. Either way, it was irrelevant, Orion was beyond it now. He'd broken through and gone beyond his mental walls, soaring through the vast, open void of his broken mind, and circled the black hole of insanity where the Litany had once rested. Scribbler fired his horn, casting a soothing spell into the air. It began to flow around Orion's body, a calming melody hanging in the air around his head. Hoping this might help the unicorn focus on his words, Scribbler then spoke up. "Orion.. The litany has eaten your mind away. Take a moment, think of what you are doing." He stepped up to Willow, slightly ahead, but not blocking her view. "You entrusted me to watch over Willow when you could not. You have already abandoned her once, despite what you may or may not believe. You have become that which you sought to destroy, and now you have endangered your own sister, along with the rest of your allies." He turned to Willow quickly, motioning her to move back in case Orion had an outburst. Stepping closer to Orion, he spoke more sternly. "You need to put the book down, Orion. Clearly it has not served the purpose you had hoped. Are you not powerful enough already? What has happened to you? Do you even know who you are anymore?" Scribbler clutched the marbles in his hoof, ready to cast them if Orion tried to fire anything his way.




Clockwork Green


@@Tricksters Pride,


Clockwork slowed down, hearing the pegasus, then halted as he felt the hoof on his shoulder. Clockwork rolled his eyes out of the stallion's sight "Ugh.. emotional too. no wonder Shadow thinks of this one as a mare."  He glanced down at the hoof on his shoulder, then to the tearful pony who stood beside him. "Ah, chin up, Aegis. If you really don't want to abandon them, just hang back. If you're that broken up over it. I don't know who your father is, or was.. But I'm certain he would be proud of you either way." The stallion lied, hoping it would comfort Aegis. If not, he wasn't certain how to. He'd never met such an emotional stallion before.

Check out my new music projects on youtube, Bandcamp, or Soundcloud

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@,@, @@Midnight Scribbler, @@Nomadic, @@SilverHeart,




Zintiik winced again as another magical outburst came from the unicorn, but he again tried to fly forwards when Orion started to fall to his knees.  "Orion!?"  The changeling seemed more concerned for Orion's well being than the potentially dangerous situation he'd found himself in, and he was intent on trying to get to his friend's side to make sure he was okay.  "Boss, I don't know what you're talking about, but let me help!  Just tell me what to do!"  


Turning to glance at the others briefly as he tries to fly closer, Zintiik lets his gaze skip over the others until coming to rest on Willow.  Staring at the mare for a long moment, eventually Zintiik shakes his head as though to clear his thoughts and turns back to the situation at hoof.  Willow needs him...  A lot more than she needs me.  I've got to keep him safe...  Somehow...  





The ex-guard let Kingfisher lead her into the room, watching the unfolding events curiously while wondering how they could possibly hope to stop the unstable unicorn.  She didn't dare let go of the mare's hoof, because she wasn't sure she'd be able to find Kingfisher again if they became seperated.  


The situation didn't look all that promising - Orion had the book, and he was ranting like a madpony.  Her headache was starting to come back too...  Great, not now!  I've got enough to hold my bloody attention!  With a wince that nopony could see, Pavisa lowered her head enough to briefly touch her free hoof to her horn as though that might make the headache go away.  It didn't help, and she couldn't maintain that pose for more than a second before needing to put her hoof back on the floor since she was still clutching Kingfisher's.  Whatever's going to happen...  It looks like now or never.  Why do I have such a bad feeling about all of this?











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Aegis Dare


“I doubt it, but I understand your intent.” Aegis wiped away his tears, though more of them kept distorting his vision so he couldn’t see. He tried removing all emotion from his expression and mind, but even his ability to disregard anything that held him back wasn’t working. “I wasn’t looking for comfort, anyway. I just can’t see which way is forward right now. I’ll be ok…I hope.”

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Emerald Gaze. and Sol.




The farmers and crafts-ponies looked at each other nervously at the suggestion, but didn't answer back - they all knew what they were getting into when they signed up.


"Split into pairs - keep within sight of each other and nopony leaves their partner for anything." He instructed - not really sure what he was actually telling them to do, but content to have a plan at least. "We'll sweep each district and return here."


All but one of the pairs nodded and turned to depart.


"We can't get near the noble district or the castle - not wearing this. Guards at every entrance, we'd look like looters or traitors... but we can make sure the way is clear for you two if that's where you're heading."


Emerald nodded smartly, and the farmer turned to the two remaining ponies and left.


"I hope this works... Do you want to find that pony first, or try contacting the guard?"




Amethyst Void.




What were they doing now? Couldn't these accursed creatures look after themselves for two minutes? Amethyst grumbled in acknowledgement and - on being accompanied by the child - shone an actual light.


Such a waste of her energy... and less fun than having them fumble around in the dark too.


"You know, if we keep stopping like this we might miss the end completely. Just come out of this tunnel and see you're world being slaughtered. That would be nice..."


She smirked - sarcastically this time, not cruelly. So she didn't much care for them - an ideal solution meant that both worlds survived... and that they were completely separated.


She paused and finally shrugged - slowing down to accommodate the ponies. There had to be some way to ease the tension...


"Uh... are you okay?" The outsider asked tentatively. Small talk - useless, dangerous and pretty much impossible for a creature who lived in isolation... but the ponies seemed to love it. "How's the weather? What's your favourite... colour?"

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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@, Terra wasn't blind to the murmur surrounding him. He nodded and followed them as he was led to whatever event had occured. If he had to guess there was someone arrested, or something was missing... either of which was a matter to be handled carefully. 

He couldn't shake that there was something wrong and just a moment before they reached their destination he paused.

"Before we continue... if there is any matter you wish to speak to me about now is the time... i wish for our work not to be interrupted. If there is something you need to address me about this is your last chance to do so. Speak your mind..."

He wanted to do his work but if his own comrades had worries he needed to address them... and this was as good a time as any. They needed to be clear-minded if they were going to do their work properly, rather than worried and stressed. He promoted that where he could... despite what others thought.

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Orion Starsinger.


@@Midnight Scribbler,






Orion's eyes glazed over for a second - he froze up at his sister approached, the clouded blue stains in his eyes fading. He reached out a hoof - slowly, carefully... but snatched it away at the last moment as if burned.


"Dont!" He snapped, view snapping to the ground. "Do you think... that I don't know? I am... have given up everything! So that... so that I can change it all! I can fix it all!"


Well, at least he knew who he was talking to. Mostly. The books pages had stopped turning.


"Small price to pay to make a better place! The book... It's right here! Everything I need to... to put it right! To make a world worth living in! Right here but its just so... so quiet!"


Every few seconds was interrupted by a pause as Orion moved abruptly - a twitch here, a shudder there - each time resulting in the air around them shifting as the waves of force - unbridled energy - made their way through the room. He seemed to be having trouble focusing: as if deeply troubled by something... but he wasn't attacking. Not intentionally, anyway.

Never quite forgotten.

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White Eclipse

"Amethyst, we just need you to light the bottom so we can see these pits and evade them. Besides, now you have Sunshine her helping you with the lighting." Eclipse rubbed the little filly's head gently, putting on a (Obviously fake to everyone else considering the situation) warm smile for her. As they ran, Eclipse began to hear Amethyst trying to... get to know the ponies?
"Well, that's sort of new for you, Amethyst." Eclipse muttered, evading the pits as they ran. "Actually, one thing I'd like to talk about... is your race? Perhaps I wasn't listening, but why are these creatures all so bloodthirsty? Why do they want nothing more than pony extinction?"


@@Icy Void,

Blasted Nova

"Nice work giving off a light, Sunshine! Now we can see the pathway even more." Blast was the one to give a real smile as he continued running. Though, there was one thing he noticed; Team Brandy... was falling apart, quickly. He didn't like being in a team to begin with, and he'd rather just go and do the job himself. Though, he knew that'd be stupid without the help of others. Clockwork was already abandoning them... what if Aegis was, too?

"Midnight, do you think I could ask you something?" Blast asked. "What is your overall goal, other than to save both of these worlds."


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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This wasn't the ideal situation. It didn't even seem like Orion was able to hear them. Mirror walked up behind Scribbler, "What should we do? I don't think he can hear us." She asked. Mirror looked around the room, her gaze rested on what looked like an empty part of the room. However Mirror could see through her own spells...the two mares had followed them in. Of course they had, should have asked Scribbler to make a barrier or shield over the door. Mirror's horn barely glowed as writing appeared on the ground in front of the two former-prisoners.


"I can still see you two.

We told you to wait outside.

Don't think either of you will get away with trying to hurt Orion.

Let us handle this."

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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Canterlot Guard.

(Stream Walker and Vivid - Late morning / afternoon.)




"No sir... It's just, I dunno..."


"It's weird... Reports say they're wolves, but they didn't look like no wolves to me. Wolves don't do magic. That, and..."


"... An' they shut off the district! I mean, I know ponies are allowed in, but we can't keep all the city in here! What 'bout the others? It's not right sir!"


The two looked at each other and back at their superior - saluting sharply.


"With all due respect sir!"

"With all due respect sir!"




They led the way inside the building - whatever it had been before, it now served as a prison of sorts. Two unicorns stood, heads bowed and channeling magic into a large, bubble-like sphere which had the appearance of dark glass. A third lay resting, not too far away. Castle mages - whatever they had come across, it had evidently seemed important enough to someone of importance.


"It can talk... keeps sayin' its not like the rest of em but it's not normal thats for sure - like nothin' I've seen before anyway! We thought better safe than sorry."








Amethyst Void.




Amethyst gave the unicorn a disapproving look.


"Bloodthirsty? Extinction? We couldn't care less about what happens to you and your race." She explained briefly.

"Your 'Equestria' is in the same place as Arcana - and you can't have two things in the same place. Without the wall they'll destroy each other. Of worse, but you probably wouldn't want to hear about that..."


The Ethereal grinned darkly - knowingly.


"I guess some of the higher beings are still sore about you leeching our world, but really? Its mostly hunger. We don't eat like you - we need magic. Real magic. Or, failing that? Life. You're all perfectly edible - the Stalkers just don't have the same self restraint as me..."


She flitted through the air to appear a few steps further ahead.


"Are we evil? You have life - we take it if we must to survive. In comparison, we have magic - which your race takes without even thinking for everyday tasks... and you call us bloodthirsty? Anyway... blood is disgusting..."

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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Branchwise was laying on his back in the black sphere he was contained in. He had his eyes closed and though about how he should approach these ponies and coerce them into letting him free. Something bad had happened, he had sensed that. The wall... It was no longer there. The obvious signs were there, the sky and the monsgers, but nature itself had given subtle hints as well. He realised that these ponies most likely saw him as one of the monsters. He would not blame them, since technically he was.


"I am starting to think you ponies are holding a grudge against me..." He said sarcastically. "what did I ever do to you? I am not going to keep my cool forever you know..." He said as he stood up and streched. He yawned. He stepped closer to the edge of the sphere. He hit the inside of the sphere repeatedly with his claws, screaming each time he clawed at it."I. am. not. like. THEM!"


He let himself drop on the floor again, flat on his back. "Bloody hell let me out!" He yelled. He cursed his weakness. Though he was definately taller and stronger than a pony, standing nearly two foot higher than the equines, he felt weak. He had been defeated too easily. They had caught him as if he were vermin. He growled and hit the ground again in anger and frustration. "I... Just listen to me... I can help you ponies if you let me." He said. He didn't even know if they could hear him, he could be talking to himself right now.

Edited by Scribblegroove

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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@@Scribblegroove,@, ((OOC:I am going to assume i have the picture you presented in front of me... a Satyr? Fortunately for you i am familiar with Greek mythology being a greek myself and will have no trouble with my extensive knowledge of mythology. Also... can i have Fenix in this one?http://nioniosbbbb.deviantart.com/art/Terra-Lioname-Royal-Guard-with-Fenix-425135930))

Terra smiled at the two guardsponies raising his hoof, he wanted to tell them this way to alleviate their worries.

"At ease... Stream, Vivid... you did well... i just hope our little incursion with these creatures doesn't escalate into something greater."

They continued quietly the rest of their walk as he was pondering what the disturbance actually was. When he saw three Royal Castle Unicorns keeping a creature sealed and levitated mid-air his jaw dropped and his eyes widened. He wasn't afraid... he wasn't in awe... he was surprised, shocked to be honest.

"Impossible... they are supposed to be fairy-tales... for foals to entertain themselves."

He came closer both excited, and weary... he watched the creature within the bubble, all the while making a full circle around it-but never approaching too close as not to disturb the mages from their works. Finally he stopped. The creature was agitated to say the least... it was angry and seemed to have near animalistic ferocity.

"My name is Terra Lionmane of the Royal Guard of Canterlot."

Terra calmly stood before the... satyr and awaited the moment the Satyr would look at him in the eyes.

"If you do not calm yourself down i am going to be forced to use extreme measures. You are not helping yourself in any way by demonstrating anger, or frustration. Your arrest and sealing are temporary measures we have taken in order to ensure the security of Canterlot."

He spoke at a pace fast enough for the creature to understand, he didn't use slang, or stutter as to gain his attention. Perhaps by embedding him with a better example of behavior they would be able to communicate in an easier way.

"If you seek to achieve your release then co-operate with us, any action to the opposite will not help you. I will need you to asnwer some questions. Speak with honesty, do not be sarcastic, and be clear in your speech. Now..."

Terra took a deep breath and fixed the position of his lion-style helmet. It was part of an armor he had made himself, and was actually proud of it. Right now he wanted to take the helmet off at least but he wasn't about to risk an attack. Thus he took a deep breath...

"Let's start by the simple things... What does your kind identify as? What is your name and the reason you are here? But most of all... what are your intentions?"

Information was imperative for the continuation and getting the creature to talk would hamper his efforts of doing something else since it would be busy answering his questions.

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(satyr race is altered, assume that whatever you know about them is false until stated otherwise :3)


Branchwise finally heard one of the guards speak to him. He stood up quickly and looked at him immediately. He frowned and growled. “You can’t just…” Then the guard started to explain the situation to him. And it did not look good. This stallion was not very intimidating, but the threats he made weren’t just threats, they were facts. Branchwise realised that he was not in control of this situation anymore. It was out of his hands, and he couldn’t do a thing about it now.


“Listen, I am going to tell you what you need to know with the expectation that you will compromise the things that have been done to me. If I didn’t look like this, you wouldn’t have done a thing to me…” He said with a frown at a low tone. “I understand your actions, but that doesn’t mean I think they are justified!” He added angrily with a growl. He then forced himself to calm down and breathed slowly. He stepped closer to the edge, his face nearly touching it, and he looked down to the stallion. It was a strange feeling to have been fallen prey to something that was so petty, so weak. It made him feel even worse.


“There is no ‘my kind’ in this world. I am alone, at least I think I am…” He started to explain. ‘I can’t imagine those morons figuring out how to breach the wall…’ He thought to himself. “Before I go on, this entire situation… The sky glowing up bright and stuff. I know exactly what is going on, and I have absolutely nothing to do with it.” He looked up and stroke his beard. He frowned.


“I’ve been in your world for quite a while now. I came from the same place as the monsters that are troubling your kind now, but I have been here since far before the disaster happened. My name is…” He struggled for a moment. He was ashamed of his name a little. It sounded very childish. However, he had agreed on speaking honestly, so he did it anyway. “My name is Byter Branchwise. My intentions are simple. I mean to live peacefully and learn from this world’s nature.” He continued. “This has been… problematic, seeing this entire situation has thrown the entire bloody world into a chaos that even I cannot withstand.”


“I mean to end this just as much as your kind. The beings of the other world do not belong here. But I do, and I am telling you I am on your side!” He groaned and kicked the sphere again with his hooves. He was getting uncomfortable. He was a predator after all, he had to move. Feel the wind in his hair again. “Now would you please be so kind to let me out of here, I am starting to get a little claustrophobic.”

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Ronin followed the group quietly through the dark, having been lost in his own thoughts. But he was pulled back as they reached some sort of hole and had to tell amethyst to help them yet again. "We really do rely on you too much don't we..." He said calmly, less of a question and more of a statement.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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@@Scribblegroove,@, ((OOC:Agreed)) Byter, the satyr had a name... it seemed civilized up to a point, but it often let him emotions overcome him. Terra was glad however that he could at least find a middle point, something he could use to unravel "Ariadne's thread".

"For lack of a better anology i would like to call you an imigrant. As you may know each nation is responsible for checking the imigrants of another nation, or realm for that matter... Many of those that came with you have proven to be quite dangerous. It is clear that unless a way is found to minize or control this influx the situation will further de-stabilize."

However there was an interesting thing that Byter mentioned. Terra seeked to be un-biased in his judgement and would like to make it clear, he wanted to assure him and gain some of his trust. If he could obtain more information about this he would be able to make further discoveries about the happenings that plagued Equestria.

"Do not consider yourself condemned... if my fellow comrades had come to the conclusion that you were a danger to Equestrian society you wouldn't be just sealed like you are right now. Rest assured that if what you claim is true then you have nothing to fear. It is in my own interests as well that you are not mistreated. It is also in our mutual interests that you aid us in the explanation of this phenomenon. I doubt you would risk a level of cosmic instability in your attempts to research about this world."

This time he checked the mages holding him. He assumed that since they needed a third one the whole task was tiring. Perhaps he would be able to help. Adressing them he asked...

"Is this level of sealing really nessecary? Can he be transferred in a barred cell? If need be i can stand guard by him... i am guessing already that our conversation will be a long one."

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White Eclipse

"I'm sorry, Amethyst. We 'take' magic? I think you have it wrong." Eclipse said to her while jumping over the pits. "It's just something some of us are gifted with. You'd be surprised what some unicorns would do with their magic if given the chance. Magic here can be used from something so simple as cooking or cleaning, to attempting to create a dark empire.

Though, I guess I shouldn't be surprised that your race would want to do nothing more than to eat us alive. Life and magic, both in one. To them, that must be a real treat."

Eclipse was beginning to see a similarity between himself and Amethyst. Both of them knew little to nothing about each other's races. He took this as a small learning experience. Maybe this knowledge will help him later on.


"And, about this wall that separates both our worlds; mind enlightening me?"


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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Byter felt a bit better after the stallion had stated that no harm would come his way for as long as he was cooperative. At least... the only thing that would be harmed was his ego. That would take quite a punch. "Apex predator my ass..." He thought.


"Immigrant? I am a traveler, a wanderer. An immigrant would imply that I have live in one place, but this is not true. I go where I want. I do not have a home here... Residence, that was the word I was looking for. I don't have a residence here." He explained quickly. He was nearly going to stomp himself in the face because he was arguing with the pony who was about to get him out of here. But when he mentioned the barred cell, he couldn't keep himself from bragging a little. And besides that, he was supposed to be honest right?


"On another note, those barred cells aren't going to help you a single bit. I'd rather stay inside my well isolated and comfortable magical sphere... Or not in containment at all, that would be most preferable... Why even bother trying to keep me locked up? It's not like I will fight all of you at the same time..." That would be one hell of a fight, and he would enjoy it, but he would definitely not be the victorious one at the end. He couldn't see the environment well enough to judge how many ponies he'd have to take out, but he reckoned that if they had taken the trouble to make this magical cage for him, they'd also place quite a lot of guards around. Again he felt stupid. Why would he tell them NOT to get him out of there. He stroke his beard and tried to keep his calm.


"Ah, let me rephrase that. I'd like to be let out of here, yes, thank you kindly..." He said as he tapped his hoof on the floor of the sphere. He then thought of something fairly important. "And if you are going to let me out of here, would you also be so kind to tell me where the hell you've taken my stuff. There are very important goods within by belongings, both as tools and with emotional value..."

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Canterlot Guard.





"That's not a good idea." Answered the resting Mage. A mare - hooded in the elaborate, navy blue robes of those studying in the castle. "We've seen them vanish through the air: advanced magic - too advanced. We haven't assessed their full capabilities yet, but its doubtful that locks and bars would keep them contained. We caught this one unaware."


She nodded towards the suspended creature.


"And I'm referring to the 'animals' - the ones that don't know how to talk! Celestia knows what this one might be capable of! It insists that its harmless... well, between its attempts to break free that is."


The mare raised a brow questioningly: the mages were often considered above the law in some ways - they got away with things that regular ponies never would in the name of their studies... but ultimately they were just as compelled as anyone else.


"You're not taking it seriously, are you? These things attacked the castle! They're out on the streets right now... it's clearly lying through its teeth to make us let it go! The minute that containment field fails it'll strike without hesitation!"




Amethyst Void.




Amethyst didn't even bother to make an expression in her annoyance: she returned to the side of the unicorn and dropped her voice: it was steady - no longer fluctuating between laughter and malice, but a very 'normal' female tone.


"And where do you think it comes from? Do you have magic 'factories' or magic 'farms'? Do you make magical energy yourselves?"


She raised a hoof - floating along just above the ground again, backwards - and a stream of purple lights appeared: forming themselves into a serpent of some kind.


"A long time ago: a really long time ago, way before ponies even existed, there were the Wyverns. A little bit like your modern 'dragons'. They were like you - proud, stubborn, stupid... This land wasn't always called Equestria, you know?"


The lights reformed themselves into a surprisingly detailed image of Equestria. Or at least, half of Equestria. A line ran down where the centre of the map should be.


"I don't know how it happened, but a crack formed. There wasn't any magic here back then - but it started leaking into your world. The Wyverns started to notice it, to find ways of using it. And the more they used, the more we lost.


It wasn't much - a drop in the ocean, so to speak. But they got greedy, and the crack turned into a tear. Our realities collided - overlapped. We couldn't survive without enough magic and they couldn't survive exposure to so much of it. Arcane magic corrupts living creatures."


The image changed again: this time becoming a familiar sight - a perfect like was of the shape that the Litany had taken before its fall.


"A truce was formed - the Wyverns created a guardian, to rebuild the wall and support it. A creature of our own magic and their life. They called it 'Litany'. Even after they passed, it survived. It could never completely undo the disaster - magic still leaks from our world to yours... but it's as stable as we could hope for. At least until you killed it!"


The lights vanished into the air. Amethyst looking strangely forlorn as they did.


"Your world is poison to us - as ours is to you. We change - its nearly impossible to go without life or magic. Whichever one you need, the other is a terrible substitute. It's like it you had to survive eating nothing but dirt."

Never quite forgotten.

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Canterlot Guard.@,@@Scribblegroove,"That's not a good idea." Answered the resting Mage. A mare - hooded in the elaborate, navy blue robes of those studying in the castle. "We've seen them vanish through the air: advanced magic - too advanced. We haven't assessed their full capabilities yet, but its doubtful that locks and bars would keep them contained. We caught this one unaware."

She nodded towards the suspended creature."And I'm referring to the 'animals' - the ones that don't know how to talk! Celestia knows what this one might be capable of! It insists that its harmless... well, between its attempts to break free that is."

The mare raised a brow questioningly: the mages were often considered above the law in some ways - they got away with things that regular ponies never would in the name of their studies... but ultimately they were just as compelled as anyone else. "You're not taking it seriously, are you? These things attacked the castle! They're out on the streets right now... it's clearly lying through its teeth to make us let it go! The minute that containment field fails it'll strike without hesitation!"

---------------Amethyst Void.@@Geek0zoid,

Amethyst didn't even bother to make an expression in her annoyance: she returned to the side of the unicorn and dropped her voice: it was steady - no longer fluctuating between laughter and malice, but a very 'normal' female tone."And where do you think it comes from? Do you have magic 'factories' or magic 'farms'? Do you make magical energy yourselves?"

She raised a hoof - floating along just above the ground again, backwards - and a stream of purple lights appeared: forming themselves into a serpent of some kind."A long time ago: a really long time ago, way before ponies even existed, there were the Wyverns. A little bit like your modern 'dragons'. They were like you - proud, stubborn, stupid... This land wasn't always called Equestria, you know?"

The lights reformed themselves into a surprisingly detailed image of Equestria. Or at least, half of Equestria. A line ran down where the centre of the map should be."I don't know how it happened, but a crack formed. There wasn't any magic here back then - but it started leaking into your world. The Wyverns started to notice it, to find ways of using it. And the more they used, the more we lost.

It wasn't much - a drop in the ocean, so to speak. But they got greedy, and the crack turned into a tear. Our realities collided - overlapped. We couldn't survive without enough magic and they couldn't survive exposure to so much of it. Arcane magic corrupts living creatures."

The image changed again: this time becoming a familiar sight - a perfect like was of the shape that the Litany had taken before its fall."A truce was formed - the Wyverns created a guardian, to rebuild the wall and support it. A creature of our own magic and their life. They called it 'Litany'. Even after they passed, it survived. It could never completely undo the disaster - magic still leaks from our world to yours... but it's as stable as we could hope for. At least until you killed it!"

The lights vanished into the air. Amethyst looking strangely forlorn as they did."Your world is poison to us - as ours is to you. We change - its nearly impossible to go without life or magic. Whichever one you need, the other is a terrible substitute. It's like it you had to survive eating nothing but dirt."

ronin quickly jumped into the conversation "hey, don't be so quick to blame. None of us even knew that the magic was being taken from your world, we didn't know. Same with the 'litany' or whatever it's called. We didn't know anything about this stuff. I can understand that your angry, and you have a right to be. But blaming others for something they didn't even know they were doing wrong is pointless." He said calmly, before sighing "and if it's really that bad... Have you ever tried finding a substitute or replacement to feed your species instead of life or magic?" He asked


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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@,@@Scribblegroove, Terra understood the danger. He was however starting to lose patience. He was unwilling however to continue the subject and just noded sighing. It would get them nowhere by being paranoid and extreme.

"The best outcome i forsee is Mr Byter being forced back to his homeworld, this however... is not entirely under my authority. Regardless..."

He said as his head once again shifted focusing his eyes towards the otherwordly creature, he waited a bit until he had his attention then resumed.

"... i don't think anyone would touch your "stuff". Think about it... if you were in our position what would you do? You would inspect them, search them... in fact..."

He once again adressed the mages rubbing his forehead in deep though. He also seeked to shake off the frustration by shifting the subject.

"Have they been analysed? What conclusions have you come from studying them?"

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Byter was nearly shocked by the mere thought of the stallions assumption. "WHAT? I am not returning to that world! This is my world now! Do you have any idea how hard it was to get here in the first place? Just... Nevermind."


He then turned to the mage that had bluntly called him a liar. "Just hold on... These creatures were attacking your... Giant stone nest, and instead of just capturing one of those, you decide to tale the ONLY one of them who is NOT attacking any of you. Have you thought of that? There is no pony blood on my hands! I wouldn't dare, it's probably corrupted with all the magic you have consumed." He said towards the mare, sneering at her.


"I cannot wield arcane magic. That has been the entire problem of my race within arcana. That is the reason I left the bloody place. We weren't supposed to be there... I don't even know how we got there in the first place, but anyway, the same way you ponies have taken magic from the world of arcana, I have tried to study the force that your world consists out of... It is a very slow and immobile, but powerful force. I cannot spontaniously cast magic like you ponies can." He explained. He sighed. "There, I just revealed nearly all of my secrets. Assuming you ponies know a little about what is going on, the information I just gave you should be of incredible use... Now... Please leave me out." He plead at the general. He hoped he had proven himself now. He wanted to get out and feel the ground again. Feel nature under his hooves.

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Clockwork Green


@@Tricksters Pride,


Clockwork gave the pegasus a half smile. "A bit of irony within your words, don't you think? Tell me then, Aegis.. Who was your father? What makes you want to be like him so much? You are your own pony, why would you follow when you have the power to be what you choose? He must have been somepony to look up to if you wish to follow in his hoofsteps." Clockwork began to slowly move on, allowing Aegis the time to respond, but still keep up to him.



Midnight Scribbler







Scribbler turned his head to Mirror as she appeared in his peripheral. Speaking in a low volume, he responded. "I am uncertain.. Give me some time, perhaps I can help him yet.. Just be ready, in case anything happens." He turned once again to Orion, and raised his voice, and maintaining the soothing melody spell. "You no longer hear the voice of the Litany, do you, Orion? It has stopped speaking to you.. And perhaps this is good, perhaps not. You still have the power it granted you, but you need to calm down, and listen to what I am saying to you now." He stepped closer, tilting his head to Orion's level "If you gave up everything.. then what is left of you to save the world from whatever danger has threatened it? You are no longer the Unicorn I befriended in the woods, before we found that temple.. You have let the book consume you.. But you can break free.." He paused, then the only question he could think of popped into his head. The one that made the most sense to ask. He held out his empty hoof. "Do you not trust me, Orion?" He asked, hoping beyond hope that the unicorn would respond positively.

Check out my new music projects on youtube, Bandcamp, or Soundcloud

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