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if i may, twilights not exactly princess material.


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Look, she's a fantastic student, adventurer and yes even friend.  she's a first rate mage, hell even arch mage.


(can i skip past kissing up for 2-3 pages and get down to the meat and potatoes? on my second favorite pony).


I play a game called Long live the queen, it's this crummy 10 dollar game a friend sold me on,


and alot of the skills like presence,



public speaking, etc,etc,

are the sorta things i see in princess Celestail.  It's why i bring up the game.  their princess traits.

Their things I see in luna, and yes Even candice.


There's a certain royal demeanor. poise,


where as twilight sparkle is kinda more like .. well how did sarah palin put it?
"A pig with lip stick on?"

Honestly do you feel twilight sparkle could command the respect of the canterlot elite?

you know the same people princess celestial had to spend all of the grand galloping gala cow towing down to.


because it's a political thing.


Now there is one such pony, amount the main 6,

who shell go nameless,


who has composure, Elegance, is well spoken, who's name escapes me,

because i'm not to talk about her anymore,

and her name rhymes with charity,


who utterly would have nailed all the social graces of being a princess.


Read and respond ^^.

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Hardly anypony is even close to princess material.

hardly?  As in she would have to be uncommon?  (Hint, hint.)

one might even say she was unusual.

Infrequently occurring;

Edited by FNGRpony
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I can see your point... but I hardly think Cadence would strike me as princess material before she became one... i suppose it's a bit like the princess diaries... you aren't born with grace and elegance... it's something you learn

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I can see your point... but I hardly think Cadence would strike me as princess material before she became one... i suppose it's a bit like the princess diaries... you aren't born with grace and elegance... it's something you learn


and i totally get that.


like the game i used as an example you have 40 days to survive before you get corinated.  (Become queen)


now you don't have to pick up social graces all.  you can study things like war, and magic just throw your wait around,

but princess twilight sparkle isn't on her way to being a princess.


She is one.

like right now she is one.  she's the best student in her existence,

and she knows nothing about being a princess.


actually that's more of a plot hole,

but it's worth bringing up.


she's learning to fly and going on merry old adventures.


And i like that. 

that's awesome tv.


i'm just saying,


objectively. you know... doesn't act like a princess.

Edited by FNGRpony
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hardly?  As in she would have to be uncommon?  (Hint, hint.)

one might even say she was unusual.

Infrequently occurring;

She isn't. She would turn into Chrysalis, practically. She really isnt. If Rarity were princess... I see actually many bad choices because of her love of lavishing. I would rather have Twilight personally.
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You make some good points, but I think Twilight has to learn how do all of these things. We have to give her a chance, as we've only seen her as an Alicorn in a few episodes so far.

shouldn't learning some princessie things been, i don't know part of the entry level exam as apposed to finishing star swirls spell?


I mean... if princess was a prestege class those are some wacky pre requirements.

like i said arch mage, hands down.

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You make some good points, but I think Twilight has to learn how do all of these things. We have to give her a chance, as we've only seen her as an Alicorn in a few episodes so far.

This also. I agree a lot with this post. She could just not be adapted to it yet, so she seems not to be princess material. She's probably the closest to anypony other than Luna and Celestia, of all ponies we know, actually.

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This also. I agree a lot with this post. She could just not be adapted to it yet, so she seems not to be princess material. She's probably the closest to anypony other than Luna and Celestia, of all ponies we know, actually.

well she's kinda fighting it.


she doesn't wanna wear the crown or the duds.


I mean if she would have earned the title arch mage and cestial handed her a hat like star swirl,


i'm not sure you could get twilight to  take it off lol.

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Your missing one thing. Power, namely Magic, and Twilight has that in spades. And its more or less a given that she will grow to be far more powerful than Celestia in terms of this.


All twilight lacks are the other skills that Celestia has acquired over 1000 years of rule, and Twilight is a quick study, she'll learn.

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Your missing one thing. Power, namely Magic, and Twilight has that in spades. And its more or less a given that she will grow to be far more powerful than Celestia in terms of this.


All twilight lacks are the other skills that Celestia has acquired over 1000 years of rule, and Twilight is a quick study, she'll learn.

I'm not convinced Celestial is that powerful.

For example would you have been shocked in a magic duel if star swirl could beat the breaks of celestail?

Why?  I think Celestail has spent her time and efforts into those very social graces i mentioned above.


I mean her talent is moving the sun.  i mean (okay my brain hurts to break this down to much)

was she born with that?


Did she have to toil away as a philly for years as an expert magic user before earning her cuite mark to move the sun,

or is that the one thing she was meant to do?

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I like to think she was born to raise the sun... she just took time to discover that magic... One more thing...


Didn't I say we have no idea what Cadence was like before we see her in ACW... She may not have been as quirky as Twilight but she possibly wasn't as elegant and graceful as celestia and luna originally... hence the whole "sunshine sunshine" thing... I doubt twilight came up with that on her own... and it's not something you'd expect a princess to do... and besides... Equestria has enough grace and elegance in Celestia and Luna... it needs a princess who understands other things... remember the poise and attitude of a princess at the end of the day are just... things... The one thing that matters is that a princess can do what's right for her subjects... otherwise we'd have a bunch of bluebloods running the joint... And NOPONY wants him in charge...

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shouldn't learning some princessie things been, i don't know part of the entry level exam as apposed to finishing star swirls spell?


I mean... if princess was a prestege class those are some wacky pre requirements.

like i said arch mage, hands down.

The ancient unfinished masterpiece of starswirl the bearded was one of the steps in becoming an alicorn for twilight. Celestia knew she would read the spell as it was, but would have to fix it to save her friends, showing the compassion and inspiration she gives to others, being one of many qualities of a good leader.

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I think the fact that Twilight dosen't act like your typical princess actually helps her far more than it hurts her, it is not she is completely clueless about the inner workings of the Canterlot elite as the student of Celestia she has probably interacted with them before and knowing her has probably done quite a lot of reading on the subject over the years and with her promotion will likely do more. But alot of people in power make the mistake of placing themselves in a bubble and isolating themselves from the people or rather ponies in this case and their concerns. Because of her influence there will without a doubt be a lot of flank kissing and maybe some double crosses but Twilight though she probably will make mistakes is smart enough to see through much of it.


Of course we also have to keep in mind that there is still far more we don't know about her new responsibilities than what we actually do know so we will just have to wait and see. Based on what we know already though Twilight has shown that she can handle herself in a crisis and has improved greatly on her anxiety issues though she still has quite the case of OCD which we occasionally see some subtle signs of like in Spike At Your Service when she finally snapped out of her reading trance when Applejack moved her ink quills slightly.

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Twilight does have leadership abilities that she has developed over the course of the show, they're just on the practical side.  In Winter Wrap Up, contrast the Mayor being able to rouse their spirits and Twilight managing to herd them like ponies instead of cats.


She'll eventually learn the schmoozing and political side, perhaps with Rarity coaching her.  (It seems like Celestia prefers manipulating Twilight more than the social aspect of Grand Galloping Gala.)


I think Rarity would be ecstatic to be Twilight's Lady-in-Waiting at first, but it wouldn't leave much time to work on dresses.  Rarity would have to choose between being a companion to Twilight or focusing on her career path.

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I agree that Twilight isn't a princess in the usual sense.  She's not a politician either.  :P  But she's the kind of unusual person that emerges from time to time that's needed to help society advance.  Twilight was largely handpicked by Princess Celestia herself to be a princess due to all the great qualities she saw in her even as a little filly.  The big challenge was educating Twilight in a way to develop her attributes.  Sending her to Ponyville was a major step in that process.  Becoming an alicorn and being formally awarded the title of princess while maintaining a humble role as Ponyville's librarian is another. 

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I was reading this, and I was like: "Dude, like, what is like going on right now? *tokes on doobie*"


So, Twilight Sparkle is not princess material? I say HOOPLA! Twilight Sparkle's main goal in life was to destroy level 70 charcoal and rescue the propane mistress from the evil castle of the Home Depot.


Twilight Sparkle worked hard in her career at Menards as Glass Cleaner. And she deserves to be the fuckin' Princess of Glass Cleaner. I mean really guys. If Twilight Sparkle wasn't the Princess of Glass Cleaner, how could we clean the windows on our houses, our vehicles, our Grandmother's face, our propane tanks and most importantly, our doorknobs!


I mean, seriously. If there is no Princess of Glass Cleaner, there is nobody to control how the great liquid of glass cleaner is used among our wonderful society! Without the proper distribution of glass cleaner, the world would slowly crumble and send us all into a spiraling downfall which will eventually suck us all in and basically eat us alive.


I cannot imagine a world without Twilight Sparkle as our wondrous Princess of Glass cleaner. I mean really, if she didn't do it, who would? Fuckin' Fluttershy? Hell no. Fluttershy would really fuck shit up. I mean really, Fluttershy would pretty much destroy the whole free world if she had her hands on the magical abilities that glass cleaner can inflict.


I say yes, on with  Twilight and on with Glass Cleaner!

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I like to think she was born to raise the sun... she just took time to discover that magic... One more thing...


Didn't I say we have no idea what Cadence was like before we see her in ACW... She may not have been as quirky as Twilight but she possibly wasn't as elegant and graceful as celestia and luna originally... hence the whole "sunshine sunshine" thing... I doubt twilight came up with that on her own... and it's not something you'd expect a princess to do... and besides... Equestria has enough grace and elegance in Celestia and Luna... it needs a princess who understands other things... remember the poise and attitude of a princess at the end of the day are just... things... The one thing that matters is that a princess can do what's right for her subjects... otherwise we'd have a bunch of bluebloods running the joint... And NOPONY wants him in charge...

Okay random thought,

Celestail though hard work and delgence learned how to move the sun.  K?

Does that mean she ever had mis fires with that magic?


(wow is this the first time that's ever been asked?)

I mean at some point or another she had to learn to do it, so she had to struggle a little.  i wonder how that looked.

The ancient unfinished masterpiece of starswirl the bearded was one of the steps in becoming an alicorn for twilight. Celestia knew she would read the spell as it was, but would have to fix it to save her friends, showing the compassion and inspiration she gives to others, being one of many qualities of a good leader.

that's what i'm getting at (maybe).


why should alicorn and princess go hand in hand?  princesses (even the ones on the show) don't sit around and just cast magic.  they do royal, politcal stuff.


least celestail and candice do.



is there a polite way to call you the mayor and grand high ruler of crazy town?

if not i didn't say anything.

Edited by FNGRpony
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Celestia and Luna have had literally millenia to learn the art of being a princess. Cadence has been a princess at least since Twilight was a filly, so there's time for her to have learned some of that too. Twilight has been a princess for all of 5 episodes. Give her time, she'll either become a good princess or a crazy cat lady.

Edited by SolarFox
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Celestia and Luna have had literally millenia to learn the art of being a princess. Cadence has been a princess at least since Twilight was a filly, so there's time for her to have learned some of that too. Twilight has been a princess for all of 5 episodes. Give her time, she'll either become a good princess or a crazy cat lady.

well, and

I'm saying this part objectively,  i'm not so sure luna is princess materiel herself.  I assume she is, I believe she is, all rational logic would suggest she is,


but there is the matter of her getting enough screen time ..

character screen time with lines, to show us about luna to well say that and not just base it on pure assumption.


Not picking a fight with the luna people, I love you guys. 

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well, and

I'm saying this part objectively,  i'm not so sure luna is princess materiel herself.  I assume she is, I believe she is, all rational logic would suggest she is,


but there is the matter of her getting enough screen time ..

character screen time with lines, to show us about luna to well say that and not just base it on pure assumption.


Not picking a fight with the luna people, I love you guys. 

Well, Luna's had one less millennium than her sister to learn, so that makes sense, doesn't it? 

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Well, Luna's had one less millennium than her sister to learn, so that makes sense, doesn't it? 

....on risk of sounding terribly smug

mind telling me on the moon where royal princess school is?


i mean it might be in the comic, I haven't finished reading it all yet.


I mean luna was isolated for 1000 years.

or rather nightmare moon was isolated 1000 years with luna's mind along for the ride on the moon.


See she knows that dated canterlot wee speach, but how much does she know about modern pony politics?

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